6,709 research outputs found

    Introduction: Examined Live – An Epistemological Exchange Between Philosophy and Cultural Psychology on Reflection

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    Besides the general agreement about the human capability of reflection, there is a large area of disagreement and debate about the nature and value of “reflective scrutiny” and the role of “second-order states” in everyday life. This problem has been discussed in a vast and heterogeneous literature about topics such as epistemic injustice, epistemic norms, agency, understanding, meta-cognition etc. However, there is not yet any extensive and interdisciplinary work, specifically focused on the topic of the epistemic value of reflection. This volume is one of the first attempts aimed at providing an innovative contribution, an exchange between philosophy, epistemology and psychology about the place and value of reflection in everyday life. Our goal in the next sections is not to offer an exhaustive overview of recent work on epistemic reflection, nor to mimic all of the contributions made by the chapters in this volume. We will try to highlight some topics that have motivated a new resumption of this field and, with that, drawing on chapters from this volume where relevant. Two elements defined the scope and content of this volume, on the one hand, the crucial contribution of Ernest Sosa, whose works provide original and thought-provoking contributions to contemporary epistemology in setting a new direction for old dilemmas about the nature and value of knowledge, giving a central place to reflection. On the other hand, the recent developments of cultural psychology, in the version of the “Aalborg approach”, reconsider the object and scope of psychological sciences, stressing that “[h]uman conduct is purposeful”

    Evaluación de alfabetización estadística en una universidad pública

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    Desde los años noventa, la estadística ha ido cobrando un mayor interés como parte importante del currículo académico. Gal (2002) define la alfabetización estadística como una habilidad prioritaria para los ciudadanos, señalándola como la capacidad para leer, interpretar y comunicar información estadística que puedan encontrarse en diversos medios. En los últimos años, este concepto se ha convertido en un tema central de diferentes proyectos en todo el mundo como el ICOTS cada cuatro años y del Proyecto Internacional de Alfabetización Estadística que se encargan de difundir y promover este tópico en los currículos escolares y en los ciudadanos. Países como Nueva Zelanda, España y Estados Unidos han empezado a incluir la estadística como parte de su formación académica en estudios universitarios sin importar el campo de formación (Mofokozi, 2011; Ziegler, 2014)

    Factores que favorecen el aprendizaje de la estadística con proyectos

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    El presente estudio tiene como objetivo describir la percepción que tienen los alumnos sobre el aprendizaje de la estadística con proyectos e identificar los factores que favorecen su aprendizaje. La investigación se fundamenta en la Reforma Integral de Educación Media Superior (RIEMS en México), la cual se implementó desde 2011 a través de un enfoque por competencias

    Controlled Anisotropic Deformation of Ag Nanoparticles by Si Ion Irradiation

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    The shape and alignment of silver nanoparticles embedded in a glass matrix is controlled using silicon ion irradiation. Symmetric silver nanoparticles are transformed into anisotropic particles whose larger axis is along the ion beam. Upon irradiation, the surface plasmon resonance of symmetric particles splits into two resonances whose separation depends on the fluence of the ion irradiation. Simulations of the optical absorbance show that the anisotropy is caused by the deformation and alignment of the nanoparticles, and that both properties are controlled with the irradiation fluence.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (October 14, 2005

    CloudChain: A novel distribution model for digital products based on supply chain principles

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    Cloud computing is a popular outsourcing solution for organizations to support the information management during the life cycle of digital information goods. However, outsourcing management with a public provider results in a lack of control over digital products, which could produce incidents such as data unavailability during service outages, violations of confidentiality and/or legal issues. This paper presents a novel distribution model of digital products inspired by lean supply chain principles called CloudChain, which has been designed to support the information management during digital product lifecycle. This model enables connected networks of customers, partners and organizations to conduct the stages of digital product lifecycle as value chains. Virtual distribution channels are created over cloud resources for applications of organizations to deliver digital products to applications of partners through a seamless information flow. A configurable packing and logistic service was developed to ensure confidentiality and privacy in the product delivery by using encrypted packs. A chain management architecture enables organizations to keep tighter control over their value chains, distribution channels and digital products. CloudChain software instances were integrated to an information management system of a space agency. In an experimental evaluation CloudChain prototype was evaluated in a private cloud where the feasibility of applying supply chain principles to the delivery of digital products in terms of efficiency, flexibility and security was revealed.This work was partially funded by the sectorial fund of research, technological development and innovation in space activities of the Mexican National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) and the Mexican Space Agency (AEM), project No. 262891

    CloudBench: an integrated evaluation of VM placement algorithms in clouds

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    A complex and important task in the cloud resource management is the efficient allocation of virtual machines (VMs), or containers, in physical machines (PMs). The evaluation of VM placement techniques in real-world clouds can be tedious, complex and time-consuming. This situation has motivated an increasing use of cloud simulators that facilitate this type of evaluations. However, most of the reported VM placement techniques based on simulations have been evaluated taking into account one specific cloud resource (e.g., CPU), whereas values often unrealistic are assumed for other resources (e.g., RAM, awaiting times, application workloads, etc.). This situation generates uncertainty, discouraging their implementations in real-world clouds. This paper introduces CloudBench, a methodology to facilitate the evaluation and deployment of VM placement strategies in private clouds. CloudBench considers the integration of a cloud simulator with a real-world private cloud. Two main tools were developed to support this methodology, a specialized multi-resource cloud simulator (CloudBalanSim), which is in charge of evaluating VM placement techniques, and a distributed resource manager (Balancer), which deploys and tests in a real-world private cloud the best VM placement configurations that satisfied user requirements defined in the simulator. Both tools generate feedback information, from the evaluation scenarios and their obtained results, which is used as a learning asset to carry out intelligent and faster evaluations. The experiments implemented with the CloudBench methodology showed encouraging results as a new strategy to evaluate and deploy VM placement algorithms in the cloud.This work was partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under the Grant TIN2016-79637-P “Towards Unifcation of HPC and Big Data Paradigms” and by the Mexican Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) through a Ph.D. Grant (No. 212677)

    Rationality as the Rule of Reason

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    The demands of rationality are linked both to our subjective normative perspective (given that rationality is a person-level concept) and to objective reasons or favoring relations (given that rationality is non-contingently authoritative for us). In this paper, I propose a new way of reconciling the tension between these two aspects: roughly, what rationality requires of us is having the attitudes that correspond to our take on reasons in the light of our evidence, but only if it is competent. I show how this view can account for structural rationality on the assumption that intentions and beliefs as such involve competent perceptions of downstream reasons, and explore various implications of the account

    A general framework for nonholonomic mechanics: Nonholonomic Systems on Lie affgebroids

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    This paper presents a geometric description of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian systems on Lie affgebroids subject to affine nonholonomic constraints. We define the notion of nonholonomically constrained system, and characterize regularity conditions that guarantee that the dynamics of the system can be obtained as a suitable projection of the unconstrained dynamics. It is shown that one can define an almost aff-Poisson bracket on the constraint AV-bundle, which plays a prominent role in the description of nonholonomic dynamics. Moreover, these developments give a general description of nonholonomic systems and the unified treatment permits to study nonholonomic systems after or before reduction in the same framework. Also, it is not necessary to distinguish between linear or affine constraints and the methods are valid for explicitly time-dependent systems.Comment: 50 page