272 research outputs found

    Classifying the Economy into Traded or Nontraded Sectors

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    Cast within the framework of small open economy that periodically faces balance of payments crises, the theoretical model developed in this study can be utilized to study the devaluation experiences of the Philippines. Such model provides not only a test for validity and relevance but also an indication of the costs of devaluation as a tool for achieving external balance.trade sector, devaluation, balance of payments

    Classifying the Economy into Traded or Nontraded Sectors

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    Cast within the framework of small open economy that periodically faces balance of payments crises, the theoretical model developed in this study can be utilized to study the devaluation experiences of the Philippines. Such model provides not only a test for validity and relevance but also an indication of the costs of devaluation as a tool for achieving external balance.trade sector, devaluation, balance of payments

    Excellent science with and for all: the case of CIMNE

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    This presentation was held on 5th July, 2018 at the VII Session of the Virtual Program on Open Science and Research Data Management  (VII Sesión del Programa Virtual sobre Ciencia Abierta y Gestión de Datos de Investigación) organized by Columbus Foundation. The presentation shows different activities of the International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) in the field of Open Science, and in particular it presents the innovative Open Science platform Scipedia.com.&nbsp

    A New Vision and Credit Policy Framework for Financing LGUs Basic Services and Development Projects

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    This paper presents a new vision and the proposed policy framework for financing local government’s basic services and development projects. This vision intends to wean away the LGUs from their dependence on the national government and to promote a more effective private sector participation in developing and funding local projects. The credit policy framework aims to direct and make LGUs creditworthy to the private sources of capital.local government unit, capital markets, services sector, credit program

    Government Guarantees in Infrastructure Projects: A Second, Third Look at the Policy

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    To encourage private sector participation in public infrastructure projects, government guarantee has been utilized as an instrument to mitigate the risks associated with public investments. However, this creates contingent liabilities that the government has to face. This issue argues that the government must move towards project financing structures having less provision for subsidies and guarantees. Private sector should then have greater risk participation while strict monitoring measures should be implemented concerning contingent liabilities.government guarantee, public infrastructure projects, BOT scheme, private sector participation, contingent liability

    Sobre el uso de los procesos sinópticos objetivos y los modelos meteorológicos a alta resolución para el estudio de los patrones circulatorios a escala regional

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    This contribution describes the methodology developed for the automatic classification of what are called the Objective Synoptic Processes (OSP), which is based in the analysis of the evolution, during three days, of surface pressure and geopotencial height at 500 hPa. The procedure has been applied over an appropriate domain covering the Iberian Peninsula to obtain OSP for the period July-August. Next, for a characteristic day for some of the OSP, a mesoscale meteorological model has been run at high resolution for the region of Catalonia in order to describe the circulatory patterns associated to a given synoptic situation

    Cuando el ruido calla

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    Esta tesis se sustenta en las disciplinas de Dibujo y Arte Textil. Mi carrera de grado fue con la orientación de Dibujo y mi oficio para vivir fue por mucho tiempo la costura. Los procesos creativos parecen jugar entre el concepto de artesanía, manufactura y el de obra de arte, el “hacer” para construir objetos utilitarios, decorativos y/o valiosos para el universo visual. Los tejidos han sido una parte fundamental de la vida humana desde el comienzo de la civilización, los métodos y materiales utilizados en su fabricación han experimentado un gran desarrollo, manteniendo sus funciones primordiales. La historia de las artes textiles va de la mano de la historia del comercio y desde la antigüedad, los tejidos se han utilizado como ropa para cubrir el cuerpo y protegerlo. En mi propuesta rompen con esta función utilitaria pero mantienen su rol de protección, dándole corporeidad a los seres representados en cada obra. La palabra “textil” proviene del latín texere que significa “tejer”, “trenzar” o “construir”. El tejido se manifiesta con el grosor de los hilos, como líneas moduladas y texturadas, poniendo en valor la torsión o trenzado de las fibras. Los hilos se tejen, tricotan o enlazan para formar una tela o paño. Las artes textiles incluyen técnicas utilizadas para su decoración como el teñido, imprimación, sublimación que en mi obra se mezclan con el dibujo y el modelado de valor y demás recursos compositivos y plásticos.Facultad de Arte