5 research outputs found

    Geographical Distribution of Disasters Caused by Natural Hazards in Data-scarce Areas : Methodological exploration on the Samala River catchment, Guatemala

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    An increasing trend in both the number of disasters and affected people has been observed, especially during the second half of the 20th century. The physical, economic and social impact that natural hazards have had on a global scale has prompted an increasing interest of governments, international institutions and the academia. This has immensely contributed to improve the knowledge on the subject and has helped multiply the number of initiatives to reduce the negative consequences of natural hazards on people. The scale on which studies supporting disaster risk reduction (DRR) actions are performed is a critical parameter. Given that disasters are recognized to be place-dependent, studying the geographical distribution of disasters on a local scale is essential to make DRR practical and feasible for local authorities, organizations and civilians. However, studying disasters on the local scale is still a challenge due to the constraints posed by scarce data availability. Social vulnerability in many disaster-prone areas is however a pressing issue that needs to be swiftly addressed despite of the many limitations of data for such studies. This thesis explored methodological alternatives to study the geographical distribution of natural disasters and their potential causes in disaster-prone and data-scarce areas. The Samala River catchment in Guatemala was selected as a case study, which is representative of areas with high social vulnerability and data scarcity.聽 Exploratory methods to derive critical disaster information in such areas were constructed using the geographical and social data available for the study area. The hindrances posed by the available data were evaluated and the use of non-traditional datasets such as nightlights imagery to complement the available data were explored as a way of overcoming the observed limitations. The exploratory methods developed in this thesis aim at (a) deriving information on natural disasters under data-scarce circumstances, (b) exploring the correlation between the spatial distribution of natural disasters and the physical context in order to look for causalities, (c) using open data to study the social context as a potential cause of disasters in data-scarce areas, and (d) mapping vulnerabilities to support actions for disaster risk reduction. Although the available data for the case study was limited in quantity and quality and many sources of uncertainty exist in the proposed methods, this thesis argues that the potential contribution to the development of DRR on a local scale is more important than the identified drawbacks. The use of non-traditional data such as remotely sensed imagery made it possible to derive information on the occurrences of disasters and, in particular, causal relationships between location of disasters and their physical and social context.El n煤mero de desastres y personas afectadas por esos desastres en el mundo han mostrado una tendencia creciente, especialmente en la segunda mitad del siglo veinte. El impacto f铆sico, econ贸mico y social que las amenazas naturales han causado a nivel global ha causado que gobiernos, instituciones internacionales y la academia se interesen cada vez m谩s en los desastres causados por esas amenazas. Este inter茅s ha contribuido a mejorar el conocimiento existente sobre desastres y ha contribuido a multiplicar las iniciativas orientadas a reducir sus efectos negativos en las personas. La escala en la cual las iniciativas para la reducci贸n del riesgo de desastres (RRD) se llevan a cabo es un par谩metro cr铆tico para su materializaci贸n. Hoy en d铆a se reconoce la estrecha relaci贸n que existe entre los desastres y los lugares donde 茅stos se registran. Por esta raz贸n, estudiar la distribuci贸n de los desastres en una escala local es esencial para que la RRD sea pr谩ctica y factible para autoridades y organizaciones locales, y tambi茅n para la sociedad civil. Sin embargo, estudiar los desastres en una escala local es a煤n un problema por resolver debido a las restricciones impuestas por la escasa disponibilidad de datos de alta resoluci贸n. A pesar de las dificultades y limitaciones identificadas, la vulnerabilidad social en las regiones propensas a desastres es un problema importante que necesita ser atendido con prontitud. La presente tesis explor贸 alternativas metodol贸gicas para estudiar la distribuci贸n geogr谩fica de los desastres naturales y sus causas potenciales, particularmente en 谩reas propensas a desastres y en condiciones de informaci贸n limitada. La cuenca del R铆o Samal谩 fue seleccionada como caso de estudio debido a que es un 谩rea representativa de 谩reas propensa a desastres con alta vulnerabilidad social y adem谩s escasez de datos. El trabajo de investigaci贸n propone m茅todos exploratorios para extraer informaci贸n cr铆tica sobre desastres utilizando la informaci贸n geogr谩fica y social que est茅 disponible, evaluando los obst谩culos impuestos por la reducida disponibilidad de datos. La informaci贸n existente fue complementada con el uso de fuentes de informaci贸n no tradicional, e.g. im谩genes satelitales de luces nocturnas, como una manera de superar las limitaciones identificadas. Los m茅todos desarrollados en este trabajo de tesis tuvieron como objetivos (a) obtener informaci贸n sobre desastres naturales en condiciones de escasez de datos, (b) explorar la correlaci贸n entre la distribuci贸n espacial de los desastres naturales y su contexto f铆sico para identificar causalidades, (c) utilizar informaci贸n de libre acceso para estudiar el contexto social de los desastres como causa potencial de los desastres en 谩reas con escasez de datos, y (d) mapear vulnerabilidades para sustentar acciones para la RRD. Este trabajo de tesis sostiene que la contribuci贸n potencial de los m茅todos propuestos al desarrollo de la RRD en la escala social es m谩s importante que las incertidumbres que implican y las limitaciones creadas por la reducida calidad y cantidad de informaci贸n para el caso de estudio. El uso de fuentes de informaci贸n no tradicionales tales como im谩genes satelitales hizo posible incrementar la informaci贸n sobre las incidencias de desastres y, en particular, buscar relaci贸n de dependencia entre los lugares particulares en los que los desastres fueron registrados y su contexto f铆sico y social

