162 research outputs found

    An Advanced Technique for User Identification Using Partial Fingerprint

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    User identification is a very interesting and complex task. Invasive biometrics is based on traits uniqueness and immutability over time. In forensic field, fingerprints have always been considered an essential element for personal recognition. The traditional issue is focused on full fingerprint images matching. In this paper an advanced technique for personal recognition based on partial fingerprint is proposed. This system is based on fingerprint local analysis and micro-features, endpoints and bifurcations, extraction. The proposed approach starts from minutiae extraction from a partial fingerprint image and ends with the final matching score between fingerprint pairs. The computation of likelihood ratios in fingerprint identification is computed by trying every possible overlapping of the partial image with complete image. The first experimental results conducted on the PolyU (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) free database show an encouraging performance in terms of identification accuracy

    An Embedded Biometric Sensor for Ubiquitous Authentication

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    Communication networks and distributed technologies move people towards the era of ubiquitous computing. An ubiquitous environment needs many authentication sensors for users recognition, in order to provide a secure infrastructure for both user access to resources and services and information management. Today the security requirements must ensure secure and trusted user information to protect sensitive data resource access and they could be used for user traceability inside the platform. Conventional authentication systems, based on username and password, are in crisis since they are not able to guarantee a suitable security level for several applications. Biometric authentication systems represent a valid alternative to the conventional authentication systems providing a flexible einfrastructure towards an integrated solution supporting the requirement for improved inter-organizational functionality. In this work the study and the implementation of a fingerprintsbased embedded biometric system is proposed. Typical strategies implemented in Identity Management Systems could be useful to protect biometric information. The proposed sensor can be seen as a self-contained sensor: it performs the all elaboration steps on board, a necessary requisite to strengthen security, so that sensible data are securely managed and stored inside the sensor, without any data leaking out. The sensor has been prototyped via an FPGA-based platform achieving fast execution time and a good final throughput. Resources used, elaboration times of the sensor are reported. Finally, recognition rates of the proposed embedded biometric sensor have been evaluated considering three different databases: the FVC2002 reference database, the CSAI/Biometrika proprietary database, and the CSAI/Secugen proprietary database. The best achieved FAR and FRR indexes are respectively 1.07% and 8.33%, with an elaboration time of 183.32 ms and a working frequency of 22.5 MHz

    A Multimodal Technique for an Embedded Fingerprint Recognizer in Mobile Payment Systems

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    The development and the diffusion of distributed systems, directly connected to recent communication technologies, move people towards the era of mobile and ubiquitous systems. Distributed systems make merchant-customer relationships closer and more flexible, using reliable e-commerce technologies. These systems and environments need many distributed access points, for the creation and management of secure identities and for the secure recognition of users. Traditionally, these access points can be made possible by a software system with a main central server. This work proposes the study and implementation of a multimodal technique, based on biometric information, for identity management and personal ubiquitous authentication. The multimodal technique uses both fingerprint micro features (minutiae) and fingerprint macro features (singularity points) for robust user authentication. To strengthen the security level of electronic payment systems, an embedded hardware prototype has been also created: acting as self-contained sensors, it performs the entire authentication process on the same device, so that all critical information (e.g. biometric data, account transactions and cryptographic keys), are managed and stored inside the sensor, without any data transmission. The sensor has been prototyped using the Celoxica RC203E board, achieving fast execution time, low working frequency, and good recognition performance

    A Novel Technique for Fingerprint Classification based on Fuzzy C-Means and Naive Bayes Classifier

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    Fingerprint classification is a key issue in automatic fingerprint identification systems. One of the main goals is to reduce the item search time within the fingerprint database without affecting the accuracy rate. In this paper, a novel technique, based on topological information, for efficient fingerprint classification is described. The proposed system is composed of two independent modules: the former module, based on Fuzzy C-Means, extracts the best set of training images; the latter module, based on Fuzzy C-Means and Naive Bayes classifier, assigns a class to each processed fingerprint using only directional image information. The proposed approach does not require any image enhancement phase. Experimental trials, conducted on a subset of the free downloadable PolyU database, show a classification rate of 91% over a 100 images test database using only 12 training examples

    Electrical current-driven pinhole formation and insulator-metal transition in tunnel junctions

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    Current Induced Resistance Switching (CIS) was recently observed in thin tunnel junctions (TJs) with ferromagnetic (FM) electrodes and attributed to electromigration of metallic atoms in nanoconstrictions in the insulating barrier. The CIS effect is here studied in TJs with two thin (20 \AA) non-magnetic (NM) Ta electrodes inserted above and below the insulating barrier. We observe resistance (R) switching for positive applied electrical current (flowing from the bottom to the top lead), characterized by a continuous resistance decrease and associated with current-driven displacement of metallic ions from the bottom electrode into the barrier (thin barrier state). For negative currents, displaced ions return into their initial positions in the electrode and the electrical resistance gradually increases (thick barrier state). We measured the temperature (T) dependence of the electrical resistance of both thin- and thick-barrier states (RbR_b and RB_B respectively). Experiments showed a weaker R(T) variation when the tunnel junction is in the RbR_b state, associated with a smaller tunnel contribution. By applying large enough electrical currents we induced large irreversible R-decreases in the studied TJs, associated with barrier degradation. We then monitored the evolution of the R(T) dependence for different stages of barrier degradation. In particular, we observed a smooth transition from tunnel- to metallic-dominated transport. The initial degradation-stages are related to irreversible barrier thickness decreases (without the formation of pinholes). Only for later barrier degradation stages do we have the appearance of metallic paths between the two electrodes that, however, do not lead to metallic dominated transport for small enough pinhole radius.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Time-dependent quantum transport with superconducting leads: a discrete basis Kohn-Sham formulation and propagation scheme

