43 research outputs found

    Distribution and Excretion of BisGMA in Guinea Pigs

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    Bisphenol-A-glycidyldimethacrylate (BisGMA) is used in many resin-based dental materials. It was shown in vitro that BisGMA was released into the adjacent biophase from such materials during the first days after placement. In this study, the uptake, distribution, and excretion of [14C]BisGMA applied via gastric and intravenous administration (at dose levels well above those encountered in dental care) were examined in vivo in guinea pigs to test the hypothesis that BisGMA reaches cytotoxic levels in mammalian tissues. [14C]BisGMA was taken up rapidly from the stomach and intestine after gastric administration and was widely distributed in the body following administration by each route. Most [14C] was excreted within one day as 14CO2. The peak equivalent BisGMA levels in guinea pig tissues examined were at least 1000-fold less than known toxic levels. The peak urine level in guinea pigs that received well in excess of the body-weightadjusted dose expected in humans was also below known toxic levels. The study therefore did not support the hypothesis

    Distribution and Excretion of TEGDMA in Guinea Pigs and Mice

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    The monomer triethyleneglycoldimethacrylate (TEGDMA) is used as a diluent in many resin-based dental materials. It was previously shown in vitro that TEGDMA was released into the adjacent biophase from such materials during the first days after placement. In this study, the uptake, distribution, and excretion of 14C-TEGDMA applied via gastric, intradermal, and intravenous administration at dose levels well above those encountered in dental care were examined in vivo in guinea pigs and mice as a test of the hypothesis that TEGDMA reaches cytotoxic levels in mammalian tissues. 14C-TEGDMA was taken up rapidly from the stomach and small intestine after gastric administration in both species and was widely distributed in the body following administration by each route. Most 14C was excreted within one day as 14 CO2. The peak equivalent TEGDMA levels in all mouse and guinea pig tissues examined were at least 1000-fold less than known toxic levels. The study therefore did not support the hypothesis

    Metallothionein (MT) -I and MT-II Expression Are Induced and Cause Zinc Sequestration in the Liver after Brain Injury

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    Experiments with transgenic over-expressing, and null mutant mice have determined that metallothionein-I and -II (MT-I/II) are protective after brain injury. MT-I/II is primarily a zinc-binding protein and it is not known how it provides neuroprotection to the injured brain or where MT-I/II acts to have its effects. MT-I/II is often expressed in the liver under stressful conditions but to date, measurement of MT-I/II expression after brain injury has focused primarily on the injured brain itself. In the present study we measured MT-I/II expression in the liver of mice after cryolesion brain injury by quantitative reverse-transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with the UC1MT antibody. Displacement curves constructed using MT-I/II knockout (MT-I/II−/−) mouse tissues were used to validate the ELISA. Hepatic MT-I and MT-II mRNA levels were significantly increased within 24 hours of brain injury but hepatic MT-I/II protein levels were not significantly increased until 3 days post injury (DPI) and were maximal at the end of the experimental period, 7 DPI. Hepatic zinc content was measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy and was found to decrease at 1 and 3 DPI but returned to normal by 7DPI. Zinc in the livers of MT-I/II−/− mice did not show a return to normal at 7 DPI which suggests that after brain injury, MT-I/II is responsible for sequestering elevated levels of zinc to the liver. Conclusion: MT-I/II is up-regulated in the liver after brain injury and modulates the amount of zinc that is sequestered to the liver

    Zinc homeostasis and signaling in health and diseases: Zinc signaling

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    The essential trace element zinc (Zn) is widely required in cellular functions, and abnormal Zn homeostasis causes a variety of health problems that include growth retardation, immunodeficiency, hypogonadism, and neuronal and sensory dysfunctions. Zn homeostasis is regulated through Zn transporters, permeable channels, and metallothioneins. Recent studies highlight Zn’s dynamic activity and its role as a signaling mediator. Zn acts as an intracellular signaling molecule, capable of communicating between cells, converting extracellular stimuli to intracellular signals, and controlling intracellular events. We have proposed that intracellular Zn signaling falls into two classes, early and late Zn signaling. This review addresses recent findings regarding Zn signaling and its role in physiological processes and pathogenesis

    Die Menschen kümmern sich wieder mehr um sich. Solidaritätsstudie zur Corona-Pandemie.

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    Eine großangelegte Interview-Studie untersucht die Solidarität in Pandemiezeiten in zehn europäischen und zwölf lateinamerikanischen Ländern. Die Studienleiterinnen der Universität Wien geben im Interview Einblicke in die ersten Ergebnisse