2,204 research outputs found

    Spatial econometric analysis of Louisiana rural real estate values

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    The general purpose of this study was to conduct a spatial analysis of the dynamics of rural land values in Louisiana. Specifically, spatial econometric procedures and hedonic price analysis were used to evaluate the impact of land characteristics on land prices across rural land markets in Louisiana. Initially, hedonic models were estimated by ordinary least squares (OLS) procedures to test for the presence of spatial autocorrelation using Lagrange Multiplier tests. Results suggested that there was spatial autocorrelation in the error terms. Hedonic models were then estimated using maximum likelihood (ML) spatial error techniques. Log likelihood numbers and likelihood ratio tests where used to compare OLS and ML model estimation, and the ML was better for these data. Information for this study includes sales that were collected for the time period January 1, 1993 through June 30, 1998, and data collected as a part of this study for the period July 1, 1998 through June 30, 2002. Data on 3,542 Louisiana rural land sales were collected during the two periods using mail survey techniques. Geo-reference of these sales indicated that sales were evenly dispersed throughout the state. Results from the data indicate that there is a substantial variation in rural real estate prices across the state. Results from hedonic model estimation showed that cropland, pastureland, government program cotton base acreage, month of sale, value of improvements, paved road access, reasons for purchase residential, commercial and investment; residential, commercial, and highway influences; statistical metropolitan areas, and inverse of travel time had statistically significant positive influences on per acre land values. Meanwhile, size of tract, distance to nearest town, travel time to nearest town, flood influence, and reasons for purchase farm expansion and recreational had a statistically significant inverse relationship with per acre rural land values. Marginal implicit prices were estimated using the results from models estimated by OLS and ML spatial procedures. Results indicated that, in several instances, marginal implicit prices were overestimated or underestimated when using results from OLS estimation. In general, spatial econometric techniques can be used to improve the accuracy of rural land value estimates


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    Empirical research has shown that location and economic development are important factors in rural market. With more and more rural land being converted at the urban fringe, buyer, sellers, planners, appraisers, tax assessors, and others are expected to have an increasing need for information related to the effect of location on rural land values. In econometric land value estimation, misspecification of the variance-covariance matrix results in loss of efficiency, predictive accuracy, and biased inference. The form of the weight matrix is also important. Additional flexibility can be introduced by including a decay parameter, along with different number of neighbors to provide improved estimates. The general objective of this paper is to develop an empirical rural land value model. Specifically, this study emphasizes the use of a more flexible spatial weight matrix by including a decay parameter along with different number of neighbors. Data for this study are based on rural land market sales from the southeast area of Louisiana that were collected using mail survey techniques for the period January 1993 through June 1998. Hedonic models are estimated by SAR using two types of weight matrices: the Delaunay, a rigid form of a weight matrix, and a flexible nearest neighbor asymmetric matrix that includes a decay parameter that lies between 0.4 and 1, along with different number of neighbors m ranging from 6 to 30. Likelihood ratio tests are used to test for statistical fit between spatial and OLS models. Results also suggest that the SAR model based on the Delaunay matrix and nearest neighbor matrix performed better than the OLS model. We also found that this particular set of data, one cannot conclude that the flexible nearest neighbor matrix outperforms the use of a more rigid spatial weight matrix. Further research should continue to test for other forms of spatial weight matrices.Land Economics/Use,


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    Empirical research has used various distance variables to measure the effect of location on land values. This study tests alternative models using different distance measures such as travel time, straight line, and road distance that affect land values. The model that appears to best fit the data is the travel time model.Land Economics/Use,

    The Impact of Price and Yield Variability on Southeastern U.S. Catfish Producer Operations (Bulletin #876)

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    This study empirically assessed the impact of stochastic price and yield variables on catfish producer profits within a risk-evaluation framework.https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/agcenter_bulletins/1037/thumbnail.jp

    Condiciones de salud y factores relacionados con discapacidad en adultos mayores -Una reflexión para la atención-

