23 research outputs found

    Flight Tests to Determine the Effect of a Fixed Auxiliary Airfoil on the Lift and Drag of a Parasol Monoplane

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    Comparative flight tests were made with a small parasol monoplane in which the aerodynamic characteristics of the airplane were determined with the normal wing and with an auxiliary airfoil installed

    Moments of inertia of several airplanes

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    This paper, which is the first of a series presenting the results of such measurements, gives the momental ellipsoids of ten army and naval biplanes and one commercial monoplane. The data were obtained by the use of a pendulum method, previously described. The moments of inertia are expressed in coefficient as well as in dimensional form, so that those for airplanes of widely different weights and dimensions can be compared

    Flight measurements of the dynamic longitudinal stability of several airplanes and a correlation of the measurements with pilots' observations of handling characteristics

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    The dynamic longitudinal stability characteristics of eight airplanes as defined by the period and damping of the longitudinal oscillations were measured in flight to determine the degree of stability that may be expected in conventional airplanes. An attempt was made to correlate the measured stability with pilots' opinions of the general handling characteristics of the airplanes in order to obtain an indication of the most desirable degree of dynamic stability. The results of the measurements show that the period of oscillation increases with speed. At low speeds a range of periods from 11 to 23 seconds was recorded for the different airplanes. At high speeds the periods ranged from 23 to 64 seconds. The damping showed no definite trend with speed

    Notes on the calculation of the minimum horizontal tail surface for airplanes equipped with wing flaps

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    A method of calculating the horizontal tail area for an airplane equipped with flaps is presented.. The general problem of tail design, the effects of flaps on the factors involved, and the manner in which the flaps change the requirements upon which the minimum horizontal tail area is based are discussed

    The Effects of Slots and Flaps on Lateral Control of a Low-wing Monoplane as Determined in Flight

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    This paper presents the results of flight tests made to determine the effect of slots and flaps on the lateral control of a low-wing monoplane. Maximum angular accelerations in roll and yaw produced by sudden application of the ailerons and maximum accelerations in yaw produced by sudden application of the rudder during gliding flight were recorded for the following wing arrangements: (a) no auxiliary device; (b) full-span slots; (c) plain flaps; (d) flaps and full-span slots; (e) wing-tip slots. Rolling- and yawing-moment coefficients were derived from the accelerations. The full span slots and the flaps each had about the same influence on the aileron rolling moments. At values of the lift coefficient obtainable with the plain wing, the effect of these devices was negligible. At the higher lift coefficients obtainable with these devices, the rolling-moment coefficients increased slightly but, despite this increase, the aileron effectiveness progressively decreased with increasing lift coefficient, owing to the corresponding reduction in air speed. In the range covered by the tests, the effectiveness of the controls was appreciably reduced by the wing-tip slots. The adverse yawing moment of the ailerons experienced at the large lift coefficients obtained with the flaps was appreciably less than at similar lift coefficients obtained with either full-span or wing-tip slots. The yawing moments produced by the rudder were only slightly affected by the use of the auxiliary devices. The airplane was found to be laterally unstable with all combinations tested. Because of the angular velocities acquired in the time taken to deflect the ailerons the rolling moments recorded in flight were only about two thirds the values that would have been obtained with the wing restrained as in wind-tunnel tests

    Some aspects of the stalling of modern low-lying monoplanes

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    The factors affecting the stalling characteristics of modern airplanes are briefly discussed. The effect of present-day design trends is shown and means for improving the stalling characteristics of future airplanes are indicated

    A Comparison Between the Theoretical and Measured Longitudinal Stability Characteristics of an Airplane

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    This report covers an investigation of the application of the theory of dynamic longitudinal stability, based on the assumption of small oscillations, to oscillations an airplane is likely to undergo in flight. The investigation was conducted with a small parasol monoplane for the fixed-stick condition. The period and damping of longitudinal oscillations were determined by direct measurements of oscillations in flight and also by calculation in which the factors that enter the theoretical stability equation were determined in flight. A comparison of the above-mentioned characteristics obtained by these two methods indicates that the theory is applicable to the conditions encountered in flight

    A Method of Flight Measurement of Spins

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    A method is described involving the use of recording turn meters and accelerometers and a sensitive altimeter, by means of which all of the physical quantities necessary for the complete determination of the flight path, motion, attitude, forces, and couples of a fully developed spin can be obtained in flight. Data are given for several spins of two training type airplanes which indicate that the accuracy of the results obtained with the method is satisfactory

    A Flight Investigation of the Lateral Control Characteristics of Short Wide Ailerons and Various Spoilers with Different Amounts of Wing Dihedral

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    This report presents the results of flight tests made to determine the lateral control characteristics of short wide ailerons and spoilers, as a consequence of the promise shown in wind-tunnel tests by these devices as means of obtaining lateral control, particularly at angles of attack above the stall. Several forms of spoilers, front-hinge, rear-hinge, plain retractable, and saw-tooth retractable were tested alone and in combination with the ailerons. The tests were made with several different amounts of wing dihedral so that the effect of the yawing moments of the different lateral control combinations, which varied from large negative to large positive values, could be evaluated. In conjunction with the tests, observations were made to throw some light on the feasibility of operating the airplane with two controls instead of the present three