1,879 research outputs found

    Wright-Fisher diffusion bridges

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    {\bf Abstract} The trajectory of the frequency of an allele which begins at xx at time 00 and is known to have frequency zz at time TT can be modelled by the bridge process of the Wright-Fisher diffusion. Bridges when x=z=0x=z=0 are particularly interesting because they model the trajectory of the frequency of an allele which appears at a time, then is lost by random drift or mutation after a time TT. The coalescent genealogy back in time of a population in a neutral Wright-Fisher diffusion process is well understood. In this paper we obtain a new interpretation of the coalescent genealogy of the population in a bridge from a time t∈(0,T)t\in (0,T). In a bridge with allele frequencies of 0 at times 0 and TT the coalescence structure is that the population coalesces in two directions from tt to 00 and tt to TT such that there is just one lineage of the allele under consideration at times 00 and TT. The genealogy in Wright-Fisher diffusion bridges with selection is more complex than in the neutral model, but still with the property of the population branching and coalescing in two directions from time t∈(0,T)t\in (0,T). The density of the frequency of an allele at time tt is expressed in a way that shows coalescence in the two directions. A new algorithm for exact simulation of a neutral Wright-Fisher bridge is derived. This follows from knowing the density of the frequency in a bridge and exact simulation from the Wright-Fisher diffusion. The genealogy of the neutral Wright-Fisher bridge is also modelled by branching P\'olya urns, extending a representation in a Wright-Fisher diffusion. This is a new very interesting representation that relates Wright-Fisher bridges to classical urn models in a Bayesian setting

    Necropoli punica di Palermo

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    Abstract. The recent developments of passive sensors techniques, that have been able to take advantage of the technological innovations related to sensors technical features, sensor calibration, the use of UAV systems (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), the integration of image matching techniques and SfM (Structure from Motion) algorithms, enable to exploit both thermal and optical data in multi-disciplinary projects. This synergy boost the application of Infrared Thermography (IRT) to new application domains, since the capability to provide thematic information of the analysed objects benefits from the typical advantages of data georeferencing and metric accuracy, being able to compare results investigating different phenomena.This paper presents a research activity in terrestrial and aerial (UAV) applications, aimed at generating photogrammetric products with certified and controlled geometric and thematic accuracy even when the acquisitions of thermal data were not initially designed for the photogrammetric process. The basic principle investigated and pursued is the processing of a photogrammetric block of images, including thermal IR and optical imagery, using the same reference system, which allows the use of co-registration algorithms. Such approach enabled the generation of radiance maps, orthoimagery and 3D models embedding the thermal information of the investigated surfaces, also known as texture mapping; these geospatial dataset are particularly useful in the context of the built Heritage documentation, characterised by complex analyses challenges that a perfect fit for investigations based on interdisciplinary approaches

    Spatial models for architectural heritage in urban database context

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    Despite the GIS (Geographic Information Systems/Geospatial Information Systems) have been provided with several applications to manage the two-dimensional geometric information and arrange the topological relations among different spatial primitives, most of these systems have limited capabilities to manage the three-dimensional space. Other tools, such as CAD systems, have already achieved a full capability of representing 3D data. Most of the researches in the field of GIS have underlined the necessity of a full 3D management capability which is not yet achieved by the available systems (Rahman, Pilouk 2008) (Zlatanova 2002). First of all to reach this goal is important to define the spatial data model, which is at the same time a geometric and topological model and so integrating these two aspects in relation to the database management efficiency and documentation purposes. The application field on which these model can be tested is the spatial data managing of Architectural Heritage documentation, to evaluate the pertinence of these spatial models to the requested scale for the needs of such a documentation. Most of the important aspects are the integration of metric data originated from different sources and the representation and management of multiscale data. The issues connected with the representation of objects at higher LOD than the ones defined by the CityGML will be taken into account. The aim of this paper is then to investigate which are the favorable application of a framework in order to integrate two different approaches: architectural heritage spatial documentation and urban scale spatial data management

