68 research outputs found

    Effect of Estradiol Benzoate on the Size of Follicle and Corpus Luteum of Holstein Cows Treated with D-Cloprostenol.

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    The effect of two treatments, farms, and body  shape on the size of the follicle and  Corpus Luteum  were evaluated. D-Cloprostenol (150 ug) was used in one of the treatments; in the other,  D-Cloprostenol (150 ug) and Estradiol Ben-zoate (1 mg), were used. Two groups of 32 Holstein dairy cows each, from the Nero and Irquis farms in Cuenca, Ec-uador, were set up.  Body condition  (2.75-3.50) was considered. The calving number was 1-6; the farms,  Irquis and Nero; and animal age, 3-10 years. Ultrasound scanning was used on days 0; 3 and 7, in order to measure the  Luteumfirst, then the  dominant ovarian follicle, and finally, the Corpus Luteum.  Factor analysis of variance  was  performed. No significant differences were found for follicle size due to any factors; nor due to interaction.  Concerning luteum, significant differences (P < 0.05) were observed for the treatments and for the farm. The values were 0.33 cm higher for the treatment with Benzoate, and 0.36 cm,  at  Irquis, in comparison to Nero. The treatment with Benzoate, along with better husbandry at Irquis played a critical role in the appearance and evolution of the luteum

    Assessment of two Superovulation Protocols for Embryo Production in Holstein Cows

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    The aim of this paper was to compare the effects of two superovulation protocols (synchronization of the follicular wave (SFW), and natural estrus (NE) induction of embryos produced for transference in Holstein cows. Twenty cows were chosen as donors, with a body condition (BC) of 2.75-3.5; 40-60 months old; 1-2 previous gestation services, and without reproductive problems. Two superovulation protocols were applied: SFW and NE. SFW was not observed to produce more embryos than NE in the blastocysts and morula stages

    Sistema y método de transmisión de datos entre una unidad móvil y una unidad receptora

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    Número de publicación: ES2253080 A1 (16.05.2006) También publicado como: ES2253080 B1 (16.07.2007) Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P200401499 (18.06.2004)La invención se refiere a un método y sistema para transmitir datos entre una unidad móvil (1) y una unidad receptora (2), a través de una red (3) asociada a nodos de repetición (31) que reciben los datos, en forma de paquetes, desde la unidad móvil y los transmiten hasta la unidad receptora (2), que está configurada para descartar paquetes que se reciben de forma repetida, mediante el control de un identificador único asociado a cada paquete. Para mayor seguridad en cuanto a cobertura, se puede completar la posibilidad de transmisión vía los nodos de repetición con una forma alternativa de transmitir los datos, por ejemplo, vía GPRS.Universidad de Almerí

    Follicle Wave and Natural Estrus Synchronization Superovulation in Holstein Cows.

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    The effects of two superovulation protocols were compared (synchronization of the follicle wave SFW and natural estrus  NE) in embryos collected from Holstein cows. Twenty cows were chosen as donors, body condition of 2.75  -3.5; between 40 and 60 months, with normal cycles and no breeding problems. The cows were randomly assigned to SFW treatment (n=10), and the NE treatment (n=10). The SFW group was synchronized with intravaginal progester-one plus estradiol  benzoate, on day 0, and increasing doses  of FSH for 4 days, twice a day, from  the 4th on. The im-plant was removed on the 6thday, and prostaglandin was applied. On the 8th day, insemination was made at 6 am and 6 pm. The NE group received  increasing doses of FSH twice a day, during 4 days, from the 10th day. On the 12th day prostaglandin was administered, and insemination took place on the 14th day, at 6 am and 6 pm.  The em-bryos were recovered from the two groups without surgery, 7 days after the first artificial insemination. The values of embryos for transference were 5.7 + 0.76 and 2.8 + 0.31 (P < 0.05) for SFW and NE, respectively

    Efecto del Benzoato de Estradiol en el tamaño del folículo y cuerpo lúteo en vacas Holstein sincronizadas con D-Cloroprostenol.

