589 research outputs found

    Neutrosophic Triangular Fuzzy Travelling Salesman Problem Based on Dhouib-Matrix-TSP1 Heuristic

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    In this paper, the Travelling Salesman Problem is considered in neutrosophic environment which is more realistic in real-world industries. In fact, the distances between cities in the Travelling Salesman Problem are presented as neutrosophic triangular fuzzy number. This problem is solved in two steps: At first, the Yager’s ranking function is applied to convert the neutrosophic triangular fuzzy number to neutrosophic number then to generate the crisp number. At second, the heuristic Dhouib-Matrix-TSP1 is used to solve this problem. A numerical test example on neutrosophic triangular fuzzy environment shows that, by the use of Dhouib-Matrix-TSP1 heuristic, the optimal or a near optimal solution as well as the crisp and fuzzy total cost can be reached

    A wireless system for crack monitoring in concrete structures

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    The formation of cracks in concrete is a normal phenomenon. However, effective control and prevention of the formation of cracks is the key for successful life of concrete structures. Specifically, cracks represent a path of least resistance for moisture and corrosive ionic agents from de-icing salts to reach embedded steel in concrete. Commercial wireless sensor networks utilizing crack gauge sensors can be applied for crack monitoring in the common concrete structure. The crack sensors circuits\u27 boards, which are used to stimulate the cracks, are currently unavailable for the SG-Link module platform. The SG-Link module is an ultra-low-power module for use in sensor networks, monitoring applications and rapid application prototyping. Therefore, a crack sensor circuit board for the SG-Link module platform has been developed. The development of a smart wireless sensor network for the crack monitoring system is divided into four parts: a crack gauge sensor, signal conditioning, the SG-Link module, and a base station unit. The signal conditioning module consists of a crack gauge sensor, a wheatstone bridge, an amplifier, and a filter. The SG-Link module consists of an analog to digital converter (ADC), a microcontroller unit (MCC), and a transmitter with an antenna. The base station unit includes an antenna and a receiver module connected to the base station or computer. In this study, cracks are monitored based on the change of the electrical resistance between the sensor\u27s two terminals that are taken from the simulation model of the crack sensor board consisting of a crack gauge sensor and signal conditioning. This thesis looked at the effectiveness of a wireless system for crack monitoring in concrete structures. Tests were conducted in a laboratory to monitor the cracks in the structures and explore the validity and reliability of the monitoring mechanism and data transmission

    Political Change and Gender Politics in Egypt

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    The paper aims to explore the relationship between informal institutions, institutional change and gender equality in the context of the political struggle that took place in the aftermath of the 25 January uprising in Egypt. The paper argues that although the 25 January revolution presented Egyptian feminists with an excellent opportunity to put gender equality on the political agenda and build gender equality issues into the fabric of the new institutional and governmental blueprints and structures, they have failed to do so for several reasons. First, because of the monopoly exercised by two powerful inherently conservative patriarchal institutions, namely the Muslim Brotherhood and the Military establishment, not only over the formal political institutions, but also over informal institutions. The paper uses a single case study approach analyzed from a feminist institutionalist perspective. It draws upon insights from existing literature and upon the author’s personal experience as first-hand witness to these events, as well as semi-structured interviews with a number of prominent feminists representing different political and ideological schools. This method was chosen to gain deeper insights into the perceptions of feminists who were directly involved in the events of that ‘critical juncture’ either through formal political institutions, or informally through engagement in street politics, about the multiple intersecting and complex institutional barriers, constraining women’s agency during that time

    Exceptional intrarenal pseudomembranous

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    We report the case of a 51-year-old patient, known as hypertensive and type 2 diabetic, admitted to emergency for acute pyelonephritis. She suffered from low back pain in a feverish context. A Uro-scanner showed the presence of a 12mm pyelic renal calculus and a calycal calculus of 6mm diameter responsible for a moderate dilation of left pyelocalictic cavities. First, we performed drainage with a double J probe. Then, in a second step, the left ureteroscopy allowed partial laser fragmentation. The presence of a suspect soft magma prompted us to stop the procedure. After performing a hydatid serology that has returned negative, a laparoscopic left pyelotomy allowed the progressive externalization of the suspect magma. It presented with a greenish, fibrinous, semi-solid shell completely molding the pyelon and the pyelocalicielles cavities. The introduction of the flexible cystoscope through a trocar at the end of the procedure allowed us to check the complete cleaning of the excretory cavities. The anatomopathological study is back in favor of a weakly eosinophilic acellular material with some polyhedral crystals and some inflammatory elements. There were no signs of malignancy. The patient did not present any postoperative complication and did not present a recurrence

