451 research outputs found

    The Polytropic Equation of State of Interstellar Gas Clouds

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    Models are presented for the polytropic equation of state of self-gravitating, quiescent interstellar gas clouds. A detailed analysis, including chemistry, thermal balance, and radiative transfer, is performed for the physical state of the gas as a function of density, metallicity, velocity field, and background radiation field. It is found that the stiffness of the equation of state strongly depends on all these physical parameters, and the adiabatic index varies between 0.2-1.4. The implications for star formation, in particular at high redshift and in starburst galaxies, and the initial stellar mass function are discussed.Comment: Accepted by Ap

    Songlines from Direct Collapse Seed Black Holes: Effects of X-rays on Black Hole Growth and Stellar Populations

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    In the last decade, the growth of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) has been intricately linked to galaxy formation and evolution and is a key ingredient in the assembly of galaxies. To investigate the origin of SMBHs, we perform cosmological simulations that target the direct collapse black hole (DCBH) seed formation scenario in the presence of two different strong Lyman-Werner (LW) background fields. These simulations include the X-ray irradiation from a central massive black hole (MBH), H2\rm{H}_2 self-shielding and stellar feedback from metal-free and metal-enriched stars. We find in both simulations that local X-ray feedback induces metal-free star formation 0.5\sim 0.5 Myr after the MBH forms. The MBH accretion rate reaches a maximum of 10310^{-3} MM_{\odot} yr1^{-1} in both simulations. However, the duty cycle differs which is derived to be 6%6\% and 50%50\% for high and low LW cases, respectively. The MBH in the high LW case grows only 6%\sim 6\% in 100 Myr compared to 16%16\% in the low LW case. We find that the maximum accretion rate is determined by the local gas thermodynamics whereas the duty cycle is determined by the large scale gas dynamics and gas reservoir. We conclude that radiative feedback from the central MBH plays an important role in star formation in the nuclear regions and stifling initial MBH growth, relative to the typical Eddington rate argument, and that initial MBH growth might be affected by the local LW radiation field.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ, with minor changes to submitted versio

    Detection of a large fraction of atomic gas not associated with star-forming material in M17 SW

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    We probe the column densities and masses traced by the ionized and neutral atomic carbon with spectrally resolved maps, and compare them to the diffuse and dense molecular gas traced by [C I] and low-JJ CO lines toward the star-forming region M17SW. We mapped a 4.1pc x 4.7pc region in the [C I] 609 mμ\mu line using the APEX telescope, as well as the CO isotopologues with the IRAM 30m telescope. We analyze the data based on velocity channel maps that are 1 km/s wide. We correlate their spatial distribution with that of the [C II] map obtained with SOFIA/GREAT. Optically thin approximations were used to estimate the column densities of [C I] and [C II] in each velocity channel. The spatial distribution of the [C I] and all CO isotopologues emission was found to be associated with that of [C II] in about 20%-80% of the mapped region, with the high correlation found in the central (15-23 km/s ) velocity channels. The excitation temperature of [C I] ranges between 40 K and 100 K in the inner molecular region of M17 SW. Column densities in 1 km/s channels between ~1015^{15} and ~1017^{17} cm2^{-2} were found for [C I]. Just ~20% of the velocity range (~40 km/s) that the [C II] line spans is associated with the star-forming material traced by [C I] and CO. The total gas mass estimated from the [C II] emission gives a lower limit of ~4.4x103^3 MM_{\odot}. At least 64% of this mass is not associated with the star-forming material in M17SW. We also found that about 36%, 17%, and 47% of the [C II] emission is associated with the HII, HI, and H_2 regimes, respectively. Comparisons with the H41α\alpha line shows an ionization region mixed with the neutral and part of the molecular gas, in agreement with the clumped structure and dynamical processes at play in M17SW. These results are also relevant to extra-galactic studies in which [C II] is often used as a tracer of star-forming material.Comment: 21 pages + 6 pages of appendix, 32 figures in total, accepted for publication on A&A (10/12/2014) Relevant calibrated data cubes are available on CD

