371 research outputs found

    Approccio alla caratterizzazione di un lembo di bosco vetusto: il caso di Monte Egitto

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    An integrated approach to characterize an old growth forest patch; the Monte Egitto case study Old growth forests, i.e. forests which have achieved a remarkable age without or with a very limited disturbance, are nowadays subject of detailed studies in order to understand their characters and capacity of ecosystems services providing. In Sicily only few wooded areas are classified as old growth forest, following the heavy land use change toward agriculture during the centuries. This paper reports the results of a study carried out to characterize the vegetation of a little crater on the Mount Etna, where a residual open wood of Quercus congesta (an endemic oak of Southern Italy) survived the year 1651 lava flows surrounding the crater. About 35 years ago inside the crater some areas were planted with Calabrian Black Pine. As a consequence today there is a remarkable competition between trees of the two species. An integrated approach monitoring was adopted, taking into account both trees and understory (herbs, shrubs and tree regeneration) characters as well as bird fauna, in order to describe the current situation and monitor the effect of pine plantation thinning aimed at favouring oak regeneration and reducing pine-oak competition

    UAV Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing of an Italian Mud Volcano

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    Extreme environments like active volcanoes exhibit many difficulties in being studied by in situ techniques. For exam-ple, during eruptions, summit areas are very hard to be accessed because of logistics problems and/or volcanic hazards. The use of remote sensing techniques in the last 20 years by satellite or airborne platforms has proven their capabilities in mapping and monitoring the evolution of volcanic activity. This approach has become increasingly important, as much interest is actually focused on understanding precursory signals to volcanic eruptions. In this work we verify the use of cutting-edge technology like unmanned flying system thermally equipped for volcanic applications. We present the results of a flight test performed by INGV in collaboration with the University of Bologna (Aerospace Division) by using a multi-rotor aircraft in a hexacopter configuration. The experiment was realized in radio controlled mode to overcome many regulation problems which, especially in Italy, limit the use of this system in autonomous mode. The overall goal was not only qualitative but also quantitative oriented. The system flew above an Italian mud volcano, named Le Salinelle, located on the lower South West flank of Mt. Etna volcano, which was chosen as representative site, providing not only a discrimination between hot and cold areas, but also the corresponding temperature values. The in-flight measurements have been cross-validated with contemporaneous in-situ acquisition of thermal data and from independent measurements of mud/water temperature

    Volcanic tremor at Mt. Etna, Italy, preceding and accompanying the eruption of July-August, 2001

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    The July 17 – August 9, 2001 flank eruption of Mt. Etna was preceded and accompanied by remarkable changes in volcanic tremor. Based on the records of stations belonging to the permanent seismic network deployed on the volcano, we analyze amplitude and frequency content of the seismic signal. We find considerable changes in the volcanic tremor which mark the transition to different styles of eruptive activity, e.g., lava fountains, phreatomagmatic activity, Strombolian explosions. In particular, the frequency content of the signal decreases from 5 Hz to 3 Hz at our reference station ETF during episodes of lava fountains, and further decreases at about 2 Hz throughout phases of intense lava emission. The frequency content and the ratios of the signal amplitude allow us to distinguish three seismic sources, i.e., the peripheral dike which fed the eruption, the reservoir which fed the lava fountains, and the central conduit. Based on the analysis of the amplitude decay of the signal, we highlight the migration of the dike from a depth of ca. 5 km to about 1 km between July 10 and 12. After the onset of the effusive phase, the distribution of the amplitude decay at our stations can be interpreted as the overall result of sources located within the first half kilometer from the surface. Although on a qualitative basis, our findings shed some light on the complex feeding system of Mt. Etna, and integrate other volcanological and geophysical studies which tackle the problem of magma replenishment for the July–August, 2001 flank eruption. We conclude that volcanic tremor is fundamental in monitoring Mt. Etna, not only as a marker of the different sources which act within the volcano edifice, but also of the diverse styles of eruptive activity

    An EpiDoc ontological perspective: the epigraphs of the Castello Ursino Civic Museum of Catania via CIDOC CRM

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    The rich epigraphic heritage of the Castello Ursino Civic Museum of Catania has been studied by the EpiCUM project that encoded it in EpiDoc TEI XML, an XML based standard digital representation for cultural heritage contents. The project made the epigraphic heritage available in a digital museum: under the guise of the ‘Voci di Pietra’ exhibition, a selection of epigraphs were presented, implementing innovative presentation modalities thanks to a smart use of technological and digital means. Information contained in the epigraphs was semantically reorganized in a unique homogeneous container, the EpiONT ontology, constructed according to the Linked Open Data paradigm and to consolidated international standards. The encoding of the ancient texts, by the TEI standard and its EpiDoc subset, is wedded to the paradigmatic semantic web model for museums and cultural heritage. The EpiONT ontology is currently populated by 580 epigraphs collected in the Castello Ursino Civic Museum. Designed according to the CIDOC CRM standard, it makes use of the SKOS vocabularies of the EAGLE project concerning material, execution technique, type of inscription, and type of support of an epigraph. The EpiONT ontology additionally can handle any uncertainty in the origin and place of discovery of the epigraphs

