12 research outputs found

    Instagram as a Tool of Diffusion for the Livestock Industry

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    Studies have shown that more people are getting their information through social media (SM). With so much misinformation presented in global media, it is difficult for consumers to distinguish what is true and what isn’t. With negative images and minimal context, consumers have a tendency to believe and trust what they see on SM. After IRB approval, a survey study was launched on Qualtrics and accessed via email. Using Instagram as platform, this study presented 5 cognitively and 5 emotionally oriented posts focused on the aspects of animal welfare, diet/health, and environment/sustainability. Prior to viewing the Instagram posts, study participants were given a 5-scale Likert pre survey assessing their opinions about their views of animal welfare, diet/health of consumers of red meat and environment/sustainability for the beef industry. Participants subsequently viewed the posts and then took a post survey. SPSS was used to analyze responses with t-tests and frequencies. ATLAS was used to code for negative and positive key words in open responses. Results showed that participant’s views about the beef industry improved (p \u3c .05) after viewing the media posts for welfare and that participants favored the suggestions that beef cattle are treated humanely. Participants were unsure of the effects that beef consumption has on consumers’ diet and health as well as the environment. Qualitative results suggest that viewing of the posts had a favorable impact on consumer’s opinions

    Transcriptomic dataset from peripheral white blood cells of beef heifers at weaning

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    Reproductive failure of replacement breeding animals is one of the leading causes of loss to the beef production industry. The losses are further increased due to the inability to diagnose the reproductive potential of the beef heifer prior to the breeding season until the pregnancy outcome. To overcome this problem, a system to discriminate beef heifers with varying reproductive potential as early and accurately as possible is demanded. The omics technologies, such as transcriptomics, could predict the future reproductive potential of beef heifers. Therefore, this manuscript provides the gene expression profile dataset using RNA-Seq identified from peripheral white blood cells (PWBC) of beef heifers at weaning. To accomplish this, the blood samples were collected at the time of weaning, processed to extract the PWBC pellet and stored at – 80 °C until further processing. After the breeding protocol (artificial insemination (AI) followed by natural bull service) and pregnancy diagnosis, the heifers that were pregnant to AI (n = 8) or remained open (n = 7) were utilized for this study. Total RNA was extracted from PWBC collected at the time of weaning from these samples and subjected to sequencing using the Illumina Nova-Seq platform. High-quality sequencing data was analyzed using a bioinformatic workflow based on FastQC and MultiQC for quality control, STAR for read alignment, and DESeq2 for differential expression analysis. Genes were considered significantly differentially expressed after adjustment with Bonferroni correction (padj ≤ 0.05) and absolute (log2 fold change) ≥ 0.5. Raw and processed RNA-Seq data were deposited and made publicly available on the gene expression omnibus database (GEO; GSE221903). To our knowledge, this is the first dataset investigating the change in the gene expression level as early as weaning to predict the future reproductive outcome in beef heifers. Interpretation of the main findings based on this data is reported in a research article titled “mRNA Signatures in Peripheral White Blood Cells Predicts Reproductive Potential in Beef Heifers at Weaning” [1]

    Preconditioning beef cattle for long-duration transportation stress with rumen-protected methionine supplementation: A nutrigenetics study.

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    In general, beef cattle long-distance transportation from cow-calf operations to feedlots or from feedlots to abattoirs is a common situation in the beef industry. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of rumen-protected methionine (RPM) supplementation on a proposed gene network for muscle fatigue, creatine synthesis (CKM), and reactive oxygen species (ROS) metabolism after a transportation simulation in a test track. Angus × Simmental heifers (n = 18) were stratified by body weight (408 ± 64 kg; BW) and randomly assigned to dietary treatments: 1) control diet (CTRL) or 2) control diet + 8 gr/hd/day of top-dressed rumen-protected methionine (RPM). After an adaptation period to Calan gates, animals received the mentioned dietary treatment consisting of Bermuda hay ad libitum and a soy hulls and corn gluten feed based supplement. After 45 days of supplementation, animals were loaded onto a trailer and transported for 22 hours (long-term transportation). Longissimus muscle biopsies, BW and blood samples were obtained on day 0 (Baseline), 43 (Pre-transport; PRET), and 46 (Post-transport; POST). Heifers' average daily gain did not differ between baseline and PRET. Control heifer's shrink was 10% of BW while RPM heifers shrink was 8%. Serum cortisol decreased, and glucose and creatine kinase levels increased after transportation, but no differences were observed between treatments. Messenger RNA was extracted from skeletal muscle tissue and gene expression analysis was performed by RT-qPCR. Results showed that AHCY and DNMT3A (DNA methylation), SSPN (Sarcoglycan complex), and SOD2 (Oxidative Stress-ROS) were upregulated in CTRL between baseline and PRET and, decreased between pre and POST while they remained constant for RPM. Furthermore, CKM was not affected by treatments. In conclusion, RPM supplementation may affect ROS production and enhance DNA hypermethylation, after a long-term transportation

