141 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study is to analyse the internationalization strategies of Portuguese wine companies, considering their context factors, reflection style and performance. It intends to develop a review of the literature in the scope of the theories and strategies of internationalisation, complemented by systematic research within the sector, as part of business strategies. It proposes applying the methodological reference Integrated Grid for Strategic Reflection - GIRE(i), adapted to a context of international business, which structures research into two levels: a preliminary one, generic characterisation of the companies; along with a central one analysing its strategic strand. The empirical study, based on primary data (survey to the sector entrepreneurs) and on secondary documentary data, by applying multivariate statistical techniques, allowed the identification of strategic thinking styles based on the growth of a rather diverse external presence. Drawn on the qualitative (contextual and transactional) analysis it suggests guidelines for strategic action


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    A inovação e a adaptabilidade estratégico-estrutural ao crescente dinamismo dos contextos empresariais, predominante na maioria das indústrias mundiais, em acelerado processo de fragmentação, tem levado as empresas ao imperativo da reinvenção. E, nesse tipo de cenário, as organizações passaram não só a competir entre si (e pelos recursos), mas, também, a desafiarem o tempo. Nesse sentido, a cooperação entre empresas, tanto quanto possível, aponta como um caminho por meio do qual as defasagens e ambições estratégicas são postas à prova, e com relativa possibilidade de sucesso, de modo a reduzir a incerteza e o risco desse novo influxo competitivo global. O estudo que consubstancia este livro, que se intitula "Estratégia Empresarial: setor vitivinícola brasileiro, globalização e empresas do Vale do São Francisco", tem os objetivos de examinar a competitividade empresarial brasileira e local (em comparação à indústria vitivinícola mundial), por intermédio, principalmente, da análise das adaptações que estão sendo implementadas pelas empresas vitivinícolas do Polo emergente de vitivinicultura do Vale do São Francisco, propor linhas adicionais de ação estratégica e perspectivar as suas possibilidades de sucesso no novo contexto competitivo globalizado. A fenomenologia encontrada durante a investigação sugere uma indústria mundial em estado de maturidade, com excesso de capacidade crônica e em processo de recentragem estratégica, com a formação de oligopólios concentrado/diversificado e crescimento das exportações. Além disso, apresenta uma procura declinante, alteração dos hábitos de consumo, queda dos preços e da sua taxa mínima de competitividade (atratividade estrutural). No Brasil, embora predominantemente madura, a indústria está apenas no início da sua reconfiguração, com vista à obtenção de ganhos da competitividade requerida pelo contexto industrial no mundo, e sob dificuldades ao livre comércio. Contudo, há avanços significativos. Quanto ao novo Polo Vitivinícola do Vale do São Francisco – a nova latitude da indústria vitivinícola mundial – que, a despeito do fato de ainda encontrar-se em processo de emergência, já exige igualmente a reinvenção, tanto pela busca de respostas ao “problema da administração”, quanto pela necessidade de fugir à vala comum da concorrência marginal. Durante o processo de investigação, acerca do desenvolvimento das empresas vitivinícolas do Vale do São Francisco, foi possível perceber com clareza a ocorrência de fenômenos de gestão que remetem à certeza da necessidade de refocalização estratégica, bem como dos respectivos rearranjos requeridos ao equilíbrio dinâmico organizacional. Em razão do método empregado (estudo de caso comparativo, de natureza exploratória e, essencialmente qualitativo) não se pode pretender uma generalização extensiva dos seus resultados para além da população estudada. Os resultados devem ser entendidos, de forma ponderada, no seu contexto específico, e para os casos em concreto, pois, cada organização tem características únicas que influenciam o funcionamento da gestão

    Role of malnutrition and parasite infections in the spatial variation in children’s anaemia risk in Northern Angola

