47 research outputs found
Sport burnout inventory–dual career form for student-athletes : Assessing validity and reliability in a Finnish sample of adolescent athletes
Background: The pressure of pursuing an athletic career simultaneously with education may set adolescent student-athletes at risk for sport and school burnout. Although the 2 life domains of student-athletes are strongly intertwined, so far, there has not been an instrument for investigating sport burnout parallel to school burnout. The aim of the present study was to introduce a sport burnout measure for adolescents in a dual career context and investigate its validity and reliability by using confirmatory factor analysis. Methods: The participants were 391 student-athletes (51% females) who filled in a questionnaire of sport burnout and background variables in the beginning of upper secondary school. Results: A 3-factor model or a second-order-factor model described the data better and gave better reliability indices than a 1-factor model. The 3 dimensions of sport burnout were shown to be separate, but closely related constructs. Evidence for convergent and discriminant validity was obtained by correlating the 3 sport burnout dimensions with depressive symptoms, self-esteem, and sport task values. Conclusion: The results suggest that Sport Burnout Inventory-Dual Career Form (SpBI-DC) is a valid and reliable instrument for investigating sport burnout among adolescent student-athletes.Peer reviewe
Vanhempien hiljaisia ääniä: Vanhemmuuden uupumuksen ja työuupumuksen alaryhmät koronapandemian aikana
Koronapandemialla on esitetty olevan pitkäkestoisia seurauksia erityisesti haavoittuvassa asemassa oleville perheille, mutta tällaisten vanhempien hyvinvoinnista koronapandemian aikana on vain vähän tutkimustietoa.
Osana laajempaa EduRESCUE-hanketta toteutetussa hiljaisten äänten tutkimuksessa tarkastelimme vanhemmuuden uupumuksen ja työuupumuksen perusteella muodostettuja vanhempien alaryhmiä koronapandemian aikana sekä sitä, onko alaryhmien välillä eroja lasten erityistarpeissa, vanhemman kokemassa sosiaalisessa tuessa ja resilienssissä eli kyvyssä palautua vastoinkäymisistä.
Tunnistimme neljä vanhempien alaryhmää:1) ei uupuneet (53 %)2) lievästi vanhempana uupuneet (19 %)3) työssä uupuneet (18 %)4) vanhempana ja työssä uupuneet (10 %).
Vanhempana ja työssä uupuneilla vanhemmilla oli ei uupuneita useammin erityistarpeisia lapsia ja he kokivat saavansa muita vähemmän sosiaalista tukea. Lisäksi he kokivat resilienssinsä ei uupuneita vanhempia heikommaksi.
Tutkimus tuo uutta tietoa vanhemmuudessa ja työssä uupumisen yhdistelmistä koronapandemian aikana sekä kuvastaa uupumusoireiden kasaantumista ja mahdollista pitkittymistä erityisesti heikosti voivien vanhempien keskuudessa.
Tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää, kun suunnitellaan vanhempien uupumuksen ennalta ehkäisyä ja perheiden tukitoimintaa sekä kehitetään resilienssin vahvistamiseen liittyviä interventioita
Profiles of Parental Burnout Around the Globe: Similarities and Differences Across 36 Countries
Parental burnout (PB) is a pervasive phenomenon. Parenting is embedded in cultural values, and previous research has shown the role of individualism in PB. In this paper, we reanalyze previously collected data to identify profiles based on the four dimensions of PB, and explore whether these profiles vary across countries’ levels of collectivistic-individualistic (COL-IND) values. Our sample comprised 16,885 individuals from 36 countries (73% women; 27% men), and we used a latent profile approach to uncover PB profiles. The findings showed five profiles: Fulfilled, Not in PB, Low risk of PB, High risk of PB and Burned out. The profiles pointed to climbing levels of PB in the total sample and in each of the three country groups (High COL/Low IND, Medium COL-IND, Low COL/High IND). Exploratory analyses revealed that distinct dimensions of PB had the most prominent roles in the climbing pattern, depending on the countries’ levels of COL/IND. In particular, we found contrast to be a hallmark dimension and an indicator of severe burnout for individualistic countries. Contrary to our predictions, emotional distance and saturation did not allow a clear differentiation across collectivistic countries. Our findings support several research avenues regarding PB measurement and intervention
The impact of two-dimensional perfectionism on burnout and eating disorders in young Finnish athletes : comparison between males and females
Matilda Sorkkila, 2014. The impact of two-dimensional perfectionism on burnout and eating disorders in young Finnish athletes: comparison between males and females. Master’s Thesis in Sport and Exercise Psychology. Department of Sport Sciences. University of Jyväskylä. 40 p.
Even though it has been argued that perfectionistic strivings might be adaptive and perfectionistic concerns might be maladaptive in sports, only few studies have viewed these dimensions in relation to athletes’ mental health. Two mental health problems that have been found in elevated amounts in young elite athletes are burnout and eating disorders. It has been proposed that perfectionism might impact the development of these conditions, but traditionally the construct has been seen as one-dimensional. In order to make accurate conclusions, perfectionistic strivings should be differentiated from perfectionistic concerns. It is also essential to explore males and females separately, as the two genders might respond differently to the dimensions of perfectionism.
The purpose of the study was to research the impact of two-dimensional perfectionism on burnout and eating disorders in a sample of young athletes, and compare the results across gender. It was also of interest to explore the relationships between two-dimensional perfectionism, burnout, and eating disorders, as the three variables have not been explored in a single study.
Sixty elite athletes (26 males and 34 females) filled in questionnaires of burnout, eating disorders, and two-dimensional perfectionism. The results showed that a positive relationship existed between burnout and eating disorders, but this relationship was mediated by perfectionistic concerns. Perfectionistic concerns predicted burnout and eating disorders in females, but not in males. Perfectionistic strivings also predicted eating disorders in females, but protected both males and females from burnout.
