95 research outputs found

    Phase diagram of doped spin-Peierls systems

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    The phase diagram of a model describing doped CuGeO3_3 is derived. The model emphasizes the role of local moments released by the impurities and randomly distributed inside the gaped singlet background. The phase diagram is investigated by two methods: (i) in a mean field treatment of the interchain coupling and (ii) in a real space decimation procedure in a two dimensional model of randomly distributed moments. Both methods lead to similar results, in a qualitative agreement with experiments. In particular, a transition to an inhomogeneous N\'eel phase is obtained for arbitrary small doping. From the decimation procedure, we interpret this phase at very low doping as a {\sl Griffith antiferromagnet}. Namely, it does not have a true long range order down to zero temperature. Nonetheless, large magnetically ordered clusters appear already at relatively high temperatures. This demonstrates the role of disorder in the theoretical description of doping in CuGeO3_3. A detailed comparison with other approaches is also given.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figure

    Unconventional antiferromagnetic correlations of the doped Haldane gap system Y2_2BaNi1x_{1-x}Znx_xO5_5

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    We make a new proposal to describe the very low temperature susceptibility of the doped Haldane gap compound Y2_2BaNi1x_{1-x}Znx_xO5_5. We propose a new mean field model relevant for this compound. The ground state of this mean field model is unconventional because antiferromagnetism coexists with random dimers. We present new susceptibility experiments at very low temperature. We obtain a Curie-Weiss susceptibility χ(T)C/(Θ+T)\chi(T) \sim C / (\Theta+T) as expected for antiferromagnetic correlations but we do not obtain a direct signature of antiferromagnetic long range order. We explain how to obtain the ``impurity'' susceptibility χimp(T)\chi_{imp}(T) by subtracting the Haldane gap contribution to the total susceptibility. In the temperature range [1 K, 300 K] the experimental data are well fitted by Tχimp(T)=Cimp(1+Timp/T)γT \chi_{imp}(T) = C_{imp} (1 + T_{imp}/T )^{-\gamma}. In the temperature range [100 mK, 1 K] the experimental data are well fitted by Tχimp(T)=Aln(T/Tc)T \chi_{imp}(T) = A \ln{(T/T_c)}, where TcT_c increases with xx. This fit suggests the existence of a finite N\'eel temperature which is however too small to be probed directly in our experiments. We also obtain a maximum in the temperature dependence of the ac-susceptibility χ(T)\chi'(T) which suggests the existence of antiferromagnetic correlations at very low temperature.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures, revised version (minor modifications

    Bimodal energy relaxations in quasi-one-dimensional systems

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    We show that the low temperature (T<0.5T<0.5 K) time dependent non-exponential energy relaxation of quasi-one-dimensional (quasi-1D) compounds strongly differ according to the nature of their modulated ground state. For incommensurate ground states, such as in (TMTSF)2_2PF6_6 the relaxation time distribution is homogeneously shifted to larger time when the duration of the heat input is increased, and exhibits in addition a scaling between the width and the position of the peak in the relaxation time distribution, w2ln(τm)w^{2}\sim\ln{(\tau_{m})}. For a commensurate ground state, as in (TMTTF)2_2PF6_6, the relaxation time spectra show a bimodal character with a weight transfer between well separated slow and fast entities. Our interpretation is based on the dynamics of defects in the modulated structure, which depend crucially on the degree of commensurability.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamical Behaviour of Low Autocorrelation Models

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    We have investigated the nature of the dynamical behaviour in low autocorrelation binary sequences. These models do have a glass transition TGT_G of a purely dynamical nature. Above the glass transition the dynamics is not fully ergodic and relaxation times diverge like a power law τ(TTG)γ\tau\sim (T-T_G)^{-\gamma} with γ\gamma close to 22. Approaching the glass transition the relaxation slows down in agreement with the first order nature of the dynamical transition. Below the glass transition the system exhibits aging phenomena like in disordered spin glasses. We propose the aging phenomena as a precise method to determine the glass transition and its first order nature.Comment: 19 pages + 14 figures, LateX, figures uuencoded at the end of the fil

    Classical versus quantum dynamics of the atomic Josephson junction

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    We compare the classical (mean-field) dynamics with the quantum dynamics of atomic Bose-Einstein condensates in double-well potentials. The quantum dynamics are computed using a simple scheme based upon the Raman-Nath equations. Two different methods for exciting a non-equilbrium state are considered: an asymmetry between the wells which is suddenly removed, and a periodic time oscillating asymmetry. The first method generates wave packets that lead to collapses and revivals of the expectation values of the macroscopic variables, and we calculate the time scale for these revivals. The second method permits the excitation of a single energy eigenstate of the many-particle system, including Schroedinger cat states. We also discuss a band theory interpretation of the energy level structure of an asymmetric double-well, thereby identifying analogies to Bloch oscillations and Bragg resonances. Both the Bloch and Bragg dynamics are purely quantum and are not contained in the mean-field treatment.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figure

    Selective substitution in orbital domains of a low doped manganite : an investigation from Griffiths phenomenon and modification of glassy features

