467 research outputs found

    Double Aneuploidy in Down Syndrome

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    Aneuploidy is the second most important category of chromosome mutations relating to abnormal chromosome number. It generally arises by nondisjunction at either the first or second meiotic division. However, the existence of two chromosomal abnormalities involving both autosomal and sex chromosomes in the same individual is relatively a rare phenomenon. The underlying mechanism involved in the formation of double aneuploidy is not well understood. Parental origin is studied only in a small number of cases and both nondisjunctions occurring in a single parent is an extremely rare event. This chapter reviews the characteristics of double aneuploidies in Down syndrome have been discussed in the light of the published reports

    Motion Response Simulation of Damaged Floating Platforms

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    This thesis describes a computer based method and a procedure to simulate the motion response of a damaged platform under wave, wind and current effects. The aim of the study was to develop an analysis procedure which could be a useful tool to designers and certifying authorities in assessing the safety of mobile platforms in extreme environmental and damaged conditions. The thesis begins by explaining the benefits of using floating structures in developing oil fields. Basic stability requirements for floating production vessels are summarised. Recent and past damage simulation studies in the literature are reviewed. Some information about the number of accidents involving floating offshore platforms operated world-wide is presented. A few of the disasters occurring in recent years are given as examples to emphasise the importance of the subject. The Morison approach and 2D source-sink distribution technique are reviewed, and calculations of wave forces acting on a semi-submersible are carried out in order to make comparisons between the two methods. Theoretical derivations of wave forces in the frequency domain based on the Morison approach are carried out in detail for a twinhulled semi-submersible. The development of computer programs based on both methods is summarised. A general method for calculating wave forces and moments on circular cylinders of offshore structures is derived. By using the developed method one can calculate the wave loading on cylindrical members of fixed or floating offshore structures orientated randomly in waves. This method also provides a basic tool for determining the wave forces and moments that a floating structure is subjected to as it experiences large amplitude oscillations in six degrees of freedom. A general method is established in this chapter to calculate the hydrodynamic loading due to the rigid body motion of the platform. The calculation of restoring forces is discussed: a detailed description of the methods used to calculate hydrostatic forces, mooring stiffness coefficients and wind forces is given in the appendices. The calculation of inertia forces and moments defined from Newton's second law is introduced as part of a general calculation procedure. The derivation and the solution of motion equations in the time domain are presented. Details of model tests carried out to validate the non-linear large amplitude motion calculation procedures are presented. A description of a circular twin-hulled semi-submersible model and the loading conditions is given. The test setup and instrumentation are presented briefly. Test procedures for inclining, natural period and motion tests in waves are discussed. Methods of analysis of motion response measurements in six degrees of freedom in intact, transient and damaged conditions for head and beam seas are given. The results of motion response measurements are presented in time histories. In order to validate the numerical prediction procedures and the software based on these procedures, the physical test conditions are simulated numerically and a comparison of test results with numerical predictions is presented. Simulation studies based on the non-linear motion equations are presented with the aim of providing comparisons to illustrate the effects of non-linearities in wave and motion induced forces. A summary of the systematic study carried out to illustrate the effects of non-linear terms on the solution of the motion response equations is given. The results of the parametric studies to investigate the effects of flooding rate and of size of damaged compartment on motion response characteristics are also discussed. The other aspects of roll motion such as the effects of non-linear drag force, first order wave elevation, different wave heights and GM's, and non-linear added mass and damping forces on the motion behaviour and the steady tilt of semi-submersibles are investigated. The variations of GM and GZ values as a function of heel angle are also presented

    Underlying Factors Behind Generation of Different Types of User-Generated Content - Impact of Individual and Brand/Product Level Factors in Generation of Brand-Oriented Content and Community-Oriented Content

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    Defined as groups of people who communicate with each other about brand and product via internet without restricted by geographical and ethnic origin constraints to accomplish collective goals, express mutual sentiments & commitments and entertainment, online brand communities are valuable source for marketing practitioners. Although content generation is heavily used in the literature, earlier studies assumes that user-generated content is monolith, and all aimed to brand. However, our experiences tell us that reality is far different from that. This study categorizes user generated content based on target audience, namely brand-oriented content and community-oriented content. Although both types of content are necessary for the success of the community, underlying factors behind what drives users to generate different types of content is unknown. By using equity theory, social determination theory, social comparison theory and social identity theory, this dissertation investigated how personal factors (extrinsic vs intrinsic motivations and independent vs interdependent self-construal of members) and brand/product factors (product visibility and brand luxury) drives members to generate brand-oriented content or community-oriented content. Study 1 explored how online brand community members’ motivations and self-construal impact types of user generated content. Results show that participants who have strong extrinsic motivations and independent self-construal have greater focus on generation of brand-oriented content relative to community-oriented content and participants who have strong intrinsic motivations and interdependent self-construal have greater focus on generation of community-oriented content relative to brand-oriented content. However, we couldn’t find any support for interaction of self-construal and motivations. Study 2 investigated whether product visibility has any impact on types of user generated content. Although more brand-oriented content is generated in online communities for less visible products, more community-oriented content is generated as well, and product visibility has no significant effect on content orientation. Study 3 explored influence of brand luxury on user generated content types. Findings show that brand luxury indeed has a significant main effect on content orientation, especially for community-oriented content generation. These three different studies show that how personal and brand/product level factors influence generation of different content types in online brand communities. Findings show that members’ engagement motivations for online brand communities impacts their target audience when they generate content in the brand communities. This dissertation also shows that online brand community members have tendency to perceive the other members as real-life colleagues and prioritize them when engaging the community, especially for luxury brands. Based on the findings, managerial implications and future research directions are also discussed

