9 research outputs found

    Application of GA3 and harvest season interfere in pineapple yield and fruit quality

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effect of GA3 (gibberellic acid) application on growing pineapple ‘Pérola’ fruits, and also the harvest season on yield, and fruit quality. The experimental design used was randomized blocks in 5×2 factorial design, being the first factor the application of GA3, and the second the harvest season, totaling in 10 treatments with four replicates, in split-plot plots. The treatments tested were: 1) GA3 application after the appearance of the first flower open on the inflorescence; 2) application of GA3 after the closing of the flowers in the inflorescence; 3) application of GA3 45 days before the first harvest; 4) two applications of GA3: one after the closing of flowers and another 45 days before the first fruits harvest; and 5) without application of GA3. Two harvest seasons were evaluated: 150 and 180 days after the floral induction. The phytoregulator Pro-Gibb® in a concentration of 200 mg L-1 of GA3 was adopted. The variables assessments were: fruit length with crown and without, crown length and mass, crownless fruit mass, average fruit mass and yield, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, and pH of the juice. The harvest of pineapple fruits held 180 days after floral induction, combined with an application of GA3 45 days before the harvest, provided greater yield while maintaining and improving the quality of pineapple ‘Pérola’ fruits. The use of GA3 did not influence the pineapple yield when the harvest is performed early, i.e. 150 days after flower induction

    Covered nitrogen levels on the evaluation of maize genotypes in late seeding

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate 12-maize genotypes and the effect of four covered N levels (20; 80; 140; 200 kg ha-1), in the late seeding conditions (01/15/2014 and 02/25/2014) at Gurupi-TO. The experiments were conducted in the randomized blocks design with three repetitions and 12 treatmanets. The statistical analyze was done in each seeding, and the N effect was studied by the regression (orthogonal polynomial). It was shown significant difference among the genotypes in the greater number of evaluated traits and the grain yield of variety V8 and double-cross HD12 was classified in the superior statistical group in the two seeding dates (in average of four levels of nitrogen). These genotypes had shown the highest values of productive efficiency (0.58 to 0.75), and they were the superior genotypes that can be used for decrease the interval between the productive potential and the grain yield. The traits less responsives for the covered N were: foliar chlorophyll content between the V6-V8 stages, grain weight and harvest index.    The aim of this work was to evaluate 12-maize genotypes and the effect of four covered N levels (20, 80, 140 and 200 kg ha-1), in the late seeding conditions (01/15/2014 and 02/25/2014) at Gurupi, Tocantis State, Brazil. The experiments were conducted in the randomized blocks design with three repetitions and 12 treatments. The followed traits were evaluated: foliar chlorophyll content between the V6-V8 and VT-R1 stages, dry weight of plant, grain number per spike, grain weight, grain yield, harvest index and productivity efficiency. The statistical analyze was done in each seeding, and the N effect was studied by the regression (orthogonal polynomial). It was shown significant difference among the genotypes in the greater number of evaluated traits and the grain yield of variety VAR8 and double-cross HD12 was classified in the superior statistical group in the two seeding dates (in average of four levels of nitrogen). These genotypes had shown the highest values of productive efficiency (0.58 to 0.75), and they were the superior genotypes that can be used for decrease the interval between the productive potential and the grain yield. The traits less responsives for the covered N were: foliar chlorophyll content between the V6-V8 stages, grain weight and harvest index

    Avaliação de híbridos de videira destinados à elaboração de vinhos brancos em Caldas, Minas Gerais Agronomic characterisation of grapevine hybrids destined to white wine vinification grown in Caldas, Minas Gerais

