27 research outputs found

    Prévalence et facteurs associés au stress professionnel chez les enseignants du secondaire de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso : une étude observationnelle transversale

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    Contexte et objectif. Le stress au travail touche tous les secteurs d’activitĂ©s dont celui de l’éducation. La prĂ©sente avait pour objectif de dĂ©terminer la prĂ©valence du stress chez les enseignants et d’identifier les facteurs associĂ©s au stress chez les enseignants du secondaire de Ouagadougou. MĂ©thodes. Nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© une Ă©tude transversale auprĂšs des enseignants du secondaire de la ville de Ouagadougou. Le questionnaire teacher stress inventory de Fimian a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© pour Ă©valuer le niveau de stress chez les enseignants. Nous avons utilisĂ© une analyse rĂ©gression logistique multivariĂ©e pour identifier les facteurs associĂ©s au stress chez les enseignants. RĂ©sultats. Quatre cent trente-neuf enseignants ont Ă©tĂ© enrĂŽlĂ©s. L’ñge moyen des enseignants Ă©tait de 43,5 ans. Ils avaient en moyenne un volume horaire hebdomadaire de 19,3 heures. Ils enseignaient en Moyenne depuis 15,6 ans. Les enseignants consommateurs de substances psychoactives reprĂ©sentaient 34,8 %, ceux qui avaient des pathologies en cours reprĂ©sentaient 37,1 %. La prĂ©valence du stress professionnel chez les enseignants Ă©tait de 16,4 %. Les pathologies en cours (OR ajustĂ© =2,06, p=0,012), le volume horaire hebdomadaire supĂ©rieur Ă  22 heures (OR ajustĂ©=1,92, p=0,024) augmentaient le risquĂ© d’ĂȘtre stressĂ© chez les enseignants. A l’inverse avoir des loisirs rĂ©duisait 3x ce risque (OR ajustĂ© =0,31 ; p=0,020). Conclusion. La prĂ©valence du stress chez les enseignants du secondaire est Ă©levĂ©e. Les pathologies en cours chez les enseignants, un volume horaire hebdomadaire supĂ©rieur Ă  22 heures Ă©taient des facteurs de risque tandis que les loisirs Ă©taient un facteur protecteur. English title: Prevalence and associated factors of occupational stress among secondary school teachers of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: a cross-sectional observational study Context and objective. Occupational stress affects all activity branches. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of stress among teachers of the secondary school of Ouagadougou and identify the associated factors of stress among teachers of the secondary school of Ouagadougou. Methods. We conducted a cross-sectional study with secondary teachers in Ouagadougou. Fimian's teacher stress inventory was used to evaluate teacher stress levels. We used a logistical regression to identify stress-related factors in teachers. Results. Four hundred and thirty-nine teachers were involved. Their mean age was 43.58 years. They had on average a weekly hourly volume of 19.35 hours. They had been teaching for 15.61 years on average. The teachers who used psychoactives substances represented 34.85%, those who had medical condition represented 37.13%. The prevalence of work related stress among teacher was 16.4 %. Medical conditions (OR adjusted =2.06, p=0.012), the weekly hourly volume of more than 22 hours (OR ajusted=1.92, p=0.024) raised the risk of work related stress of teachers. In contrast, the leisures were a protector factor OR adjusted =0.31, p=0.020). Conclusion. The prevalence of work related stress among secondary school teacher was high. Medical conditions, weekly hourly volume of more than 22 hours were identified as risk factors but leisures were identified as protector factor. Keywords: occupational stress, teachers, Ouagadougo

    Prevalence of occult hepatitis B virus infection among blood donors in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