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    In this work we put forward an exact one-particle framework to study nano-scale Josephson junctions out of equilibrium and propose a propagation scheme to calculate the time-dependent current in response to an external applied bias. Using a discrete basis set and Peierls phases for the electromagnetic field we prove that the current and pairing densities in a superconducting system of interacting electrons can be reproduced in a non-interacting Kohn-Sham (KS) system under the influence of different Peierls phases {\em and} of a pairing field. An extended Keldysh formalism for the non-equilibrium Nambu-Green's function (NEGF) is then introduced to calculate the short- and long-time response of the KS system. The equivalence between the NEGF approach and a combination of the static and time-dependent Bogoliubov-deGennes (BdG) equations is shown. For systems consisting of a finite region coupled to N{\cal N} superconducting semi-infinite leads we numerically solve the static BdG equations with a generalized wave-guide approach and their time-dependent version with an embedded Crank-Nicholson scheme. To demonstrate the feasibility of the propagation scheme we study two paradigmatic models, the single-level quantum dot and a tight-binding chain, under dc, ac and pulse biases. We provide a time-dependent picture of single and multiple Andreev reflections, show that Andreev bound states can be exploited to generate a zero-bias ac current of tunable frequency, and find a long-living resonant effect induced by microwave irradiation of appropriate frequency.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, published versio

    Scaling of 1/f noise in tunable break-junctions

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    We have studied the 1/f1/f voltage noise of gold nano-contacts in electromigrated and mechanically controlled break-junctions having resistance values RR that can be tuned from 10 Ω\Omega (many channels) to 10 kΩ\Omega (single atom contact). The noise is caused by resistance fluctuations as evidenced by the SVV2S_V\propto V^2 dependence of the power spectral density SVS_V on the applied DC voltage VV. As a function of RR the normalized noise SV/V2S_V/V^2 shows a pronounced cross-over from R3\propto R^3 for low-ohmic junctions to R1.5\propto R^{1.5} for high-ohmic ones. The measured powers of 3 and 1.5 are in agreement with 1/f1/f-noise generated in the bulk and reflect the transition from diffusive to ballistic transport

    Asymptotically exact dispersion relations for collective modes in a confined charged Fermi liquid

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    Using general local conservations laws we derive dispersion relations for edge modes in a slab of electron liquid confined by a symmetric potential. The dispersion relations are exact up to λ2q2\lambda^{2} q^{2}, where qq is a wave vector and λ\lambda is an effective screening length. For a harmonic external potential the dispersion relations are expressed in terms of the {\em exact} static pressure and dynamic shear modulus of a homogeneous liquid with the density taken at the slab core. We also derive a simple expression for the frequency shift of the dipole (Kohn) modes in nearly parabolic quantum dots in a magnetic field.Comment: RevTeX4, 4 pages. Revised version with new results on quantum qots and wires. Published in Phys.Rev.

    Theory for the electromigration wind force in dilute alloys

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    A multiple scattering formulation for the electromigration wind force on atoms in dilute alloys is developed. The theory describes electromigration via a vacancy mechanism. The method is used to calculate the wind valence for electromigration in various host metals having a close-packed lattice structure, namely aluminum, the noble metals copper, silver and gold and the 4d4d transition metals. The self-electromigration results for aluminum and the noble metals compare well with experimental data. For the 4d4d metals small wind valences are found, which make these metals attractive candidates for the experimental study of the direct valence.Comment: 18 pages LaTeX, epsfig, 8 figures. to appear in Phys. Rev. B 56 of 15/11/199

    Low power RF test of a quadrupole-free X-Band mode launcher for high brightness applications

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    In this work we present the low power RF characterization of a novel TM01 X-band mode launcher for the new generation of high brightness RF photo-injectors. The proposed mode launcher exploits a fourfold symmetry which minimizes both the dipole and the quadrupole fields in order to mitigate the emittance growth in the early stages of the acceleration process. Two identical aluminum mode launchers have been assembled and measured in back-to-back configurations for three different central waveguide lengths. From the back-to-back results we infer the performance of each mode launcher. The low power RF test, performed at the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (INFN-LNS), validate both the numerical simulations and the quality of fabrication. An oxygen-free high-conductivity copper version of the device is being manufactured for high power and ultra high vacuum tests that are planned to be conducted at SLAC