10 research outputs found

    Hábitos, preferencias y habilidades culinarias de estudiantes de primer curso de la universidad de Huelva

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    Introduction: Students attending university are at a critical period for the development and consolidation of future lifestyles. The objective of this study was to know the eating habits, food preferences and culinary skills of first-year students on different degree courses at the University of Huelva. Material and Method: Cross-sectional descriptive study in academic year 2015-2016 of a sample of 756 students. Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet was measured by the KIDMED questionnaire. The rest of the variables were measured by an ad hoc questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using the PSPP programme, calculating arithmetic means, standard deviations and percentages for the descriptive analysis, with Chi-square test and ANOVA for the relational analysis. Results: 20.4% of students have an optimal level of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, compared to 65.3% % with an average level and 14.3% with low adherence. Favourite foods cited were chicken (62.2%), pasta (58.2%), pork (50.4%) and chips (45.9%). The types of food the students knew how to prepare included pasta (93.8%), egg and chips (90.2%), precooked pizza (88.7%), fruit juices (86.1%) and grilled meat (85.8%). Conclusions: Huelva university students diet is very similar to that of other university populations studied. We found a preference for meat and foods rich in carbohydrates, to the detriment of fruit and vegetables. A lack of culinary skills was observed, which could explain the deterioration in eating habits; this is a pointer to future interventions.Introducción: Los estudiantes universitarios se encuentran en un periodo crítico para el desarrollo y consolidación de estilos de vida futuros. El objetivo fue conocer los hábitos alimentarios, preferencias alimentarias y habilidades culinarias del alumnado de primer curso de las distintas titulaciones de la Universidad de Huelva. Material y Método: Estudio descriptivo transversal durante el año académico 2015-2016 de una muestra final de 756 alumnos. La adherencia a la Dieta Mediterránea se ha medido a través del cuestionario KIDMED. El resto de variables se han recogido mediante un cuestionario ad hoc. El análisis de datos se realizó mediante el PSPP, calculándose medias, desviaciones típicas y porcentajes para el análisis descriptivo, prueba de Chi-cuadrado y ANOVA para el análisis relacional. Resultados: El 20,4% del alumnado tiene un nivel óptimo de adherencia a la Dieta Mediterránea, frente al 65,3% que posee un nivel medio y un 14,3% bajo. Los alimentos preferidos son pollo (62,2%), pasta (58,2%), cerdo (50,4%) y las patatas fritas (45,9%). Entre los alimentos que saben preparar están la pasta, (93,8%), patatas con huevo (90.2 %), pizza precocinada (88.7 %), zumo (86.1 %) y carne a la plancha (85.8 %). Conclusiones: La dieta de los estudiantes onubenses es muy similar a la de otras poblaciones universitarias estudiadas. Se encontró preferencia por las carnes y alimentos ricos en glúcidos, en detrimento de la fruta y la verdura. Se observó un déficit en las habilidades culinarias, lo cual podría explicar el deterioro del patrón alimentario de éstos y orientar futuras intervenciones

    Psychometric properties of a Spanish version of the MM-CGI-SF in caregivers of people with dementia

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    Background: Caregivers of people with dementia may experience characteristic grief linked to present and anticipated losses before the physical death of the care recipient occurs, which is related to physical and mental health problems. The Marwit-Meuser Caregiver Inventory-Short Form (MM-CGI-SF) is an instrument that assesses this type of grief. Since there are no studies on an adaptation of the MM-CGI-SF to the Spanish population, the aim of the study was to evaluate its psychometric properties in a sample of caregivers of dementia patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out. The tool was translated and adapted into Spanish, which was administered to 250 caregivers of people with dementia in the province of Huelva, together with other related instruments. Descriptive statistics and internal consistency reliability were calculated using Cronbach's alpha, for the total questionnaire and for each subscale. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed and the Spanish version of the MM-CGI-SF was correlated with the rest of the variables by calculating Spearman's correlation coefficient. Results: 80.4% of the participants were female and had high levels of caregiver grief (x = 64.62, SD = 14.86). Cronbach's alpha for the general questionnaire was 0.927 and between 0.822-0.854 for its subscales. The fit values of the CFA were: x2 = 202.033, degrees of freedom = 121, x2 /df = 1.670, TLI = 0.954, CFI = 0.963, SRMR = 0.047, RMSEA = 0.052; and all the correlations were statistically significant. Conclusions: The Spanish version of the MM-CGI-SF shows adequate psychometric properties. Thanks to this instrument, health professionals may measure caregiver grief, get closer to the reality of dementia care, and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions to manage this grief.The Spanish Ministry of Universities has supported the first author of this research through the University Teacher Training Programme, with reference number (FPU19/04001). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva/CBUA