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    Introduction: The situation in the world of the growth of the older adult population is clear. Ageing also brings with it a burden of important chronic diseases, where cardiovascular, mental health and cancer diseases are among the prevalent. In addition, the need for assistance from these people in the long term is increased because mobility is lost, fragility increases and physical or mental illnesses sequelae enhance the rates of disability. Objective: To reflect on the aspects of health and disability of older adults as reported in the literature. Materials and methods: Literature review of articles of specialized scientific databases and academic repositories, using logical descriptors and boolean operators related to the subject. Results: The information was structured taking into account the aspects related to the health status of older adults, the condition of disability, risk and protective factors. Conclusions: Early diagnosis of prevalent diseases in older adults is supported by defining the risk factors of disability but emphasizing the intervention based on healthy aging

    Muscle Activity and Muscle Strength in Atypical Swallowing

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    Objective:   To characterize muscle activity and muscle strength in patients with atypical swallowing (AS; n = 88) and competent lips (CL) or incompetent lips (IL) versus a control group (Ctrl; n = 90) Methods and materials: an analytical case-control study was conducted using surface electromyography (sEMG) of the orbicularis oris, mentalis and masseter muscles. Compression forces of the orbicularis oris,  right  and left masseters muscle (Cfrmm, Cflmm)) , tongue tensile strength (Tts) via myoscan analysis and resistance of the orbicularis oris (Roo) via dynamometry were determined. Comparisons were made with the Mann-Whitney U test   under a 95% confidence interval. Results: The amplitude of the sEMG record of the orbicularis oris muscle, in maximal contraction, was lower (p<0.01) in the atypical swallowing group (596.40 ± 175.83) compared to controls (659.83 ± 203.79). The muscle strength studied in the experimental group was lower (p<0.01) than in controls (CFo: AS: 0.31 ± 0.13; Ctrl: 0.38 ± 0, 11; Cfrmm: AS: 0.40 ± 0.08; Ctrl: 0.50 ± 0.11; Cflmm: AS: 0.41 ± 0.08; Ctrl: 0.58 ± 0.59; Tts, AS: 0.52 ± 0.14, Ctrl: 0.65 ± 0.14, and Roo: AS: 2.47 ± 0.61; Ctrl: 2.73 ± 0.60). Patients with incompetent lips had a greater muscle activity of the orbicularis oris in swallowing (AS of IL: 197.01 ± 85.84; AS of CL: 160.54 ± 97.03; Ctrl: 147.18 ± 80.10). Conclusion: Patients with atypical swallowing showed differences in the strength of studied muscles and the muscle activity of the orbicular oris muscle compared to controls.Objective:   To characterize muscle activity and muscle strength in patients with atypical swallowing (AS; n = 88) and competent lips (CL) or incompetent lips (IL) versus a control group (Ctrl; n = 90) Methods and materials: an analytical case-control study was conducted using surface electromyography (sEMG) of the orbicularis oris, mentalis and masseter muscles. Compression forces of the orbicularis oris,  right  and left masseters muscle (Cfrmm, Cflmm)) , tongue tensile strength (Tts) via myoscan analysis and resistance of the orbicularis oris (Roo) via dynamometry were determined. Comparisons were made with the Mann-Whitney U test   under a 95% confidence interval. Results: The amplitude of the sEMG record of the orbicularis oris muscle, in maximal contraction, was lower (p<0.01) in the atypical swallowing group (596.40 ± 175.83) compared to controls (659.83 ± 203.79). The muscle strength studied in the experimental group was lower (p<0.01) than in controls (CFo: AS: 0.31 ± 0.13; Ctrl: 0.38 ± 0, 11; Cfrmm: AS: 0.40 ± 0.08; Ctrl: 0.50 ± 0.11; Cflmm: AS: 0.41 ± 0.08; Ctrl: 0.58 ± 0.59; Tts, AS: 0.52 ± 0.14, Ctrl: 0.65 ± 0.14, and Roo: AS: 2.47 ± 0.61; Ctrl: 2.73 ± 0.60). Patients with incompetent lips had a greater muscle activity of the orbicularis oris in swallowing (AS of IL: 197.01 ± 85.84; AS of CL: 160.54 ± 97.03; Ctrl: 147.18 ± 80.10). Conclusion: Patients with atypical swallowing showed differences in the strength of studied muscles and the muscle activity of the orbicular oris muscle compared to controls

