60 research outputs found

    Le retour des migrants ou l’émergence des « nouveaux Ouzbeks » : les effets d’un rite de transition

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    Les migrations économiques contemporaines des Ouzbeks vers Séoul, Moscou et New York mettent en jeu des réseaux socio-familiaux, qui placent le migrant, avant, pendant et après sa migration au cœur d’un rite de transition qui permet de faire émerger, lors du retour, la catégorie socio-économique des « nouveaux Ouzbeks ». L’agrégation du migrant à un groupe est l’enjeu crucial lors du retour, via l’initiation qu’a constituée la migration et dont il est sorti victorieux. L'article explore les changements de fonction et d’attitude des différents membres de la parenté qui conduisent le migrant à donner un sens à son nouveau statut social. L’auteure s'intéresse aussi aux placements de l’argent amassé pendant la migration. Deux postes de dépenses importants apparaissent : l’organisation de célébrations fastueuses et l’acquisition de logements prestigieux, qui servent à être vu et reconnu en tant que personne riche, en tant que « nouvel Ouzbek ». Enfin, l’argent des migrations peut être utilisé pour favoriser de nouvelles mobilités, celles notamment de personnes de l’entourage des ex-migrants. Le rite de transition génère alors de nouveaux rites, malgré le silence du migrant sur ce qui s’est réellement déroulé à l’étranger.The contemporary economic migrations of the Uzbeks to Seoul, Moscow and New York bring into play social and family networks, which place migrants, before, during and after their migrations, in the heart of a rite of transition enabling the emergency, on their return, of a socio-economic category referred to as “the new Uzbeks”. Joining a group is the crucial stake for the migrants on their return via the initiation that such a migration constituted and which he came out of victoriously. First of all, the changes in the duties and behaviors of the various members in their families lead the migrants to give sense to his new social status. Then, they ought to invest the money accumulated during the migration. Two important items of spending emerge then: the organization of sumptuous celebrations and acquiring prestigious accommodation whose aim is to “show off” and be considered as a wealthy person, as a “new Uzbek”. Lastly, the money issued from these migrations may set off a renewal of mobility since it is often used for the departure of members of the ex-migrants’ family circle: the rite of transition generates then new rites, even though the migrants keep silent on what really happened when they were abroad.Las migraciones económicas contemporáneas de los Uzbekos hacia Seúl, Moscú y Nueva York construyen redes sociales y familiares que ponen el migrante, antes, durante y después su migración al centro de un rito de transición que permite hacer hincapié, cuando el migrante vuelve, en la categoría socio-económica de los «nuevos Uzbekos». El punto fundamental de la vuelta es la admisión del migrante a un grupo, tras la iniciación que constituye la migración que logró hacer. Primero, los cambios de funciones y actitudes de los varios miembros de la familia permiten al migrante encontrar el sentido de su nuevo estatuto social. Secundo, el migrante suele invertir el dinero ahorrado durante la migración. Dos categorías de gastos importantes aparecen: la organización de fiestas tremendas y la compra de alojamientos prestigiosos. La meta es que la gente ven y reconocen el migrante como une persona rica, es decir un «nuevo Uzbeko». Al fin y al cabo, el dinero de las migraciones permite una nueva movilidad, puesto que está utilizado para la migración de las personas que rodean a los ex-migrantes: el rito de transición es la base de nuevos ritos, aunque el migrante suela quedar mudo en cuanto a lo que realmente ocurrió al extranjero

    Les migrants de travail ouzbeks Ă  Moscou

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    « Partir à l’étranger pour mieux vivre en Ouzbékistan » : cette formule paradoxale résume l’enjeu de l’émigration en provenance d’Ouzbékistan. La plupart des migrants quittent temporairement leur famille pour se rendre à l’étranger afin de profiter de salaires bien plus avantageux que dans leur pays d’origine, envisageant d’y revenir une fois leurs économies réalisées. L’analyse de ce phénomène migratoire, massif puisqu’il pourrait concerner jusqu’à 30 % de la population ouzbékistanaise, se f..

    Fêtes et normativité en Ouzbékistan

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    Les pratiques alimentaires à l’oeuvre lors des toy (fêtes) en Ouzbékistan permettent à l’ethnologue de déceler les normes ordinaires de la culture ouzbèke, qui se trouvent rappelées avec force dans un contexte extraordinaire.Les pratiques alimentaires à l’oeuvre lors des toy (fêtes) en Ouzbékistan permettent à l’ethnologue de déceler les normes ordinaires de la culture ouzbèke, qui se trouvent rappelées avec force dans un contexte extraordinaire

    Characterization of Brca2-Deficient Plants Excludes the Role of NHEJ and SSA in the Meiotic Chromosomal Defect Phenotype

