2 research outputs found


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    O presente trabalho é resultado de uma pesquisa que tem por objetivo compreender as concepções de ludicidade de uma professora de Ciências que atua na EJA/Campo e a importância atribuída a essa ferramenta pedagógica no ensino de Ciências, em uma escola do campo de Feira de Santana/BA. O estudo foi balizado pelos princípios da abordagem qualitativa e do tipo estudo de caso, e para a coleta das informações foram utilizadas a entrevista semiestruturada, observação e análise documental. A pesquisa indica que a ludicidade inserida no contexto escolar e cotidiano do aluno precisa superar o caráter da brincadeira, constituindo-se como ferramenta fundamental para a promoção de propostas pedagógicas que despertem prazer, contribuindo para aprendizagem dos estudantes da EJA/Campo

    A ludicidade na EJA/Campo no contexto de uma escola da Comunidade Matinha dos Pretos, Feira de Santana - BA

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    ABSTRACT. The present work is the result of a research that aims to understand the concepts of playfulness of a science teacher who works at Youth and Adult Education/Countryside and the importance attributed to this pedagogical tool in science teaching, in a school in the field of the community of Quilombola, municipality of Feira de Santana-BA. The study was guided by the principles of the qualitative approach and the case study type, and semi-structured interviews, observation and document analysis were used to collect the information. The research indicates that the playfulness inserted in the student's school and daily context needs to overcome the character of play, constituting itself as a fundamental tool for the promotion of pedagogical proposals that arouse pleasure, contributing to the student's learning in a significant way, especially in this modality of education, composed of social actors who were excluded from formal education. In view of the analysis of the results, we found a certain contradiction between the speeches circulating in the school environment, what was observed in the classroom and what appears in the school's Political Pedagogical Project, revealing a gap between what is thought about playfulness and what is done in practice. However, it is essential to recognize that educators cannot be held responsible, when it is impossible to mediate playful practices, since they did not have access to initial or continuing training consistent with such practices.ABSTRACT. The present work is the result of a research that aims to understand the concepts of playfulness of a science teacher who works at Youth and Adult Education/Countryside and the importance attributed to this pedagogical tool in science teaching, in a school in the field of the community of Quilombola, municipality of Feira de Santana-BA. The study was guided by the principles of the qualitative approach and the case study type, and semi-structured interviews, observation and document analysis were used to collect the information. The research indicates that the playfulness inserted in the student's school and daily context needs to overcome the character of play, constituting itself as a fundamental tool for the promotion of pedagogical proposals that arouse pleasure, contributing to the student's learning in a significant way, especially in this modality of education, composed of social actors who were excluded from formal education. In view of the analysis of the results, we found a certain contradiction between the speeches circulating in the school environment, what was observed in the classroom and what appears in the school's Political Pedagogical Project, revealing a gap between what is thought about playfulness and what is done in practice. However, it is essential to recognize that educators cannot be held responsible, when it is impossible to mediate playful practices, since they did not have access to initial or continuing training consistent with such practices.RESUMEN. El presente trabajo es el resultado de una investigación que tiene como objetivo comprender los conceptos de diversión de un profesor de ciencias que trabaja en Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos/Campo y la importancia atribuida a esta herramienta pedagógica en la enseñanza de las ciencias, en una escuela en el campo de la comunidad Quilombola, municipio de Feira de Santana-BA. El estudio se guió por los principios del enfoque cualitativo y el tipo de estudio de caso, y se utilizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas, observación y análisis de documentos para recopilar la información. La investigación indica que el juego insertado en la escuela y el contexto diario del alumno debe superar el carácter del juego, constituyéndose como una herramienta fundamental para la promoción de propuestas pedagógicas que despiertan placer, contribuyendo al aprendizaje del alumno de manera significativa, principalmente en esta modalidad de educación, compuesta por actores sociales que fueron excluidos de la educación formal. En vista del análisis de los resultados, encontramos una cierta contradicción entre los discursos que circulan en el entorno escolar, lo que se observó en el aula y lo que aparece en el Proyecto Político Pedagógico de la escuela, revelando una brecha entre lo que se piensa sobre el juego y lo que se hace en la práctica. Sin embargo, es fundamental reconocer que no se puede responsabilizar a los educadores, cuando es imposible mediar prácticas lúdicas, ya que no tuvieron acceso a una formación inicial o continua acorde con dichas prácticas.ABSTRACT. The present work is the result of a research that aims to understand the concepts of playfulness of a science teacher who works at Youth and Adult Education/Countryside and the importance attributed to this pedagogical tool in science teaching, in a school in the field of the community of Quilombola, municipality of Feira de Santana-BA. The study was guided by the principles of the qualitative approach and the case study type, and semi-structured interviews, observation and document analysis were