135 research outputs found

    Violence Sensitivity and Gender

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    While many believe that violence is both concrete and universal, research suggests that the definition of violence may be in the eye of the beholder. While some may define violence as physical aggression, others may define violence as both physical and psychological aggression. An individual\u27s definition of violence may be an indicator of that person\u27s tolerance towards violence. Someone who is violence-tolerant may believe that only physical aggression can be considered violence, while an someone who is violence-sensitive may have a broader definition of violence that includes forms of non-physical violence. Non-physical violence may include theft, manipulation, verbal abuse, or even cursing. Previous research has used surveys in order to gauge participants’ attitude towards various violent acts, which can reveal just how violence-sensitive or violence-tolerant that participant is. Participants have been given a list of acts and asked to assign a number value to each, indicating just how severe they believe each act to be. The current study replaces the list of acts with a series of short written scenarios. In each of the scenarios, one agent carries out a violent act against another. The acts depicted in the scenarios provided include both physical and non-physical violence. A goal of this study is to begin developing a method of testing violence-sensitivity that utilizes written scenarios, which would allow future research to experimentally manipulate different aspects of the scenario, such as gender of aggressor and victim. The current study uses a within-group comparison to examine how responses vary when the gender of the party portrayed in the scenario is manipulated. The first hypothesis is that a survey containing written scenarios will yield similar results to a survey containing a list of violent acts. For example, acts of physical aggression will be ranked higher than acts of non-physical aggression. The second hypothesis is that there is a gender effect, meaning that the gender of the aggressor or the victim in the written scenarios will have an effect on the perceived severity of violence in the hypothetical scenarios


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    This paper focuses on the role of experiential learning as a component of human growth and human and social service education. Employing student development theory as a unifying theme, relations between experiential learning, personal development and human and social service education are explored

    Coming Out Day Presenter Robyn Ochs - Beyond Binaries: Identity and Sexuality

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    The program will explore the landscape of sexual orientation. Similar to snowflakes, no two people are exactly alike. So, how do we assign precise labels to our complicated and unique experiences? What is the relationship between experience and self-identity, between self-identity and the way we are read by others? In this interactive program, different experiences of identity, the complexity of attraction, and more will be explored

    Bien-être subjectif et indécision vocationnelle : une comparaison interculturelle

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    Thèse soutenue par Laurent Sovet  le 19 novembre 2014 au Conservatoire national des arts et métiers, dirigée par le Professeur Jean-Luc Bernaud, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers, Paris Composition du jury de soutenance de thèse : Professeur Jean-Luc Bernaud, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers, Paris (directeur de thèse) Professeure Pascale Desrumaux, Université de Lille 3, Lille (rapporteure) Professeure Évelyne Fouquereau, Université François Rabelais, Tours (rapporteure) P..

    Career orientation of senior secondary school students

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    The main purpose of this study is to portray career orientation of Senior High School (SMA) and Vocational High School (SMK) students and the role that school counselors should play in providing vocational guidance. This study used a survey method involving 278 students from both SMA and SMK di Jakarta. Career Orientation Inventory (COI) and Counselor Role in Career Guidance Inventory were used as an instrument of data collection. Descriptive statistics and t-test were conducted to analyze the data. The findings of the study reveal that majority of SMA and SMK students wanted to further their study to university and only small number of them wanted to find out jobs or run their own business. The findings also show that school counselors play a very important role in providing vocational guidance services for senior secondary students. Therefore, in order for students to have a bright career in future, school counselors should improve the quality of vocational guidance services and plan comprehensive vocational guidance programs

    Properties of high-temperature superconductors (HTS) and synthesis technology

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    The main results for the synthesis and study of superconducting high-temperature materials based on cuprates obtained by high-temperature synthesis are presented. The influence of the ratio of the primary components, time and exposure temperature on the output of the superconducting phase (Y123) in the composition was studied. It was found that the initial ratio of components, annealing temperature and aging time have a direct impact on the qualitative and quantitative formation of the conductive phase. The chemical, phase composition and morphology of the obtained samples were carefully studied. Optimal result (maximum conductive phase in Y-Ba-Cu-O system (Y123) size) at a temperature of 920°С with a retention time of 6 hours

    Effect graphite on magnesium diboride superconductivity synthesized by combustion method under argon pressure: Part II