    Geographical Distribution of Disasters Caused by Natural Hazards in Data-scarce Areas : Methodological exploration on the Samala River catchment, Guatemala

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    An increasing trend in both the number of disasters and affected people has been observed, especially during the second half of the 20th century. The physical, economic and social impact that natural hazards have had on a global scale has prompted an increasing interest of governments, international institutions and the academia. This has immensely contributed to improve the knowledge on the subject and has helped multiply the number of initiatives to reduce the negative consequences of natural hazards on people. The scale on which studies supporting disaster risk reduction (DRR) actions are performed is a critical parameter. Given that disasters are recognized to be place-dependent, studying the geographical distribution of disasters on a local scale is essential to make DRR practical and feasible for local authorities, organizations and civilians. However, studying disasters on the local scale is still a challenge due to the constraints posed by scarce data availability. Social vulnerability in many disaster-prone areas is however a pressing issue that needs to be swiftly addressed despite of the many limitations of data for such studies. This thesis explored methodological alternatives to study the geographical distribution of natural disasters and their potential causes in disaster-prone and data-scarce areas. The Samala River catchment in Guatemala was selected as a case study, which is representative of areas with high social vulnerability and data scarcity.聽 Exploratory methods to derive critical disaster information in such areas were constructed using the geographical and social data available for the study area. The hindrances posed by the available data were evaluated and the use of non-traditional datasets such as nightlights imagery to complement the available data were explored as a way of overcoming the observed limitations. The exploratory methods developed in this thesis aim at (a) deriving information on natural disasters under data-scarce circumstances, (b) exploring the correlation between the spatial distribution of natural disasters and the physical context in order to look for causalities, (c) using open data to study the social context as a potential cause of disasters in data-scarce areas, and (d) mapping vulnerabilities to support actions for disaster risk reduction. Although the available data for the case study was limited in quantity and quality and many sources of uncertainty exist in the proposed methods, this thesis argues that the potential contribution to the development of DRR on a local scale is more important than the identified drawbacks. The use of non-traditional data such as remotely sensed imagery made it possible to derive information on the occurrences of disasters and, in particular, causal relationships between location of disasters and their physical and social context.El n煤mero de desastres y personas afectadas por esos desastres en el mundo han mostrado una tendencia creciente, especialmente en la segunda mitad del siglo veinte. El impacto f铆sico, econ贸mico y social que las amenazas naturales han causado a nivel