35 research outputs found

    A study of anatomical variability of the omohyoid muscle and its clinical relevance

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    OBJECTIVE: The omohyoid muscle is a long, thin muscle consisting of superior and inferior bellies and an intermediate tendon, which runs obliquely in the lateral cervical region. The omohyoid is important in neck dissections because it is the surgical landmark for level III and IV lymph node metastases. METHODS: In the present study, the anterior and posterior triangle of the neck was dissected in 35 male cadavers and observed for variations in the omohyoid bilaterally. Observations were focused on variations in number, attachments, and position of omohyoid. RESULTS: Among the 35 cadavers studied, double omohyoid was present in one cadaver, inferior belly originated from the clavicle in three cadavers, superior belly merged with the sternohyoid in two cadavers, and the omohyoid received additional slips from the sternum in one cadaver. Standard attachment and position of the omohyoid was observed in the remaining cadavers. CONCLUSION: Variations of this muscle are important because of its close relation to the large vessels and brachial plexus. Because of the direct adhesion of the intermediate tendon to the anterior wall of the internal jugular vein and its connection with it through a thin lamina of the pretracheal layer of the cervical fascia, the contraction of the omohyoid muscle has a direct effect on the lumen of this vessel

    Anatomical Variation of Radial Wrist Extensor Muscles: A Study in Cadavers

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    OBJECTIVE: The tendons of the extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis muscles are quite useful in tendon transfer, such as in correction of finger clawing and restoration of thumb opposition. Knowledge of additional radial wrist extensor muscle bellies with independent tendons is useful in the above-mentioned surgical procedures. METHODS: The skin, subcutaneous tissue, and antebrachial fascia of 48 (24 on the right side and 24 on left side) male upper limb forearms were dissected. The following aspects were then analyzed: (a) the presence of additional muscle bellies of radial wrist extensors, (b) the origin and insertion of the additional muscle, and (c) measurements of the muscle bellies and their tendons. RESULTS: Five out of 48 upper limbs (10.41%) had additional radial wrist extensors; this occurred in 3 out of 24 left upper limbs (12.5%) and 2 out of 24 right upper limbs (8.3%). In one of the right upper limbs, two additional muscles were found. The length and width of each additional muscle belly and its tendon ranged between 2 - 15cm by 0.35 - 6.4cm and 2.8 - 20.8cm by 0.2 0.5cm, respectively. The additional radial wrist extensor tendons in our study basically originated either from the extensor carpi radialis longus or brevis muscles and were inserted at the base of the 2nd or 3rd metacarpal bone. CONCLUSION: The present study will inform surgeons about the different varieties of additional radial wrist extensors and the frequency of their occurrence

    Petroleum Ether Extract of Cissus Quadrangularis (LINN) Stimulates the Growth of Fetal Bone during Intra Uterine Developmental Period: A Morphometric Analysis

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to analyze the effect Cissus quadrangularis plant petroleum ether extract on the development of long bones during the intra-uterine developmental stage in rats. METHODS: Pregnant rats (n=12) were randomly assigned into either a control group (n=6) or a Cissus quadrangularis treatment (n=6) group. Pregnant rats in the Cissus quadrangularis group were treated with Cissus quadrangularis petroleum ether extract at a dose of 500 mg/kg body weight from gestation day 9 until delivery. The animals in the control group received an equal volume of saline. Newborn pups were collected from both groups for alizarin red S - alcian blue staining to differentiate ossified and unossified cartilage. The ossified cartilage (bone) was morphometrically analyzed using Scion image software. RESULTS: Morphometric analysis revealed that the percentage of the total length of ossified cartilage (bone) in pups born to treated dams was significantly higher (P<0.001- -0.0001) than that of the control group. CONCLUSION: The results of the present study suggest that maternal administration of Cissus quadrangularis petroleum ether extract during pregnancy can stimulate the development of fetal bone growth during the intra-uterine developmental period

    A study of anatomical variability of the omohyoid muscle and its clinical relevance

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    OBJECTIVE: The omohyoid muscle is a long, thin muscle consisting of superior and inferior bellies and an intermediate tendon, which runs obliquely in the lateral cervical region. The omohyoid is important in neck dissections because it is the surgical landmark for level III and IV lymph node metastases. METHODS: In the present study, the anterior and posterior triangle of the neck was dissected in 35 male cadavers and observed for variations in the omohyoid bilaterally. Observations were focused on variations in number, attachments, and position of omohyoid. RESULTS: Among the 35 cadavers studied, double omohyoid was present in one cadaver, inferior belly originated from the clavicle in three cadavers, superior belly merged with the sternohyoid in two cadavers, and the omohyoid received additional slips from the sternum in one cadaver. Standard attachment and position of the omohyoid was observed in the remaining cadavers. CONCLUSION: Variations of this muscle are important because of its close relation to the large vessels and brachial plexus. Because of the direct adhesion of the intermediate tendon to the anterior wall of the internal jugular vein and its connection with it through a thin lamina of the pretracheal layer of the cervical fascia, the contraction of the omohyoid muscle has a direct effect on the lumen of this vessel

    Petroleum Ether Extract of Cissus Quadrangularis (Linn.) Enhances Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cell Proliferation and Facilitates Osteoblastogenesis

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of the petroleum ether extract of Cissus quadrangularis on the proliferation rate of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, the differentiation of marrow mesenchymal stem cells into osteoblasts (osteoblastogenesis) and extracellular matrix calcification. This study also aimed to determine the additive effect of osteogenic media and Cissus quadrangularis on proliferation, differentiation and calcification. METHODS: MSCs were cultured in media with or without Cissus quadrangularis for 4 weeks and were then stained for alkaline phosphatase. Extracellular matrix calcification was confirmed by Von Kossa staining. marrow mesenchymal stem cells cultures in control media and osteogenic media supplemented with Cissus quadrangularis extract (100, 200, 300 ”g/mL) were also subjected to a cell proliferation assay (MTT). RESULTS: Treatment with 100, 200 or 300 ”g/mL petroleum ether extract of Cissus quadrangularis enhanced the differentiation of marrow mesenchymal stem cells into ALP-positive osteoblasts and increased extracellular matrix calcification. Treatment with 300 ”g/mL petroleum ether extract of Cissus quadrangularis also enhanced the proliferation rate of the marrow mesenchymal stem cells. Cells grown in osteogenic media containing Cissus quadrangularis exhibited higher proliferation, differentiation and calcification rates than did control cells. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that Cissus quadrangularis stimulates osteoblastogenesis and can be used as preventive/alternative natural medicine for bone diseases such as osteoporosis