68 research outputs found

    Paramétrisation du potentiel de ruissellement des bassins versants au moyen de la Télédétection et des systèmes d'Informations Géographiques. Application à des bassins versants du Pays de Caux

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    International audienceThe increasing number of run-off damages occurring in Pays de Caux is a serious concern for regional authorities. The suggested method aims the assessmenl of run-off parameters using Remote Sensing and GIS. This method allows an objective comparison of the intrinsic and anthropic pressures of cultivated catchment from 1000 to 5000 ha. The potenliaI ron-off characteristics are analysed using land use components increasing or limiting run-off. and their spoliaI distrihulion on three different functional units. The selected parameters are the grassland proportion and compacity around concentrated surficial water channels (80 m wide), the proportion and compacity of the soil surfaces contributive to run-off on the top of catchments and, finally, the simple proportion of grassland and forest upon high sloped areas. The temporal evolution of these indices and the comparison between calchments show the signiflcant recorded changes whĂŽch favour the increase of surfaces contributing la mn-off between 1990 and /997. The interest of Ihese indices is to identify areas sensitive to run-off and to act as a decision supporl tool for a lerritorial management policy aimed al run-off reduclion on catchments. The outlook of this study is to generalize these parameters for regional applications

    Cities and their water socio-footprint: a dynamic socio-technical network

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    International audienceThrough examples of interactions among urban and rural areas we have built the concept of urban water socio-footprint, on the basis of concepts of water and urban footprints. This urban water socio-footprint entails making explicit the socio-technical network which disseminates the impact of urban activities on water system or due to their specific needs towards water system. Animating this footprint with people, their dynamics and migration, their concerns about various places leads to couple the dynamics of water system and land use in the whole urban systems, including built and non built, cultivated and non cultivated areas. This raises the issue of the existence of institutions to take in charger the links which are emerging through these multiple sources of interdependences

    Mise en place concertée d’actions pour éviter le ruissellement érosif en Pays de Caux : Projet SURGE – Programme Eaux et territoires

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    Les 16 et 17 mars 2016, l’AFEPTB a organisé un séminaire technique à l’attention de l’ensemble des agents des EPTB. L’organisation de séminaires techniques constitue une initiative nouvelle de l’AFEPTB. Cela fait suite à des discussions sur les groupes de travail thématiques qui se réunissaient de manière régulière par le passé. L’idée est désormais de proposer 2 temps de 2/3 jours par an à l’ensemble des agents des EPTB sur plusieurs thématiques et de manière transversale. Les objectifs poursuivis sont de mieux se connaître et de travailler sur des dossiers transversaux. Les séminaires alternent des interventions spécialisées, des retours d’expériences, des échanges et temps de co-construction

    Modélisation spatiale du ruissellement à des fins d'aménagement contre l'érosion de TALWEG. Application à des petits bassins versants en Pays de Caux (Haute Normandie)

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    * INA P-G, INRA SAD centre de Paris, conseil général de Haute-Normandie Diffusion du document : INA P-G, INRA SAD centre de Paris, conseil général de Haute-Normandie Diplôme : Dr. Ing

    Control of overland runoff and talweg erosion: a land management approach

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    International audienc
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