global ha causado que gobiernos, instituciones internacionales y la academia se interesen cada vez m谩s en los desastres causados por esas amenazas. Este inter茅s ha contribuido a mejorar el conocimiento existente sobre desastres y ha contribuido a multiplicar las iniciativas orientadas a reducir sus efectos negativos en las personas. La escala en la cual las iniciativas para la reducci贸n del riesgo de desastres (RRD) se llevan a cabo es un par谩metro cr铆tico para su materializaci贸n. Hoy en d铆a se reconoce la estrecha relaci贸n que existe entre los desastres y los lugares donde 茅stos se registran. Por esta raz贸n, estudiar la distribuci贸n de los desastres en una escala local es esencial para que la RRD sea pr谩ctica y factible para autoridades y organizaciones locales, y tambi茅n para la sociedad civil. Sin embargo, estudiar los desastres en una escala local es a煤n un problema por resolver debido a las restricciones impuestas por la escasa disponibilidad de datos de alta resoluci贸n. A pesar de las dificultades y limitaciones identificadas, la vulnerabilidad social en las regiones propensas a desastres es un problema importante que necesita ser atendido con prontitud. La presente tesis explor贸 alternativas metodol贸gicas para estudiar la distribuci贸n geogr谩fica de los desastres naturales y sus causas potenciales, particularmente en 谩reas propensas a desastres y en condiciones de informaci贸n limitada. La cuenca del R铆o Samal谩 fue seleccionada como caso de estudio debido a que es un 谩rea representativa de 谩reas propensa a desastres con alta vulnerabilidad social y adem谩s escasez de datos. El trabajo de investigaci贸n propone m茅todos exploratorios para extraer informaci贸n cr铆tica sobre desastres utilizando la informaci贸n geogr谩fica y social que est茅 disponible, evaluando los obst谩culos impuestos por la reducida disponibilidad de datos. La informaci贸n existente fue complementada con el uso de fuentes de informaci贸n no tradicional, e.g. im谩genes satelitales de luces nocturnas, como una manera de superar las limitaciones identificadas. Los m茅todos desarrollados en este trabajo de tesis tuvieron como objetivos (a) obtener informaci贸n sobre desastres naturales en condiciones de escasez de datos, (b) explorar la correlaci贸n entre la distribuci贸n espacial de los desastres naturales y su contexto f铆sico para identificar causalidades, (c) utilizar informaci贸n de libre acceso para estudiar el contexto social de los desastres como causa potencial de los desastres en 谩reas con escasez de datos, y (d) mapear vulnerabilidades para sustentar acciones para la RRD. Este trabajo de tesis sostiene que la contribuci贸n potencial de los m茅todos propuestos al desarrollo de la RRD en la escala social es m谩s importante que las incertidumbres que implican y las limitaciones creadas por la reducida calidad y cantidad de informaci贸n para el caso de estudio. El uso de fuentes de informaci贸n no tradicionales tales como im谩genes satelitales hizo posible incrementar la informaci贸n sobre las incidencias de desastres y, en particular, buscar relaci贸n de dependencia entre los lugares particulares en los que los desastres fueron registrados y su contexto f铆sico y social

    Geographical Distribution of Disasters Caused by Natural Hazards in Data-scarce Areas : Methodological exploration on the Samala River catchment, Guatemala