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    Background: In Burkina Faso, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay is not routinely used in the biological qualification of blood donations and this constitutes a risk factor for the transmission of occult hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection during blood transfusion. The objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of occult B infection (OBI) among blood donors for the purposes of improved blood safety in Burkina Faso. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study of 300 HBsAg negative blood donors was conducted in the city of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso from April to October 2020. Anti-HBc antibody was determined using the BOSONÂź brand rapid tests. HBV DNA was detected in 75 selected donors by real-time PCR (rt PCR) using the 7500 Fast Real Time PCR assay technique. Results: Of the 300 HBsAg negative donors, 208 (69.3%) were males while 92 (30.7%) were females, with average age of 30.18 years. Anti-HBc antibody was detected in 39 cases (13%). Of the 75 donor samples tested by rt PCR, 3 (4%) were positive for HBV DNA (occult B infection); 2 of which were anti-HBc antibody positive (seropositive OBI) while 1 was anti-HBc antibody negative (seronegative OBI). Conclusion: Given the prevalence of OBI of 4% in this study and its consequences in blood recipients, it appears necessary that in addition to the classic serological markers of hepatitis B, to test for the presence of HBV DNA among blood donors in order to improve transfusion safety. Keywords: Prevalence, Occult B infection; Blood donors, Ouagadougou.   French title: PrĂ©valence de l'infection occulte par le virus de l'hĂ©patite B chez les donneurs de sang Ă  Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Contexte: Au Burkina Faso, la polymĂ©rase chain rĂ©action (PCR) n’est pas utilisĂ©e lors de la qualification biologique des dons et cela constitue un facteur de risque de transmission de l’Infection Occulte du virus B (VHB) lors des transfusions sanguines. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait de dĂ©terminer la prĂ©valence de l’infection occulte B chez les donneurs de sang en vue d’une meilleure sĂ©curitĂ© transfusionnelle. MĂ©thodologie: Une Ă©tude transversale prospective, rĂ©alisĂ©e d’avril Ă  octobre 2020 dans la ville de Ouagadougou incluant 300 donneurs de sang AgHBs nĂ©gatif. L’anticorps anti HBc a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ© par les tests rapides de marque BOSONÂź. L’ADN du VHB a Ă©tĂ© recherchĂ© chez 75 donneurs par PCR en temps rĂ©el (rt PCR) avec le 7500 Fast Real Time PCR. RĂ©sultats: Parmi les 300 donneurs AgHBs nĂ©gatifs, 208 (69,3%) Ă©taient des hommes et 92 (30,7%) des femmes. L’ñge moyen Ă©tait de 30,18 ans. La recherche de l’Ac anti-HBc Ă©tait positive dans 39 cas (13 %). Parmi les 75 Ă©chantillons passĂ©s Ă  la rt PCR, 3 (4%) Ă©taient positifs pour l’ADN du VHB. Sur les 3 cas d’ADN VHB positifs, 2 (66,67%) Ă©taient positifs Ac anti HBc et 1 (33,33%) Ac anti HBc nĂ©gatif. Conclusion: Compte tenu de la prĂ©valence de l’infection occulte B et ses consĂ©quences chez les donneurs de sang et chez les receveurs, il devient nĂ©cessaire de rechercher, en plus des marqueurs sĂ©rologiques classiques de l’hĂ©patite B, l’ADN VHB pour une meilleure sĂ©curitĂ© transfusionnelle. Mots clĂ©s: PrĂ©valence, Infection occulte de l’HBV, Donneurs de sang, Ouagadougou &nbsp

    Évaluation des pratiques agricoles des lĂ©gumes feuilles : le cas des utilisations des pesticides et des intrants chimiques sur les sites maraĂźchers de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

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    Objectif : La prĂ©sente Ă©tude vise Ă  Ă©valuer les pratiques phytosanitaires des maraĂźchers et Ă  fournir une meilleure connaissance des risques liĂ©s aux pratiques de maraĂźchage, notamment l’utilisation des pesticides et intrants chimiques Ă  Ouagadougou au Burkina Faso.MĂ©thodologie et rĂ©sultats : Des enquĂȘtes ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es du 10 mars au 08 Avril et du 18 Juillet au 06 AoĂ»t 2016 auprĂšs de 200 producteurs dans les sites de Tanghin et de Boulmiougou oĂč se pratique une forte activitĂ© de production maraĂźchĂšre. Les observations ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©es une utilisation des pesticides non autorisĂ©s souvent destinĂ©s spĂ©cialement Ă  d’autres cultures. L’étude a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une imprĂ©cision manifeste de concentration des insecticides avec une moyenne du nombre d’épandage de 9,5. En outre, 77,88% des maraĂźchers ont appliquĂ© les insecticides de Profenofos sur Ipomaea batatas (Patate douce), Lambda Cyhalothrine sur Amaranthus hybridu (Amarante), Le ManĂšbe sur Cleome gynandra (Gynandro)et l’emanectin benzoate sur Hibiscus sabdariffa (Oseille) respectivement dans 67%, 55,5%, et 8,66% des cas d’utilisation dĂ©tournĂ©e. Les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent que la plupart des producteurs (96 % Ă  Tanghin et 87 % Ă  Boulmiougou) n’observent aucune mesure de protection lors des traitements phytosanitaires des cultures. En effet, 65 % des pesticides utilisĂ©s sont classĂ©s selon l’échelle de toxicitĂ© de l’OMS et 67,5 % de ses sont destinĂ©s au traitement du coton et non Ă  des cultures maraichĂšres.Conclusion et application : La gestion et l’utilisation trĂšs peu rigoureuses des pesticides constatĂ©s dans ces sites pourraient constituer une menace pour le maintien de la biodiversitĂ© et de la productivitĂ© des Ă©cosystĂšmes naturels et de la santĂ© des producteurs et des consommateurs. Face Ă  ce constat, le dĂ©fi de la recherche serait la dĂ©termination du niveau actuel de contamination des lĂ©gumes feuilles et des eaux du barrage et celui de l’État serait l’initiation de programmes de sensibilisation des producteurs par rapport Ă  une gestion plus rigoureuse des pesticides.Mots-clĂ©s : pratiques paysannes, cultures maraĂźchĂšres, pesticides, risques, Burkina Fas

