292 research outputs found

    Historical evolution of the Abalario lagoon complexes (Doñana Natural Park, SW Spain)

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    This work aims to demostrate which factors have determined surface drainage and distribution of the present-day hygrophytic vegetation of Abalario, in Doñana Natural Park (Huelva). The area is difficult to interpret because its territorial framework is disfigured as a result of an intensive use of its natural resources having been superimposed in the normal territorial dynamics. The area occupied by lagoons has been reduced by more than 30 % in less than 40 years. This percentage is almost 90 % in the case of peat-bogs. Two large lagoons of which historical records exist have completely disappeared namely, Laguna de La Mediana (“the Median Lagoon”) and Laguna de Invierno (“the Winter Lagoon”). A subsidiary aim is to establish the usefulness of the methodology used, i.e. field work carried out in parallel with historical documentation using cartography and records of past land use. This combination of approaches provides a key to interpret actual surface hydrology and vegetation

    Evolution of annual rainfall irregularity in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula

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    The areas of the Iberian Peninsula with Mediterranean climate are characterised by rainfall irregularity. Standard statistical estimation methods provide a limited insight of all the dimensions of such irregularity. Based on different techniques to describe the inter-annual irregularity of rainfall, the authors develop a new method: the disparity indices. These indices are then applied to several historical rainfall series (dating from the end of the nineteenth century up to the present) from the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula. Similar rainfall irregularity patterns are found in all weather stations in the studied area, confirming their belonging to the same climatic region. The results indicate a relative stability during the first third of the twentieth century, coinciding with a period of low precipitation and a progressive increase during the last three decades. The use of a new index named specific disparity index has proven be useful in highlighting the irregularity within the rainfall series at each meteorological station. This new index could contribute to monitor future changes in precipitation within the general framework of research on climate change. Although Mediterranean ecosystems are adapted to important fluctuations in the rainfall regime, this increase in irregularity may affect rivers, wetlands and the hygrophytic vegetation.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia CGL2006-07194/BOS, CGL2009-1068

    Characterisation of the intra-annual rainfall and its evolution (1837-2010) in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula

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    Variability in precipitation affects annual total records and causes instability in rainfall distribution throughout the year. Our aim in this study was to develop a procedure, based on pluviometric centralisation and dispersion parameters, that is able to characterise rainfall distribution throughout a year of precipitation in a unique, condensed and precise manner. This enabled the evolution of intra-annual precipitation from 1837 to 2010 in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula to be determined. The obtained results showed irregular oscillations of the parameters during the selected period. Specifically, patterns of precipitation in recent decades revealed the following differentiating features: the displacement of the most intense rainy periods in autumn with a consequent decrease in precipitation in spring, and more erratic distribution throughout the year with an increase of the frequency of intra-annual dispersion peaks.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia CGL2009-10683Junta de Andalucía 158 201

    (In)satisfação turística insular: revisão sistemática da literatura

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    O presente trabalho corresponde a uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre a satisfação e insatisfação turísticas no âmbito insular. A (in)satisfação turística geral apresenta muitos estudos um pouco por todo o mundo e revelam que este tema da (in)satisfação turística, a nível insular ou continental, pode ser investigada a partir de várias áreas como são exemplos as caraterísticas gerais do destino (atrativos culturais e naturais, equipamentos e infraestruturas), a capacidade tecnológica do destino e as instituições ou agentes da oferta turística. Este trabalho pretende identificar research gaps nesta área que compreendem aspetos da (in)satisfação turística pouco estudados nos destinos insulares. A metodologia aplicada nesta investigação corresponde a uma análise qualitativa bibliométrica e de conteúdo de artigos identificados a partir das bases de dados Scopus e a Web of Science.publishe

    Post-Little Ice Age warming and desiccation of the continental wetlands of the aeolian sheet in the Huelva region (SW Spain)

