26 research outputs found

    Étude de l'interaction CCL20/CCR6 et de son rĂŽle dans l'homĂ©ostasis des lymphocytes T

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothÚques de l'Université de Montréal

    Are French Canadians able to accurately self-rate the quality of their diet? Insights from the PREDISE study

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    Cette Ă©tude se propose principalement de comparer l’autoĂ©valuation de la qualitĂ© du rĂ©gime alimentaire Ă  un score de qualitĂ© nutritionnelle globale et Ă  Ă©valuer la prĂ©dictibilitĂ© de l’autoĂ©valuation concernant l’adhĂ©sion aux recommandations de saine alimentation. Cette Ă©tude examine aussi la possible influence des caractĂ©ristiques individuelles sur l’association entre l’autoĂ©valuation du rĂ©gime alimentaire et le score de qualitĂ© nutritionnelle globale. Dans le cadre du projet PRĂ©dicteurs Individuels, Sociaux et Environnementaux (PREDISE), 1045 participants (51 % femmes) du QuĂ©bec (Canada) ont autoĂ©valuĂ© la qualitĂ© de leur rĂ©gime alimentaire (« En gĂ©nĂ©ral, diriez-vous que vos habitudes alimentaires sont : excellentes, trĂšs bonnes, bonnes, passables ou mauvaises? »). Les donnĂ©es de trois rappels alimentaires de 24 h via Internet ont permis le calcul du Healthy Eating Index (C-HEI), un indicateur de qualitĂ© nutritionnelle globale. Les participants percevaient leurs habitudes alimentaires comme Ă©tant excellentes (2,4 %), trĂšs bonnes (22,7 %), bonnes (49,5 %), passables (20,3 %) ou mauvaises (5,1 %). Le C-HEI variait significativement entre les catĂ©gories d’autoĂ©valuation dans la direction attendue (p 68) de saine alimentation en prĂ©sentant une sensibilitĂ© de 44,5 % et une spĂ©cificitĂ© de 81,5 % (statistique C = 0,63). L’association entre l’autoĂ©valuation et le C-HEI Ă©tait modifiĂ©e significativement par le sexe (p interaction = 0,0131); les femmes avaient un C-HEI plus Ă©levĂ© que les hommes dans les catĂ©gories « bonnes » et « passables ». L’autoĂ©valuation du rĂ©gime alimentaire permet de donner un aperçu de la qualitĂ© du rĂ©gime alimentaire d’une population. Cependant, les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude suggĂšrent d’utiliser ces donnĂ©es avec prudence compte tenu de leur faible prĂ©dictibilitĂ© concernant l’adhĂ©sion aux recommandations de saine alimentation. Des caractĂ©ristiques individuelles sont susceptibles d’influencer l’aptitude Ă  autoĂ©valuer adĂ©quatement la qualitĂ© du rĂ©gime alimentaire.The main objective of this study was to compare self-rated diet quality to a more comprehensive score of diet quality and to assess the ability of self-rated diet quality to predict adherence to healthy eating guidelines. This study also aimed at evaluating the influence of individual characteristics on the association between self-rated diet quality and the overall diet quality score. As part of the PREDISE study, 1045 participants (51% women) from the Province of QuĂ©bec, Canada, self-rated their diet quality (“In general, would you say that your dietary habits are: excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor?”). Three web-based 24-hour food recalls were completed, generating data for the calculation of the Canadian Healthy Eating Index (C-HEI), an overall diet quality indicator. Participants rated their diet quality as excellent (2.4%), very good (22.7%), good (49.5%), fair (20.3%) or poor (5.1%). The C-HEI significantly differed between diet ratings, in the expected direction (p<0.0001). Self-rated diet quality predicted adherence to healthy eating guidelines (i.e. C-HEI>68) with a sensitivity of 44.5% and a specificity of 81.5% (c-statistic=0.63). Sex significantly modified the association between self-rated diet quality and C-HEI (p interaction=0.0131); women had higher C-HEI than men in the “good” and “fair” ratings. Self-rated diet quality can be useful to obtain an overview of the diet quality of a population. Results of this study suggest that such data should be used with caution given its poor ability to predict adherence to healthy eating guidelines. Individual characteristics may influence one’s ability to appropriately self-evaluate diet quality