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    An increasing trend in both the number of disasters and affected people has been observed, especially during the second half of the 20th century. The physical, economic and social impact that natural hazards have had on a global scale has prompted an increasing interest of governments, international institutions and the academia. This has immensely contributed to improve the knowledge on the subject and has helped multiply the number of initiatives to reduce the negative consequences of natural hazards on people. The scale on which studies supporting disaster risk reduction (DRR) actions are performed is a critical parameter. Given that disasters are recognized to be place-dependent, studying the geographical distribution of disasters on a local scale is essential to make DRR practical and feasible for local authorities, organizations and civilians. However, studying disasters on the local scale is still a challenge due to the constraints posed by scarce data availability. Social vulnerability in many disaster-prone areas is however a pressing issue that needs to be swiftly addressed despite of the many limitations of data for such studies. This thesis explored methodological alternatives to study the geographical distribution of natural disasters and their potential causes in disaster-prone and data-scarce areas. The Samala River catchment in Guatemala was selected as a case study, which is representative of areas with high social vulnerability and data scarcity.聽 Exploratory methods to derive critical disaster information in such areas were constructed using the geographical and social data available for the study area. The hindrances posed by the available data were evaluated and the use of non-traditional datasets such as nightlights imagery to complement the available data were explored as a way of overcoming the observed limitations. The exploratory methods developed in this thesis aim at (a) deriving information on natural disasters under data-scarce circumstances, (b) exploring the correlation between the spatial distribution of natural disasters and the physical context in order to look for causalities, (c) using open data to study the social context as a potential cause of disasters in data-scarce areas, and (d) mapping vulnerabilities to support actions for disaster risk reduction. Although the available data for the case study was limited in quantity and quality and many sources of uncertainty exist in the proposed methods, this thesis argues that the potential contribution to the development of DRR on a local scale is more important than the identified drawbacks. The use of non-traditional data such as remotely sensed imagery made it possible to derive information on the occurrences of disasters and, in particular, causal relationships between location of disasters and their physical and social context.El n煤mero de desastres y personas afectadas por esos desastres en el mundo han mostrado una tendencia creciente, especialmente en la segunda mitad del siglo veinte. El impacto f铆sico, econ贸mico y social que las amenazas naturales han causado a nivel global ha causado que gobiernos, instituciones internacionales y la academia se interesen cada vez m谩s en los desastres causados por esas amenazas. Este inter茅s ha contribuido a mejorar el conocimiento existente sobre desastres y ha contribuido a multiplicar las iniciativas orientadas a reducir sus efectos negativos en las personas. La escala en la cual las iniciativas para la reducci贸n del riesgo de desastres (RRD) se llevan a cabo es un par谩metro cr铆tico para su materializaci贸n. Hoy en d铆a se reconoce la estrecha relaci贸n que existe entre los desastres y los lugares donde 茅stos se registran. Por esta raz贸n, estudiar la distribuci贸n de los desastres en una escala local es esencial para que la RRD sea pr谩ctica y factible para autoridades y organizaciones locales, y tambi茅n para la sociedad civil. Sin embargo, estudiar los desastres en una escala local es a煤n un problema por resolver debido a las restricciones impuestas por la escasa disponibilidad de datos de alta resoluci贸n. A pesar de las dificultades y limitaciones identificadas, la vulnerabilidad social en las regiones propensas a desastres es un problema importante que necesita ser atendido con prontitud. La presente tesis explor贸 alternativas metodol贸gicas para estudiar la distribuci贸n geogr谩fica de los desastres naturales y sus causas potenciales, particularmente en 谩reas propensas a desastres y en condiciones de informaci贸n limitada. La cuenca del R铆o Samal谩 fue seleccionada como caso de estudio debido a que es un 谩rea representativa de 谩reas propensa a desastres con alta vulnerabilidad social y adem谩s escasez de datos. El trabajo de investigaci贸n propone m茅todos exploratorios para extraer informaci贸n cr铆tica sobre desastres utilizando la informaci贸n geogr谩fica y social que est茅 disponible, evaluando los obst谩culos impuestos por la reducida disponibilidad de datos. La informaci贸n existente fue complementada con el uso de fuentes de informaci贸n no tradicional, e.g. im谩genes satelitales de luces nocturnas, como una manera de superar las limitaciones identificadas. Los m茅todos desarrollados en este trabajo de tesis tuvieron como objetivos (a) obtener informaci贸n sobre desastres naturales en condiciones de escasez de datos, (b) explorar la correlaci贸n entre la distribuci贸n espacial de los desastres naturales y su contexto f铆sico para identificar causalidades, (c) utilizar informaci贸n de libre acceso para estudiar el contexto social de los desastres como causa potencial de los desastres en 谩reas con escasez de datos, y (d) mapear vulnerabilidades para sustentar acciones para la RRD. Este trabajo de tesis sostiene que la contribuci贸n potencial de los m茅todos propuestos al desarrollo de la RRD en la escala social es m谩s importante que las incertidumbres que implican y las limitaciones creadas por la reducida calidad y cantidad de informaci贸n para el caso de estudio. El uso de fuentes de informaci贸n no tradicionales tales como im谩genes satelitales hizo posible incrementar la informaci贸n sobre las incidencias de desastres y, en particular, buscar relaci贸n de dependencia entre los lugares particulares en los que los desastres fueron registrados y su contexto f铆sico y social

