1,939 research outputs found

    A checklist of the Limnichidae and the Lutrochidae (Coleoptera) of the world

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    A checklist of the world species of Limnichidae (35 genera, 345 species) and Lutrochidae (1 genus, 11 species) is presented. The author, year of publication and page number, synonyms, distribution by country, and a terminal bibliography are given for each genus and species. Biological information is also reviewed

    Rediscovery and redescription of Ceradryops punctatus Hinton, 1937 (Coleoptera: Dryopidae)

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    Ceradryops punctatus Hinton from Sri Lanka is redescribed and illustrated. Notes are made on the habitat of the species

    Luchoelmis : a new genus of Elmidae (Coleoptera) from Chile and Argentina

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    Luchoelmis New Genus is described with four new species: aequalis, magallanensis, and penai from Chile and cekalovici from Argentina and Chile. Luchoelmis penai is designated as the type species of the genus. A key to the four species is presented

    Three new species of Hexanchorus Sharp, 1882 (Coleoptera: Elmidae: Larainae) from South America

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    Three new species of Hexanchorus Sharp, H. dimorphus and H. shannoni from Argentina, and H. mcdiarmidi from Venezuela, are described and illustrated

    Geometric modeling for computer-aided design

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    Software was developed to be used with the derivation of smooth three dimensional surfaces from a sequence of cross sections. Problems arising in the creation of surfaces by extrusion are considered and calculated physical properties are presented


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    Sire selection should focus on that which is economical. This requires a true accounting of the traits that generate revenue or incur a cost within a specific beef cattle enterprise. Once the drivers of profit have been identified, sire selection should focus on the suite of traits that impact profitability. The use of bio-economic selection indices can dramatically reduce the complexity of multiple trait selection and aid in sire selection towards increased profitability. It is critical to use selection indices that match the intended production system. Using a terminal index in an enterprise that retains replacement heifers would not be advisable. Although there have been previous attempts to deliver decision support tools to the beef industry, there is renewed interest in generating web-based software to aid in sire selection that contemplates across-breed EPD, heterosis, and the economic drivers of a particular enterprise. Producers that have more detailed knowledge of economic costs and returns will benefit more from such a tool

    SMART Structures User's Guide - Version 3.0

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    Version 3.0 of the Solid Modeling Aerospace Research Tool (SMART Structures) is used to generate structural models for conceptual and preliminary-level aerospace designs. Features include the generation of structural elements for wings and fuselages, the integration of wing and fuselage structural assemblies, and the integration of fuselage and tail structural assemblies. The highly interactive nature of this software allows the structural engineer to move quickly from a geometry that defines a vehicle's external shape to one that has both external components and internal components which may include ribs, spars, longerons, variable depth ringframes, a floor, a keel, and fuel tanks. The geometry that is output is consistent with FEA requirements and includes integrated wing and empennage carry-through and frame attachments. This report provides a comprehensive description of SMART Structures and how to use it

    Characterization of soil and postlaunch pad debris from Cape Canaveral launch complex and analysis of soil interaction with aqueous HCl

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    Soil samples were fractionated and analyzed in order to assess the physical and chemical interactions of entrained soil with solid-rocket exhaust clouds. The sandy soil consisted primarily of quartz (silica) particles, 30 to 500 microns in diameter, and also contained seashell fragments. Differential and cumulative soil-mass size distributions are presented along with mineralogy, elemental compositions, and solution pH histories. About 90 percent of the soil mass consisted of particles 165 microns in diameter. Characteristic reaction times in aqueous HC1 slurries varied from a few minutes to several days, and capacities for reaction under acidic conditions varied from 10 to 40 g HCl/kg soil, depending on particle size. Airborne lifetimes of particles 165 microns are conservatively 30 min, and this major grouping is predicted to represent a small short-term chemical sink for up to 5% of the total HC1. The smaller and more minor fractions, below a 165 micron diameter, may act as giant cloud condensation nuclei over much longer airborne lifetimes. Finally, the demonstrated time dependency of neutralization is a complicating factor; it can influence the ability to deduce in-cloud HCl scavenging with reaction and can affect the accuracy of measured chemical compositions of near-field wet deposition

    Comparison of GEOS-5 AGCM Planetary Boundary Layer Depths Computed with Various Definitions

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    Accurate models of planetary boundary layer (PBL) processes are important for forecasting weather and climate. The present study compares seven methods of calculating PBL depth in the GEOS-5 atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) over land. These methods depend on the eddy diffusion coefficients, bulk and local Richardson numbers, and the turbulent kinetic energy. The computed PBL depths are aggregated to the Koppen climate classes, and some limited comparisons are made using radiosonde profiles. Most methods produce similar midday PBL depths, although in the warm, moist climate classes, the bulk Richardson number method gives midday results that are lower than those given by the eddy diffusion coefficient methods. Additional analysis revealed that methods sensitive to turbulence driven by radiative cooling produce greater PBL depths, this effect being most significant during the evening transition. Nocturnal PBLs based on Richardson number are generally shallower than eddy diffusion coefficient based estimates. The bulk Richardson number estimate is recommended as the PBL height to inform the choice of the turbulent length scale, based on the similarity to other methods during the day, and the improved nighttime behavior
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