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    During the last few decades, studies have been performed and evidence has been found concerning the importance of the climatic period known as the "Little Ice Age" (mid 15th century through late 19th century). However, most of the studies have been focused to more northern latitudes and, therefore, scarce studies have still been made on the Mediterranean latitudes. In this paper, an analysis is made of the effects of the post-Little Ice Age warming and on its consequences upon the continental aquatic ecosystems of the Doñana coastal area and its surroundings. The results of such analysis evidence that the end of this period -climatically more benign in our latitudes- implied the start of an irreversible regression and disappearance of a large part of the most typical wetlands in the SW of the Iberian Peninsula. The significant impact of the human exploitation of natural resources in the area has masked the effect of this recent climatic change. Furthermore, when compared with those from other latitudes, the results of this analysis evidence the global or supraregional features of the impact caused by the post-Little Ice Age warming. Additionally, these results are useful for indicating which will be the future changing trends in the wetlands under study as a result of global warming.En las últimas décadas se ha estudiado y puesto en evidencia la importancia del período climático conocido como Pequeña Edad del Hielo (mediados S. XV hasta finales del S. XIX). Sin embargo la mayoría de los estudios se han centrado en latitudes más septentrionales, por lo que todavía son escasas las investigaciones sobre latitudes mediterráneas. Este trabajo analiza los efectos del final de la Pequeña Edad del Hielo (post-Little Ice Age warming), y las consecuencias que tuvo sobre los ecosistemas acuáticos continentales del litoral de Doñana y su entorno. Los resultados de este trabajo desvelan que la finalización de este período -climáticamente más benigno en nuestras latitudes- supuso el inicio de la regresión y desaparición de forma irreversible de gran parte de los humedales más singulares del SW de la Península Ibérica. El gran impacto que tuvo la explotación de los recursos naturales de la zona por parte del hombre, ha ocultado el efecto de este cambio climático reciente. Asimismo los resultados de este análisis, al compararlos con otras latitudes, ponen en evidencia el carácter global o supraregional del impacto del final de la Pequeña Edad del Hielo. Además estos resultados sirven para indicar cuales serán las tendencias futuras de cambios, en estos humedales, como consecuencia del Calentamiento Global

    Evolución de la agresividad pluviométrica en las cuencas hidrográficas españolas (1940-2010)

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    Entre los posibles efectos ambientales de la precipitación destaca la erosión del suelo. Desde distintos campos se ha estudiado la erosión, generalmente referida a un área local, pero son poco frecuentes los estudios referidos a su variabilidad temporal. El presente estudio se basa en la precipitación mensual estimada por el modelo SIMPA (Mtº de Medio Ambiente) para cada cuenca hidrográfica española durante 1940-2010. Las cuencas se han agrupado por analogía climática en seis zonas geográficas. Para cada año se calcula la agresividad pluviométrica mediante el índice modificado de erosión potencial de Fournier, IFM. Así, se genera la serie interanual, con IFM como nueva variable. Los resultados obtenidos permiten caracterizar la agresividad pluviométrica en España, determinar su evolución a lo largo de los últimos decenios y contrastar el comportamiento en los distintos ámbitos espaciales.Soil erosion is remarkable environmental effect caused by precipitation. From different fields has been studied erosion, but are rare studies related to variation in time. This study is based on monthly precipitation estimated by the SIMPA (Mtº of Environment) for each Spanish basin during 1940- 2010. The basins have been grouped into six areas analogy geographical climate. For each year is calculated rainfall aggressiveness through the modified index of erosion potential Fournier, IFM. The results obtained allow us to show the aggressiveness rainfall in Spain, to determine their evolution over the past decades and contrast the behavior in different spatial areas

    Aquatic macrophytes in Doñana protected area (SW Spain) : an overview

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    A big portion of the Doñana protected areas corresponds to wetlands; in them aquatic macrophytes are the main primary producers and play also other important ecological functions. Nevertheless, they are inconspicuous organisms and their importance in these ecosystems does not seem to be well reflected in the bibliography about this natural area. This paper reviews the most significant information gathered about this group of organisms in this protected area, provides an updated catalogue of this group of plants, and offers some considerations related with this topic.Una gran parte de los espacios protegidos de Doñana corresponde a humedales, en ellos los macrófitos acuáticos son los principales productores primarios, realizando además otras importantes funciones ecológicas. Sin embargo, son organismos poco conspicuos y su importancia en estos ecosistemas no parece estar reflejada en las publicaciones existentes relativas a este espacio natural. Este artículo recopila la información más significativa sobre este grupo de organismos en este espacio protegido, proporciona el catálogo actualizado de este grupo de vegetales y ofrece algunas consideraciones relativas al tema