    Insights Into the Complexity of Yeast Extract Peptides and Their Utilization by Streptococcus thermophilus

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    Streptococcus thermophilus, an extensively used lactic starter, is generally produced in yeast extract-based media containing a complex mixture of peptides whose exact composition remains elusive. In this work, we aimed at investigating the peptide content of a commercial yeast extract (YE) and identifying dynamics of peptide utilization during the growth of the industrial S. thermophilus N4L strain, cultivated in 1 l bioreactors under pH-regulation. To reach that goal, we set up a complete analytical workflow based on mass spectrometry (peptidomics). About 4,600 different oligopeptides ranging from 6 to more than 30 amino acids in length were identified during the time-course of the experiment. Due to the low spectral abundance of individual peptides, we performed a clustering approach to decipher the rules of peptide utilization during fermentation. The physicochemical characteristics of consumed peptides perfectly matched the known affinities of the oligopeptide transport system of S. thermophilus. Moreover, by analyzing such a large number of peptides, we were able to establish that peptide net charge is the major factor for oligopeptide transport in S. thermophilus N4L

    Knowledge, practices and beliefs of students regarding health effects of shisha use in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: A cross‐sectional study

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    Background. The tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public health threats the world has ever faced. Shisha use has recently been gaining increased popularity in many developed and developing countries. Objective. To determine the prevalence of shisha use among students in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, and associated knowledge, smoking practices and beliefs about health effects. Method. A total of 443 students were selected for this cross-sectional study, using a stratified sampling method. Data on shisha use, knowledge about shisha, shisha smoking practices, and factors associated with use of shisha were collected via a questionnaire. The association between the independent variables and shisha use was assessed using a χ2 test (p<0.05). Binary logistic regression analysis was used to determine variables that were independently associated with shisha smoking. Results. Of the 421 respondents, 162 (38.5%) indicated that they had smoked shisha; 14.0% were regular smokers. We found that 183 students (43.5%) had poor knowledge about the health effects of shisha. The main reasons for shisha smoking were being in the company of friends who were users (57.4%), the pleasant flavour and fragrance of shisha (25.9%), and fashion (22.2%). Ninety-nine shisha smokers (61.1%) also consumed alcohol. Factors associated with shisha smoking included age <20 years (p<0.001), gender (p=0.034), and educational level of the respondent’s father (p=0.0001) and mother (p=0.0004). Conclusion. We found a relatively high prevalence of shisha smoking among the students, and that 43.5% of them had poor knowledge about its effects on health. Developing surveillance, intervention and regulatory/policy frameworks specific to shisha has become a public health priority

    InfluĂȘncia de diferentes extratos de levedura (insumos) no crescimento celular de Xanthomonas arboricola pv pruni cepa 101/ Influence of different yeast extracts (inputs) on the cell growth of Xanthomonas arboricola pv pruni strain 101

