47 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of pranayama on stress and coping among housewives in a selected community, Salem.

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    A Study was Conducted to Assess the Effectiveness of Pranayama on Stress and Coping among Housewives in Selected Community, Salem. Quasi experimental one group pretest posttest design was adopted for this study. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 60 samples. Pre test was done to assess the level of stress and coping among housewives by using structured interview schedule. Pranayama was implemented to the housewives for 21consecutive days. Post test was done on 24th day of intervention. The data were gathered and analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistical method. The findings revealed that during pre test 28 (46.67%) and 32 (53.33%) of the samples had mild and moderate stress respectively. 34 (56.67%) and 26 (43.33%) of them had moderate and high level of coping respectively. During post test 47 (78.33) and 13 (21.67%) of the samples had mild and moderate stress respectively, whereas 10 (16.67%) and 50 (8.33%) of them had moderate and high level of coping respectively. The paired‘t’ value for stress was13.05 and for coping was 11.21 which are greater than the table value 1.96 at p≀0.05 level indicating the difference in mean was true difference and pranayama was effective in reducing stress and attaining high level of coping among housewives. Hence H1 was retained. Significant association was found between monthly income (χ2 = 15.00) and husband’s occupation (χ2=11.72) with the level of stress. Hence H2 was retained for the above mentioned variables and there was significant association found between number of children (χ2=11.04) with the level of coping. Hence H3 was retained for the above mentioned variables. There was negative correlation (r = -0.482) between the level of stress and coping. Hence H4 was retained. Pranayama is a non pharmacological, cost effective and very practicable measure to reduce the level of stress and improve the level of coping among housewives

    Attitude towards mental illness among doctors and nurses in a tertiary care centre, Pondicherry, India

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    Background: Stigma can prevent care and treatment of mentally ill. About 54% of diagnosable mental disorders are seen in primary care settings. There is a gross underestimation of psychiatric morbidity among patients by substantial proportion of non-psychiatric clinicians. Hence there is a need to assess the attitude towards mental illness among doctors and staff nurses. The objectives of the study were to assess the attitude towards mental illness among doctors and nurses, to compare the attitude between doctors and nurses, to find if there is any correlation between duration of training or posting and attitude, to find if educational status had any influence on attitude, to find if there is any gender influence on attitude. Methods: It is a cross sectional descriptive study conducted in a private medical college, Pondicherry among doctors and nurses who had completed their under graduation with a sample size of 221 (Doctors-120, Nurses-101). The instruments used were a semi-structured demographic profile and 34 items of OMICC (Opinion About Mental Illness in Chinese Community). The data was entered in Microsoft Excel 2013 analyzed using descriptive statistics, unpaired t-test, pearson’s correlation coefficient.Results: Only 25% of doctors and 4.9% of nurses positive attitude when overall score was considered. Doctors group had higher positive attitudes compared to nurses in domains separatism, stereotyping, benevolence and stigmatisation.Conclusions: There was no correlation between duration of psychiatry posting and attitude

    3-WAY Secured WSN with CSDSM-DNN based Intrusion Detection Model

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    In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), intrusion aims indegrading or even eliminating the capacity of these networks for providing their functions. Thus, in recent years, several ideas are brought and employed. However, these techniques still did not fulfill their requirements in attaining better classification accuracy. This paper proposes a novel Cosine Similarity Distance integrated Sammon Mapping learning layer-Deep Neural Network (CSDSM-DNN)-centricIntrusion Detection Model (IDM) in WSNfor attaining better outcomes. Initially, the nodes are clustered; after that, utilizing Binomial Distribution based Dwarf Mongoose Optimization (BD-DMO), the cluster heads are selected. Then, theIdentity Matrix Function-Kalman Filter (IMF-KF) identified the optimal route. Subsequently, the data is transferred via the secured route. The transferred data is pre-processed and then, the important features are selected. Lastly, to classify whether the data is attacked or non-attacked, the selected features are given into the CSDSM-DNN. Therefore, with the prevailing approaches, the experiential outcomes are evaluated and analogized and it exhibits the proposed model’s higher reliability and efficacy

    Assess the Levels of Dependence And Severity of Psychiatric Illness Among Adolescent Boys Addicted to Marijuna

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    Marijuana refers to the dry leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from cannabis sativa or cannabis India plant; it is a psychoactive sedative drug. Adolescent age group is more likely to use cannabis in the form of Marijuana and experience many psychiatric illness problems from use. A recent survey from partnership at drug free shows that about 10% of teens smoke cannabis at least 20 times each month. The main objective of the study is to assess the dependency and associated psychiatric illness among adolescent people at selected area. The sampling sizes of 100 were recruited in purposive sampling technique; descriptive study was used along with structured MEEQ questionnaires. In study results shows that level of dependency were 46% adolescents are short term dependent to marijuana, 36% are moderate level of dependent to marijuana, and 23% adolescents are long term dependent to marijuana. There is a significant association between the level of dependency state of marijuana and the psychiatric illness such as visual hallucination, auditory hallucination, improved memory and learning ability at (p<0.05)

    Antioxidant, Antibacterial Activities and GC-MS Analysis of Fresh Rose Petals Aqueous Extract of Rosa damascena Mill L.