    How Effective Are Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Reducing Stress and Weight? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Stress contributes to the development and maintenance of obesity. Mindfulness-based therapies are being used to reduce stress and promote weight reduction and maintenance. This study aimed to determine the efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions for stress and weight reduction in the short, medium, and long term. Searches on PsycINFO, Medline, CINAHL, Scopus, WOS, and Science Direct were conducted until March 2021. Intervention studies with a sample of adults were included; these evaluated a mindfulness-based intervention and used stress and weight or body mass index as outcome variables. These criteria were met by 13 articles. A meta-analysis of 8 of the 13 articles was performed with a random-effects or fixed-effects model, depending on the level of heterogeneity between studies. Mindfulness-based interventions had a small effect on stress reduction over a 3-month period: effect size (standardized mean difference) = −0.29 (95% CI: −0.49, −0.10). However, no significant evidence was found for stress reduction from 3 months onwards, nor for weight or body mass index reduction in any period. Mindfulness-based interventions are effective in reducing stress in the short term, but not in the medium or long term, nor are they effective for weight or body mass index. More robust and longer study designs are needed to determine their effects.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, as allocated to the intern E.S.-C., with reference number [FPU18/04620]

    Innovation and research on the Community Nursing curriculum: Literature review

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    Se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica del período de 1983-2014 con el objetivo de conocer el desarrollo curricular de la materia de Enfermería Comunitaria en la titulación de Enfermería en el contexto espa˜nol. La búsqueda se realizó en 9 bases de datos de Enfermería, Educación, Ciencias de la Salud y otras Ciencias Sociales, además de en TESEO. Los criterios de selección de documentos fueron: el tipo de documento, la nacionalidad y la fecha de publicación. Se analizaron 43 documentos, 24 de los cuales eran experiencias de innovación y 19 investigaciones curriculares. La temática más frecuente en las publicaciones fue la formación práctico-clínica de los/as estudiantes en el ámbito de la Atención Primaria. Los elementos curriculares más estudiados fueron la evaluación y la metodología. El alumnado fue la población más estudiada en la investigación con clara perspectiva cuantitativa, en la que la encuesta sobresale como la principal técnica de recogida de datos. El desarrollo científico-curricular ha sido muy reducido. Se han localizado muy pocas publicaciones y la investigación curricular ha sido escasa, diversa en áreas temáticas y elementos curriculares, y homogénea en enfoques metodológicos.A literature review has been carried out in the period of 1983-2014. The aim has been to know the curricular development of the Community Nursing subject in the university degree of Nursing in the Spanish context. The search was conducted in nine databases of Nursing, Education, Health Sciences and other Social Sciences, in addition to TESEO. The selection criteria for documents were: the type of document, the nationality and the date of publication. 43 documents were analyzed, 24 of which were innovation experiences and 19 curricular investigations. The most frequent topic in the publications was the practical-clinical trainingof the students in the field of Primary Care. The most studied curricular elements were theevaluation and the methodology. The students were the most studied population in a researchwith clear quantitative perspective, in which the survey stands out as the main data collectiontechnique.The scientific-curricular development has been greatly reduced. Very few publications havebeen located and curricular research has been limited, diverse in thematic areas and curricularelements, and homogeneous in methodological approaches

    Effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving grief and depression in caregivers of people with dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Caregivers of people suffering from dementia may go through a grieving process prior to the death of the cared-for person, which is related to mental health and physical problems. Interventions aimed at improving grief and depression are being used in response to these difficulties. The aim of this study was to synthesize and evaluate the evidence for the effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving the grief process in home-based caregivers of people with dementia with the aim of reducing grief and depression. A systematic review, including a meta-analysis, was designed. Following the PRISMA guideline, original articles were searched in the databases: Medline, WOS, Scopus and PsycINFO, up to September 2022. Articles that evaluated interventions aimed at improving the grief process in caregivers of people with dementia, whose care recipients were alive at the beginning of the study at minimum and living at home were selected. Grief and depression were considered outcome variables. A meta-analysis was carried out with a fixed effects model for these variables and for the domains of the Caregiver Grief Scale (CGS). Eight articles met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Most of the interventions aimed at improving the grief process showed an improvement in grief and depression. The "emotional pain" and "absolute loss" domains of the CGS stood out with an improvement in these variables. Interventions aimed at improving the grief process are relatively effective in reducing grief and depression. Interventions that are even more effective and more robust studies are needed.The Spanish Ministry of Universities has supported the first author of this research through the University Teacher Training Programme, with reference number (FPU19/04001). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva / CBUA

    Psychometric Properties of the Emotional Eater Questionnaire in University Students

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    Emotional Eating (EE) patterns have been shown to play a relevant role in the development of overweight and obesity. The aim of this study was to analyze the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Emotional Eater Questionnaire (EEQ) in university students from Huelva. The EEQ was administered to 1282 students (age 22.00 (±5.10), BMI 23.59 (±6.74)), belonging to the University of Huelva. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were carried out. The internal structure of the questionnaire, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and convergent validity were analyzed. Principal component analysis of the questionnaire showed two dimensions, explaining 56% of the variance. Internal consistency showed a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.859 globally, and of 0.841–0.855 if the items were removed. The corrected item-total correlation yielded values of 0.444–0.687. The test-retest stability was ICC = 0.924 (p < 0.001). The data showed significant correlations between EEQ and the rest of the variables, and a Spearman’s Coefficient ranging from −0.367 to 0.400. The fit indexes were good for the confirmatory factor analysis. The results obtained with this structure found an adequate reliability and validity of the questionnaire in comparison with previous studiesThis research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, as allocated to the intern ESC, with reference number (FPU18/04620) The authors thank all the students participating in the study for their selfless collaboration in this research. We also extend a special thanks to Ester Molina for her assistance with the write-up and English review of this stud

    The Family as an Actor in High School Students’ Eating Habits: A Qualitative Research Study

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    In order to discover family conceptions and their di culties with regard to healthy eating habits during the school day, a qualitative study framed in the phenomenological, exploratory, and explanatory perspective has been carried out to detect and describe the aspects and interrelationships that shape the study phenomenon. The researchers performed triangulation techniques and information analysis support with the Atlas-ti programme. As participants, the students’ parents belonging to public secondary education high schools in Huelva, and the capital and its province were included. The participants were intentionally chosen based on established selection and segmentation criteria. Four main categories were obtained from the triangulated analysis. Healthy breakfast, school snack, school cafeteria, and promotion of healthy food measures. Other subcategories were established within them. Families are well aware of the composition of a healthy breakfast, although this is often not translated into practice. Lack of time, comfort and market influence are the main challenges they encounter for their children to acquire healthy habits. The maintenance of healthy habits, their responsibility and control on behalf of the family, and promoting fruit consumption and healthy products from the part of the centre and its cafeteria were highlighted as improvement proposals.This research has been funded by the Community and Family Nursing chair of the University of Alicant

    Attitude towards the Promotion of Healthy Eating among Secondary School Teachers—Construction and Validation of a Questionnaire

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    Health promotion activities in secondary schools are scarce and have little involvement of the teaching staff. Most often, activities are developed from the curriculum that appears in school materials, with little capacity for adaptation and innovation. The aim of this study was to construct and validate a tool to find out teachers’ attitudes towards activities to promote healthy eating in secondary schools. For this purpose, a descriptive study was conducted. The total sample of the study consisted of 200 teachers from secondary schools. Internal consistency was determined by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient globally and by dimension, and with the corrected item–test correlation. The construct validity of the questionnaire was assessed by means of an exploratory factor analysis, for which the principal components method with Varimax rotation was used. A Likert-type scale with nine items and four response options about attitude was designed. The exploratory factor analysis showed a nine-factor solution, of which two had eigenvalues greater than 1. These two factors explained 63.4% of the variance. The Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency index obtained for the global scale was 0.81, and 0.75 and 0.85 for each component. The results obtained with this structure confirmed an adequate reliability and validity of the questionnaireWe really appreciate the participation of the management teams and teachers of all the centres included in this stud

