35,597 research outputs found

    Crystallization, data collection and data processing of maltose-binding protein (MalE) from the phytopathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri

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    Maltose-binding protein is the periplasmic component of the ABC transporter responsible for the uptake of maltose/maltodextrins. The Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri maltose-binding protein MalE has been crystallized at 293 Kusing the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion method. The crystal belonged to the primitive hexagonal space group P6_122, with unit-cell parameters a = 123.59, b = 123.59, c = 304.20 Å, and contained two molecules in the asymetric unit. It diffracted to 2.24 Å resolution

    Cosmological scenarios from multiquintessence

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    In this work we derive and analyse cosmological scenarios coming from multi-component scalar field models. We consider a direct sum of a sine-Gordon with a Z2 model, and also a combination of those with a BNRT model. Moreover, we work with a modified version of the BNRT model, which breaks the Z2 x Z2 symmetry of the original BNRT potential, coupled with the sine-Gordon and with the standard Z2 models. We show that our approach can be straightforwardly elevated to NN fields. All the computations are made analytically and some parameters restriction is put forward in order to get in touch with complete and realistic cosmological scenarios

    Localization properties of a tight-binding electronic model on the Apollonian network

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    An investigation on the properties of electronic states of a tight-binding Hamiltonian on the Apollonian network is presented. This structure, which is defined based on the Apollonian packing problem, has been explored both as a complex network, and as a substrate, on the top of which physical models can defined. The Schrodinger equation of the model, which includes only nearest neighbor interactions, is written in a matrix formulation. In the uniform case, the resulting Hamiltonian is proportional to the adjacency matrix of the Apollonian network. The characterization of the electronic eigenstates is based on the properties of the spectrum, which is characterized by a very large degeneracy. The 2π/32\pi /3 rotation symmetry of the network and large number of equivalent sites are reflected in all eigenstates, which are classified according to their parity. Extended and localized states are identified by evaluating the participation rate. Results for other two non-uniform models on the Apollonian network are also presented. In one case, interaction is considered to be dependent of the node degree, while in the other one, random on-site energies are considered.Comment: 7pages, 7 figure