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    Se evaluó el efecto de dos tratamientos,  las granjas y la condición corporal en el tamaño del folículo y cuerpo lúteo. En uno de los tratamientos se aplicó D-Cloroprostenol (150 ug) y en el otro, D-Cloroprostenol (150 ug) y Ben-zoato de Estradiol (1mg). Se formaron dos grupos de 32 vacas Holstein cada uno, pertenecientes a las granjas Nero e Irquis, en Cuenca, Ecuador. Se tomó en cuenta la condición corporal (2,75-3,50), el número de partos fue de 1-6, las granjas (Irquis y Nero) y edad de los animales (3-10 años). Se usó ecografía a 0;  3 y 7 días, así para en el primer momento medir el cuerpo lúteo, luego el folículo dominante y la última el cuerpo  lúteo. Se realizó un análisis de va-rianza factorial. No se encontraron diferencias significativas para el tamaño del folículo por efecto de ninguno de los factores ni la interacción, no así en el tamaño del cuerpo lúteo, donde se registraron diferencias s ignificativas (P < 0,05) para los tratamientos y para la granja. El valor fue superior en 0,33 cm en el tratamiento con Benzoato y de 0,36 cm en la granja Irquis respecto a Nero. La aplicación del tratamiento con Benzoato y el mejor manejo de la granja Irquis tuvieron influencia importante en la formación y desarrollo del cuerpo lúteo.Effect of Estradiol Benzoate on the Size of Follicle and Corpus Luteum of Holstein Cows, Treated with D-Cloprostenol.ABSTRACTThe effect of two treatments, farms, and body shape on the size of the follicle and Corpus Luteum, were evaluated. D-Cloprostenol (150 ug) was used in one of the treatments; in the other, D-Cloprostenol (150 ug) and Estradiol Ben-zoate (1mg), were used.  Two groups of 32 Holstein cows each,  from Nero and  Irquis farms in Cuenca, Ecuador, were set up.  Body condition  (2.75-3.50) was considered. The calving number was 1-6, the farms (Irquis and Nero), and animal age (3-10 years). Ultrasound scanning was used on days 0; 3 and 7, in order to measure the Luteum  first, then the dominating follicle, and finally, the Corpus Luteum. Factor variance analysis was performed. No significant differences were found for follicle size due to any factors; nor due to interaction. Concerning luteum, significant differences (P < 0.05) were observed for the treatments and for  the farm. The values were 0.33 cm higher for the treat-ment with Benzoate, and 0.36 cm, on Irquis Farm, in comparison to Nero. The treat ment with Benzoate, along with better husbandry on Irquis played a critical role in the appearance and evolution of the luteum

    Valoración de dos protocolos de superovulación para la producción de embriones en vacas Holstein

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    The aim of this paper was to compare the effects of two superovulation protocols: synchronization of the follicular wave (SFW), and natural estrus (NE) induction of embryos produced for transference in Holstein cows. Twenty cows were chosen as donors, with body condition (BC) of 2.75-3.5; 40-60 months old; 1-2 previous services per gestation, and without reproductive problems. Two superovulation protocols were applied: SFW and NE. SFW was not observed to produce more embryos than the NE in the blastocyst and morula stages.El objetivo del trabajo fue comparar la respuesta a la superovulación con sincronización de la onda folicular (SOF) y con celo natural (CN) en la producción de embriones para transferencia en vacas Holstein. Se seleccionaron 20 vacas como donadoras con una condición corporal (CC) de 2,75-3,5; edades entre 40 y 60 meses; ciclos sexuales regulares; uno-dos servicios por gestación anterior y sin problemas reproductivos. Se aplicaron dos protocolos de superovulación: con SOF y CN. No se obtuvo evidencia que el número de embriones producidos con SOF fuera mayor al número de embriones producidos con CN en los estadios de blastocito y mórula

    Superovulación con sincronización de la onda folicular y con celo natural en vacas Holstein.

