21 research outputs found

    Dynamic Way Allocation for High Performance, Low Power Caches

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    Introduction Current cache configurations are inflexible. They cannot be customized for the needs of individual programs. Concurrent processes often have negative effects on each other's cache entries. A further problem is that real-time applications that need guaranteed cache access times might not always get these guarantees in a multitasking environment. We propose a framework for customizing the cache configurations to individual programs using dynamic way allocation (DWA). We then describe cache configuration methodologies that permit DWA. 2 The Proposed Reconfigurable Cache Model DWA provides flexibility for favoring higher performance, lower energy dissipation, or any combination of the two, depending on the overall goals of the system. This technique treats the ways of a set-associative cache as discrete units that can be independently allocated. DWA supports such goals as scratchpad memory for DSP or real-time applications, stream buffering for media processing, load balan


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    This year's Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT 2001) includes for the first time a Work-In-Progress session. We received many excellent short abstract – some of which were wild ideas. From these we chose seven abstracts for presentation which are included in this booklet. We selected these abstracts for their novelty and the brevity with which these were expressed. Thanks to Kevin Skadron, TCCA Newsletter Editor, we are also pleased to announce that all of the accepted and presented abstracts will appear in one of the next TCCA issues. This booklet therefore is only an intermediate presentation of the work for the conference attendees and is intended to form a better basis for a discussion of the presented work during the Workin-Progress session. We hope that the session itself will be lively, fun, and far from boring for both the presenters and the attendees and will serve as a forum for intensive, perhaps even controversial discussions. Keeping with the spirit of this session, there will be some interesting prizes for the best abstracts which will be selected by a panel of judges. Many people contributed to the organization of this WIP. Thanks go to- general chairs- PC chairs- Edu- Marta for printing- The students that will help run it (Sally do you have names?).- submitter