    Borsuk's antipodal and fixed-point theorems for correspondences without convex values

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    We present an extension of Borsuk's antipodal theorem (existence of a zero) for antipodally approachable correspondences without convex values. This result is a generalization of Borsuk-Ulam Theorem and has a fixed-point equivalent formulation.Borsuk's antipodal Theorem, balanced set, approachable selection, fixed points.

    Le nodule de Soeur Marie Joseph, une rare métastase contributive

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    Les métastases cutanées ombilicales sont rares et habituellement associées à un adénocarcinome intra-abdominal en particulier les carcinomes gastriques. Nous rapportons l'observation d'une patiente de 80 ans admise pour une masse abdominopelvienne compliquée d'une ascite de grande abondance d'origine carcinomateuse à la cytologie évoluant dans un contexte d'altération de l'état général. La TDM abdominale a conclue à une ascite d'origine carcinomateuse avec des stigmates de carcinome péritonéale généralisée dont l'étiologie ne pouvait être déterminée. L'examen clinique entrepris lors de l'hospitalisation trouve une masse de l'ombilic polylobé d'aspect bleuâtre, poreuse au niveau de la fossette ombilicale et déformant complètement l'ombilic, saignante au toucher. Un prélèvement biopsique sur cette masse a été effectué et l'étude histologique était en faveur d'un adénocarcinome peu différencié de l'ovaire.il s'agissait en effet d'un nodule de S'ur Marie Joseph. Une découverte clinique qui est d'une aide inestimable orientant le diagnostic étiologique et la prise en charge thérapeutique et épargnant à la patiente une intervention chirurgicale d'exploration sur un terrain fragilisé par sa pathologie maligne. Nous attirons l'attention des cliniciens: oncologue et chirurgiens à cette entité clinique, qui est rare certes, mais très contributive au diagnostic étiologique et par conséquent à une prise en charge optimale pour ce genre de patient.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    Microstructural characterization of a Canadian oil sand

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    The microstructure of oil sand samples extracted at a depth of 75 m from the estuarine Middle McMurray formation (Alberta, Canada) has been investigated by using high resolution 3D X-Ray microtomography (μ\muCT) and Cryo Scanning Electron Microscopy (CryoSEM). μ\muCT images evidenced some dense areas composed of highly angular grains surrounded by fluids that are separated by larger pores full of gas. 3D Image analysis provided in dense areas porosity values compatible with in-situ log data and macroscopic laboratory determinations, showing that they are representative of intact states. μ\muCT hence provided some information on the morphology of the cracks and disturbance created by gas expansion. The CryoSEM technique, in which the sample is freeze fractured within the SEM chamber prior to observation, provided pictures in which the (frozen) bitumen clearly appears between the sand grains. No evidence of the existence of a thin connate water layer between grains and the bitumen, frequently mentioned in the literature, has been obtained. Bitumen appears to strongly adhere to the grains, with some grains completely being coated. The curved shape of some bitumen menisci suggests a bitumen wet behaviour

    Biometric Systems and Their Applications

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    Nowadays, we are talking more and more about insecurity in various sectors as well as the computer techniques to be implemented to counter this trend: access control to computers, e-commerce, banking, etc. There are two traditional ways of identifying an individual. The first method is a knowledge-based method. It is based on the knowledge of an individual’s information such as the PIN code to allow him/her to activate a mobile phone. The second method is based on the possession of token. It can be a piece of identification, a key, a badge, etc. These two methods of identification can be used in a complementary way to obtain increased security like in bank cards. However, they each have their weaknesses. In the first case, the password can be forgotten or guessed by a third party. In the second case, the badge (or ID or key) may be lost or stolen. Biometric features are an alternative solution to the two previous identification modes. The advantage of using the biometric features is that they are all universal, measurable, unique, and permanent. The interest of applications using biometrics can be summed up in two classes: to facilitate the way of life and to avoid fraud
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