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    Se comparó el efecto de dos protocolos de superovulación (sincronización de la onda folicular SOF y el celo natural CN) en la calidad de embriones obtenidos de vacas Holstein. Se seleccionaron 20 vacas Holstein como donantes con una condición corporal de 2,75 a 3,5; edades entre 40 y 60 meses; ciclos normales y que no presentaran problemas reproductivos. Las vacas fueron aleatoriamente asignadas al tratamiento SOF (n = 10) y al tratamiento CN (n = 10). El grupo SOF se sincronizó con dispositivo intravaginal de progesterona más benzoato de estradiol en el día 0 y FSH en dosis decrecientes durante 4 días, 2 veces al día a partir del día 4. En el día 6 se retiró el implante y se aplicó prostaglandina. En el día 8 se inseminó a las 6 am y 6 pm. Al grupo CN se aplicó la FSH dos veces al día durante 4 días en dosis decreciente a partir del día 10. En el día 12 se aplicó prostaglandina y se inseminó el día 14 a las 6 am y 6 pm. En los dos grupos se recuperaron los embriones en forma no quirúrgica, 7 días después de la primera inseminación artificial. Los resultados en embriones transferibles fueron 5,7 + 0,76 y 2,8 + 0,31 (P < 0,05) para SOF y CN, respectivamente. Se concluye que el protocolo de SOF produce mayor cantidad de embriones transferibles (calidad 1 y 2) que el protocolo CN.Superovulation with Synchronization of Follicle Wave and Naturally-Induced Estrus in Holstein CowsABSTRACTThe objective was to evaluate the effect of superovulation (SOV) with synchronization of ovarian follicular wave (SOFW) and natural estrus (NE) on the quality of embryos obtained in Holstein cows. 20 Holstein cows were selected as donors with a body condition score: 2.75 to 3.5; aged between 40 and 60 months; normal cycles; and who have not submitted reproductive problems. The cows were randomly assigned to treatment SOFW (n = 10) and NE (n = 10) treatment. The SOFW group was synchronized with intravaginal progesterone device plus estradiol benzoate at day 0 and FSH in decreasing doses for 4 days, 2 times a day from day 4; at day 6 the implant was removed and applied prostaglandin; on day 8, they were inseminated to 6:00 a.m. and 6 pm. At NE group, FSH was applied twice daily for 4 days in decreasing doses from day 10; prostaglandin on day 12 was applied and inseminated on day 14 at 6 am and 6 pm. In both groups embryos non-surgically seven days after the first IA recovered. The results obtained in transferable embryos were 5.7 + 0.76 and 2.8 + 0.31 (P < 0.05) SOF and CN, respectively. It is concluded that the protocol SOFW produces more transferable embryos (grade 1 and 2) that the protocol NE

    Superovulación con sincronización de la onda folicular y con celo natural en vacas Holstein.

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    Se comparó el efecto de dos protocolos de superovulación (sincronización de la onda folicular SOF y el celo natural CN) en la calidad de embriones obtenidos de vacas Holstein. Se seleccionaron 20 vacas Holstein como donantes con una condición corporal de 2,75 a 3,5; edades entre 40 y 60 meses; ciclos normales y que no presentaran problemas reproductivos. Las vacas fueron aleatoriamente asignadas al tratamiento SOF (n = 10) y al tratamiento CN (n = 10). El grupo SOF se sincronizó con dispositivo intravaginal de progesterona más benzoato de estradiol en el día 0 y FSH en dosis decrecientes durante 4 días, 2 veces al día a partir del día 4. En el día 6 se retiró el implante y se aplicó prostaglandina. En el día 8 se inseminó a las 6 am y 6 pm. Al grupo CN se aplicó la FSH dos veces al día durante 4 días en dosis decreciente a partir del día 10. En el día 12 se aplicó prostaglandina y se inseminó el día 14 a las 6 am y 6 pm. En los dos grupos se recuperaron los embriones en forma no quirúrgica, 7 días después de la primera inseminación artificial. Los resultados en embriones transferibles fueron 5,7 + 0,76 y 2,8 + 0,31 (P < 0,05) para SOF y CN, respectivamente. Se concluye que el protocolo de SOF produce mayor cantidad de embriones transferibles (calidad 1 y 2) que el protocolo CN.Superovulation with Synchronization of Follicle Wave and Naturally-Induced Estrus in Holstein CowsABSTRACTThe objective was to evaluate the effect of superovulation (SOV) with synchronization of ovarian follicular wave (SOFW) and natural estrus (NE) on the quality of embryos obtained in Holstein cows. 20 Holstein cows were selected as donors with a body condition score: 2.75 to 3.5; aged between 40 and 60 months; normal cycles; and who have not submitted reproductive problems. The cows were randomly assigned to treatment SOFW (n = 10) and NE (n = 10) treatment. The SOFW group was synchronized with intravaginal progesterone device plus estradiol benzoate at day 0 and FSH in decreasing doses for 4 days, 2 times a day from day 4; at day 6 the implant was removed and applied prostaglandin; on day 8, they were inseminated to 6:00 a.m. and 6 pm. At NE group, FSH was applied twice daily for 4 days in decreasing doses from day 10; prostaglandin on day 12 was applied and inseminated on day 14 at 6 am and 6 pm. In both groups embryos non-surgically seven days after the first IA recovered. The results obtained in transferable embryos were 5.7 + 0.76 and 2.8 + 0.31 (P < 0.05) SOF and CN, respectively. It is concluded that the protocol SOFW produces more transferable embryos (grade 1 and 2) that the protocol NE

