766 research outputs found

    Physical Logic

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    In R.D. Sorkin's framework for logic in physics a clear separation is made between the collection of unasserted propositions about the physical world and the affirmation or denial of these propositions by the physical world. The unasserted propositions form a Boolean algebra because they correspond to subsets of an underlying set of spacetime histories. Physical rules of inference, apply not to the propositions in themselves but to the affirmation and denial of these propositions by the actual world. This physical logic may or may not respect the propositions' underlying Boolean structure. We prove that this logic is Boolean if and only if the following three axioms hold: (i) The world is affirmed, (ii) Modus Ponens and (iii) If a proposition is denied then its negation, or complement, is affirmed. When a physical system is governed by a dynamical law in the form of a quantum measure with the rule that events of zero measure are denied, the axioms (i) - (iii) prove to be too rigid and need to be modified. One promising scheme for quantum mechanics as quantum measure theory corresponds to replacing axiom (iii) with axiom (iv) Nature is as fine grained as the dynamics allows.Comment: 14 pages, v2 published version with a change in the title and other minor change

    Gravity and Matter in Causal Set Theory

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    The goal of this paper is to propose an approach to the formulation of dynamics for causal sets and coupled matter fields. We start from the continuum version of the action for a Klein-Gordon field coupled to gravity, and rewrite it first using quantities that have a direct correspondent in the case of a causal set, namely volumes, causal relations, and timelike lengths, as variables to describe the geometry. In this step, the local Lagrangian density L(f;x)L(f;x) for a set of fields ff is recast into a quasilocal expression L0(f;p,q)L_0(f;p,q) that depends on pairs of causally related points pqp \prec q and is a function of the values of ff in the Alexandrov set defined by those points, and whose limit as pp and qq approach a common point xx is L(f;x)L(f;x). We then describe how to discretize L0(f;p,q)L_0(f;p,q), and use it to define a discrete action.Comment: 13 pages, no figures; In version 2, friendlier results than in version 1 are obtained following much shorter derivation

    Evidence for a continuum limit in causal set dynamics

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    We find evidence for a continuum limit of a particular causal set dynamics which depends on only a single ``coupling constant'' pp and is easy to simulate on a computer. The model in question is a stochastic process that can also be interpreted as 1-dimensional directed percolation, or in terms of random graphs.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figures, LaTeX, adjusted terminolog

    Noise kernel for a quantum field in Schwarzschild spacetime under the Gaussian approximation

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    A method is given to compute an approximation to the noise kernel, defined as the symmetrized connected 2-point function of the stress tensor, for the conformally invariant scalar field in any spacetime conformal to an ultra-static spacetime for the case in which the field is in a thermal state at an arbitrary temperature. The most useful applications of the method are flat space where the approximation is exact and Schwarzschild spacetime where the approximation is better than it is in most other spacetimes. The two points are assumed to be separated in a timelike or spacelike direction. The method involves the use of a Gaussian approximation which is of the same type as that used by Page to compute an approximate form of the stress tensor for this field in Schwarzschild spacetime. All components of the noise kernel have been computed exactly for hot flat space and one component is explicitly displayed. Several components have also been computed for Schwarzschild spacetime and again one component is explicitly displayed.Comment: 34 pages, no figures. Substantial revisions in Secs. I, IV, and V; minor revisions elsewhere; new results include computation of the exact noise kernel for hot flat space and an approximate computation of the noise kernel for a thermal state at an arbitrary temperature in Schwarzschild spacetime when the points are split in the time directio

    Metric fluctuations of an evaporating black hole from back reaction of stress tensor fluctuations

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    This paper delineates the first steps in a systematic quantitative study of the spacetime fluctuations induced by quantum fields in an evaporating black hole under the stochastic gravity program. The central object of interest is the noise kernel, which is the symmetrized two-point quantum correlation function of the stress tensor operator. As a concrete example we apply it to the study of the spherically-symmetric sector of metric perturbations around an evaporating black hole background geometry. For macroscopic black holes we find that those fluctuations grow and eventually become important when considering sufficiently long periods of time (of the order of the evaporation time), but well before the Planckian regime is reached. In addition, the assumption of a simple correlation between the fluctuations of the energy flux crossing the horizon and far from it, which was made in earlier work on spherically-symmetric induced fluctuations, is carefully scrutinized and found to be invalid. Our analysis suggests the existence of an infinite amplitude for the fluctuations when trying to localize the horizon as a three-dimensional hypersurface, as in the classical case, and, as a consequence, a more accurate picture of the horizon as possessing a finite effective width due to quantum fluctuations. This is supported by a systematic analysis of the noise kernel in curved spacetime smeared with different functions under different conditions, the details are collected in the appendices. This case study shows a pathway for probing quantum metric fluctuations near the horizon and understanding their physical meaning.Comment: 21 pages, REVTe