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    A rose (Rosa damascena) is a woody perennial plant of the genus Rosa within the family Rosaceae. The leaves of the plant are alternate to each other on the stem. Best known for its ornamental values, most of the rose plants are deciduous except a few from the South East Asia that are evergreen. The aggregate fruit of the rose is a pot-like structure containing the seeds in it called the rose hip. The sharp objects along the stem of a rose plant are outgrowths of the epidermis called as prickles. The flowers to prepare a drink which acts as an energy stimulant, blood tonic and also works in case of digestive irregularities. The extract of rose plant especially act as an antidepressant, antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, antiinflammatory, digestive stimulant, kidney tonic and menstrual regulator. The maximum DPPH˙ radical and superoxide (O2˙-) radical scavenging activities of fresh rose petals aqueous extract were 52.84±0.20% and 89.36±0.31% at 120 ”g/mL concentration. The IC50 values of DPPH˙ radical and superoxide (O2˙-) radical scavenging activities were 113.55 ”g/mL and 40.62 ”g/mL concentration respectively. The maximum Mo6+ reduction and Fe3+ reduction of fresh rose petals aqueous extract were 82.52±0.13% and 81.54±0.42% at 120 ”g/mL concentration and the RC50 values of Mo6+ reduction and Fe3+ reduction were 46.67 ”g/mL 32.25 ”g/mL concentration respectively. The fresh aqueous extract of Rosa damascena possessed active molecules such as E,E-6,8-Tridecadien-2-ol, acetate, 8-Carbethoxy-1-methyl-1,4,5,6,7,8-hexahydropyrrolo [2,3-b]azepin-4-one-3-carboxylic acid and 9-Octadecynoic acid, methyl ester exhibiting antioxidant, antimicrobial activities. Keywords: Rosa damascena, Antioxidant, Free radical, DPPH˙, Antibacterial activity, GC-MS

    Effect of ultrasonication and enzyme activity on dye uptake of cationised cotton fabric 

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    To eliminate the usage of salt, salt-free reactive dyeing using CHPTAC (3-Chloro-2-hydroxypropyl trimethylammonium chloride) has been proposed. Studies have shown promising results, such as better dye shade attainment and less effluent load compared to conventional methods. In this work, to improve the effective utilisation of CHPTAC, the cotton fabric has been treated with cellulase enzyme and the application of CHPTAC is carried out using the ultrasonication technique. The samples are then characterised for colour parameters and it is found that the enzymatic treatment and ultrasonication lead to improve the dye uptake, as the interaction of CHPTAC with the fabric becomes better.

    Influence of strength training packages with and without additional resistance on leg explosive power and shoulder strength among basketball players

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    The purpose of the study was to find out the Influence of strength training packages with and without additional resistance on leg explosive power and shoulder strength among basketball players. The study was conformed to forty-five (45) female basketball players were selected randomly as subjects from various departments of Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India. Their age ranged between 21 to 25 years. They were divided into three equal groups each group consisted of 15 players. Namely experimental group I (strength training with additional resistance), experimental group II, (strength training without additional resistance) and control group. They were tested twice before and after the training with respect to physical variables of leg explosive power and shoulder strength. The training period for this study was three alternative days per week, for eight weeks. The collected data were statistically analyzed by analysis of co-variance (ANACOVA) and the significance difference on experimental groups with the level of confidence was fixes as 0.05 levels. It was concluded that booth the experimental groups having more significant improvement on leg explosive power and shoulder strength than the control group

    Compliance of temozolamide with concurrent radiotherapy as an adjuvant in patients with high grade glioma – a retrospective study

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    Introduction and aim. High grade glioma is the most aggressive form of primary brain tumour with a median survival of one year. Maximal safe resection followed by temozolamide-based concurrent chemoradiation and adjuvant chemotherapy is the standard of care. To assess the compliance of temozolamide in patients of high-grade glioma who underwent concurrent chemoradiation followed by adjuvant chemotherapy. Material and methods. 30 patients of high grade glioma diagnosed and treated in our Oncology department during the period of March 2016 to March 2018 were analyzed retrospectively. Cases included in this study were patients with biopsy proven high grade glioma who underwent maximal safe surgery, temozolamide-based concurrent chemoradiation, followed by adjuvant chemotherapy with temozolamide. Data regarding age, gender, histopathology, extent of surgery, performance status, radiotherapy dose, chemotherapy cycles and treatment toxicity profiles were recorded. Results. Treatment was generally well tolerated with most patients experiencing grade 1 and 2 toxicities, which were managed with supportive care. Grade 3 toxicities were noted as follows: anaemia (6.7%, n=2), neutropenia (16.7%, n=5) and thrombocytopenia (16.7%, n=5). Treatment with TMZ was discontinued in 6.7% (n=2) of individuals due to myelosupression. No grade 4 hematological toxicities were observed in the study group. Conclusion. The compliance of temozolamide in high grade gliomas is high with less treatment interruptions and manageable side effect profile