    Facial Landmark Based Region of Interest Localization for Deep Facial Expression Recognition

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    Automated facial expression recognition has gained much attention in the last years due to growing application areas such as computer animated agents, sociable robots and human computer interaction. The realization of a reliable facial expression recognition system through machine learning is still a challenging task particularly on databases with large number of images. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures have been proposed to deal with large numbers of training data for better accuracy. For CNNs, a task related best achieving architectural structure does not exist. In addition, the representation of the input image is equivalently important as the architectural structure and the training data. Therefore, this study focuses on the performances of various CNN architectures trained by different region of interests of the same input data. Experiments are performed on three distinct CNN architectures with three different crops of the same dataset. Results show that by appropriately localizing the facial region and selecting the correct CNN architecture it is possible to boost the recognition rate from 84% to 98% while decreasing the training time for proposed CNN architectures

    Kinematic synthesis of flight control systems for light aircrafts

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    In this paper, kinematic synthesis of a planar flight control system mechanism has been conducted for a light aircraft designed and built by TAL To achieve a simple construction, the four-bar linkages are used in the synthesis. Freudenstein's Method and Bloch's Method are utilized for analytical three and four bar position syntheses respectively. A case study of an elevator flight control system is presented

    Poziom surowiczego czynnika wzrostu związanego z angiopoetyną (AGF) jest podwyższony w cukrzycy ciążowej i związany z insulinoopornością

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    Objective: Angiopoietin-related growth factor (AGF) is associated with angiogenesis but it can also affect glucose and energy metabolism. The aim of the study was to determine AGF levels in gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Materials and Methods: The study included 44 patients with GDM (GDM group) and 33 non-diabetic, healthy, women in the third trimester of pregnancy (control group). We analyzed serum levels of AGF and other biochemical and anthropometric markers in all subjects. Results: The study revealed that serum AGF levels were significantly higher in patients with GDM (113.30+/-69.92 ng/ml) than in controls (52.30+/-35.59 ng/ml), (p-valueCel: Czynnik wzrostu związany z angiopoetyną (AGF) jest odpowiedzialny za angiogenezy ale może też wpływać na metabolizm glukozy i energii. Celem tego badania była ocena poziomu AGF w cukrzycy ciążowej (GDM). Materiał i metoda: Do badania włączono 44 pacjentki z GDM (tzw. grupa GDM) i 33 zdrowe ciężarne w trzecim trymestrze ciąży (grupa kontrolna). Zbadano poziom surowiczego AGF oraz inne biochemiczne i antropometryczne markery u wszystkich pacjentek. Wyniki: Wykazano, że poziom surowiczego AGF był istotnie wyższy u pacjentek z cukrzycą ciążową (113,3+/-69,92 ng/ml) niż w grupie kontrolnej (52,3+/-35,59 ng/ml), (

    Necrotizing leukocytoclastic vasculitis mimicking necrotizing fasciitis: a case report

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    There are several subtypes of necrotizing leukocytoclastic vasculitis, which are classified according to their morphological features in biopsy specimens using immunofluorescence microscopy. Necrotizing leukocytoclastic vasculitis is limited to the skin, predominantly that of the lower extremities, and usually spares the palms and soles. The most common skin manifestation is palpable purpura. Other skin manifestations include maculopapular rash, bullae, papules, nodules, ulcers and livedo reticularis. There is no specific laboratory test to determine the diagnosis. There are various diseases presenting with these nonspecific symptoms, and a rapid differential diagnosis must be conducted, because the appropriate differentiation and diagnosis markedly influence the treatment strategy and survival of patients. In this study, we report a case of necrotizing leukocytoclastic vasculitis presenting with internal organ involvement and symptoms of necrotizing fasciitis, with emphasis on the clinical differentiation

    Hospital Variation in Utilization of Life‐Sustaining Treatments among Patients with Do Not Resuscitate Orders

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144225/1/hesr12651_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144225/2/hesr12651.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144225/3/hesr12651-sup-0001-AuthorMatrix.pd