used to collect the information. The research indicates that the playfulness inserted in the student's school and daily context needs to overcome the character of play, constituting itself as a fundamental tool for the promotion of pedagogical proposals that arouse pleasure, contributing to the student's learning in a significant way, especially in this modality of education, composed of social actors who were excluded from formal education. In view of the analysis of the results, we found a certain contradiction between the speeches circulating in the school environment, what was observed in the classroom and what appears in the school's Political Pedagogical Project, revealing a gap between what is thought about playfulness and what is done in practice. However, it is essential to recognize that educators cannot be held responsible, when it is impossible to mediate playful practices, since they did not have access to initial or continuing training consistent with such practices.O presente trabalho é resultado de uma pesquisa que tem por objetivo compreender as concepções de ludicidade de uma professora de Ciências que atua na EJA/Campo e a importância atribuída a essa ferramenta pedagógica no ensino de Ciências, em uma escola quilombola do campo localizada no município de Feira de Santana/BA. O estudo foi balizado pelos princípios da abordagem qualitativa, do tipo estudo de caso, e para a coleta das informações foram utilizadas a entrevista semiestruturada, observação e análise documental. A pesquisa indica que a ludicidade inserida no contexto escolar e cotidiano do aluno precisa superar o caráter da brincadeira, constituindo-se como ferramenta fundamental para a promoção de propostas pedagógicas que despertem prazer, contribuindo para a aprendizagem do aluno de forma significativa, principalmente nesta modalidade de ensino, composta por atores sociais que foram excluídos da educação formal. Diante da análise dos resultados, constatamos certa contradição entre os discursos que circulam no ambiente escolar, o que foi observado em sala e o que consta no Projeto Político Pedagógico da escola, revelando um distanciamento entre o que se pensa sobre ludicidade e o que se faz na prática. Todavia, é fundamental reconhecer que os educadores não podem ser responsabilizados, quando da impossibilidade da mediação de práticas lúdicas, uma vez que não tiveram acesso à formação inicial e continuada condizente com tais práticas. Palavras-chave: ludicidade, ciências da natureza, educação de jovens e adultos, educação do campo.   Playfulness in Youth and Adult Education/Countryside in the context of a school from Matinha dos Pretos Community, Feira de Santana - BA ABSTRACT. The present work is the result of a research that aims to understand the concepts of playfulness of a science teacher who works at Youth and Adult Education/Countryside and the importance attributed to this pedagogical tool in science teaching, in a school in the field of the community of Quilombola, municipality of Feira de Santana-BA. The study was guided by the principles of the qualitative approach and the case study type, and semi-structured interviews, observation and document analysis were used to collect the information. The research indicates that the playfulness inserted in the student's school and daily context needs to overcome the character of play, constituting itself as a fundamental tool for the promotion of pedagogical proposals that arouse pleasure, contributing to the student's learning in a significant way, especially in this modality of education, composed of social actors who were excluded from formal education. In view of the analysis of the results, we found a certain contradiction between the speeches circulating in the school environment, what was observed in the classroom and what appears in the school's Political Pedagogical Project, revealing a gap between what is thought about playfulness and what is done in practice. However, it is essential to recognize that educators cannot be held responsible, when it is impossible to mediate playful practices, since they did not have access to initial or continuing training consistent with such practices. Keywords: playfulness, natural sciences, youth and adult education, rural education.   Ludicidade en Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos/Campo en el contexto de una escuela de la Comunidad de Matinha dos Pretos, Feira de Santana - BA RESUMEN. El presente trabajo es el resultado de una investigación que tiene como objetivo comprender los conceptos de diversión de un profesor de ciencias que trabaja en Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos/Campo y la importancia atribuida a esta herramienta pedagógica en la enseñanza de las ciencias, en una escuela en el campo de la comunidad Quilombola, municipio de Feira de Santana-BA. El estudio se guió por los principios del enfoque cualitativo y el tipo de estudio de caso, y se utilizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas, observación y análisis de documentos para recopilar la información. La investigación indica que el juego insertado en la escuela y el contexto diario del alumno debe superar el carácter del juego, constituyéndose como una herramienta fundamental para la promoción de propuestas pedagógicas que despiertan placer, contribuyendo al aprendizaje del alumno de manera significativa, principalmente en esta modalidad de educación, compuesta por actores sociales que fueron excluidos de la educación formal. En vista del análisis de los resultados, encontramos una cierta contradicción entre los discursos que circulan en el entorno escolar, lo que se observó en el aula y lo que aparece en el Proyecto Político Pedagógico de la escuela, revelando una brecha entre lo que se piensa sobre el juego y lo que se hace en la práctica. Sin embargo, es fundamental reconocer que no se puede responsabilizar a los educadores, cuando es imposible mediar prácticas lúdicas, ya que no tuvieron acceso a una formación inicial o continua acorde con dichas prácticas. Palabras clave: lúdico, ciencias de la naturaliza, educación de jóvenes y adultos, educación rural