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    There are many various techniques to synthesize the superconductors based on magnesium diboride. In this paper, we attempted to obtain a superconducting magnesium diboride in a way by using a High-Temperature Centrifuge and investigated how a centrifugal force can be effect on superconducting parameters of MgB2 during solid-state combustion. It was the first superconductor based on magnesium diboride synthesized under the influence of centrifugal force in the high temperature centrifuge during solid phase process. As a result of this research, we could determine that a centrifugal force do not impact considerably on the critical transition temperature of the MgB2 samples (stay at around 37,5 – 38 K). However, it was found that the value of a centrifugal force could effects on the critical current density (Jc) of the samples

    Career and guidance counsellors working in french language secondary schools in Ontario : an inventory of current tasks and perceived competence

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    In a North-American context, the practice of career and guidance counselling is plagued with many issues depending on jurisdiction. Usually those issues are related to the fact that career and guidance counsellors are obliged to engage in practices that are not always related to their profession. Considering the fact that career and guidance counsellors in Ontario are mainly teachers with little formal education and no clinical training, the current study's objective was to identify, describe, and conceptualize the tasks accomplished by N = 73 career and guidance counsellors working in French-language secondary schools in Ontario. Results suggest that career and guidance counsellors in Ontario spend a great deal of time on tasks unrelated to career and guidance counselling. Furthermore, a correlation between the amount of time allocated to, and the perceived level of competence in, completing some of the daily tasks accomplished by participants was identified. Finally, results suggest that career and guidance counsellors in Ontario often perceive themselves as being incompetent when it comes to some of the essential tasks associated with career and guidance counselling.Dans un contexte nord-américain, la pratique du conseiller d'orientation est confrontée à de nombreux problèmes selon la juridiction. Habituellement, ces problèmes sont liés au fait que les conseillers d'orientation sont obligés de s'engager dans des pratiques qui ne sont pas toujours liées à leur profession. Considérant que les conseillers d'orientation en Ontario sont principalement des enseignants sans aucune formation clinique, l'objectif de la présente recherche était d'identifier, de décrire et de conceptualiser les tâches accomplies par N = 73 conseillers d'orientation scolaire travaillant dans les écoles secondaires de langue française de l'Ontario. Les résultats suggèrent que les répondants consacrent une part importante de leur temps de travail à l'accomplissement de tâches étrangères à celles qui sont généralement associées à l'orientation professionnelle en milieu scolaire. De plus, une corrélation entre le temps alloué et le niveau de compétence perçu pour accomplir certaines des tâches quotidiennes accomplies par les participants a été établie. Finalement, les résultats suggèrent que les conseillers d'orientation en Ontario se perçoivent généralement comme incompétents en ce qui concerne l'accomplissement certaines des tâches essentielles associées au counselling d'orientation

    Effect graphite on magnesium diboride superconductivity synthesized by combustion method under argon pressure: Part I

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    Solid-state synthesis of a superconductor based on magnesium diboride doped by graphite microparticles (MgB2@C) at argon atmosphere has been described. The offered method allows the possibility to increase the critical current density of the studied samples at relatively low temperature in the inert environment. The superconducting characteristics of samples critical current density (Jc) and critical transition temperature (Tc) have been measured. The impact of the doping additives on superconducting characteristics of magnesium diboride has been analyzed. The results showed that the best optimal characteristics are for MgB2@3%C that reveals a good critical transition temperature 38,8 K and the higher critical current density 2,7 x 106 A / cm2 at 5 K

    Les enjeux de la coopération dans la recherche en psychologie en Afrique Subsaharienne francophone

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    La recherche en psychologie dans les pays d'Afrique Subsaharienne francophone fait face à de nombreuses difficultés relatives à la fois à l'élaboration des savoirs et à leur diffusion. Plusieurs éléments peuvent expliquer cette situation parmi lesquels figure en premier plan, la coopération. Dans ce contexte, nous montrerons que les chercheurs s'inscrivant dans le domaine de la psychologie et plus largement encore dans les sciences sociales, doivent considérer les enjeux d'une coopération à quatre échelles différentes : locale, nationale, continentale et internationale. Bien que ces niveaux se différencient par leurs modalités de coopération et par leur regard porté sur un même objet d'étude, ils tendent néanmoins à s'articuler de manière complémentaire dans leur finalité d'une science au service de la société