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    A avaliação do comportamento de novas cultivares de videiras destinadas à elaboração de vinhos é importante no sentido de se melhorar a qualidade dos vinhos produzidos no sul de Minas Gerais. Neste sentido, avaliaram-se alguns híbridos de videiras tradicionais e de novas obtenções, nas condições de cultivo de Caldas, Minas Gerais. Foram avaliadas oito cultivares, enxertadas sobre o porta-enxerto RR 101-14, conduzidas em espaldeira. As avaliações foram efetuadas no período de 1999 a 2002 e constituíram-se de anotações dos estádios fenológicos de brotação, floração e maturação, da produção e qualidade dos frutos, além da incidência de antracnose e míldio. O ciclo entre brotação e colheita oscilou entre 147 e 169 dias, destacando 'Seyve Villard 5276' como o ciclo de menor duração e 'Seibel 10173' como o ciclo mais longo. As colheitas mais precoces foram 'G 159 OC 32258', 'G 159 OC 32458' e 'Seyve Villard 5276', enquanto as mais tardias foram as variedades 'Moscato Embrapa' e 'Baco blanc'. As maiores produções foram registradas para 'Couderc 13' (10,31 kg.pl-1), 'Baco blanc' (9,02 kg.pl-1), 'Moscato Embrapa' (7,66 kg.pl-1) e 'Villenave' (5,66 kg.pl-1) e as menores para 'G 159 OC 32258' (2,97 kg.pl-1) e 'Seibel 10173' (3,20 kg.pl-1). Os índices médios de sólidos solúveis totais oscilaram entre 14,63 e 19,23 ºBrix, respectivamente, para as cultivares 'Couderc 13' e 'G 159 OC 32258', e os valores de acidez total variaram de 91,7 meq.L-1 a 153,2 meq.L-1, respectivamente, para as cultivares 'Baco blanc' e 'Seibel 10173'.Environmental conditions and growing practices determine the vine's quality. The knowledge of new grapevine's cultivars responses to these factors within the growing season contributes to improve the quality of the wines produced in a specific region. Thus, traditional grapevines hybrids and new attainments were evaluated in Caldas, Minas Gerais conditions. The study was carried out from 1999 to 2002 using eight grafted on RR 101-14 rootstock cultivars grown at Epamig Experimental Farm vineyard in Caldas, MG, also cultivated in vertical system. The agronomic variables studied were: sprouting, blooming and ripening phenologic phases, total yield per vine, titratable acidity and total soluble solids in berries, and the incidence of bird's eye rot and downy mildew. The cycle from budding to harvest ranged from 147 days ('Seyve Villard 5276') to 169 days ('Seibel 10173'). Clusters of hybrids 'G 159 OC 32258', 'G159 OC 32458' and 'Seyve Villard 5276' were earlier harvested while 'Moscato Embrapa' and 'Baco blanc' delayed the ripening and had later harvest. Total yield per vine were higher than 10.4 kg.pl-1 for 'Couderc 13' followed by the 'Baco blanc' (9.27 kg.pl-1), 'Moscato Embrapa' (7.94 kg.pl-1) and 'G 159 OC 32458' (7.04 kg.pl-1) and were significantly lower for 'Seibel 10173' and 'G 159 0C 32258' (3.56 kg.pl-1). Soluble solids ranged from 14.63 ºBrix for 'Couderc 13' to 19.23 ºBrix for the 'G 159 OC 32258' hybrid, and the values of titrable acidity in the ripe berries ranged from 91.7 meq.L-1 ('Baco blanc') to 153.2 meq.L-1 ('Seibel 10173')

    Cinética de crescimento de levedura em mosto de cagaita para produção de bebida fermentada

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    The objective this work was the initial study of growth kinetics of yeast to serve as a basis for future studies to determine the potential of the wort cagaita as a source of substrate in the fermentation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae aimed at producing of fermented drink. Fruits were collected in the southern state of Tocantins and after clarification was conducted inoculation with initial concentration of 1.8 x 103 cells per ml. The analyzed parameters were pH, soluble solids, and optical density at 550nm and cell growth rate. As a result we observe that the initial TSS presented value well above that found in other fruits like cajá, watermelon and cashew, the values of initial pH of the wort is below the majority of the literature data and below the considered ideal for the growth of yeasts and although the growth rate was lower than most of the data available in the literature is possibly arising from nutritional factors or relative to the strain used.Objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar o estudo inicial da cinética de crescimento de levedura para servir como base para futuros estudos visando determinar a potencialidade do mosto de cagaita como fonte de substrato na fermentação alcoólica de S. cerevisiae visando a produção de bebida fermentada. Os frutos foram coletados na região sul do estado de Tocantins e após clarificação foi realizado a inoculação com concentração inicial de 1,8 x 103 Células por ml. Os parâmetros analisados foram, pH, teor de sólidos solúveis e densidade ótica a 550nm e taxa de crescimento celular. Como resultados observamos que o TSS inicial apresenta valor bem acima do encontrado em outras frutas como cajá, melancia e caju, os valores de pH inicial do mosto encontra-se abaixo da maioria dos dados da literatura e abaixo do considerado ideal para o crescimento de leveduras e ainda que a velocidade de crescimento abaixo da maioria dos dados disponíveis na literatura são possivelmente decorrentes de fatores nutricionais ou em relação à cepa utilizada

