37 research outputs found

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    Postmodernisme i moviments socials

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    Aquest article se centra en les conseqüències que l'estratègia reflexiva postmoderna (provinent d'autors com Lyotard, Foucault, Derrida o Baudrillard) aboca sobre els moviments socials de caràcter emancipador, que defensen el seu posicionament dintre del marc ideològic de l'esquerra alternativa antiautoritària. D'una banda, entenem per estratègia reflexiva postmoderna el corrent intel·lectual que, a partir de plantejaments irracionalistes, defensa la desaparició del programa alliberador de la modernitat. D'altra banda, el problema és que un estudi profund de l'orientació postmoderna aclareix que no defineixen propostes alternatives a les situacions criticades i, a més, deploren qualsevol intent de definició d'alternatives quant a il·lusió típica de la modernitat. Actualment, aquesta estratègia cobreix la funció conscientment estratègica de destruir les possibilitats de canvi que ofereixen els programes d'acció favorables a la radicalització de la democràcia, com els moviments socials, que s'introdueixen en el pensament de l'esquerra.The Postmodern reflexive strategy (from authors like Ly o t a rd, Foucault, Derrida or Baudrillard) has consequences on social movements with an emancipatorian character which within an ideological framework defend an antiauthoritarian alternative position by following left wing ideas. On the one hand, from our point of view, postmod ern reflexive strategy is the intellectual trend based on irrationality which announce the end of the emancipatory project of Modernity. On the other hand, through a deep analysis of the postmodern perspective, it is possible to clarify that alternatives to the criticized situations are not given; furtherm o re, it is refused any attempt to define alternatives as it is typical in Modernity. Nowadays, this strategy accomplishes consciously with the destruction of any possibility to change which are off e red by social movements when they try to radicalize democracy by introducing themselves in the left wing ideas.Este artículo se centra en las consecuencias que la estrategia reflexiva postmoderna (proveniente de autores como Lyotard, Foucault, Derrida o Baudrillard) vierte sobre los movimientos sociales de carácter emancipador, que defienden su posicionamiento dentro del marco ideológico de la izquierda alternativa antiautoritaria. Por un lado, entendemos por estrategia reflexiva postmoderna la corriente intelectual que, a partir de planteamientos irracionalistas, defiende la desaparición del programa liberador de la modernidad. Por otro lado, el problema radica en que un estudio profundo de la orientación postmoderna clarifica el hecho de que no definen propuestas alternativas a las situaciones criticadas y, además, deploran cualquier intento de definición de alternativas en tanto que ilusión típica de la modernidad. Actualmente, esta estrategia cubre la función conscientemente estratégica de destruir las posibilidades de cambio que ofrecen los programas de acción favorables a la radicalización de la democracia, como los movimientos sociales, introduciéndose en el pensamiento de la izquierda


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    Dialogic traits of Roma women leadership

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    Against of what mainstream society believes, Roma women are participating in public spaces of debate and decision-making and taking the lead in opening educational and labor opportunities for themselves, their families and their communities. The specific traits of the type of leadership developed and exercised by Roma women in civic organizations, as something that differs from both the type of leadership done by Roma men, or non-Roma women, is yet scantily researched by academic literature. Aimed at filling this gap, this article presents and discusses what we have identified as dialogic traits in Roma women leadership when engaged in social and political actions. We call these traits “dialogic”, as all of them are constructed and emerged based on egalitarian and intersubjective dialogue among Roma women themselves, and their communities. These traits are, leadership assumed in a relational way, as a collective responsibility and developed with others; putting the Roma values and shared identity at the core; and with a strong understanding of the need of intergenerational solidarity among themselves as a  motor of organized action. Findings are drawn from qualitative interviews conducted with Roma women of diverse ages, and Spanish regions, who are all of them leaders engaged across diverse organized spaces of civic participation, namely Roma women civic organizations, or other types of political institutions. Al contrario de lo que cree la sociedad mayoritaria, las mujeres gitanas están participando en espacios públicos de debate y toma de decisiones y tomando la iniciativa para abrir oportunidades educativas y laborales para ellas, sus familias y sus comunidades. Las particularidades del tipo de liderazgo que desarrollan y ejercen las mujeres gitanas en las organizaciones cívicas, como algo que difiere tanto del tipo de liderazgo que desarrollan los hombres gitanos, como de las mujeres no gitanas, es un aspecto aún escasamente investigado por la literatura científica. Con el objetivo de llenar este vacío, este artículo presenta y discute lo que hemos identificado como aspectos dialógicos en el liderazgo de las mujeres gitanas cuando se involucran en acciones sociales y políticas. A estos aspectos los llamamos “dialógicos”, ya que todos ellos se construyen y emergen a partir del diálogo igualitario e intersubjetivo entre las propias mujeres gitanas y sus comunidades. Estos aspectos son, el liderazgo asumido de forma relacional, como responsabilidad colectiva y desarrollado con los demás; poner los valores gitanos y la identidad compartida en el centro; y la intergeneracionalidad como base de la acción organizada. Los resultados se extraen de entrevistas cualitativas realizadas a mujeres gitanas de diversas edades y regiones españolas, todas ellas líderes involucradas en diversos espacios organizados de participación cívica, concretamente organizaciones cívicas de mujeres gitanas u otro tipo de instituciones políticas

    Editorial. Special Issue: working on the ground to contest inequalities. Insights about ethnic minorities, indigenous communities and migrants navigating geographies worldwide

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    Editorial. Special Issue: working on the ground to contest inequalities. Insights about ethnic minorities, indigenous communities and migrants navigating geographies worldwid

    Editorial. Special Issue: working on the ground to contest inequalities. Insights about ethnic minorities, indigenous communities and migrants navigating geographies worldwide

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    Editorial. Special Issue: working on the ground to contest inequalities. Insights about ethnic minorities, indigenous communities and migrants navigating geographies worldwid

    Identifying the Relevance of Research Goals through Collecting Citizens’ Voices on Social Media

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    Recent debates on the meaning and use of science are focused on addressing citizens’ needs or concerns of society in different fields. Researchers have developed different methodologies for capturing the relevance of topics to be addressed by research in order to map them. This article proposes a new methodology for identifying the relevance of research goals through collecting citizen’s voices on Twitter and Facebook combing two approaches: top down, starting with already defined research goals priorities, and bottom up, departing from the social media. The article presents the results of the application of this methodology through the research goals of Sustainable Development Goals to identify their relevance and if there are some topics not covered by them. Thus, researchers could integrate this methodology in their daily work and be more in line with the needs expressed by citizens in social media

    Editorial. Special Issue: Roma communities navigating and coping with the current and future effects of the COVID19 Crisis

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    Editorial. Special Issue: Roma communities navigating and coping with the current and future effects of the COVID19 Crisi