24 research outputs found
Magnetism of iron: from the bulk to the monoatomic wire
The magnetic properties of iron (spin and orbital magnetic moments,
magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy) in various geometries and
dimensionalities are investigated by using a parametrized tight-binding model
in an , and atomic orbital basis set including spin polarization and
the effect of spin-orbit coupling. The validity of this model is well
established by comparing the results with those obtained by using an ab-initio
code. This model is applied to the study of iron in bulk bcc and fcc phases,
and surfaces and to the monatomic wire, at several interatomic
distances. New results are derived. The variation of the component of the
orbital magnetic moment on the spin quantization axis has been studied as a
function of depth, revealing a significant enhancement in the first two layers,
especially for the surface. It is found that the magnetic anisotropy
energy is drastically increased in the wire and can reach several meV. This is
also true for the orbital moment, which in addition is highly anisotropic.
Furthermore it is shown that when the spin quantization axis is neither
parallel nor perpendicular to the wire the average orbital moment is not
aligned with the spin quantization axis. At equilibrium distance the easy
magnetization axis is along the wire but switches to the perpendicular
direction under compression. The success of this model opens up the possibility
of obtaining accurate results on other elements and systems with much more
complex geometries
Magnetic and electronic properties of bulk and clusters of FePtL1
International audienceAn efficient tight-binding model including magnetism and spin-orbit interactions is extended to metallic alloys. The tight-binding parameters are determined from a fit to bulk {\it ab-initio} calculations of each metal and rules are given to get the heteroatomic parameters. Spin and orbital magnetic moment as well as magneto-crystalline anisotropy are derived. We apply this method to bulk FePt L1 and the results are compared with success to {\it ab-initio} ones when existing. Finally this model is applied to a set of FePt L1 clusters and physical trends are derived
Magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy of Fe, Fe slabs and nanoclusters: a detailed local analysis within a tight-binding model
We report tight-binding (TB) calculations of magnetocrystalline anisotropy
energy (MAE) of Iron slabs and nanoclusters with a particuler focus on local
analysis. After clarifying various concepts and formulations for the
determination of MAE, we apply our realistic TB model to the analysis of the
magnetic anisotropy of Fe, Fe slabs and of two large Fe clusters
with and facets only: a truncated pyramid and a truncated
bipyramid containg 620 and 1096 atoms, respectively. It is shown that the MAE
of slabs originates mainly from outer layers, a small contribution from the
bulk gives rise, however, to an oscillatory behavior for large thicknesses.
Interestingly, the MAE of the nanoclusters considered is almost solely due to
facets and the base perimeter of the pyramid. We believe that this fact
could be used to efficiently control the anisotropy of Iron nanoparticles and
could also have consequences on their spin dynamics
Sensing of the melanoma biomarker TROY using silicon nanowire field-effect transistors
Antibody-functionalized silicon nanowire field-effect transistors have been shown to exhibit excellent analyte detection sensitivity enabling sensing of analyte concentrations at levels not readily accessible by other methods. One example where accurate measurement of small concentrations is necessary is detection of serum biomarkers, such as the recently discovered tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member TROY (TNFRSF19), which may serve as a biomarker for melanoma. TROY is normally only present in brain but it is aberrantly expressed in primary and metastatic melanoma cells and shed into the surrounding environment. In this study, we show the detection of different concentrations of TROY in buffer solution using top-down fabricated silicon nanowires. We demonstrate the selectivity of our sensors by comparing the signal with that obtained from bovine serum albumin in buffer solution. Both the signal size and the reaction kinetics serve to distinguish the two signals. Using a fast-mixing two-compartment reaction model we are able to extract the association and dissociation rate constants for the reaction of TROY with the antibody immobilized on the sensor surface.The authors thank Biosite Diagnostics (San Diego, CA) for providing TROY antibodies. The authors acknowledge NIH, NSF, and Battelle Memorial Institute for support of this work. (NIH; NSF; Battelle Memorial Institute)https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acssensors.6b00017Accepted manuscrip
Detection of the melanoma biomarker TROY using silicon nanowire field-effect transistors
Antibody-functionalized silicon nanowire field-effect transistors have been shown to exhibit excellent analyte detection sensitivity enabling sensing of analyte concentrations at levels not readily accessible by other methods. One example where accurate measurement of small concentrations is necessary is detection of serum biomarkers, such as the recently discovered tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member TROY (TNFRSF19), which may serve as a biomarker for melanoma. TROY is normally only present in brain but it is aberrantly expressed in primary and metastatic melanoma cells and shed into the surrounding environment. In this study, we show the detection of different concentrations of TROY in buffer solution using top-down fabricated silicon nanowires. We demonstrate the selectivity of our sensors by comparing the signal with that obtained from bovine serum albumin in buffer solution. Both the signal size and the reaction kinetics serve to distinguish the two signals. Using a fast-mixing two-compartment reaction model, we are able to extract the association and dissociation rate constants for the reaction of TROY with the antibody immobilized on the sensor surface
An efficient magnetic tight-binding method for transition metals and alloys