    Agronomic characteristics of soybean cultivated in the central region of Tocantins at different sowing times

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    The soybean, the main crop in the state of Tocantins, responds differentially to environment for the agronomic characteristics, so that regionalized trials seasons planting should be performed. In this sense, considering the importance of season planting and the scarcity of studies for the soybean crop in the State of Tocantins, eight competition trials were performed, being four in the 2014/15 harvest and four in the 2015/16 harvest in Porto Nacional and Santa Rosa - TO. The experimental design used in each trial was a randomized block with three replications and seven treatments (cultivars). The characteristics evaluated were: days until flowering and maturation, plant height, height of 1st pod, number of seeds per pod, number of pods / plant, weight of thousand kernels (g) and grain yield (kg ha-1). In Porto Nacional, there was the highest yield in both seasons. The later sowing resulted in a drop in yield potential of cultivars. The cultivar 8579RSF IPRO showed better performance in both places and times

    Productivity of the corn cultivated under low latitude in the intercrop inoculated with Azospirillum brasilense with diferent doses of nitrogen

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    Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) can be viable through the use of bacteria of the genus Azospirillum, a micro-organism potential plant growth promoter. In this sense, the present work was carried out with the objective to study the effect of Azospirillum brasilense diazotrófica bacteria use, inoculated via seeds, in association or not with doses of nitrogen, productivity of corn for industrial purposes. The essays were conduced on two sowing times (10/07 and 8/1/2015), in the inter-crop season, in Palmas-TO, The experimental design in both sowing dates was randomized blocks with 30 treatments and three replications. The treatments were arranged in a factorial scheme 2x3x5, represented by two seed inoculation processes (with and without seed inoculation ) Three genotypes (Orion and Al Bandeirante, open-pollinated varieties, and the double hybrid (AG-1051) and five N levels of nitrogen (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg ha-1) held in coverage. The characteristic studyed was the productivity of grain. Inoculation with Azospirillum brasilense was beneficial under adverse conditions. AG 1051 was potentially superior when inoculated under stress conditions

    Qualidade do fruto de abacaxi comercializado pela Cooperfruto: Miranorte-TO

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    Os produtores do estado do Tocantins estão tendo de manter ou melhorar o padrão de qualidade dos seus frutos, para garantirem uma boa comercialização. o trabalho objetivou avaliar a qualidade dos frutos de abacaxi comercializados na cooperativa Cooperfruto em Miranorte-TO, e verificar se estes se encontram dentro dos padrões mínimos exigidos para comercialização visando ao consumo in natura. a coleta de dados foi realizada no período de novembro de 2006 a maio de 2007, onde foram analisados mensalmente frutos de abacaxi 'Pérola' que eram comercializados pela cooperativa. em cada mês, foram feitas análises físico-químicas de frutos provenientes das cidades produtoras que fazem parte da cooperativa. os parâmetros avaliados foram: a massa do fruto com e sem coroa, peso da coroa, comprimento do fruto com e sem coroa, diâmetro do fruto, ph do suco, rendimento do suco, acidez total titulável (ATT), sólidos solúveis totais (SST) e relação SST/ATT. Para esta avaliação, os frutos foram pesados e medidos para a determinação da classe, comprimento e diâmetro. os frutos foram descascados, picados e triturados para fazer a análise físico-química. o peso do fruto com coroa oscilou entre 1.335 a 1.772 g, o peso da coroa entre 108 a 214 g. Já para o comprimento do fruto com coroa (CFCC) e comprimento do fruto sem coroa (CFSC), os valores foram de 35,4 a 43,2; 15,8 a 20,3, respectivamente. Para o diâmetro, foram encontrados valores médios variando de 9,8 a 10,5 cm, que estão abaixo dos encontrados na literatura. o teor de sólidos solúveis totais apresentou-se na faixa de 12,4 - 15,7 º Brix. o ph oscilou entre 4,07 e 4,38. os valores de rendimento de suco (RS) obtidos estavam entre 0,57 e 0,72 g ml-1. a acidez total titulável (ATT) apresentou teores de 0,35 a 0,65 % de ácido cítrico, a relação SST/ATT encontrou-se entre 20,3 - 40,4. Diante dos resultados, pôde-se observar que os frutos comercializados pela cooperativa cooperfruto são de boa qualidade e encontram-se dentro dos padrões mínimos exigidos para comercialização e consumo in natura