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    Anaemia has a significant impact on child development and mortality and is a severe public health problem in most countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Nutritional and infectious causes of anaemia are geographically variable and anaemia maps based on information on the major aetiologies of anaemia are important for identifying communities most in need and the relative contribution of major causes. We investigated the consistency between ecological and individual-level approaches to anaemia mapping, by building spatial anaemia models for children aged ≤15 years using different modeling approaches. We aimed to a) quantify the role of malnutrition, malaria, Schistosoma haematobium and soil-transmitted helminths (STH) for anaemia endemicity in children aged ≤15 years and b) develop a high resolution predictive risk map of anaemia for the municipality of Dande in Northern Angola. We used parasitological survey data on children aged ≤15 years to build Bayesian geostatistical models of malaria (PfPR≤15), S. haematobium, Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura and predict small-scale spatial variation in these infections. The predictions and their associated uncertainty were used as inputs for a model of anemia prevalence to predict small-scale spatial variation of anaemia. Stunting, PfPR≤15, and S. haematobium infections were significantly associated with anaemia risk. An estimated 12.5%, 15.6%, and 9.8%, of anaemia cases could be averted by treating malnutrition, malaria, S. haematobium, respectively. Spatial clusters of high risk of anaemia (>86%) were identified. Using an individual-level approach to anaemia mapping at a small spatial scale, we found that anaemia in children aged ≤15 years is highly heterogeneous and that malnutrition and parasitic infections are important contributors to the spatial variation in anemia risk. The results presented in this study can help inform the integration of the current provincial malaria control program with ancillary micronutrient supplementation and control of neglected tropical diseases, such as urogenital schistosomiasis and STH infection

    Using educational networks to promote internationalization experiences in physiotherapy education

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    Introduction and Objectives: The Academic Network of Health Sciences of Lusofonia (RACS - racslusofonia.org) was created in 2016, with the mission of promoting training and scientific cooperation in health sciences, between higher education institutions and research centers in different countries and Portuguese speaking communities. Within the Physiotherapy Education Group of RACS we develop a project with a set of activities, developed along the academic path of the physiotherapy students, which allow them to be exposed progressively to the international context. Methods: During the 2021/22 academic year, 10 institutions involving 103 Physiotherapy students from 6 different countries (Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique, Cabo Verde, Angola, and São Tomé e Principe) participate in this project. Students are asked, over a period of 2 months, to carry out at least 2 online meetings within an international group to discuss topics related to the reality of education and the practice of Physiotherapists. As a result, students submit an individual reflection on the most relevant points that were identified in this sharing process. In each of the participating institutions, there was a teacher responsible for preparing, supporting, and evaluating the students' reflections. Results: To assess the impact and satisfaction of the students with activity, an online questionnaire (10 questions) was used, with several dimensions (preparation, performance, and global opinion) where a response rate of 83% was obtained (n=86). Regarding the answers, 93% considered that the objectives of the activity were clear and attainable and that the support materials were adequate (83%). Regarding meetings with international peers, 70% said that communication was easy during the meetings and that the proposed objectives were achieved (91%). Concerning the impact of the activity, 94% considered that the activity contributes to a better understanding of the international context of teaching and practice of physiotherapists, stressing that it should continue to be carried out within the scope of the physiotherapy course (89%). Conclusion(s): The overall reflexion from the students and teachers involved was very positive, reinforcing the importance of this activity and identifying areas of improvement related to student recruitment and support throughout this process. Based on the results, it seems important for us to carry out this project as it facilitates students’ early exposure to international contexts, which may facilitate the development of skills that allow them to play a more active and global professional role.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Using educational networks to promote internationalization experiences in physiotherapy education

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    Introduction and Objectives: The Academic Network of Health Sciences of Lusofonia (RACS - racslusofonia.org) was created in 2016, with the mission of promoting training and scientific cooperation in health sciences, between higher education institutions and research centers in different countries and Portuguese speaking communities. Within the Physiotherapy Education Group of RACS we develop a project with a set of activities, developed along the academic path of the physiotherapy students, which allow them to be exposed progressively to the international context. Methods: During the 2021/22 academic year, 10 institutions involving 103 Physiotherapy students from 6 different countries (Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique, Cabo Verde, Angola, and São Tomé e Principe) participate in this project. Students are asked, over a period of 2 months, to carry out at least 2 online meetings within an international group to discuss topics related to the reality of education and the practice of Physiotherapists. As a result, students submit an individual reflection on the most relevant points that were identified in this sharing process. In each of the participating institutions, there was a teacher responsible for preparing, supporting, and evaluating the students' reflections. Results: To assess the impact and satisfaction of the students with activity, an online questionnaire (10 questions) was used, with several dimensions (preparation, performance, and global opinion) where a response rate of 83% was obtained (n=86). Regarding the answers, 93% considered that the objectives of the activity were clear and attainable and that the support materials were adequate (83%). Regarding meetings with international peers, 70% said that communication was easy during the meetings and that the proposed objectives were achieved (91%). Concerning the impact of the activity, 94% considered that the activity contributes to a better understanding of the international context of teaching and practice of physiotherapists, stressing that it should continue to be carried out within the scope of the physiotherapy course (89%). Conclusion(s): The overall reflexion from the students and teachers involved was very positive, reinforcing the importance of this activity and identifying areas of improvement related to student recruitment and support throughout this process. Based on the results, it seems important for us to carry out this project as it facilitates students’ early exposure to international contexts, which may facilitate the development of skills that allow them to play a more active and global professional role.N/