    Size of Ovulating Follicle, Corpus Luteum and Blood Progesterone in Heifers Receiving Embryos from Three Grazing Breeds in Ecuador

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    The aim of this paper was to determine the size of the pre-ovulation follicle in the corpus luteum, and in blood progesterone on the sixth and twelfth days after ovulation, in Holstein, Brown, Swiss and Criollo breeds grazing in Ecuadoran Highlands. The size of the pre-ovulation follicle and corpus luteum, and the blood progesterone levels were determined on days six and twelve, in nine heifers from each breed. Assessment of ovarian structures was made by ultrasound scanning. The concentration of blood progesterone was determined by electrochemiluminescence. The pre-ovulation follicle in Criollo heifers was larger (14.6 ± 0.41 mm) than in Holstein (12.7 ±0.47 mm), and in Brown Swiss (12.7 ± 0.65 mm). The progesterone concentration on days six and twelve after ovulation of Criolla heifers was higher than for Holstein and Brown Swiss (11.0 ± 1.68 ng/ml, and 18.4 ± 2.04 ng/ml, respectively). The linear association values were high and significant (P < 0.05) in the pre-ovulation follicle, corpus luteum and progesterone, in Holstein and Brown Swiss. It was demonstrated that for every additional millimeter above the Criollo mean on the sixth day, 1.67 ng/ml more of progesterone was generated in Criollo heifers (P < 0.05) than in the rest. It was concluded that the Criollo heifers had higher progesterone levels than Holstein and Brown Swiss on the sixth and twelfth days, thus producing better conditions in the uterus, with lower early embryo losses

    Effects of Supplementation with Microminerals on Production Indicators and Blood, Feces, and Urine Traces of Grazing Alpaca (Lama lama)

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    To analyze the effect of additional microminerals in the diet supplement on weight and diameter of alpaca fiber, the application of three doses of selenium and zinc (0.0; 1.0; and 1.5 cc) on the diet, on CRD factorial arrangement (3 x 2) + (3 x 2), was assessed. The results showed statistically significant differencences for treatments: selenium doses, ages, zinc doses, and for zinc interaction by ages (Se1E2 with 74.33 kg at 90 days, for height at the withers, Zn1E2, averaging 91.33 cm). Fiber length for treatments Se1E1 and Se1E2 averaged 3 cm. For fiber diameter, treatments 1 (Se0E1) and Se1E1, group 1, and treatments Zn0E2 and Zn1E1, group 2, showed the best fiber quality (P < 0.05), averaging 28 microns. Live weight and fiber quality from mature animals based on supplementation with Se and Zn had beneficial effects, which improved phenotypical features of production, like live weight, though residues were found in 3-5 year old animals