It was concluded that regarding burnout and eating disorders, two-dimensional perfectionism might be mostly adaptive for males, but maladaptive for females, and interventions should be designed accordingly. Limitations and suggestions for future research are also discussed
Koronapandemia on johtanut monien vanhempien ylikuormittumiseen – uupuneiden vanhempien kriisi on myös lasten kriisi
Koronapandemia on lisännyt vanhempien uupumusta. Varsinkin jo valmiiksi haavoittuvassa asemassa olleet vanhemmat ovat olleet erityisen suuressa vaarassa uupua. Uupumuksen on osoitettu lisäävän vanhempien päihteiden käyttöä, itsetuhoisia ajatuksia sekä lapsiin kohdistuvaa kaltoinkohtelua. Siksi uupuneiden vanhempien kriisi on vääjäämättä ollut myös lasten kriisi, sanoo Matilda Sorkkila, hyvinvoinnin psykologian dosentti Jyväskylän yliopistosta.nonPeerReviewe
Poikkeusaika vaikutti perheiden hyvinvointiin eri tavoin
Koronavirusepidemiaan liittyvän poikkeusajan vuoksi useimmat perheet joutuivat äkillisesti eristäytymään koteihinsa ja tekemään ansiotöitä, kotitöitä, hoitamaan lapsia sekä auttamaan lapsia etäkoulussa samanaikaisesti. Lisäksi vapautta ja sosiaalisia kontakteja rajoitettiin. Miten perheet selviytyivät poikkeusajasta? Entä miten voitaisiin varautua perheiden kannalta paremmin koronavirusepidemian toiseen aaltoon? Muun muassa näihin kysymyksiin selvitimme vastauksia Vanhemmuuden voimavara- ja kuormitustekijät poikkeusaikana (VoiKu-COVID-19) -tutkimuksessa.nonPeerReviewe
Development of sport and school burnout among student-athletes across the first year of upper secondary school : different methodological perspectives
The present research investigated the co-development of sport and school
burnout symptoms (sport- or school-related exhaustion, cynicism, and feelings
of inadequacy) among student-athletes during the first year of upper secondary
school. Furthermore, the environment- and individual-related predictors of
sport and school burnout were examined. The participants were student-
athletes (Ntime 1=391; Ntime 2=373) from six Finnish upper secondary sport
schools and their 260 mothers and 188 fathers. Athletes and their parents filled
out questionnaires at the beginning of upper secondary school. Athletes
answered the questionnaires again at the end of the school year, and a
subsample of high-level athletes (N=17) was interviewed. Both person- and
variable-oriented approaches were used to analyze the data, in addition to a
mixed methods approach that combined a quantitative person-oriented
approach with a qualitative approach. The results showed that student-athletes
were already at risk for symptoms of sport and school burnout in the beginning
of upper secondary school. Furthermore, sport and school burnout symptoms
increased and became more generalized over time, and school-related
exhaustion spilled over into the sport context, which was evident in both the
quantitative findings and the athletes’ stories. High individual and parental
expectations for a particular domain (sport or school) at the beginning of school
were negatively related to burnout in the same domain but positively related to
burnout in the other. Sport- and school-related achievement mastery goals
protected from cynicism and feelings of inadequacy in the same domain,
whereas school-related performance goals predicted cynicism in school over the
first year. These findings could be used, for example, by health care
professionals for the detection and early prevention of school and sport burnout
Kun vanhempi ei enää jaksa : miten tunnistaa vanhemmuuden uupumus ja tukea vanhempaa?
Vanhempi on jatkuvasti väsynyt ja itkuinen. Seuraava päivä tuntuu ylitsepääsemättömältä lasten kanssa ja vanhemmuudesta on kadonnut mielekkyys. Lapsille jaksaa laittaa vielä ruokaa ja puhtaat vaatteet päälle – mutta ei mitään muuta. Edellä mainitut oireet saattavat kuvastaa vanhemmuuden uupumusta, eli vanhemmuuteen liittyvää kroonista stressitilaa. Uupumus vanhempien keskuudessa on osittain edelleen tabu, jonka vuoksi uupunutta vanhempaa voi olla vaikea tunnistaa. Miten uupunutta vanhempaa voi siis auttaa?nonPeerReviewe
Burned-out Fathers and Untold Stories : Mixed Methods Investigation of the Demands and Resources of Finnish Fathers
Although parental burnout has been acknowledged as a unique psychological condition that can have serious consequences to families, most research so far has been conducted with mothers. The present study investigated how the descriptions of parenting-related demands and resources differ between burned-out and non-burned-out fathers. Furthermore, we examined what kinds of support or services fathers need to increase their wellbeing as parents. The participants were 10 fathers with the highest level of parental burnout symptoms, and 14 fathers with the lowest level of parental burnout symptom, out of 158 fathers who answered the questionnaire. The qualitative open-ended answers were analyzed using hierarchical thematic analysis and the accounts of the burned-out and non-burned-out fathers were compared. Furthermore, quantitative answers regarding parenting-related stress-factors were compared between the two groups. The results showed that burned-out fathers experienced more parenting-related demands than the non-burned-out fathers and reported needing financial, practical, and social support. Compared to non-burned-out fathers, the burned-out fathers reported more often being dissatisfied with the society, having difficulties integrating work and family life, and being strained by everyday life with children. The reported resources were similar with both burned-out and non-burned-out fathers and consisted mainly of happiness regarding their children. The results can be used in generating services and support for fathers to increase their wellbeing as parents.peerReviewe