    Remotely Sensed Nightlights to Map Societal Exposure to Hydrometeorological Hazards

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    This study used remotely sensed maps of nightlights to investigate the etiology of increasing disaster losses from hydrometeorological hazards in a data-scarce area. We explored trends in the probability of occurrence of hazardous events (extreme rainfall) and exposure of the local population as components of risk. The temporal variation of the spatial distribution of exposure to hydrometeorological hazards was studied using nightlight satellite imagery as a proxy. Temporal (yearly) and spatial (1 km) resolution make them more useful than official census data. Additionally, satellite nightlights can track informal (unofficial) human settlements. The study focused on the Samala River catchment in Guatemala. The analyses of disasters, using DesInventar Disaster Information Management System data, showed that fatalities caused by hydrometeorological events have increased. Such an increase in disaster losses can be explained by trends in both: (i) catchment conditions that tend to lead to more frequent hydrometeorological extremes (more frequent occurrence of days with wet conditions); and (ii) increasing human exposure to hazardous events (as observed by amount and intensity of nightlights in areas close to rivers). Our study shows the value of remote sensing data and provides a framework to explore the dynamics of disaster risk when ground data are spatially and temporally limited

    Effects of once-weekly exenatide on cardiovascular outcomes in type 2 diabetes

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    BACKGROUND: The cardiovascular effects of adding once-weekly treatment with exenatide to usual care in patients with type 2 diabetes are unknown. METHODS: We randomly assigned patients with type 2 diabetes, with or without previous cardiovascular disease, to receive subcutaneous injections of extended-release exenatide at a dose of 2 mg or matching placebo once weekly. The primary composite outcome was the first occurrence of death from cardiovascular causes, nonfatal myocardial infarction, or nonfatal stroke. The coprimary hypotheses were that exenatide, administered once weekly, would be noninferior to placebo with respect to safety and superior to placebo with respect to efficacy. RESULTS: In all, 14,752 patients (of whom 10,782 [73.1%] had previous cardiovascular disease) were followed for a median of 3.2 years (interquartile range, 2.2 to 4.4). A primary composite outcome event occurred in 839 of 7356 patients (11.4%; 3.7 events per 100 person-years) in the exenatide group and in 905 of 7396 patients (12.2%; 4.0 events per 100 person-years) in the placebo group (hazard ratio, 0.91; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.83 to 1.00), with the intention-to-treat analysis indicating that exenatide, administered once weekly, was noninferior to placebo with respect to safety (P<0.001 for noninferiority) but was not superior to placebo with respect to efficacy (P=0.06 for superiority). The rates of death from cardiovascular causes, fatal or nonfatal myocardial infarction, fatal or nonfatal stroke, hospitalization for heart failure, and hospitalization for acute coronary syndrome, and the incidence of acute pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, medullary thyroid carcinoma, and serious adverse events did not differ significantly between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Among patients with type 2 diabetes with or without previous cardiovascular disease, the incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events did not differ significantly between patients who received exenatide and those who received placebo