    OLIVESIM: Gestão dos serviços de ecossistema no olival utilizando modelos espaciais avançados

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    Poster apresentado no Congresso Politécnico Setúbal - 40 anos a construir o futuro, 3-4 outubro 2019, Setúbal, PortugalN/

    A non-recurrent inferior laryngeal nerve in a man undergoing thyroidectomy: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>A non-recurrent variant of the inferior laryngeal nerve has been seldom reported. These reports are mostly based on cadaveric dissection studies or large chart review studies in which the emphasis is placed on the determination of the frequency of the variation, and not on the clinical appearance of this variant. We graphically describe the intraoperative identification of a non-recurrent inferior laryngeal nerve.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>A 44-year old Caucasian man was referred to the Head and Neck Surgery Outpatient Clinic with the diagnosis of a nodular mass in his left thyroid lobe that had been growing for one year. A fine needle aspiration puncture was compatible with thyroid papillary cancer. It was decided that the patient should undergo total thyroidectomy. During surgery, a non-recurrent right inferior laryngeal nerve was noted. This nerve emanated from the right vagus nerve, entering the larynx 3 cm after its origin. The nerve did not show a recurrent course. The nerve on the left side had a normal configuration. The surgery and post-operative period were uneventful, and the patient had no change in his voice.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This paper allows those interested to become acquainted with the normal intraoperative appearance of a non-recurrent inferior laryngeal nerve. This will undoubtedly be of significance for all of those performing invasive diagnostic and surgical procedures in the neck and upper thoracic regions, in order to minimize the risk of iatrogenic injury to this nerve. This is of extreme importance, since a unilateral lesion of this nerve may result in permanent hoarseness, and a bilateral lesion may lead to aphonia and life-threatening dyspnea.</p

    Influence of Cleats-Surface Interaction on the Performance and Risk of Injury in Soccer: A Systematic Review

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    To review the influence of cleats-surface interaction on the performance and risk of injury in soccer athletes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Genetic diversity in native and commercial breeds of pigs in Portugal assessed by microsatellites

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    Population structure and genetic diversity in the Portuguese native breeds of pigs Alentejano (AL), Bísaro (BI), and Malhado de Alcobaça (MA) and the exotic breeds Duroc (DU), Landrace (LR), Large White (LW), and Pietrain were analyzed by typing 22 microsatellite markers in 249 individuals. In general, the markers used were greatly polymorphic, with mean total and effective number of alleles per locus of 10.68 and 4.33, respectively, and an expected heterozygosity of 0.667 across loci. The effective number of alleles per locus and expected heterozygosity were greatest in BI, LR, and AL, and least in DU. Private alleles were found in 9 of the 22 markers analyzed, mostly in AL, but also in the other breeds, with the exception of LW. The proportion of loci not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in each breed analyzed ranged between 0.23 (AL) and 0.41 (BI, LW, and Pietrain), mostly because of a less than expected number of heterozygotes in those loci. With the exception of MA, all breeds showed a significant deficit in heterozygosity (F(IS); P < 0.05), which was more pronounced in BI (F(IS) = 0.175) and AL (F(IS) = 0.139), suggesting that inbreeding is a major concern, especially in these breeds that have gone through a genetic bottleneck in the recent past. The analysis of relationships among breeds, assessed by different methods, indicates that DU and AL are the more distanced breeds relative to the others, with the closest relationship being observed between LR and MA. The degree of differentiation between subpopulations (F(ST)) indicates that 0.184 of the total genetic variability can be attributed to differences among breeds. The analysis of individual distances based on allele sharing indicates that animals of the same breed generally cluster together, but subdivision is observed in the BI and LR breeds. Furthermore, the analysis of population structure indicates there is very little admixture among breeds, with each one being identified with a single ancestral population. The results of this study confirm that native breeds of pigs represent a very interesting reservoir of allelic diversity, even though the current levels of inbreeding raise concerns. Therefore, appropriate conservation efforts should be undertaken, such as adopting strategies aimed at minimizing inbreeding, to avoid further losses of genetic diversity