    Factores predictores para atonía uterina en puérperas del Hospital Regional de Trujillo

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    Objetivo: determinar cuales son los factores predictores para hemorragia posparto(HPP) por atonía uterina en pacientes puérperas. Material y métodos: se realizó un estudio de casos y controles retrospectivo. La población de estudio estuvo constituida por 3024 pacientes que fueron atendidas en el servicio de Obstetricia del Hospital Regional Docente de Trujillo en el período enero del 2010 hasta diciembre del 2017, que cumplieron con los criterios de selección. Resultados: al realizar el análisis bivariado la variable cesárea previa [OR 3.27 (IC 95%: 3.10-3.89)], multiparidad [OR 3.41 (IC 95%: 2.82-4.11)], macrosomía fetal [OR: 1.29 (IC 95%: 1.09-1.52)], corioamnionitis [OR 1.95 (IC 95%: 1.64-2.32)] y miomatosis uterina [OR 1.43 (IC 95%: 1.18-1.73)] presentaron significancia estadística (p=0.001). Con el análisis multivariado se obtuvo que los factores independientemente asociados a la HPP por atonía uterina fueron la cesárea previa [OR2.80 (IC 95% 2.20-3.54)], multiparidad [OR 6.24 (IC 95% 4.68-8.33)], macrosomía fetal [OR 4.79 (IC 95%: 3.37-6.80)], corioamnionitis [OR 21.56 (IC 95%: 13.88-33.48)] y miomatosis uterina [OR 8.25 (IC 95%: 5.10-13.37)]. Conclusiones: se comprobó que los factores predictores para HPP por atonía uterina en pacientes puérperas del Hospital Regional Docente de Trujillo fueron la cesárea previa, multiparidad, macrosomía fetal, corioamnionitis y miomatosis uterina.Objective: to determine the predictive factors for postpartum hemorrhage (HPP) for uterine atony in puerperal women of the Regional Hospital of Trujillo in the 2010-2017 period. Material and methods: a type of observational, analytical and retrospective case- control study design was carried out. The study population consisted of 3024 patients who were treated in the obstetrics service of the regional hospital of Trujillo during the period January 2010 to December 2017, that fulfilled selection criteria. Results: when we performing the univariate analysis, previous caesarean [OR3.27 (95%CI:3.10-3.89)], multiparity [OR3.41 (95%CI:2.82-4.11)], birth weight more than 4 kg [OR:1.29 (95% CI:1.09-1.52)] , chorioamnionitis [OR1.95 (95% CI: 1.78-2.32)], and uterine fibroids [OR1.43 (95%CI:1.18-1.73)] had statistical significance (p = 0.00). With multivariate analysis, we found that previous caesarean [OR 2.80 (95% CI: 2.20-3.54)], multiparity (p = 0.001, OR 6.24, IC 95% 4.67-8.33), birth weight more than 4 kg (p = 0.001, OR 4.79, 95% CI: 3.37-6.80), chorioamnionitis (p = 0.001, OR 21.56, 95% CI: 13.88-33.48) and uterine fibroids (p = 0.001, OR 8.25, 95% CI: 5.10-13.37) was predictive. Conclusions: it was found that the predictive factors for HPP for uterine atony in puerperal women at the Regional Hospital of Trujillo were previous cesarean, multiparity, birth weight more than 4 kg, chorioamnionitis and uterine fibroids.Tesi