    O turismo literário criativo na esteira da Coimbra de Miguel Torga

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    Este trabalho estuda o turismo literário criativo, bem como as potencialidades deste tipo de turismo para os destinos turísticos, em geral, e para os turistas literários, em específico, e as formas como este turismo pode potencializar benefícios par os destinos turísticos e os turistas literários. Deste modo, a reflexão encontra-se dividida em duas partes: a primeira, de índole mais teórica, incide sobre considerações que delimitam o conceito de turismo literário criativo e sobre as suas particularidades; a segunda, de pendor mais prático, encontra-se ligada ao caso particular da cidade de Coimbra literária e de Miguel Torga. Coimbra possui bons recursos e produtos sustentáveis para uma procura mais ou menos especializada, com testemunhos materiais e imateriais da presença, ao longo dos tempos, de vários escritores. Nesse âmbito, propõe-se uma rota literária criativa em Coimbra, baseada no caso do escritor Miguel Torga, que viveu e morreu em Coimbra.publishe

    Intra-annual rainfall variability in the Spanish hydrographic basins

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    Understanding the intra-annual distribution of rainfall is an important element for climatic classification and serves as a basis for natural resources management. The present study analyses multi-annual irregularities of the rainfall distribution throughout the year in the period 1941–2010, in the hydrographic basins of the Iberian Peninsula. In order to analyse its variation, the rainfall centralisation and dispersion parameters throughout the annual cycle were previously defined and calculated for each year. Inter-annual series of both parameters were generated, which allowed detecting their temporal behaviour in each of the basins and relating differentiated geographic areas. Independent of the total annual rainfall, greater temporal simultaneity is observed in the fluctuations of the intra-annual parameter ‘centralisation’ in the Atlantic basins and wider inter-annual oscillations in the Mediterranean basins. Around the year 1970, there was a displacement in the predominance of autumn rains, although the process is inverted in the last decades. Also from the decade of 1970 there is a general increase in the inter-annual variability of the ‘dispersion’ parameter, especially in the basins that drain towards the Atlantic Ocean. The ‘dispersion’ parameter allows detecting latitudinal (Cantabrian vs. Guadalquivir) and longitudinal (Atlantic vs. Mediterranean) patterns of intra-annual rainfall distribution irregularity in the Iberian Peninsula. The results obtained are also associated to atmospheric general circulation patterns of the North Atlantic Oscillation and the Western Mediterranean Oscillation. The monthly winter values of the North Atlantic Oscillation present a marked influence on dispersion, especially in the basins that discharge into the Atlantic Ocean, which show a double gradient: decreasing longitudinally from the Atlantic coast to the Mediterranean coast and latitudinally from north to south

    Consideraciones sobre la génesis de una turbera meridional : la Laguna de las Madres y otras lagunas cercanas (Huelva, SW España)

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    En la provincia de Huelva (SO España) se encuentra una de las más importantes turberas del sur de la Península Ibérica: La Laguna de las Madres, hábitat extremadamente escaso en estas regiones meridionales. En este trabajo se muestran los resultados preliminares de un importante estudio sobre la Laguna de las Madres, actualmente en desarrollo. A partir de datos procedentes de la reconstrucción de las cuencas, del análisis de la cartografía y documentación histórica, se aportan ideas sobre la evolución y génesis de este humedal que sirve de refugio a organismos de gran singularidad con áreas de distribución reducidas o muy fragmentadas.In the Huelva province (SW Spain) lays one of the most important peat-bogs of the southern part of the Iberian penninsula: the Laguna de las Madres, an habitat extremely rare in this meridional regions. This work shows the preliminary results of a still ongoing important study on Laguna de las Madres. rom data about the basins' reconstruction, cartography analysis and historic documents, ideas are provided about the evolution and genesis of this wetland that acts as a refuge for hughly singular organisms, with very reduced or fragmented distribution areas