304 research outputs found

    Effects of scleral contact lenses for keratoconus management on visual quality and intraocular pressure

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    Purpose: To evaluate the visual acuity level achieved by scleral contact lens (CL) fitting in patients affected by keratoconus and to evaluate possible intraocular pressure (IOP) changes during the scleral CL wear using a transpalpebral tonometer. Methods: In a prospective case series a comparison was made between visual acuity obtained with glasses, RGP and 16.8mm diameter scleral CL in 30 consecutive patients affected by keratoconus. IOP was tested during scleral CL wear by transpalpebral Diaton Tonometer (DT) and also by Goldmann Applanation Tonometer (GAT) before and after scleral CL wear. Results: The mean logMAR visual acuity improved from 0.2±0.25SD with glasses and 0.1 ±0.02SD with RGP, to -0.002±0.041SD when using the scleral CL (p<0.05). The mean IOP value before scleral CL wear was 12.93mmHg±2.20SD when measured with GAT and 7.85mmHg±2.27SD when measured with DT. During scleral CL wear, IOP was assessed through DT, with a mean value of 8.86mmHg±2.36SD; values were stable after 8 hours of scleral CL use. Immediately after scleral CL removal, the mean IOP measured with GAT was 12.85mmHg ±2.40SD and the mean IOP measured with DT was 7.66mmHg±1.88SD. Therefore, during scleral CL wear, it was evidenced a small but statistically significant increase of the mean IOP value (1.01mmHg; p<0.01), with a reversion to values prior to application when scleral CL was removed. Conclusion: Scleral CLs remarkably improved visual acuity in keratoconus patients when compared to glasses or RGP contact lenses. Even if it was evidenced a small increase of the mean IOP value during their wear, it may not be significant in otherwise healthy eyes. Statistical analysis demonstrated good agreement between GAT and DT but their numerical values presented a constant gap, that should be taken into account when there is a need to relate the DT values to the reference ones

    Improving keratoconus management with central corneal regularization and corneal collagen cross-linking protocol treatment

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    Purpose. To evaluate safety and efficacy of customized central corneal regularization (CCR), together with simultaneous accelerated corneal collagen cross-linking (A-CXL) - CCR-CXL protocol, to treat keratoconus-related corneal ectasia. Design. Retrospective, comparative observational case series. Methods. Patients that had undergone combined CCR-CXL protocol. Main inclusion criteria were keratoconus visual acuity deterioration and contact lens intolerance. All patients underwent complete ophthalmological evaluation, corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) and Scheimpflug-corneal tomography. Central corneal regularization was performed by ablation using flying spot laser. Subsequently, the stroma was saturated with 0.17% riboflavin-5-phosphate added every 2 minutes, followed by A-CXL 9 mW/cm2 for 10 minutes. CDVA, medium keratometry value (Kmed), and total corneal morphological irregularity index (CMI) of patients were analyzed before surgery and after 1, 3 and 12 months. A P value of.05 or less was considered statistically significant. Results. 46 eyes of 39 keratoconus patients were treated. At 1 month, the mean CDVA (LogMar) increased from 0.19 ± 0.02 to 0.12 ± 0.02 (P < .05), and the difference remained stable at month 12. Kmax decrease was statistically significant from 57.02 ± 5.65 to 50.21 ± 4.48 (P < .05). CMI decreased significantly from 47.8 ± 2.84 to 30.1 ± 2.4 (P < .01). Conclusions. CCR-CXL protocol is safe and effective in arresting keratectasia progression and increasing corneal optic regularity in keratoconus. These findings showed a significant improvement in CDVA, keratometry values and corneal optical aberrations after being treated with the CCR-CXL protocol. Copyright © Società Editrice Universo (SEU

    Non-Arteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy (NA-AION): A Comprehensive Overview

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    Non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NA-AION) represents one of the most important causes of blindness or severely impaired vision in middle-aged and elderly people. Unilateral optic disc edema and abrupt, painless vision loss are its defining features. It is commonly assumed that NA-AION is caused by an ischemic infarction of the optic nerve head, and, although the exact pathogenesis is still unknown, several risk factors and comorbidities associated with its development have been found. NA-AION occurs generally in patients older than 50 years who have small optic discs and vasculopathy risk factors. Even though numerous treatment options have been proposed, no available effective medical or surgical therapy or prophylactic measure for NA-AION currently exists. The purpose of present-day therapeutic strategies is therefore to identify and possibly control any underlying modifiable risk factors, aiming to prevent the development of new NA-AION episodes in the affected and fellow eye. A thorough assessment of NAION, including its history, epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology, risk factors, associated comorbidities, clinical findings, diagnostic tests, treatment choices, prognosis, and future research, is the goal of this work

    GFRP hollow column to built-up beam adhesive connection:Mechanical behaviour under quasi-static, cyclic and fatigue loading

