47 research outputs found

    Measuring shell resonances of spherical acoustic resonators

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    International audienceCoupling between gas and shell is a concern in the experiment used at LNE-CNAM to determine the Boltzmann constant kB by an acoustic method. As the walls of real resonators are not perfectly ridig, some perturbations occur in the frequency range of the acoustic resonances measured within helium gas contained in the caivity. As a contribution for a better understanding of the phenomenon, we have built an experiment to measure the shell modes of the spherical resonators in use in our laboratory. We report here a work in progress to assess these modes using a hammer blow method together with modal analysis. The study is carried out with air-filled, copper-walled, half-litre quasi-spherical resonator in the frequency range from 1 Hz to 20 kHz. Our results show that the shell modes expand into multiple resonances of similar modal shape, including the "breathing" mode. We confirm the observations reported in other works [4,6] of shell perturbations at other frequencies than the breathing frequency

    Toward the realization of a primary low-pressure standard using a superconducting microwave resonator

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    We describe a primary gas pressure standard based on the measurement of the refractive index of helium gas using a microwave resonant cavity in the range between 500 Pa and 20 kPa. To operate in this range, the sensitivity of the microwave refractive gas manometer (MRGM) to low-pressure variations is substantially enhanced by a niobium coating of the resonator surface, which becomes superconducting at temperatures below 9 K, allowing one to achieve a frequency resolution of about 0.3 Hz at 5.2 GHz, corresponding to a pressure resolution below 3 mPa at 20 Pa. The determination of helium pressure requires precise thermometry but is favored by the remarkable accuracy achieved by ab initio calculations of the thermodynamic and electromagnetic properties of the gas. The overall standard uncertainty of the MRGM is estimated to be of the order of 0.04%, corresponding to 0.2 Pa at 500 and 8.1 Pa at 20 kPa, with major contributions from thermometry and the repeatability of microwave frequency measurements. A direct comparison of the pressures realized by the MRGM with the reference provided by a traceable quartz transducer shows relative pressure differences between 0.025% at 20 kPa and -1.4% at 500 Pa. (c) 2023 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Determination of the Boltzmann constant k from the speed of sound in helium gas at the triple point of water

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    partially_open6The Boltzmann constant k has been determined from a measurement of the speed of sound in helium gas in a quasi-spherical resonator (volume 0.5 l) maintained at a temperature close to the triple point of water (273.16 K). The acoustic velocity c is deduced from measured acoustic resonance frequencies and the dimensions of the quasi-sphere, the latter being obtained via simultaneous microwave resonance. Values of c are extrapolated to the zero pressure limit of ideal gas behaviour. We find J⋅K−1, a result consistent with previous measurements in our group and elsewhere. The value for k, which has a relative standard uncertainty of 1.02 ppm, lies 0.02 ppm below that of the CODATA 2010 adjustment.mixedPitre, L; Risegari, L; Sparasci, F; Plimmer, M D; Himbert, M E; Giuliano Albo, P APitre, L; Risegari, L; Sparasci, F; Plimmer, M D; Himbert, M E; Giuliano Albo, P

    The IMERAPlus Joint Research Project For Determinations Of The Boltzmann Constant

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    Abstract. To provide new determinations of the Boltzmann constant, k, which has been asked for by the International Committee for Weights and Measures concerning preparative steps towards new definitions of the kilogram, the ampere, the kelvin and the mole, an iMERAPlus joint research project has coordinated the European activities in this field. In this major European research project the Boltzmann constant has been determined by various methods to support the new definition of the kelvin. The final results of the project are reviewed in this paper. Determinations of the Boltzmann constant k were achieved within the project by all three envisaged methods: acoustic gas thermometry, Doppler broadening technique, and dielectric constant gas thermometry. The results were exploited by the interdisciplinary Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) in their 2010 adjustment of recommended values for fundamental constants. As a result, the CODATA group recommended a value for k with a relative standard uncertainty about a factor of two smaller than the previous u(k)/k of 1.7×10 −6

    The European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research project: Implementing the new kelvin 2 (InK2)

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    The International System of Units (SI) is to be redefined with implementation set to be on World Metrology Day (20th May 2019). Under the auspices of the Consultative Committee of Thermometry (CCT) the world thermometry community has been working together to ensure a smooth and effective redefinition of the kelvin. A large part of that activity has been coordinated through the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research: "Implementing the new kelvin" projects. This paper describes the InK2 project contribution

    The absolute salinity of seawater, its real components and its measurands

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    Salinity is an essential quantity to calculate many of physical properties of oceans, but It is also a quantity hardly definable considering the complexity of the middle in its bio-geo-chemical composition and the imperfections of the existing measurement techniques. The TEOS-10 gives several definitions to the notion of absolute salinity, usable in function of the properties to study, but they are based on the concept of a constant elemental composition of seawater, so that, if its major inorganic components are well known, its real composition vary in time and space and its determination is still a challenge. Most of salinity calculations are based on conductivity measurements. This communication reviews other techniques which are used or could be used to assess the absolute salinity of seawater, and question about the mesurand of these techniques and the possibility to redefine the concept of salinity from physical properties