    Habits, preferences and culinary skills of first-year students at the university of Huelva

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    Introducción: Los estudiantes universitarios se encuentran en un periodo crítico para el desarrollo y consolidación de estilos de vidafuturos. El objetivo fue conocerlos hábitos alimentarios, preferencias alimentarias y habilidades culinarias del alumnado de primer curso de las distintas titulaciones de la Universidad de Huelva.Material y Método: Estudio descriptivo transversal durante el año académico 2015-2016 de una muestra final de 756 alumnos. La adherencia a la Dieta Mediterránea se ha medido a través del cuestionario KIDMED. El resto de variables se han recogido mediante un cuestionario ad hoc. El análisis de datos se realizó mediante el PSPP, calculándose medias, desviaciones típicas y porcentajes para el análisis descriptivo, prueba de Chi-cuadrado y ANOVA para el análisis relacional.Resultados:El 20,4% del alumnado tiene un nivel óptimo de adherencia a la Dieta Mediterránea, frente al 65,3% que posee un nivel medio y un 14,3% bajo. Los alimentos preferidos son pollo (62,2%), pasta (58,2%), cerdo (50,4%) y las patatas fritas (45,9%). Entre los alimentos que saben preparar están la pasta, (93,8%), patatas con huevo (90.2 %), pizza precocinada (88.7 %), zumo (86.1 %) y carne a la plancha (85.8 %).Conclusiones: La dieta de los estudiantes onubenses es muy similar a la de otras poblaciones universitarias estudiadas. Se encontró preferencia por las carnes y alimentos ricos en glúcidos, en detrimento de la fruta y la verdura. Se observó un déficit en las habilidades culinarias, lo cual podría explicar el deterioro del patrón alimentario de éstos y orientar futuras intervenciones.ABSTRACT:Introduction: Students attending university are at a critical period for the development and consolidation of future lifestyles. The objective of this study was to know the eating habits, food preferences and culinary skills of first-year students on different degree courses at the University of Huelva.Material and Method: Cross-sectional descriptive study in academic year 2015-2016 of asample of 756 students. Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet was measured by the KIDMED questionnaire. The rest of the variables were measured by an ad hoc questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using the PSPP programme, calculating arithmetic means, standard deviations and percentages for the descriptive analysis, with Chi-square test and ANOVA for the relational analysis.Results: 20.4% of students have an optimal level of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet, compared to 65.3% % with an average level and 14.3% with low adherence. Favourite foods cited were chicken (62.2%), pasta (58.2%), pork (50.4%) and chips (45.9%). The types of food the students knew how to prepare included pasta (93.8%), egg and chips (90.2%), precooked pizza (88.7%), fruit juices(86.1%) and grilled meat (85.8%).Conclusions: Huelva university students diet is very similar to that of other university populations studied. We found a preference for meat and foods rich in carbohydrates, to the detriment of fruit and vegetables. A lack of culinary skills was observed, which could explain the deterioration in eating habits; this is a pointer to future interventions

    Food Consumed by High School Students during the School Day

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    The development of healthy eating habits in adolescence is perceived as an effective strategy to avoid health problems in adulthood. The involvement of educational centres&rsquo; governing boards, as well as the Educational State and Regional Administrations&rsquo;, may be necessary to create healthy food environments during the school day. The objective of this study is to identify the relationship between students&rsquo; eating habits during the school day and sociodemographic, family and physical activity variables, as well as the existence of a school cafeteria. For this, a cross-sectional study in a stratified random sample of 8068 students of Public Secondary Education High Schools of Andalusia (Spain) has been carried out. The results show that students who are 14 years old or older are more likely to skip breakfast at home (odds ratio (OR): 1.81, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.55&ndash;2.12) than those under this age. Students whose mothers do not have a university education are more likely to consume incomplete breakfasts (OR: 1.83, 95% CI: 1.26&ndash;2.65). Snacks with sweets (OR: 1.93, 95% CI: 1.67&ndash;2.23), candy in general (OR: 2.75, 95% CI: 2.38&ndash;3.19), and bagged crisps (OR: 3.06, 95% CI: 2.65&ndash;3.54) were more likely to be consumed in schools with a cafeteria. The factors that significantly influence the eating habits of secondary students in Andalusia include age, sex, parental level of education, physical activity and the existence of a cafeteria