11 research outputs found

    Erratum To: Quality Of Sweat Test (st) Based On The Proportion Of Sweat Sodium (na) And Sweat Chloride (cl) As Diagnostic Parameter Of Cystic Fibrosis: Are We On The Right Way?

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    During production of the original article [1] the Methods section included an incorrect sentence. The following sentence "For the analysis of variables with numerical distribution, Fisher's exact test and one-way analysis of variance were used" should be corrected as "For the analysis of variables with numerical distribution, Student's t-test and one-way analysis of variance were used". © The Author(s).12

    Conidiobolomicose em ovinos: reavaliação de três casos previamente diagnosticados como tumor etimoidal enzoótico

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    Conidiobolomycosis is an infection caused by fungi of the genus Conidiobolus spp. that is associated with a granulomatous rhinitis in humans and animals. In sheep, the disease is clinically characterized by respiratory changes, exophthalmia, craniofacial asymmetry, and fever. Microscopically, there are multifocal granulomas containing intralesional hyphae. For a long time, this disease was diagnosed as Enzootic Ethmoid Tumor. This report described three cases of conidiobolomycosis that had been previously diagnosed as Enzootic Ethmoid Tumor. Samples of nasal cavity, lung, parotid gland, and lymph node from three sheep submitted to histopathological examination in 1979 were retrieved in 2010 for a new histological, histochemical, and immunohistochemical evaluations. Paraffin-embedded tissue sections were stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin, Grocott's Metanamine Silver, and Periodic Acid Schiff. Immunohistochemistry was performed on paraffin embedded tissues using anti-cytokeratin primary antibody. Based on histopathology, histochemistry, and immunohistochemistry, the diagnosis of conidiobolomycosis was confirmed in three sheep, which had been previously diagnosed as Enzootic Ethmoid Tumor in 1979

    13C NMR Parameters of Disordered Carbons: Atomistic Simulations, DFT Calculations, and Experimental Results

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    The 13C NMR chemical shifts corresponding to different sites in atomistic models of disordered carbons were computed at different H contents by employing DFT calculations. Structural models were generated by molecular dynamics simulations and validated by the pair distribution functions; further bonding analyses were carried out to determine the amount of sp3 and sp2 carbons in the structures. Specifically, the obtained results allow the distinction of the chemical shifts associated with different types of carbon sites, with different hybridization states and bonded or not to a hydrogen atom. The calculated NMR spectra show excellent agreement with experimental data and are thus useful to identify local structural features of disordered carbons

    Qualidade do fruto verde de coqueiro em função da irrigação com água salina Quality of green coconut fruits in relation to salinity of irrigation water

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    Foram estudados, neste trabalho, os efeitos de quatro níveis de salinidade da água de irrigação (0,1, 5,0, 10,0 e 15,0 dS m-1) obtidos mediante adição de NaCl, na qualidade de frutos de coco (Cocos nucifera L.) cultivar Anão Verde do Jiqui, com 3,5 anos de idade e na salinização do solo. O ensaio foi conduzido em blocos inteiramente ao acaso, em solo de textura arenosa não salino, utilizando-se de sistema de irrigação por microaspersão, no município de Parnamirim, RN, durante o período de janeiro/2000 a março/2001. A qualidade do fruto foi avaliada com base no peso médio, volume de água, ºbrix, e composição iônica da água. A salinidade da água de irrigação reduziu o peso médio e o volume de água dos frutos, elevando o teor de açucares (ºbrix) a concentração iônica expressa pela condutividade elétrica (CE) da água do fruto. Os íons em maior concentração na água de coco foram o cloreto e o potássio. A CE do extrato de saturação do solo, 11 meses após iniciada a irrigação, aumentou até à profundidade de 0,80 m, em função da concentração salina da água de irrigação, atingindo valores superiores a 4 dS m-1 principalmente nos últimos dois níveis de CE (10 e 15 dS m-1).<br>The effects of 4 levels of water salinity (0.1, 5.0, 10.0 and 15.0 dS m-1) obtained by addition of NaCl were studied on quality of 3.5 years old dwarf green coconut (Cocos nucífera L.). The experiment was carried out in a completly randomized block design in an initially non-saline sandy soil, using a micro sprinkler irrigation system in the municipality of Parnamirim-RN, Brazil, during the period of January 2000 to March 2001. The quality of fruit was evaluated by means of fruit weight, volume of water, ºbrix, and ionic composition of coconut water. The salinity of irrigation water reduced the mean weight and volume of fruit water but increased the ionic concentration expressed as electrical conductivity (EC) of coconut water and sugar content (ºbrix). The chloride and potassium ions were found to be present in higher proportions. After 11 months of irrigation with saline waters, the EC of saturation extract of soil, up to 0.80 m depth, increased in accordance with the salinity of irrigation water reaching values higher than 4 dS m-1 in treatments with EC of 10 and 15 dS m-1