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    Xantana Ă© um heteropolissacarĂ­deo produzido por bactĂ©rias do gĂȘnero Xanthomonas. Esse biopolĂ­mero desempenha diversas funçÔes de grande importĂąncia para indĂșstrias de variados setores. O processo de produção de xantana Ă© realizado em duas etapas: crescimento celular e produção do biopolĂ­mero, e ambas sĂŁo importantes para a obtenção de xantana com rendimento e qualidade satisfatĂłrios, os quais sĂŁo influenciados por diferentes fatores, dentre eles os meios de cultivo utilizados. Objetivou-se avaliar o crescimento bacteriano de Xanthomonas arboricola pv pruni cepa 101 em meio de cultivo complexo YM adicionado de diferentes extratos de levedura, sendo um tradicional - controle (1) - e outros alternativos de menor custo - 560PW (2), 810PW (3), 845MG (4), 851MG (5), 861PW (6) - e relacionar com o teor de nitrogĂȘnio fornecido. Avaliou-se o crescimento celular (UFC.mL-1) e o teor de nitrogĂȘnio (mg.dL-1) nos tempos 24 h e em 0 e 24 h de crescimento celular, respectivamente. NĂŁo observou-se diferença estatĂ­stica entre a concentração celular final obtida com extrato controle e os extratos alternativos. A concentração celular final variou entre 3,1 × 1010 a 5,2 × 1010 UFC.mL-1. O uso dos extratos de levedura 4, 6 e o controle resultaram em maior disponibilidade de nitrogĂȘnio no meio de cultivo no tempo inicial e ao final, e tĂȘm potencial para propiciar um maior crescimento celular. Observou-se aumento no teor de nitrogĂȘnio no tempo final, provavelmente devido Ă  hidrĂłlise celular parcial.  O teor inicial de nitrogĂȘnio variou de 9,11 a 12,04 e o final de 31,41 a 47,51 mg.dL-1, respectivamente. Os diferentes extratos de levedura avaliados sĂŁo substitutos adequados para o crescimento celular da bactĂ©ria X. arboricola pv pruni cepa 101, e provavelmente para outras cepas da espĂ©cie, com resultados equivalentes ao obtido com o extrato controle

    The public health impact and cost-effectiveness of the R21/Matrix-M malaria vaccine: a mathematical modelling study

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    Background The R21/Matrix-M vaccine has demonstrated high efficacy against Plasmodium falciparum clinical malaria in children in sub-Saharan Africa. Using trial data, we aimed to estimate the public health impact and cost-effectiveness of vaccine introduction across sub-Saharan Africa. Methods We fitted a semi-mechanistic model of the relationship between anti-circumsporozoite protein antibody titres and vaccine efficacy to data from 3 years of follow-up in the phase 2b trial of R21/Matrix-M in Nanoro, Burkina Faso. We validated the model by comparing predicted vaccine efficacy to that observed over 12–18 months in the phase 3 trial. Integrating this framework within a mathematical transmission model, we estimated the cases, malaria deaths, and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) averted and cost-effectiveness over a 15-year time horizon across a range of transmission settings in sub-Saharan Africa. Cost-effectiveness was estimated incorporating the cost of vaccine introduction (dose, consumables, and delivery) relative to existing interventions at baseline. We report estimates at a median of 20% parasite prevalence in children aged 2–10 years (PfPR2–10) and ranges from 3% to 65% PfPR2–10. Findings Anti-circumsporozoite protein antibody titres were found to satisfy the criteria for a surrogate of protection for vaccine efficacy against clinical malaria. Age-based implementation of a four-dose regimen of R21/Matrix-M vaccine was estimated to avert 181 825 (range 38 815–333 491) clinical cases per 100 000 fully vaccinated children in perennial settings and 202 017 (29 868–405 702) clinical cases per 100 000 fully vaccinated children in seasonal settings. Similar estimates were obtained for seasonal or hybrid implementation. Under an assumed vaccine dose price of USD 3, the incremental cost per clinical case averted was USD 7 (range 4–48) in perennial settings and USD 6 (3–63) in seasonal settings and the incremental cost per DALY averted was USD 34 (29–139) in perennial settings and USD 30 (22–172) in seasonal settings, with lower cost-effectiveness ratios in settings with higher PfPR2–10. Interpretation Introduction of the R21/Matrix-M malaria vaccine could have a substantial public health benefit across sub-Saharan Africa. Funding The Wellcome Trust, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the UK Medical Research Council, the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership 2 and 3, the NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre, and the Serum Institute of India, Open Philanthropy