30 research outputs found

    EPLANopt optimization model based on EnergyPLAN applied at regional level: the future competition on excess electricity production from renewables

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    To face environmental and energy security issues, planning an energy system with high penetration of renewables is becoming increasingly important. The EPLANopt model couples a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm to EnergyPLAN simulation software to study the future best energy mix. In this study, EPLANopt is applied to the case study of Niederösterreich, an Austrian region, to inspect the best configurations of the energy system at 2050. This model is used to inspect the competition between different renewable energy integration options. Storage systems, power to gas, power to heat or power to mobility are all integration options taken into account to study their competition in presence of electricity excess from renewables. The results show that in order to decarbonize the energy system the increase of the installed power of renewables is not enough to reach the CO2 reduction objective. Integration methods like the already mentioned storage systems, power to gas, power to heat or power to mobility become relevant. In particular the results show a deep energy efficiency refurbishment coupled to power to heat through heat pumps. Power to gas presents a relevant role in the integration of the excess of electricity from renewables. However, at the increase of electric mobility penetration the available excess of electricity is reduced and the deployment of power to gas decreases

    Power system investment optimization to identify carbon neutrality scenarios for Italy

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    In 2021, the European Commission has adopted the Fit-for-55 policy package, legally binding European countries to reduce their CO2 emissions by 55% with respect to 1990, a first step to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050. In this context, it is crucial to help national policymakers to choose the most appropriate technologies to achieve these goals and energy system modelling can be a valuable tool. This article presents a model of the Italian power system realized employing the open energy modelling framework Oemof. A Linear Programming Optimization is implemented to evaluate how to minimise system costs at decreasing CO2 emissions in 2030. The developed tool is applied to evaluate different research questions: i) pathway towards full decarbonization and power self-sufficiency of the electricity sector in Italy, ii) relevance of flexibility assets in power grids: li-ion batteries, hydrogen storage and transmission lines reinforcement. A 55% CO2 emissions reduction for the actual Italian power sector can be achieved through an increase of 30% of the total annual system cost. Full decarbonization can be reached with four times today's annual costs, which could be lowered with sector coupling and considering more technologies.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    Incorporating combined cycle gas turbine flexibility constraints and additional costs into the EPLANopt model: The Italian case study

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    The planning of an energy system with high penetration of renewables is increasing in complexity as only an effective implementation can allow the tackling of environmental and energy security issues. The aim of this study is to present the integration of combined cycle gas turbine cycling costs in EPLANopt, a simulation software consisting of EnergyPLAN coupled to a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm. The model is then applied to the Italian energy system which is characterized by a very high capacity and electricity production from combined cycle gas turbine systems. The proposed approach established a first step in the direction of modelling their role for load modulation accounting for technical constraints and additional costs related to start-up and partial load condition. Results show the importance of considering cycling costs of combined cycle gas turbine system within energy system modelling as the nature of these costs at the increasing of intermittent renewable generation can reach peaks of 33.5 €/MWh. Additionally, the inclusion of CCGT cycling costs in high penetration non programmable renewable energy sources scenarios opens up favorable business models for other load modulation strategies (e.g. electric batteries

    Smart energy systems applied at urban level: the case of the municipality of Bressanone-Brixen

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    The present paper focuses on the energy system of the municipality of Bressanone-Brixen, located in the North of Italy. The aim of this paper is to investigate various possible energy scenarios for this case study in order to improve the overall efficiency of the system. The different scenarios include high penetration of photovoltaics at urban level, considering the maximum rooftop PV potential of the local area. Different solutions have been analyzed in order to study the handling of the consequent excess of electricity production. Electric storage and a solution combining heat pumps and thermal storage have been evaluated to maximize the local use of the generated electricity. A deterministic approach (without the use of an optimization algorithm) and a heuristic optimization approach have been applied to evaluate the different possible configurations. The present analysis can be of interest for other cities in a mountain environment where the production from renewables is limited by orographic constraints, energy consumption per capita is higher and stronger resiliency to climate change is needed