    Integrazione di database spaziali multiscala in ambito urbano

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    An information data infrastructure is one of the key to assure efficiency and sustainability for urban processes management. In this field spatial data management plays a central role with a focus on thematic and geometric integration, multi-scale modelling and flexibility to specific needs. These goals can be achieved through the provision of specific standards and tools for data modelling and information retrieving. The widening of the application fields of GIS to the architectural representations of the cultural heritage documentation and consequently the 3D data management support are two of the major issues for filling the gap between the CAD and GIS and their cultural and productive background. Her will be presented some preliminary issues of a test on spatal data integration in a XML based data structure following the OGC's CityGML specifications. The model implementation will focus on the multiscale and multiview modelling tools of standard as a first stepo for the management of a 3D spatial database through XML based application tool


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    Abstract. The research in the geospatial data structuring and formats interoperability direction is the crucial task for creating a 3D Geodatabase at the urban scale. Both geometric and semantic data structuring should be considered, mainly regarding the interoperability of objects and formats generated outside the geographical space. Current reflections on 3D database generation, based on geospatial data, are mostly related to visualisation issues and context-related application. The purposes and scale of representation according to LoDs require some reflections, particularly for the transmission of semantic information.This contribution adopts and develops the integration of some tools to derive object-oriented modelling in the HBIM environment, both at the urban and architectural scale, from point clouds obtained by UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) photogrammetry.One of the paper's objectives is retracing the analysis phases of the point clouds acquired by UAV photogrammetry technique and their suitability for multiscale modelling. Starting from UAV clouds, through the optimisation and segmentation, the proposed workflow tries to trigger the modelling of the objects according to the LODs, comparing the one coming from CityGML and the one in use in the BIM community. The experimentation proposed is focused on the case study of the city of Norcia, which like many other historic centres spread over the territory of central Italy, was deeply damaged by the 2016-17 earthquake

    Points clouds generation using TLS and dense-matching techniques. A test on approachable accuracies of different tools

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    3D detailed models derived from digital survey techniques has increasingly developed and focused in many field of application, ranging from the land and urban areas survey, using remote sensed data, to landscape assets and finally to Cultural Heritage items. The high detailed content and accuracy of such models makes them so attractive and usable for large sets of purposes. The present paper is focused on a test aimed to point clouds generation fulfilled by archaeological data; active and passive sensors techniques and related image matching systems have been used in order to evaluate and compare the accuracy of results, achievable using proper TLS and low cost image-matching software and techniques. After a short review of approachable methods some attained results will be discussed; the test area consists of a set of mosaic floorings in a late roman domus located in Aquileia (UD-Italy) requesting a very high level of details and high scale and precision. The experimental section provides the descriptions of the applied tests in order to compare the different software and the employed method


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    Abstract. The use of moving devices equipped with range- and image-based sensor, generically defined Mobile Mapping systems (MMS), have been quite a disruptive innovation in the development of Geomatics techniques for 3D surveying large indoor-outdoor spaces and offer multiple solutions. The recent expansion of portable devices in the form of trolleys, backpacks, handheld tools largely implements SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) algorithms and technology based on both Lidar and/or visual solutions for answering to the positioning and the 3D reconstruction problems. The research on MMS is directed to improve both multi-sensor integration implementation and usability of systems in diversified use contexts and application fields. The aim of the presented research is the evaluation of the potential of the Swift system recently developed by FARO Technologies, that has been fine-tuned for regular and large extent interiors mapping (such as factories, hospitals, airports, offices). The work tries to preliminary investigate the data delivery and usability of the integrated system. This is based on three elements mounted on a sliding trolley moved by the operator walking: the ScanPlan profilometer working for the 2D SLAM mapping, the static TLS Focus S-series, and the smartphone managing the sensors operation and the acquisition progress. The evaluation strategy undertaken will be based on the global and local performance analysis related to the trajectory, the data accuracy, the metric content and consistency. Two test studies belonging to the 20th century. architecture are presented in a preliminary framework of evaluation and validation: a Liberty-style cinema and the Torino Esposizioni Hall B designed in ferrocement by pier Luigi Nervi
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