    Machine Learning-Based Co-Expression Network Analysis Unravels Potential Fertility-Related Genes in Beef Cows

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    Reproductive failure is still a challenge for beef producers and a significant cause of economic loss. The increased availability of transcriptomic data has shed light on the mechanisms modulating pregnancy success. Furthermore, new analytical tools, such as machine learning (ML), provide opportunities for data mining and uncovering new biological events that explain or predict reproductive outcomes. Herein, we identified potential biomarkers underlying pregnancy status and fertility-related networks by integrating gene expression profiles through ML and gene network modeling. We used public transcriptomic data from uterine luminal epithelial cells of cows retrospectively classified as pregnant (P, n = 25) and non-pregnant (NP, n = 18). First, we used a feature selection function from BioDiscML and identified SERPINE3, PDCD1, FNDC1, MRTFA, ARHGEF7, MEF2B, NAA16, ENSBTAG00000019474, and ENSBTAG00000054585 as candidate biomarker predictors of pregnancy status. Then, based on co-expression networks, we identified seven genes significantly rewired (gaining or losing connections) between the P and NP networks. These biomarkers were co-expressed with genes critical for uterine receptivity, including endometrial tissue remodeling, focal adhesion, and embryo development. We provided insights into the regulatory networks of fertility-related processes and demonstrated the potential of combining different analytical tools to prioritize candidate genes

    Interaction of Estrogen and Progesterone on Kisspeptin-10-Stimulated Luteinizing Hormone and Growth Hormone in Ovariectomized Cows

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    Background/Aims: Growth hormone (GH) is necessary for optimal reproductive efficiency and its secretion is influenced by sex steroids. This study was designed to determine whether kisspeptin-10 (Kp10) could stimulate GH and if gonadal steroids enhance the GH response to Kp10 in cows. Methods and Results: Intravenous injection of Kp10 at 100 or 200 pmol/kg body weight with or without treatment with estradiol cypionate and/or progesterone increased luteinizing hormone (p \u3c 0.01) plasma concentrations. Plasma concentrations of GH were increased following Kp10 in cows treated with estradiol cypionate and/or progesterone (p \u3c 0.05) but not in cows treated with Kp10 without gonadal steroids. Conclusions: These data suggest that reproductive steroids enhance the sensitivity of the somatotropic axis to physiologically relevant doses of Kp10, and support the possibility that Kp10 is an integrator of luteinizing hormone and GH release

    mRNA Signatures in Peripheral White Blood Cells Predict Reproductive Potential in Beef Heifers at Weaning

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    Reproductive failure is a major contributor to inefficiency within the cow-calf industry. Particularly problematic is the inability to diagnose heifer reproductive issues prior to pregnancy diagnosis following their first breeding season. Therefore, we hypothesized that gene expression from the peripheral white blood cells at weaning could predict the future reproductive potential of beef heifers. To investigate this, the gene expression was measured using RNA-Seq in Angus–Simmental crossbred heifers sampled at weaning and retrospectively classified as fertile (FH, n = 8) or subfertile (SFH, n = 7) after pregnancy diagnosis. We identified 92 differentially expressed genes between the groups. Network co-expression analysis identified 14 and 52 hub targets. ENSBTAG00000052659, OLR1, TFF2, and NAIP were exclusive hubs to the FH group, while 42 hubs were exclusive to the SFH group. The differential connectivity between the networks of each group revealed a gain in connectivity due to the rewiring of major regulators in the SFH group. The exclusive hub targets from FH were over-represented for the CXCR chemokine receptor pathway and inflammasome complex, while for the SFH, they were over-represented for immune response and cytokine production pathways. These multiple interactions revealed novel targets and pathways predicting reproductive potential at an early stage of heifer development

