1,276 research outputs found

    Ion-Neutral Collisions in the Interstellar Medium: Wave Damping and Elimination of Collisionless Processes

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    Most phases of the interstellar medium contain neutral atoms in addition to ions and electrons. This introduces differences in plasma physics processes in those media relative to the solar corona and the solar wind at a heliocentric distance of 1 astronomical unit. In this paper, we consider two well-diagnosed, partially-ionized interstellar plasmas. The first is the Diffuse Ionized Gas (DIG) which is probably the extensive phase in terms of volume. The second is the gas that makes up the Local Clouds of the Very Local Interstellar Medium (VLISM). Ion-neutral interactions seem to be important in both media. In the DIG, ion-neutral collisions are relatively rare, but sufficiently frequent to damp magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves (as well as propagating MHD eddies) within less than a parsec of the site of generation. This result raises interesting questions about the sources of turbulence in the DIG. In the case of the VLISM, the ion-neutral collision frequency is higher than that in the DIG, because the hydrogen is partially neutral rather than fully ionized. We present results showing that prominent features of coronal and solar wind turbulence seem to be absent in VLISM turbulence. For example, ion temperature does not depend on ion mass. This difference may be attributable to ion-neutral collisions, which distribute power from more effectively heated massive ions such as iron to other ion species and neutral atoms.Comment: Submitted to American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings for conference "Partially Ionized Plasmas Throughout the Cosmos", Dastgeer Shaikh, edito

    Observational Tests of the Properties of Turbulence in the Very Local Interstellar Medium

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    The Very Local Interstellar Medium (VLISM) contains clouds which consist of partially-ionized plasma. These clouds can be effectively diagnosed via high resolution optical and ultraviolet spectroscopy of the absorption lines they form in the spectra of nearby stars. Among the information provided by these spectroscopic measurements are the root-mean-square velocity fluctuation due to turbulence in these clouds and the ion temperature, which may be partially determined by dissipation of turbulence. We consider whether this turbulence resembles the extensively studied and well-diagnosed turbulence in the solar wind and solar corona. Published observations are used to determine if the velocity fluctuations are primarily transverse to a large-scale magnetic field, whether the temperature perpendicular to the large scale field is larger than that parallel to the field, and whether ions with larger Larmor radii have higher temperatures than smaller gyroradius ions. Although a thorough investigation of the data is underway, a preliminary examination of the published data shows neither evidence for anisotropy of the velocity fluctuations or temperature, nor Larmor radius-dependent heating. These results indicate differences between solar wind and Local Cloud turbulence.Comment: Paper submitted to Nonlinear Processes in Geophysic

    Results of tests OA12 and IA9 in the Ames Research Center unitary plan wind tunnels on an 0.030-scale model of the space shuttle vehicle 2A to determine aerodynamic loads, volume 14

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    Tests were conducted in wind tunnels during April and May 1973, on a 0.030-scale replica of the Space Shuttle Vehicle Configuration 2A. Aerodynamic loads data were obtained at Mach numbers from 0.6 to 3.5. The investigation included tests on the integrated (launch) configuration and the isolated orbiter (entry configuration). The integrated vehicle was tested at angles of attack and sideslip from -8 degrees to +8 degrees. The isolated orbiter was tested at angles of attack from -15 degrees to +40 degrees and angles of sideslip from -10 degrees to +10 degrees as dictated by trajectory considerations. The effects of orbiter/external tank incidence angle and deflected control surfaces on aerodynamic loads were also investigated. Tabulated pressure data were obtained for upper and lower wing surfaces and left and right vertical tail surfaces

    Results of tests OA12 and IA9 in the Ames Research Center unitary plan wind tunnels on an 0.030-scale model of the space shuttle vehicle 2A to determine aerodynamic loads, volume 13

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    Tests were conducted in wind tunnels during April and May 1973, on a 0.030-scale replica of the Space Shuttle Vehicle Configuration 2A. Aerodynamic loads data were obtained at Mach numbers from 0.6 to 3.5. The investigation included tests on the integrated (launch) configuration and on the isolated orbiter (entry configuration). The integrated vehicle was tested at angles of attack and sideslip from -8 deg to +8 deg. The isolated orbiter was tested at angles of attack from -15 deg to +40 deg and angles of sideslip from -10 deg to +10 deg as dictated by trajectory considerations. The effects of orbiter/external tank incidence angle and deflected control surfaces on aerodynamic loads were also investigated. Tabulated pressure data are given for the following components: orbiter fuselage and base; OMS and upper MPS nozzles; body flap; and OMS pod outside

    Results of tests OA26 and IA16 in the NASA/ARC 3.5-foot hypersonic wind tunnel on an 0.015-scale model (36-OTS) of the space shuttle configuration 140A/B to obtain pressures for venting analysis

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    Tests were conducted, from November 15 to December 4, 1973, to obtain surface pressure data on an 0.015-scale replica of the Space Shuttle Vehicle 4. Data were obtained at Mach numbers of 5.3, 7.4, and 10.3, to support the venting analysis for both launch and entry conditions. These tests were the final tests in a series covering a Mach number range from 0.6 to 10.3. The model was instrumented with pressure orifices in the vicinity of the cargo bay door hinge and parting lines, and on the side of the fuselage at the crew compartment, and below the orbital maneuvering system pods at the aft compartment. The model was tested at angles of attack and sideslip consistent with expected divergencies from the nominal trajectory

    Are supernova remnants quasi-parallel or quasi-perpendicular accelerators

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    Observations of shock waves in the solar system which show a pronounced difference in the plasma wave and particle environment depending on whether the shock is propagating along or perpendicular to the interplanetary magnetic field are discussed. Theories for particle acceleration developed for quasi-parallel and quasi-perpendicular shocks, when extended to the interstellar medium suggest that the relativistic electrons in radio supernova remnants are accelerated by either the Q parallel or Q perpendicular mechanisms. A model for the galactic magnetic field and published maps of supernova remnants were used to search for a dependence of structure on the angle Phi. Results show no tendency for the remnants as a whole to favor the relationship expected for either mechanism, although individual sources resemble model remnants of one or the other acceleration process

    A search for X-rays from UV Ceti flare stars

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    A search of MIT/OSO-7 data was made for evidence of X-ray emission from flares of UV Ceti flare stars. Observations from McDonald Observatory were used to identify the times of optical flares. The only instance of coincident coverage occurred on 1974 January 21 UT at 03:43:26 GMT for delta m(u)=0.86 flare of YZ CMi. No radio coverage of this particular event was obtained. Upper limits (3 sigma) of 0.8, 1.0, and 0.7 photons/sq cm-sec on the observed X-ray flux were set for the energy ranges greater than or approximately equal to 15, greater than or approximately equal to 3, and 1-10 keV, respectively