    Stochastic Gravity: Beyond Semiclassical Gravity

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    The back-reaction of a classical gravitational field interacting with quantum matter fields is described by the semiclassical Einstein equation, which has the expectation value of the quantum matter fields stress tensor as a source. The semiclassical theory may be obtained from the quantum field theory of gravity interacting with N matter fields in the large N limit. This theory breaks down when the fields quantum fluctuations are important. Stochastic gravity goes beyond the semiclassical limit and allows for a systematic and self-consistent description of the metric fluctuations induced by these quantum fluctuations. The correlation functions of the metric fluctuations obtained in stochastic gravity reproduce the correlation functions in the quantum theory to leading order in an 1/N expansion. Two main applications of stochastic gravity are discussed. The first, in cosmology, to obtain the spectrum of primordial metric perturbations induced by the inflaton fluctuations, even beyond the linear approximation. The second, in black hole physics, to study the fluctuations of the horizon of an evaporating black hole.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, proceedings of the XXIX Spanish Relativity Meetin

    Recycling of epidermal growth factor-receptor complexes in A431 cells: identification of dual pathways

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    The intracellular sorting of EGF-receptor complexes (EGF-RC) has been studied in human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells. Recycling of EGF was found to occur rapidly after internalization at 37 degrees C. The initial rate of EGF recycling was reduced at 18 degrees C. A significant pool of internalized EGF was incapable of recycling at 18 degrees C but began to recycle when cells were warmed to 37 degrees C. The relative rate of EGF outflow at 37 degrees C from cells exposed to an 18 degrees C temperature block was slower (t1/2 approximately 20 min) than the rate from cells not exposed to a temperature block (t1/2 approximately 5-7 min). These data suggest that there might be both short- and long-time cycles of EGF recycling in A431 cells. Examination of the intracellular EGF-RC dissociation and dynamics of short- and long-time recycling indicated that EGF recycled as EGF-RC. Moreover, EGF receptors that were covalently labeled with a photoactivatable derivative of 125I-EGF recycled via the long-time pathway at a rate similar to that of 125I-EGF. Since EGF-RC degradation was also blocked at 18 degrees C, we propose that sorting to the lysosomal and long-time recycling pathway may occur after a highly temperature-sensitive step, presumably in the late endosomes

    The Generalized Second Law implies a Quantum Singularity Theorem

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    The generalized second law can be used to prove a singularity theorem, by generalizing the notion of a trapped surface to quantum situations. Like Penrose's original singularity theorem, it implies that spacetime is null geodesically incomplete inside black holes, and to the past of spatially infinite Friedmann--Robertson--Walker cosmologies. If space is finite instead, the generalized second law requires that there only be a finite amount of entropy producing processes in the past, unless there is a reversal of the arrow of time. In asymptotically flat spacetime, the generalized second law also rules out traversable wormholes, negative masses, and other forms of faster-than-light travel between asymptotic regions, as well as closed timelike curves. Furthermore it is impossible to form baby universes which eventually become independent of the mother universe, or to restart inflation. Since the semiclassical approximation is used only in regions with low curvature, it is argued that the results may hold in full quantum gravity. An introductory section describes the second law and its time-reverse, in ordinary and generalized thermodynamics, using either the fine-grained or the coarse-grained entropy. (The fine-grained version is used in all results except those relating to the arrow of time.) A proof of the coarse-grained ordinary second law is given.Comment: 46 pages, 8 figures. v2: discussion of global hyperbolicity revised (4.1, 5.2), more comments on AdS. v3: major revisions including change of title. v4: similar to published version, but with corrections to plan of paper (1) and definition of global hyperbolicity (3.2). v5: fixed proof of Thm. 1, changed wording of Thm. 3 & proof of Thm. 4, revised Sec. 5.2, new footnote

    A Bell Inequality Analog in Quantum Measure Theory

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    One obtains Bell's inequalities if one posits a hypothetical joint probability distribution, or {\it measure}, whose marginals yield the probabilities produced by the spin measurements in question. The existence of a joint measure is in turn equivalent to a certain causality condition known as ``screening off''. We show that if one assumes, more generally, a joint {\it quantal measure}, or ``decoherence functional'', one obtains instead an analogous inequality weaker by a factor of 2\sqrt{2}. The proof of this ``Tsirel'son inequality'' is geometrical and rests on the possibility of associating a Hilbert space to any strongly positive quantal measure. These results lead both to a {\it question}: ``Does a joint measure follow from some quantal analog of `screening off'?'', and to the {\it observation} that non-contextual hidden variables are viable in histories-based quantum mechanics, even if they are excluded classically.Comment: 38 pages, TeX. Several changes and added comments to bring out the meaning more clearly. Minor rewording and extra acknowledgements, now closer to published versio

    Dynamics & Predictions in the Co-Event Interpretation

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    Sorkin has introduced a new, observer independent, interpretation of quantum mechanics that can give a successful realist account of the 'quantum microworld' as well as explaining how classicality emerges at the level of observable events for a range of systems including single time 'Copenhagen measurements'. This 'co-event interpretation' presents us with a new ontology, in which a single 'co-event' is real. A new ontology necessitates a review of the dynamical & predictive mechanism of a theory, and in this paper we begin the process by exploring means of expressing the dynamical and predictive content of histories theories in terms of co-events.Comment: 35 pages. Revised after refereein