    Comparative Genomics of Leuconostoc carnosum

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    Leuconostoc carnosum is a known colonizer of meat-related food matrices. It reaches remarkably high loads during the shelf life in packaged meat products and plays a role in spoilage, although preservative effects have been proposed for some strains. In this study, the draft genomes of 17 strains of L. carnosum (i.e., all the strains that have been sequenced so far) were compared to decipher their metabolic and functional potential and to determine their role in food transformations. Genome comparison and pathway reconstruction indicated that L. carnosum is a compact group of closely related heterofermentative bacteria sharing most of the metabolic features. Adaptation to a nitrogen-rich environment, such as meat, is evidenced by 23 peptidase genes identified in the core genome and by the autotrophy for nitrogen compounds including several amino acids, vitamins, and cofactors. Genes encoding the decarboxylases yielding biogenic amines were not present. All the strains harbored 1–4 of 32 different plasmids, bearing functions associated to proteins hydrolysis, transport of amino acids and oligopeptides, exopolysaccharides, and various resistances (e.g., to environmental stresses, bacteriophages, and heavy metals). Functions associated to bacteriocin synthesis, secretion, and immunity were also found in plasmids. While genes for lactococcin were found in most plasmids, only three harbored the genes for leucocin B, a class IIa antilisterial bacteriocin. Determinants of antibiotic resistances were absent in both plasmids and chromosomes

    Phenotypic Traits and Immunomodulatory Properties of Leuconostoc carnosum Isolated From Meat Products

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    Twelve strains of Leuconostoc carnosum from meat products were investigated in terms of biochemical, physiological, and functional properties. The spectrum of sugars fermented by L. carnosum strains was limited to few mono- and disaccharides, consistently with the natural habitats of the species, including meat and fermented vegetables. The strains were able to grow from 4 to 37C with an optimum of approximately 32.5C. The ability to grow at temperatures compatible with refrigeration and in presence of up to 60 g/L NaCl explains the high loads of L. carnosum frequently described in many meat-based products. Six strains produced exopolysaccharides, causing a ropy phenotype of colonies, according to the potential involvement on L. carnosum in the appearance of slime in packed meat products. On the other side, the study provides evidence of a potential protective role of L. carnosum WC0321 and L. carnosum WC0323 against Listeria monocytogenes, consistently with the presence in these strains of the genes encoding leucocin B. Some meat-based products intended to be consumed without cooking may harbor up to 108 CFU/g of L. carnosum; therefore, we investigated the potential impact of this load on health. No strains survived the treatment with simulated gastric juice. Three selected strains were challenged for the capability to colonize a mouse model and their immunomodulatory properties were investigated. The strains did not colonize the intestine of mice during 10 days of daily dietary administration. Intriguingly, despite the loss of viability during the gastrointestinal transit, the strains exhibited different immunomodulatory effect on the maturation of dendritic cells in vivo, the extent of which correlated to the production of exopolysaccharides. The ability to stimulate the mucosal associated immune system in such probiotic-like manner, the general absence of antibiotic resistance genes, and the lack of the biosynthetic pathways for biogenic amines should reassure on the safety of this species, with potential for exploitation of selected starters

    Caratterizzazione sismica del sistema strutturale Pernicana - Provenzana (settore NE dell'Etna) attraverso l'utilizzo di differenti tecniche di rilocalizzazione.

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    Il fianco nord-orientale dell’Etna è interessato da un noto sistema strutturale denominato Pernicana-Provenzana, che ha un andamento WNW–ESE. Esso è collegato ad ovest ad un altro importante elemento strutturale, il Rift di Nord-Est, che mostra avere un ruolo importante nel controllo dei fenomeni di instabilità del fianco orientale del vulcano. La sismicità associata a questo sistema strutturale è di tipo superficiale (max 2-3 km b.s.l.) e rilevanti fenomeni di creeping sono rilevabili sul suo segmento orientale. I terremoti associati a questo sistema di faglie, che possono raggiungere magnitudo sino a 4.3, qualche volta con fenomeni di fagliazione superficiale, hanno provocato danni importanti alle principali strutture alberghiere ed ai paesi ubicati in prossimità della struttura. Nel presente lavoro, sono riportati i risultati di uno studio di dettaglio della sismicità localizzata lungo tale sistema strutturale, nel periodo 1999-2009. I terremoti registrati dalla rete sismica permanente dell’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia – Sezione di Catania, localizzati con un modello 1D utilizzando l’algoritmo Hypoellipse (Gruppo Analisi Dati Sismici, 2010), sono stati rilocalizzati applicando due differenti tecniche di localizzazione: NonLinLoc sviluppato da Lomax et al. (2000) e HypoDD proposto da Waldhauser & Ellsworth (2000). La prima metodologia è basata su un processo di ricerca globale, nello spazio 3D, dei parametri di localizzazione che possono essere ottenuti utilizzando diversi algoritmi. Il metodo HypoDD, che non prevede l’utilizzo di un modello 3D, è invece basato sull’algoritmo della doppia differenza che minimizza i residui tra le differenze dei traveltime osservati e calcolati per coppie di terremoti a stazioni comuni. L’applicazione di tali tecniche ha permesso di ottenere localizzazioni ipocentrali di migliore qualità, fondamentali per la caratterizzazione sismica della struttura. L’applicazione di queste differenti metodologie ha permesso di evidenziare che il sistema strutturale Pernicana- Provenzana risulta composto da segmenti caratterizzati da differenti rilasci di energia sismica. Sono stati individuati due cluster principali di terremoti, la cui distribuzione spaziale ha evidenziato un differente verso nell’immersione dei piani di faglia collegabili a questa sismicità. Infine, l’applicazione di tecniche di cross-correlazione delle forme d’onda registrate nel periodo indagato ha consentito di individuare “famiglie” di terremoti. L’analisi spazio – temporale delle famiglie individuate ha evidenziato per alcune di esse, una ricorrenza temporale ed ha permesso di ipotizzare che l’applicazione di un campo di stress sul sistema Pernicana-Provenzana potrebbe essere capace di attivare le stesse sorgenti sismiche in differenti periodi
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