5,057 research outputs found

    Use of flight interception traps of Malaise type and attractive traps for social wasps record (Vespidae: Polistinae)

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    The literature provides different methodologies for sampling social wasps, including, flight intercept trap type Malaise and Attractive trap, however, there is no consensus on its use. In this respect, the aim of this study was to evaluate the best use of Malaise traps and Attractive trap in biodiversity work of social wasps, and generate a collection protocol for the use of these traps. The study was conducted in the Parque Estadual do Rio Doce, located in the east of the state of Minas Gerais, in the years 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2004 and in the Botanical Garden of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, located in the southeastern state of Minas Gerais, in years 2011, 2012 and 2013. 15 species were collected using Malaise traps, and, 26 species of social wasps were collected using Attractive traps. Although the negative aspects of both traps, complementary methodologies surveys varying social wasps are useful and it is recommended to choose for using in accordance with the logistical field

    Improvement of Catalytic Performance of Perovskites by Partial Substitution of Cations and Supporting on High Surface Area Materials

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    In this chapter, we present two relevant strategies to improve the activity and selectivity of perovskite-mixed oxides ABO3 in heterogeneous catalytic reactions such as the oxidation of hydrocarbons, soot combustion and CO selective oxidation, for which the surface sites and lattice oxygen species play important roles for the chemical transformations. Besides, we focus on synthesis of higher alcohols, partial oxidation of methane, oxidative reforming of diesel and dry reforming of methane for which the perovskite is a precursor that leads to a dispersed metal active phase over an oxide matrix. But which strategies are we talking about? First, the partial substitution of cations A and B by different elements, which change atomic distances, causes unit cell distortions, stabilizes multiple oxidation states or induces cationic or anionic vacancies within the lattice. And all these new features perturb the solid reactivity by changing the reaction mechanism on the catalyst surface. Thus, appropriate cations substitutions may lead to better catalysts. The second strategy comprises supporting the perovskite, which usually presents low surface area, on high surface area materials to maximize the exposed surface sites

    Estágio supervisionado no ensi¬no de química: reflexões sobre um percurso formativo de futuros professores

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    Neste trabalho é analisada uma experiência de estágio supervisionado, oferecido no curso de formação de professores de Química para o ensino médio. Os estudantes vivenciam situações reais de ensino, integrando conhecimentos pedagógicos, de Química e ciências afins, e a prática de sala de aula. Estabelece-se uma parceria entre a universidade e as escolas campo de estágio, que se reflete na interação entre o supervisor e o professor da escola. Os estudantes participam da rotina de uma classe, elaboram atividades de ensino para serem aplicadas, baseadas em pressupostos teórico-metodológicos. Os resultados têm revelado, de um lado, a satisfação dos professores parceiros com o trabalho realizado pelos estagiários, servindo, inclusive, para uma auto-formação, e, de outro, o envolvimento dos estagiários, que procuram romper com uma visão tradicional de ensino