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    In somatic cells, three major pathways are involved in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DBS): Non-Homologous End Joining (NHEJ), Single-Strand Annealing (SSA) and Homologous Recombination (HR). In somatic and meiotic HR, DNA DSB are 5′ to 3′ resected, producing long 3′ single-stranded DNA extensions. Brca2 is essential to load the Rad51 recombinase onto these 3′ overhangs. The resulting nucleofilament can thus invade a homologous DNA sequence to copy and restore the original genetic information. In Arabidopsis, the inactivation of Brca2 specifically during meiosis by an RNAi approach results in aberrant chromosome aggregates, chromosomal fragmentation and missegregation leading to a sterility phenotype. We had previously suggested that such chromosomal behaviour could be due to NHEJ. In this study, we show that knock-out plants affected in both BRCA2 genes show the same meiotic phenotype as the RNAi-inactivated plants. Moreover, it is demonstrated that during meiosis, neither NHEJ nor SSA compensate for HR deficiency in BRCA2-inactivated plants. The role of the plant-specific DNA Ligase6 is also excluded. The possible mechanism(s) involved in the formation of these aberrant chromosomal bridges in the absence of HR during meiosis are discussed

    Amaryllidaceae alkaloids : identification and partial characterization of montanine production in Rhodophiala bifida plant

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    Rhodophiala bifida (R. bifida) is a representative of the Amaryllidaceae plant family and is rich in montanine, an alkaloid with high pharmaceutical potential. Despite the interest in these compounds, many steps of the biosynthetic pathway have not been elucidated. In this study, we identified the alkaloids produced in different organs of R. bifida under different growth conditions, set up the conditions for in vitro R. bifida regeneration and initiated the molecular characterization of two R. bifida genes involved in alkaloids biosynthesis: the Norbelladine 4′-O-Methyltransferase (RbN4OMT) and the Cytochrome P450 (RbCYP96T). We show that montanine is the main alkaloid produced in the different R. bifida organs and developed a direct organogenesis regeneration protocol, using twin-scale explants cultivated on media enriched with naphthalene acetic acid and benzyladenine. Finally, we analyzed the RbN4OMT and RbCYP96T gene expressions in different organs and culture conditions and compared them to alkaloid production. In different organs of R. bifida young, adult and regenerated plants, as well as under various growing conditions, the transcripts accumulation was correlated with the production of alkaloids. This work provides new tools to improve the production of this important pharmaceutical compound and for future biotechnological studies

    Homologous Recombination Is Stimulated by a Decrease in dUTPase in Arabidopsis

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    Deoxyuridine triphosphatase (dUTPase) enzyme is an essential enzyme that protects DNA against uracil incorporation. No organism can tolerate the absence of this activity. In this article, we show that dUTPase function is conserved between E. coli (Escherichia coli), yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and that it is essential in Arabidopsis as in both micro-organisms. Using a RNA interference strategy, plant lines were generated with a diminished dUTPase activity as compared to the wild-type. These plants are sensitive to 5-fluoro-uracil. As an indication of DNA damage, inactivation of dUTPase results in the induction of AtRAD51 and AtPARP2, which are involved in DNA repair. Nevertheless, RNAi/DUT1 constructs are compatible with a rad51 mutation. Using a TUNEL assay, DNA damage was observed in the RNAi/DUT1 plants. Finally, plants carrying a homologous recombination (HR) exclusive substrate transformed with the RNAi/DUT1 construct exhibit a seven times increase in homologous recombination events. Increased HR was only detected in the plants that were the most sensitive to 5-fluoro-uracils, thus establishing a link between uracil incorporation in the genomic DNA and HR. Our results show for the first time that genetic instability provoked by the presence of uracils in the DNA is poorly tolerated and that this base misincorporation globally stimulates HR in plants

    Enzymatic Properties of Recombinant Phospho-Mimetic Photorespiratory Glycolate Oxidases from Arabidopsis thaliana and Zea mays

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    International audienceIn photosynthetic organisms, the photorespiratory cycle is an essential pathway leading to the recycling of 2-phosphoglycolate, produced by the oxygenase activity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, to 3-phosphoglycerate. Although photorespiration is a widely studied process, its regulation remains poorly understood. In this context, phosphoproteomics studies have detected six phosphorylation sites associated with photorespiratory glycolate oxidases from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtGOX1 and AtGOX2). Phosphorylation sites at T4, T158, S212 and T265 were selected and studied using Arabidopsis and maize recombinant glycolate oxidase (GOX) proteins mutated to produce either phospho-dead or phospho-mimetic enzymes in order to compare their kinetic parameters. Phospho-mimetic mutations (T4D, T158D and T265D) led to a severe inhibition of GOX activity without altering the K M glycolate. In two cases (T4D and T158D), this was associated with the loss of the cofactor, flavin mononucleotide. Phospho-dead versions exhibited different modifications according to the phospho-site and/or the GOX mutated. Indeed, all T4V and T265A enzymes had kinetic parameters similar to wild-type GOX and all T158V proteins showed low activities while S212A and S212D mutations had no effect on AtGOX1 activity and AtGOX2/ZmGO1 activities were 50% reduced. Taken together, our results suggest that GOX phosphorylation has the potential to modulate GOX activity
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