    Far-Infrared and Sub-Millimeter Observations and Physical Models of the Reflection Nebula Ced 201

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    ISO [C II] 158 micron, [O I] 63 micron, and H_2 9 and 17 micron observations are presented of the reflection nebula Ced 201, which is a photon-dominated region illuminated by a B9.5 star with a color temperature of 10,000 K (a cool PDR). In combination with ground based [C I] 609 micron, CO, 13CO, CS and HCO+ data, the carbon budget and physical structure of the reflection nebula are constrained. The obtained data set is the first one to contain all important cooling lines of a cool PDR, and allows a comparison to be made with classical PDRs. To this effect one- and three-dimensional PDR models are presented which incorporate the physical characteristics of the source, and are aimed at understanding the dominant heating processes of the cloud. The contribution of very small grains to the photo-electric heating rate is estimated from these models and used to constrain the total abundance of PAHs and small grains. Observations of the pure rotational H_2 lines with ISO, in particular the S(3) line, indicate the presence of a small amount of very warm, approximately 330 K, molecular gas. This gas cannot be accommodated by the presented models.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figures, in LaTeX. To be published in Ap

    The Abundance and Emission of H2O and O2 in Clumpy Molecular Clouds

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    Recent observations with the Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite indicate abundances of gaseous H2O and O2 in dense molecular clouds which are significantly lower than found in standard homogeneous chemistry models. We present here results for the thermal and chemical balance of inhomogeneous molecular clouds exposed to ultraviolet radiation in which the abundances of H2O and O2 are computed for various density distributions, radiation field strengths and geometries. It is found that an inhomogeneous density distribution lowers the column densities of H2O and O2 compared to the homogeneous case by more than an order of magnitude at the same A_V. O2 is particularly sensitive to the penetrating ultraviolet radiation, more so than H2O. The S140 and rho Oph clouds are studied as relevant test cases of star-forming and quiescent regions. The SWAS results of S140 can be accommodated naturally in a clumpy model with mean density of 2x10^3 cm-3 and enhancement I_UV=140 compared with the average interstellar radiation field, in agreement with observations of [CI] and 13CO of this cloud. Additional radiative transfer computations suggest that this diffuse H2O component is warm, ~60-90 K, and can account for the bulk of the 1_10-1_01 line emission observed by SWAS. The rho Oph model yields consistent O2 abundances but too much H2O, even for [C]/[O]=0.94, if I_UV<10 respectively <40 for a mean density of 10^3 respectively 10^4 cm-3. It is concluded that enhanced photodissociation in clumpy regions can explain the low H2O and O2 abundances and emissivities found in the large SWAS beam for extended molecular clouds, but that additional freeze-out of oxygen onto grains is needed in dense cold cores.Comment: To be published in ApJ

    Search for Interstellar Water in the Translucent Molecular Cloud toward HD 154368

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    We report an upper limit of 9 x 10^{12} cm-2 on the column density of water in the translucent cloud along the line of sight toward HD 154368. This result is based upon a search for the C-X band of water near 1240 \AA carried out using the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph of the Hubble Space Telescope. Our observational limit on the water abundance together with detailed chemical models of translucent clouds and previous measurements of OH along the line of sight constrain the branching ratio in the dissociative recombination of H_3O+ to form water. We find at the 3σ3\sigma level that no more than 30% of dissociative recombinations of H_3O+ can lead to H_2O. The observed spectrum also yielded high-resolution observations of the Mg II doublet at 1239.9 \AA and 1240.4 \AA, allowing the velocity structure of the dominant ionization state of magnesium to be studied along the line of sight. The Mg II spectrum is consistent with GHRS observations at lower spectral resolution that were obtained previously but allow an additional velocity component to be identified.Comment: Accepted by ApJ, uses aasp

