801 research outputs found

    Directly Interacting Massless Particles - a Twistor Approach

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    Twistor phase spaces are used to provide a general description of the dynamics of a finite number of directly interacting massless spinning particles forming a closed relativistic massive and spinning system with an internal structure. A Poincare invariant canonical quantization of the so obtained twistor phase space dynamics is performed.Comment: LaTeX, approx. 16 pages; to appear in Journal of Mathematical Physics, March or April 1996 issu

    On a class of consistent linear higher spin equations on curved manifolds

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    We analyze a class of linear wave equations for odd half spin that have a well posed initial value problem. We demonstrate consistency of the equations in curved space-times. They generalize the Weyl neutrino equation. We show that there exists an associated invariant exact set of spinor fields indicating that the characteristic initial value problem on a null cone is formally solvable, even for the system coupled to general relativity. We derive the general analytic solution in flat space by means of Fourier transforms. Finally, we present a twistor contour integral description for the general analytic solution and assemble a representation of the group O(4,4)O(4,4) on the solution space

    Cognitive Load of Rating Scales

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    Why does Netflix.com use star ratings, Digg.com use up/down votes and Face- book use a “like” but not a “dislike” button? In this paper, we extend existing research on rating scales with findings from an experiment we ran to measure the cognitive load users experience while rating. In this paper, we analyze the cognitive load and time required by different rating scales. Our analysis draws upon 14,000 movie and product ratings we collected from 348 users through an online survey. In the survey, we measured the speed and cognitive load users ex- perience under four scales: unary (‘like it’), binary (thumbs up / thumbs down), five-star, and a 100-point slider. We compare a variety of measures of cognitive load and rating speed, and draw conclusions for user interface designers based on our results. Our advice to designers is grounded in the responses from users regarding their opinions of scales, the existing research, and in the models we build of the data collected from the experiment

    Negative forms and path space forms

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    We present an account of negative differential forms within a natural algebraic framework of differential graded algebras, and explain their relationship with forms on path spaces.Comment: 12 pp.; the Introduction has been rewritten and mention of cohomology dropped in Proposition 3.2; material slightly reorganize

    Aircraft NO(x) had no Unique Fingerprint on Sonex; Lightning Dominated Fresh NO(x) Sources

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    Key questions to which SONEX was directed were the following: Can aircraft corridors be detected? Is there a unique tracer for aircraft NO(x)? Can a "background" NO(x) (or NO(y) be defined? What fraction of NO(x) measured during SONEX was from aircraft? How representative was SONEX of the North Atlantic in 1997 and how typical of other years? We attempt to answer these questions through species-species correlations, probability distribution functions (PDFs), and meteorological history. There is not a unique aircraft tracer, largely due to the high variability of air mass origins and tracer ratios, which render "average" quantities meaningless. The greatest NO and NO(y) signals were associated with lightning and convective NO sources. Well-defined background CO, NO(y) and NO(y)/ozone ratio appear in subsets of two cross-track flights with subtropical origins and five flights with predominantly mid-latitude air. Forty percent of the observations on these 7 flights showed NO(y)/ozone to be above background, evidently due to unreacted NO(x). This NO(x) is a combination of aircraft, lightning and surface pollution injected by convection. The strongly subtropical signatures in SONEX observations, confirmed by pv (potential vorticity) values along flight tracks, argues for most of the unreacted NO(x) originating from lightning. Potential vorticity statistics along SONEX flight tracks in 1992-1998, and for the North Atlantic as a whole, show the SONEX meteorological environment to be representative of the North Atlantic flight corridor in the October-November period

    Twistors, special relativity, conformal symmetry and minimal coupling - a review

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    An approach to special relativistic dynamics using the language of spinors and twistors is presented. Exploiting the natural conformally invariant symplectic structure of the twistor space, a model is constructed which describes a relativistic massive, spinning and charged particle, minimally coupled to an external electro-magnetic field. On the two-twistor phase space the relativistic Hamiltonian dynamics is generated by a Poincare scalar function obtained from the classical limit (appropriately defined by us) of the second order, to an external electro-magnetic field minimally coupled, Dirac operator. In the so defined relativistic classical limit there are no Grassman variables. Besides, the arising equation that describes dynamics of the relativistic spin differs significantly from the so called Thomas Bergman Michel Telegdi equation.Comment: 39 pages, no figures, few erronous statements (not affecting anything else in the papper) on page 23 delete