    Surface Color Variations of Ground Beef Packaged Using Enhanced, Recycle Ready, or Standard Barrier Vacuum Films

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    With current meat industry efforts focused on improving environmental influencers, adopting sustainable packaging materials may be an easier transition to addressing the sustainability demands of the meat consumer. With the growing popularity of vacuum-packaged meat products, the current study evaluated instrumental surface color on fresh ground beef using vacuum packaging films, recycle-ready film (RRF), standard barrier (STB) and enhanced barrier (ENB). Ground beef packaged using ENB barrier film was lighter (L*), redder (a*) and more vivid (chroma) than all other packaging treatments during the simulated display period (p < 0.05). By day 12 of the simulated retail display, the ground beef surface color became lighter (L*), more yellow (b*), less red (a*), less vivid (chroma) and contained greater forms of calculated metmyoglobin, oxymyoglobin (p < 0.05). The current results suggest that barrier properties of vacuum packaging film for ground beef are pivotal for extending the surface color during fresh shelf-life conditions

    Evaluation of age, weaning weight, body condition score, and reproductive tract score in pre-selected beef heifers relative to reproductive potential

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    Abstract Background Artificial insemination is a preferred breeding method for beef heifers as it advances the genetic background, produces a predictive and profitable calving season, and extends the heifer’s reproductive life span. As reproductive efficiency in heifers is key for the success of beef cattle production systems, following artificial insemination, heifers are exposed to a bull for the remainder of the breeding season. Altogether, up to 95% of heifers might become pregnant in their first breeding season. Heifers that do not become pregnant at the end of the breeding season represent an irreparable economical loss. Additionally, heifers conceiving late in the breeding season to natural service, although acceptable, poses serious losses to producers. To minimize losses due to reproductive failure, different phenotypic parameters can be assessed and utilized as selection tools. Here, we tested the hypothesis that in a group of pre-selected heifers, records of weaning weight, age at weaning, age at artificial insemination, and age of dam differ among heifers of varied reproductive outcomes during the first breeding season. Results None of the parameters tested presented predictive ability to discriminate the heifers based on the response variable (‘pregnant to artificial insemination’, ‘pregnant to natural service’, ‘not pregnant’). Heifers categorized with body condition score = 6 and reproductive tract score ≥ 4 had the greatest proportion of pregnancy to artificial insemination (49% and 44%, respectively). Furthermore, it was notable that heifers presenting body condition score = 6 and reproductive tract score = 5 presented the greatest pregnancy rate at end of the breeding season (89%). Heifers younger than 368 d at the start of the breeding season did not become pregnant to artificial insemination. Those young heifers had 12.5% chance to become pregnant in their first breeding season, compared to 87.5% if the heifers were older than 368 days. Conclusion Our results suggest that beef heifers with body condition score = 6 and reproductive tract score ≥ 4 are more likely to become pregnant to artificial insemination. Careful assessment should be undertaken when developing replacement heifers that will not reach 12 months of age by the beginning of the breeding season

    Vacuum Packaging Can Extend Fresh Color Characteristics of Beef Steaks during Simulated Display Conditions

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    Packaging technology is evolving, and the objectives of this study were to evaluate instrumental surface color, expert color evaluation, and lipid oxidation (TBARS) on beef longissimus lumborum steaks packaged in vacuum-ready packaging (VRF) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) overwrap packaging. Paired strip loins (Institutional Meat Purchasing Specifications # 180) were cut into 2.54-cm-thick steaks and assigned randomly to one of two packaging treatments, VRF or PVC. Steaks packaged in VRF were lighter in color (p p p p p p p < 0.05) for PVC steaks from day 10 through day 35 of the display. Results from this study suggest that the use of vacuum packaging for beef steaks is plausible for maintaining surface color characteristics during extended display periods