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    Nowadays energy transition is a recurring topic, which describes the process of an energy system moving from fossil-based sources towards renewables. The transition can unfold at different levels, from the single initiative of a local com-munity to a complex cross-border agreement. The latter type is well represented by EUSALP, the European macro-regional strategy for the Alpine region. One of its aims is to transform its territory into a model region for energy efficiency and renewable energy. To support a well-informed decision making process, this study provides the first insight about the status quo of energy balances in EUSALP, at local as well as aggregated level. Moreover, it offers an overview on the various energy targets defined by the territorial units that constitute the EUSALP region. Data has been retrieved via a bottom-up quality-oriented process consisting of (i) a survey targeted at responsible person in local energy departments; and (ii) data control and harmonization. We found that the EUSALP region is actually a model region only in clean power production, whereas starting point as well as energy targets of territories are highly heterogeneous. We al-so identified the need of more harmonized data collection methodologies. We conclude that this bottom-up process can support and legitimate policy makers in cross-border cooperation activities under a smart macro-regional energy strategy, which pursues an increment in energy savings, renewable energy production and a broad engagement of relevant stakeholders. DOI: http://dx.medra.org/10.19254/LaborEst.16.1


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    Nowadays energy transition is a recurring topic, which describes the process of an energy system moving from fossil-based sources towards renewables. The transition can unfold at different levels, from the single initiative of a local com-munity to a complex cross-border agreement. The latter type is well represented by EUSALP, the European macro-regional strategy for the Alpine region. One of its aims is to transform its territory into a model region for energy efficiency and renewable energy. To support a well-informed decision making process, this study provides the first insight about the status quo of energy balances in EUSALP, at local as well as aggregated level. Moreover, it offers an overview on the various energy targets defined by the territorial units that constitute the EUSALP region. Data has been retrieved via a bottom-up quality-oriented process consisting of (i) a survey targeted at responsible person in local energy departments; and (ii) data control and harmonization. We found that the EUSALP region is actually a model region only in clean power production, whereas starting point as well as energy targets of territories are highly heterogeneous. We al-so identified the need of more harmonized data collection methodologies. We conclude that this bottom-up process can support and legitimate policy makers in cross-border cooperation activities under a smart macro-regional energy strategy, which pursues an increment in energy savings, renewable energy production and a broad engagement of relevant stakeholders

    Multi-objective optimization algorithm coupled to EnergyPLAN software: The EPLANopt model

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    The planning of energy systems with high penetration of renewables is becoming more and more important due to environmental and security issues. On the other hand, high shares of renewables require proper grid integration strategies. In order to overcome these obstacles, the diversification of renewable energy technologies, programmable or not, coupled with different types of storage, daily and seasonal, is recommended. The optimization of the different energy sources is a multi-objective optimization problem because it concerns economical, technical and environmental aspects. The aim of this study is to present the model EPLANopt, developed by Eurac Research, which couples the deterministic simulation model EnergyPLAN developed by Aalborg University with a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm built on the Python library DEAP. The test case is the energy system of South Tyrol, for which results obtained through this methodology are presented. Particular attention is devoted to the analysis of energy efficiency in buildings. A curve representing the marginal costs of the different energy efficiency strategies versus the annual energy saving is applied to the model through an external Python script. This curve describes the energy efficiency costs for different types of buildings depending on construction period and location

    Philip Ingenhoven Sun Tracker Performance Analysis for Different Solar Module Technologies in an Alpine Environment

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    The objective of this study is to compare the performance of different solar module technologies mounted on a fixed-tilt rack (30 deg) as well as on a single and a dual axis tracker. The data of this study were taken from a 724 kWp multitechnology test field at the Airport of Bolzano in the Italian Alps (position ca.46.46N, 11.33 E), which the European Academy of Bolzano is monitoring. The technologies tested were polycrystalline silicon (p-Si) and heterojunction with an intrinsic thin-layer (HIT). We compared the performance of each system in terms of energy output, as well as the performance ratio of both technologies on the different mounting systems. A detailed shading analysis was performed and losses due to the mountainous environment were determined. Further we analyzed miss-tracking, namely, due to shading of the position sensor on the single axis tracker and further, due to high wind speeds, at which the dual axis tracker moves to a safety position. Identifying these problems helps to maximize the tracker performance and hence the energy harvest. A cost benefit analysis was then performed based on the cost of the trackers, energy price, and by comparing the results with fixed installations