809 research outputs found

    On the BRST Quantization of the Massless Bosonic Particle in Twistor-Like Formulation

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    We study some features of bosonic particle path-integral quantization in a twistor-like approach by use of the BRST-BFV quantization prescription. In the course of the Hamiltonian analysis we observe links between various formulations of the twistor-like particle by performing a conversion of the Hamiltonian constraints of one formulation to another. A particular feature of the conversion procedure applied to turn the second-class constraints into the first-class constraints is that the simplest Lorentz-covariant way to do this is to convert a full mixed set of the initial first- and second-class constraints rather than explicitly extracting and converting only the second-class constraints. Another novel feature of the conversion procedure applied below is that in the case of the D=4 and D=6 twistor-like particle the number of new auxiliary Lorentz-covariant coordinates, which one introduces to get a system of first-class constraints in an extended phase space, exceeds the number of independent second-class constraints of the original dynamical system. We calculate the twistor-like particle propagator in D=3, 4 and 6 space-time dimensions and show, that it coincides with that of a conventional massless bosonic particle.Comment: LaTeX file, 17 page

    Duality-Symmetric Eleven-Dimensional Supergravity and its Coupling to M-Branes

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    The standard eleven-dimensional supergravity action depends on a three-form gauge field and does not allow direct coupling to five-branes. Using previously developed methods, we construct a covariant eleven-dimensional supergravity action depending on a three-form and six-form gauge field in a duality-symmetric manner. This action is coupled to both the M-theory two-brane and five-brane, and corresponding equations of motion are obtained. Consistent coupling relates D=11 duality properties with self-duality properties of the M-5-brane. From this duality-symmetric formulation, one can derive an action describing coupling of the M-branes to standard D=11 supergravity.Comment: Corrected a supersymmetry transformation, replaced a statement about reference 12, included a paragraph on quantization difficulties, and added references and acknowledgement

    BLG-motivated Lagrangian formulation for the chiral two-form gauge field in D=6 and M5-branes

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    We reveal non-manifest gauge and SO(1,5) Lorentz symmetries in the Lagrangian description of a six-dimensional free chiral field derived from the Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson model in arXiv:0804.3629 and make this formulation covariant with the use of a triplet of auxiliary scalar fields. We consider the coupling of this self-dual construction to gravity and its supersymmetrization. In the case of the non-linear model of arXiv:0805.2898 we solve the equations of motion of the gauge field, prove that its non-linear field strength is self-dual and find a gauge-covariant form of the non-linear action. Issues of the relation of this model to the known formulations of the M5-brane worldvolume theory are discussed.Comment: 1+30 pages, v2: added subsection on comparison of different chiral-field actions, clarifications and reference

    Brane induced supersymmetry breaking and de Sitter supergravity

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    We obtain a four-dimensional supergravity with spontaneously broken supersymmetry allowing for de Sitter vacua by coupling a superspace action of minimal N=1, D=4 supergravity to a locally supersymmetric generalization of the Volkov-Akulov goldstino action describing the dynamics of a space-filling non-BPS 3-brane in N=1, D=4 superspace. To the quadratic order in the goldstino field the obtained action coincides with earlier constructions of supergravities with nilpotent superfields, while matching the higher-order contributions will require a non-linear redefinition of fields. In the unitary gauge, in which the goldstino field is set to zero, the action coincides with that of Volkov and Soroka. We also show how a nilpotency constraint on a chiral curvature superfield emerges in this formulation.Comment: 29 pages, v2: typos corrected, references adde

    Three-forms, dualities and membranes in four-dimensional supergravity

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    We consider four-dimensional N=1\mathcal{N}=1 supergravity models of a kind appearing in string flux compactifications. It has been recently shown that, by using double three-form multiplets instead of ordinary chiral multiplets, one can promote to dynamical variables (part of) the quantized numbers appearing in the flux-induced superpotential. We show that double three-form multiplets naturally transform under symplectic dualities associated with the special K\"ahler structure that characterizes their scalar sector. Furthermore, we discuss how to couple membranes which carry arbitrary `electric-magnetic' charges. The complete action is supersymmetric, kappa-symmetric and duality covariant. As an application, we derive the flow equations for BPS domain walls sourced by membranes and give simple analytic examples of their solution.Comment: 53 pages, 8 figures, v2: minor corrections, references adde
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