181 research outputs found

    Human-Bear Conflict and Community Perceptions of Risk in the Zanskar Region, Northern India

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    The Himalayan brown bear (Ursus arctos isabellinus) is an endangered subspecies of brown bear (U. a. spp.) and is found throughout the Himalayan region of south and central Asia. We describe the type of and the current level of human–bear conflict (HBC) with Himalayan brown bears in the Zanskar region of northern India and suggest potential mitigation methods. Between July and September 2018, we interviewed 218 households across the Zanskar region, all of whom had experienced HBC. Participants reported increasing numbers of HBC events in the last 4 years. The most common form of HBC was damage to granaries where food is stored (50%). As a result of HBC, most participants said they feared bears (95%) and did not like them (73%). However, 95% of participants thought that the Himalayan brown bear should be conserved. We conclude that local people are receptive to bear conservation, but the current measures are insufficient to protect property and livestock. We encourage community involvement in bear monitoring as well as installation of bear-resistant food containers, solar lights, and electric fences to reduce incidences of HBC and foster tolerance of bears in Zanskar, India

    Changing the norms that drive intimate partner violence: findings from a cluster randomised trial on what predisposes bystanders to take action in Kampala, Uganda.

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    INTRODUCTION: Despite widespread calls to end violence against women, there remains limited evidence on how to prevent it. Community-level programmes seek to engage all levels of the community in changing norms that drive intimate partner violence (IPV). However, little is known about what predisposes ordinary people to become active in violence prevention. METHODS: Using data from the SASA! study, a cluster randomised trial of a community mobilisation intervention in Kampala, Uganda, we explore which community members are most likely to intervene when they witness IPV. A cross-sectional survey of community members (18-49 years) was conducted 4 years after intervention implementation began (2012). Among those who had seen IPV in their community (past year), multivariate logistic regression, disaggregated by sex and trial arm, explored the associations between 'trying to help' and demographics, IPV experience (women)/perpetration (men), childhood abuse experiences, IPV attitudes and SASA! exposure. RESULTS: Overall, SASA! community members were more likely to intervene than their control counterparts (57% vs 31%). In control communities, older age (women), increasing relationship duration (men), talking to neighbours (men) and believing it is okay for a woman to tell if she is experiencing IPV (men) were positively associated with trying to help. In SASA! communities associated factors were increasing relationship duration (women/men), employment (women), talking to neighbours (women), childhood abuse experiences (women), lifetime IPV (women/men), IPV-related attitudes (women/men) and greater SASA! exposure (women/men). CONCLUSIONS: Differing results between intervention and control communities suggest contextual factors may modify the effects of personal characteristics/experiences on helping behaviours. Motivation to act brought about by personal experiences of IPV, for example, might only propel individuals into action if they are equipped with the skills, confidence and support of others to do so. Community mobilisation can help create environments and synergies supportive of action. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT00790959. STUDY PROTOCOL: Available at http://www.trialsjournal.com/content/13/1/96

    Development of the ACTIVE framework to describe stakeholder involvement in systematic reviews

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    Objectives Involvement of patients, health professionals, and the wider public (‘stakeholders’) is seen to be beneficial to the quality, relevance and impact of research and may enhance the usefulness and uptake of systematic reviews. However, there is a lack of evidence and resources to guide researchers in how to actively involve stakeholders in systematic reviews. In this paper we report the development of the ACTIVE framework to describe how stakeholders are involved in systematic reviews. Methods We developed a framework using methods previously described in the development of conceptual frameworks relating to other areas of public involvement, including: literature searching, data extraction, analysis, and categorisation. A draft ACTIVE framework was developed and then refined after presentation at a conference workshop, before being applied to a series of example systematic reviews. Data extracted from 32 systematic reviews, identified in a systematic scoping review, were categorised against pre-defined constructs, including: who was involved, how stakeholder were recruited, the mode of involvement, at what stage there was involvement and the level of control or influence. Results The final ACTIVE framework described whether patients, carers and/or families, and/or other stakeholders (including health professionals, health decision makers and funders) were involved. We defined: recruitment as either open or closed; the approach to involvement as either onetime, continuous or combined; and the method of involvement as either direct or indirect. The stage of involvement in reviews was defined using the Cochrane Ecosystem stages of a review. The level of control or influence was defined according to the roles and activities of stakeholders in the review process, and described as the ACTIVE continuum of involvement. Conclusions The ACTIVE framework provides a structure with which to describe key components of stakeholder involvement within a systematic review, and we have used this to summarise how stakeholders have been involved in a subset of varied systematic reviews. The ACTIVE continuum of involvement provides a new model that uses tasks and roles to detail the level of stakeholder involvement. This work has contributed to the development of learning resources aimed at supporting systematic review authors and editors to involve stakeholders in their systematic reviews. This framework may support the decision-making of systematic review authors in planning how to involve stakeholders in future review

    The role of religion in the longer-range future, April 6, 7, and 8, 2006

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    This repository item contains a single issue of the Pardee Conference Series, a publication series that began publishing in 2006 by the Boston University Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future. This conference that took place during April 6, 7, and 8, 2006. Co-organized by David Fromkin, Director, Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, and Ray L. Hart, Dean ad interim Boston University School of TheologyThe conference brought together some 40 experts from various disciplines to ponder upon the “great dilemma” of how science, religion, and the human future interact. In particular, different panels looked at trends in what is happening to religion around the world, questions about how religion is impacting the current political and economic order, and how the social dynamics unleashed by science and by religion can be reconciled.Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affair

    Genomic insights into apple aroma diversity

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    An apple's aroma is a major determinant of its desirability by consumers. To better understand the aroma of apples, 2-dimensional gas-chromatography mass-spectrometry (2D-GCMS) was used to quantify 106 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from 515 apple varieties. We identified esters and aldehydes as the most abundant classes of VOCs, with butyl acetate and hexyl acetate being present in nearly every variety. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that the primary axis of variation in the apple volatilome is correlated with harvest date, with early-harvested apples expressing a greater number and higher concentration of VOCs compared to late-harvested apples. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) using 250,579 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identified a significant association between SNPs near the alcohol acyltransferase (AAT1) locus and the abundance of several esters. Additionally, strong associations were observed between SNPs at the NAC18.1 transcription factor locus and the abundances of 1-hexanol and 1-butanol, which serve as precursors for hexyl acetate and butyl acetate, respectively. These findings provide a foundation for understanding the genetic basis of apple aroma production and pave the way for the genomics-assisted enhancement of the aroma profiles of apple varieties to meet consumer preferences

    Standardization of synthetic biology tools and assembly methods for Saccharomyces cerevisiae and emerging yeast species

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    As redesigning organisms using engineering principles is one of the purposes of synthetic biology (SynBio), the standardization of experimental methods and DNA parts is becoming increasingly a necessity. The synthetic biology community focusing on the engineering of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been in the foreground in this area, conceiving several well-characterized SynBio toolkits widely adopted by the community. In this review, the molecular methods and toolkits developed for S. cerevisiae are discussed in terms of their contributions to the required standardization efforts. In addition, the toolkits designed for emerging nonconventional yeast species including Yarrowia lipolytica, Komagataella phaffii, and Kluyveromyces marxianus are also reviewed. Without a doubt, the characterized DNA parts combined with the standardized assembly strategies highlighted in these toolkits have greatly contributed to the rapid development of many metabolic engineering and diagnostics applications among others. Despite the growing capacity in deploying synthetic biology for common yeast genome engineering works, the yeast community has a long journey to go to exploit it in more sophisticated and delicate applications like bioautomation.ISSN:2161-506