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    An effort is made to study the contrast in magnetic behavior resulting from minimal disorder introduced by substitution of 2.5% Ga or Al in Mn-site of La0.9{_{0.9}}Sr0.1_{0.1}MnO3{_3}. It is considered that Ga or Al selectively creates disorder within the orbital domains or on its walls, causing enhancement of Griffiths phase (GP) singularity for the former and disappearance of it in the later case. It is shown that Ga replaces Mn3+^{3+} which is considered to be concentrated within the domains, whereas Al replaces Mn4+^{4+} which is segregated on the hole-rich walls, without causing any significant effect on structure or ferromagnetic transition temperatures. Thus, it is presumed that the effect of disorder created by Ga extend across the bulk of the domain having correlation over similar length-scale resulting in enhancement of GP phenomenon. On the contrary, effect of disorder created by Al remains restricted to the walls resulting in the modification of the dynamics arising from the domain walls and suppresses the GP. Moreover contrasting features are observed in the low temperature region of the compounds; a re-entrant spin glass like behavior is observed in the Ga doped sample, while the observed characteristics for the Al doped sample is ascribed only to modified domain wall dynamics with the absence of any glassy phase. Distinctive features in third order susceptibility measurements reveals that the magnetic ground state of the entire series comprises of orbital domain states. These observations bring out the role of the nature of disorder on GP phenomenon and also reconfirms the character of self-organization in low-doped manganites

    Anderson localization on the Cayley tree : multifractal statistics of the transmission at criticality and off criticality

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    In contrast to finite dimensions where disordered systems display multifractal statistics only at criticality, the tree geometry induces multifractal statistics for disordered systems also off criticality. For the Anderson tight-binding localization model defined on a tree of branching ratio K=2 with NN generations, we consider the Miller-Derrida scattering geometry [J. Stat. Phys. 75, 357 (1994)], where an incoming wire is attached to the root of the tree, and where KNK^{N} outcoming wires are attached to the leaves of the tree. In terms of the KNK^{N} transmission amplitudes tjt_j, the total Landauer transmission is Tjtj2T \equiv \sum_j | t_j |^2, so that each channel jj is characterized by the weight wj=tj2/Tw_j=| t_j |^2/T. We numerically measure the typical multifractal singularity spectrum f(α)f(\alpha) of these weights as a function of the disorder strength WW and we obtain the following conclusions for its left-termination point α+(W)\alpha_+(W). In the delocalized phase W<WcW<W_c, α+(W)\alpha_+(W) is strictly positive α+(W)>0\alpha_+(W)>0 and is associated with a moment index q+(W)>1q_+(W)>1. At criticality, it vanishes α+(Wc)=0\alpha_+(W_c)=0 and is associated with the moment index q+(Wc)=1q_+(W_c)=1. In the localized phase W>WcW>W_c, α+(W)=0\alpha_+(W)=0 is associated with some moment index q+(W)<1q_+(W)<1. We discuss the similarities with the exact results concerning the multifractal properties of the Directed Polymer on the Cayley tree.Comment: v2=final version (16 pages

    Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids and Coulomb blockade in multiwall carbon nanotubes under pressure

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    We report that the conductance of macroscopic multiwall nanotube (MWNT) bundles under pressure shows power laws in temperature and voltage, as corresponding to a network of bulk-bulk connected Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquids (LL). Contrary to individual MWNT, where the observed power laws are attributed to Coulomb blockade, the measured ratio for the end and bulk obtained exponents, ~2.4, can only be accounted for by LL theory. At temperatures characteristic of interband separation, it increases due to thermal population of the conducting sheets unoccupied bands.Comment: 16 pages, 3 Figures, .pdf. Accepted in Phys. Rev. Let

    Spin-Glass State in CuGa2O4\rm CuGa_2O_4

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    Magnetic susceptibility, magnetization, specific heat and positive muon spin relaxation (\musr) measurements have been used to characterize the magnetic ground-state of the spinel compound CuGa2O4\rm CuGa_2O_4. We observe a spin-glass transition of the S=1/2 Cu2+\rm Cu^{2+} spins below Tf=2.5K\rm T_f=2.5K characterized by a cusp in the susceptibility curve which suppressed when a magnetic field is applied. We show that the magnetization of CuGa2O4\rm CuGa_2O_4 depends on the magnetic histo Well below Tf\rm T_f, the muon signal resembles the dynamical Kubo-Toyabe expression reflecting that the spin freezing process in CuGa2O4\rm CuGa_2O_4 results Gaussian distribution of the magnetic moments. By means of Monte-Carlo simulati we obtain the relevant exchange integrals between the Cu2+\rm Cu^{2+} spins in this compound.Comment: 6 pages, 16 figure

    Aging, rejuvenation and memory effects in Ising and Heisenberg spin glasses

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    We have compared aging phenomena in the Fe_{0.5}Mn_{0.5}TiO_3 Ising spin glass and in the CdCr_{1.7}In_{0.3}S_4 Heisenberg-like spin glass by means of low-frequency ac susceptibility measurements. At constant temperature, aging obeys the same `ωt\omega t scaling' in both samples as in other systems. Investigating the effect of temperature variations, we find that the Ising sample exhibits rejuvenation and memory effects which are qualitatively similar to those found in other spin glasses, indicating that the existence of these phenomena does not depend on the dimensionality of the spins. However, systematic temperature cycling experiments on both samples show important quantitative differences. In the Ising sample, the contribution of aging at low temperature to aging at a slightly higher temperature is much larger than expected from thermal slowing down. This is at variance with the behaviour observed until now in other spin glasses, which show the opposite trend of a free-energy barrier growth as the temperature is decreased. We discuss these results in terms of a strongly renormalized microscopic attempt time for thermal activation, and estimate the corresponding values of the barrier exponent ψ\psi introduced in the scaling theories.Comment: 8 pages, including 6 figure