    The Response of Metal Rich Gas to X-Ray Irradiation from a Massive Black Hole at High Redshift: Proof of Concept

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    Observational studies show that there is a strong link between the formation and evolution of galaxies and the growth of supermassive black holes (SMBH) at their centers. However, the underlying physics of this observed relation is poorly understood. In order to study the effects of X-ray radiation on the surroundings of the black hole, we implement X-ray Dominated Region (XDR) physics into Enzo and use the radiation transport module Moray to calculate the radiative transfer for a polychromatic spectrum. In this work, we investigate the effects of X-ray irradiation, produced by a central massive black hole (MBH) with a mass of M = 5x10^4 M_(solar), on ambient gas with solar and zero metallicity. We find that in the solar metallicity case, due to high opacity of the metals, the energy deposition rate in the central region (< 20 pc) is high and hence the temperatures in the center are on the order of 10^(5-7) K. Moreover, due to the cooling ability and high intrinsic opacity of solar metallicity gas, column densities of 10^(24) cm^(-2) are reached at a radius of 20 pc from the MBH. These column densities are about 3 orders of magnitudes higher than in the zero metallicity case. Furthermore, in the zero metallicity case an X-ray induced H II region is formed already after 5.8 Myr. This causes a significant outflow of gas (~8x10^6 M_(solar) from the central region, with the gas reaching outflow velocities up to ~100 km s^(-1). At later times, ~23 Myr after we insert the MBH, we find that the solar metallicity case also develops an X-ray induced H II region, but delayed by ~17 Myr.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures. Resubmitted to Ap

    Development of a novel forward dynamic programming method for weather routing

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    This paper presents a novel forward dynamic programming method for weather routing to minimise ship fuel consumption during a voyage. Compared with traditional weather routing methods which only optimise the ship's heading, while the engine power or propeller rotation speed is set as a constant throughout the voyage, this new method considers both the ship power settings and heading controls. A float state technique is used to reduce the iterations required during optimisation and thus save computation time. This new method could lead to quasiglobal optimal routing in comparison with the traditional weather routing methods

    Disentangling the excitation conditions of the dense gas in M17 SW

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    We probe the chemical and energetic conditions in dense gas created by radiative feedback through observations of multiple CO, HCN and HCO+^+ transitions toward the dense core of M17 SW. We used the dual band receiver GREAT on board the SOFIA airborne telescope to obtain maps of the J=1615J=16-15, J=1211J=12-11, and J=1110J=11-10 transitions of 12^{12}CO. We compare these maps with corresponding APEX and IRAM 30m telescope data for low- and mid-JJ CO, HCN and HCO+^+ emission lines, including maps of the HCN J=87J=8-7 and HCO+^+ J=98J=9-8 transitions. The excitation conditions of 12^{12}CO, HCO+^+ and HCN are estimated with a two-phase non-LTE radiative transfer model of the line spectral energy distributions (LSEDs) at four selected positions. The energy balance at these positions is also studied. We obtained extensive LSEDs for the CO, HCN and HCO+^+ molecules toward M17 SW. The LSED shape, particularly the high-JJ tail of the CO lines observed with SOFIA/GREAT, is distinctive for the underlying excitation conditions. The critical magnetic field criterion implies that the cold cloudlets at two positions are partially controlled by processes that create and dissipate internal motions. Supersonic but sub-Alfv\'enic velocities in the cold component at most selected positions indicates that internal motions are likely MHD waves. Magnetic pressure dominates thermal pressure in both gas components at all selected positions, assuming random orientation of the magnetic field. The magnetic pressure of a constant magnetic field throughout all the gas phases can support the total internal pressure of the cold components, but it cannot support the internal pressure of the warm components. If the magnetic field scales as Bn2/3B \propto n^{2/3}, then the evolution of the cold cloudlets at two selected positions, and the warm cloudlets at all selected positions, will be determined by ambipolar diffusion.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figures, A&A accepte