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    A new adhesive beam-column connection is tested which possess the highest strength and stiffness compared to any other similar adhesive or bolted connection tested in the past. A square GFRP hollow section, acting as a column, was connected to a built-up beam made of two GFRP U-profiles by means of either epoxy or steel bolts. The beam-column assembly formed an L-shaped frame which was tested by applying a point load at the beam free end while the column was fixed at its base. Five bolted and five adhesive replicate connections were subjected to quasi-static loading up to failure. Another three adhesive connections were subjected to 400, 800 or 1200 cycles of loading and unloading with the maximum load being equal to 0.50 Pu,avg, where Pu,avg is the average static strength of the replicate adhesive specimens. At the end of the cyclic loading, the latter specimens were loaded quasi-statically to failure. Finally, another two adhesive connections were subjected to fatigue type loading. They were successively subjected to at least 196 cycles of loading and unloading with the load amplitude being 0.50 Pu,avg in the first 60 cycles, 0.75 Pu,avg in the next 60 cycles, 0.85 Pu,avg in the following 60 cycles and 0.95 Pu,avg after the 180th cycle. The test results show that the proposed adhesive connection can achieve on average 82% higher strength and 380% higher rotational stiffness than the companion bolted connection. Furthermore, the above cyclic loading has negligible effect on either the strength or the stiffness of the connection. Finally, the connection can sustain the foregoing fatigue load up to almost 180 cycles without significant damage but it will not be able to withstand the full 60 cycles of the load with 0.95 Pu,avg amplitude. The current results demonstrate the superior strength and stiffness of the new adhesive connection compared to a similar bolted connection

    Exploring Deep Cervical Compartments in Head and Neck Surgical Oncology through Augmented Reality Vision: A Proof of Concept

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    Background: Virtual surgical planning allows surgeons to meticulously define surgical procedures by creating a digital replica of patients’ anatomy. This enables precise preoperative assessment, facilitating the selection of optimal surgical approaches and the customization of treatment plans. In neck surgery, virtual planning has been significantly underreported compared to craniofacial surgery, due to a multitude of factors, including the predominance of soft tissues, the unavailability of intraoperative navigation and the complexity of segmenting such areas. Augmented reality represents the most innovative approach to translate virtual planning for real patients, as it merges the digital world with the surgical field in real time. Surgeons can access patient-specific data directly within their field of view, through dedicated visors. In head and neck surgical oncology, augmented reality systems overlay critical anatomical information onto the surgeon’s visual field. This aids in locating and preserving vital structures, such as nerves and blood vessels, during complex procedures. In this paper, the authors examine a series of patients undergoing complex neck surgical oncology procedures with prior virtual surgical planning analysis. For each patient, the surgical plan was imported in Hololens headset to allow for intraoperative augmented reality visualization. The authors discuss the results of this preliminary investigation, tracing the conceptual framework for an increasing AR implementation in complex head and neck surgical oncology procedures

    Opportunistic screening for type 2 diabetes in community pharmacies. Results from a region-wide experience in Italy

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS:Given the paucity of symptoms in the early stages of type 2 diabetes, its diagnosis is often made when complications have already arisen. Although systematic population-based screening is not recommended, there is room to experience new strategies for improving early diagnosis of the disease in high risk subjects. We report the results of an opportunistic screening for diabetes, implemented in the setting of community pharmacies. METHODS AND RESULTS:To identify people at high risk to develop diabetes, pharmacists were trained to administer FINDRISC questionnaire to overweight, diabetes-free customers aged 45 or more. Each interviewee was followed for 365 days, searching in the administrative database whether he/she had a glycaemic or HbA1c test, or a diabetologists consultation, and to detect any new diagnosis of diabetes defined by either a prescription of any anti-hyperglycaemic drug, or the enrolment in the register of patients, or a hospital discharge with a diagnosis of diabetes. Out of 5977 interviewees, 53% were at risk of developing diabetes. An elevated FINDRISC score was associated with higher age, lower education, and living alone. Excluding the number of cases expected, based on the incidence rate of diabetes in the population, 51 new cases were identified, one every 117 interviews. FINDRISC score, being a male and living alone were significantly associated with the diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS:The implementation of a community pharmacy-based screening programme can contribute to reduce the burden of the disease, particularly focusing on people at higher risk, such as the elderly and the socially vulnerable

    Self-medication for migraine: a Nationwide cross-sectional study in Italy

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    Headache disorders are considered the second leading cause of years lived with disability worldwide, and 90% of people have a headache episode at least once a year, thus representing a relevant public health priority. As the pharmacist is often the first and only point of reference for people complaining of headache, we carried out a survey in a nationwide sample of Italian pharmacies, in order to describe the distribution of migraine or non-migraine type headaches and medicines overuse among people entering pharmacies seeking for self-medication; and to evaluate the association, in particular of migraine, with socio-demographic and clinical characteristics, and with the pathway of care followed by the patients. A 14-item questionnaire, including socio-demographic and clinical factors, was administered by trained pharmacists to subjects who entered a pharmacy requesting self-medication for a headache attack. The ID Migraine™ Screener was used to classify headache sufferers in four classes. From June 2016 to January 2017, 4424 people have been interviewed. The prevalence of definite migraines was 40%, significantly higher among women and less educated people. About half of all headache sufferers and a third of migraineurs do not consider their condition as a disease and are not cared by any doctor. Among people seeking self-medication in pharmacies for acute headache attacks, the rate of definite or probable migraine is high, and a large percentage of them is not correctly diagnosed and treated. The pharmacy can be a valuable observatory for the study of headaches, and the first important step to improve the quality of care delivered to these patients
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