International audienceAn efficient parameterized self-consistent tight-binding model for transition metals usings, p and d valence atomic orbitals as a basis set is presented. The parameters of our tight-binding model for pure elements are determined from a fit to bulk ab-initiocalculations. Avery simple procedure that does not necessitate any further fitting is proposed to deal with systems made of several chemical elements. This model is extended to spin (and orbital) polarized materials by adding Stoner-like and spin–orbit interactions. Collinear and non-collinear magnetism as well as spin-spirals are considered. Finally the electron–electron intra-atomic interactions are taken into account in the Hartree–Fock approximation. This leads to an orbital dependence of these interactions, which is of a great importance for low-dimensional systems and for a quantitative description of orbital polarization and magneto-crystalline anisotropy. Several examples are discussed.Nous présentons un modèle de liaisons fortes paramétré et auto-cohérent utilisant une base d’orbitales atomiques s, p, et d pour décrire les électrons de valence des métaux de transition. Les paramètres du modèle sont déterminés à partir d’un ajustement non linéaire sur des résultats de calculs ab initio d’éléments purs en volume. Notre procédure ne nécessite aucun paramètre ni ajustement supplémentaire pour l’étendre aux systèmes avec plusieurs atomes de natures chimiques différentes. Nous avons généralisé notre modèle aux matériaux présentant une polarisation de spin et orbitale à l’aide de termes de Stoner et de couplage spin–orbite. Nous traitons aussi bien le magnétisme colinéaire que non colinéaire ainsi que les spirales de spin. Enfin nous montrons comment prendre en compte l’interaction électron–électron intra-atomique dans l’approximation de Hartree–Fock. Cela introduit une dépendance orbitale des interactions qui peut s’avérer importante dans les systèmes de basse dimensionalité et pour décrire correctement l’anisotropie magnéto- cristalline et la polarisation orbitale. Nous illustrons notre propos à l’aide de plusieurs exemples
Effects of inter-site Coulomb interactions on ferromagnetism: Application to Fe, Co and Ni
We reanalyze the condition for metallic ferromagnetism in the framework of the tight-binding approximation and investigate the consequences of the inter-site Coulomb interactions using the Hartree-Fock approximation. We first consider a non-degenerate band and we show that the inter-site interactions modify the occurrence of ferromagnetism, and we derive a generalized Stoner criterion. We analyze the main effects due to the renormalization of the hopping integrals by the inter-site Coulomb interactions. These effects are strongly dependent on the relative values of the inter-site electron-electron interactions and on the shape of the density of states as illustrated by a study of cubic crystals from which we establish general trends. We then investigate a realistic tight-binding model, including intra (Coulomb and exchange) and inter-site charge-charge Coulomb integrals. This model is used to study the electronic structure (band structure, densities of states, magnetic moment) of bulk ferromagnetic transition metals Fe(bcc), Co(hcp and fcc) and Ni(fcc). An excellent agreement with local spin density functional calculations is obtained for the three metals, in particular concerning the relative widths of the majority and minority spin bands. Thus our tight-binding Hartree-Fock model provides a consistent interpretation of this effect
Orbital contribution to the magnetic properties of iron as a function of dimensionality
The orbital contribution to the magnetic properties of Fe in systems of
decreasing dimensionality (bulk, surfaces, wire and free clusters) is
investigated using a tight-binding hamiltonian in an and atomic
orbital basis set including spin-orbit coupling and intra-atomic electronic
interactions in the full Hartree-Fock (HF) scheme, i.e., involving all the
matrix elements of the Coulomb interaction with their exact orbital dependence.
Spin and orbital magnetic moments and the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy
(MAE) are calculated for several orientations of the magnetization. The results
are systematically compared with those of simplified hamiltonians which give
results close to those obtained from the local spin density approximation. The
full HF decoupling leads to much larger orbital moments and MAE which can reach
values as large as 1 and several tens of meV, respectively, in the
monatomic wire at the equilibrium distance. The reliability of the results
obtained by adding the so-called Orbital Polarization Ansatz (OPA) to the
simplified hamiltonians is also discussed. It is found that when the spin
magnetization is saturated the OPA results for the orbital moment are in
qualitative agreement with those of the full HF model. However there are large
discrepancies for the MAE, especially in clusters. Thus the full HF scheme must
be used to investigate the orbital magnetism and MAE of low dimensional
Diffusion rates of Cu adatoms on Cu(111) in the presence of an adisland nucleated at FCC or HCP sites
The surface diffusion of Cu adatoms in the presence of an adisland at FCC or
HCP sites on Cu(111) is studied using the EAM potential derived by Mishin {\it
et al.} [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 63} 224106 (2001)]. The diffusion rates along
straight (with close-packed edges) steps with (100) and (111)-type microfacets
(resp. step A and step B) are first investigated using the transition state
theory in the harmonic approximation. It is found that the classical limit
beyond which the diffusion rates follow an Arrhenius law is reached above the
Debye temperature. The Vineyard attempt frequencies and the (static) energy
barriers are reported. Then a comparison is made with the results of more
realistic classical molecular dynamic simulations which also exhibit an
Arrhenius-like behavior. It is concluded that the corresponding energy barriers
are completely consistent with the static ones within the statistical errors
and that the diffusion barrier along step B is significantly larger than along
step A. In contrast the prefactors are very different from the Vineyard
frequencies. They increase with the static energy barrier in agreement with the
Meyer-Neldel compensation rule and this increase is well approximated by the
law proposed by Boisvert {\it et al.} [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 75} 469 (1995)].
As a consequence, the remaining part of this work is devoted to the
determination of static energy barriers for a large number of diffusion events
that can occur in the presence of an adisland. In particular, it is found that
the corner crossing diffusion process for triangular adislands is markedly
different for the two types of borders (A or B). From this set of results the
diffusion rates of the most important atomic displacements can be predicted and
used as input in Kinetic Monte-Carlo simulations