2 research outputs found

    Composition of the periphytic diatom community of the JaĂș river, Amazonas, Brazil

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    The periphytic diatom flora of the JaĂș River, a tributary of the Negro River, in Amazonia (2Âș 57' S; 61Âș49' W) was studied. Algae were collected manually during the high water periods of 1995, 1996 and 1997 and permanent slides prepared from this material were deposited in the FLOR Herbarium of the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Sixty specific and infra-specific taxa were identified, distributed among 16 genuses and 13 families. Eunotiaceae was the best represented family, with 43.3% of all taxa inventoried, followed by Pinnulariaceae with 21.6% and Surirellaceae with 11.6%. Accounting for 20 taxa. Eunotia and Pinnularia were the dominant genuses and showed the broadest morphological variation. Eunotia was the best. The relevant literature for each taxon was reveiwed and discussed.", 'enFoi realizado um estudo da flora perifĂ­tica de diatomĂĄceas (Bacillariophyceae) existente no Rio JaĂș, tributĂĄrio do Rio Negro, AmazĂŽnia (2Âș57'S e 61Âș49'W). As coletas foram realizadas manualmente nas cheias de 1995, 1996 e 1997, e as lĂąminas permanentes encontram-se depositadas no HerbĂĄrio FLOR, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Foram identificados 60 tĂĄxons especĂ­ficos e infra-especĂ­ficos, distribuidos em 16 gĂȘneros e 13 famĂ­lias. Eunotiaceae foi a famĂ­lia melhor representada, com 43,3% do total dos tĂĄxons inventariados, seguida de Pinnulariaceae com 21,6% e Surirellaceae com 11,6%. O gĂȘnero Eunotia destacou-se dentre os demais com 20 tĂĄxons. Eunotia e Pinnularia foram os gĂȘneros mais abundantes da flora diatomolĂłgica e os que apresentaram maior variação morfolĂłgica. Para cada tĂĄxon identificado foi feita uma revisĂŁo de literatura que incluem diversos aspectos ecolĂłgicos