    Development and validation of a nutrition knowledge questionnaire for a Canadian population

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    Objective The present study aimed to develop and validate a nutrition knowledge questionnaire in a sample of French Canadians from the province of Quebec, taking into account dietary guidelines. Design A thirty-eight-item questionnaire was developed by the research team and evaluated for content validity by an expert panel, and then administered to respondents. Face validity and construct validity were measured in a pre-test. Exploratory factor analysis and covariance structure analysis were performed to verify the structure of the questionnaire and identify problematic items. Internal consistency and test–retest reliability were evaluated through a validation study. Setting Online survey. Subjects Six nutrition and psychology experts, fifteen registered dietitians (RD) and 180 lay people participated. Results Content validity evaluation resulted in the removal of two items and reformulation of one item. Following face validity, one item was reformulated. Construct validity was found to be adequate, with higher scores for RD v. non-RD (21·5 (sd 2·1) v. 15·7 (sd 3·0) out of 24, P<0·001). Exploratory factor analysis revealed that the questionnaire contained only one factor. Covariance structure analysis led to removal of sixteen items. Internal consistency for the overall questionnaire was adequate (Cronbach’s α=0·73). Assessment of test–retest reliability resulted in significant associations for the total knowledge score (r=0·59, P<0·001). Conclusions This nutrition knowledge questionnaire was found to be a suitable instrument which can be used to measure levels of nutrition knowledge in a Canadian population. It could also serve as a model for the development of similar instruments in other populations

    Development and validation of the food liking questionnaire in a french-canadian population

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    The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a questionnaire assessing food liking in a French-Canadian population. A questionnaire was developed, in which participants were asked to rate their degree of liking of 50 food items. An expert panel evaluated the content validity. For the validation study, 150 men and women completed the questionnaire twice. An Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was performed to assess the number of subscales of the questionnaire. Internal consistency and test-retest reliability of the subscales were evaluated. Concurrent validity was assessed through correlations between liking scores and self-reported frequencies of consumption. Comments from the experts led to changes in the list of foods included in the questionnaire. The EFA revealed a two-factor structure for the questionnaire (i.e., savory and sweet foods) and led to the removal of nine items, resulting in a 32-item questionnaire. The two subscales revealed good internal consistency (Cronbach alphas: 0.85 and 0.89) and test-retest reliability (p = 0.84 and 0.86). The questionnaire demonstrated adequate concurrent validity, with moderate correlations between food liking and self-reported frequency of consumption (r = 0.19–0.39, ps < 0.05). This new Food Liking Questionnaire assessing liking of a variety of savory and sweet foods demonstrated good psychometric properties in every validation step. This questionnaire will be useful to explore the role of food liking and its interactions with other factors in predicting eating behaviors and energy intake

    Social support, but not perceived food environment, is associated with diet quality in French-speaking Canadians from the PREDISE study

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    The objectives were to assess whether social support for healthy eating and perceived food environment are associated with diet quality, and to investigate if sociodemographic characteristics moderate these associations. A probability sample of French-speaking adults from the Province of QuĂ©bec, Canada, was recruited in the context of the PREDISE study. Participants reported their perceptions of supportive and non-supportive actions related to healthy eating from close others at home and outside of home (n = 952), and of the accessibility to healthy foods (n = 1035). The Canadian Healthy Eating Index (C-HEI) was calculated based on three Web-based 24 h food recalls. Multiple linear regression models showed that supportive (B = 1.50 (95% CI 0.46, 2.54)) and non-supportive (B = −3.06 (95% CI −4.94, −1.18)) actions related to healthy eating from close others at home were positively and negatively associated with C-HEI, respectively, whereas actions from close others outside of home were not. The negative association between non-supportive actions occurring at home and C-HEI was stronger among participants with lower (vs. higher) levels of education (p interaction = 0.03). Perceived accessibility to healthy foods was not associated with C-HEI (p > 0.05). These results suggest that the social environment may have a stronger influence on healthy eating than the perceived physical environment. This adds support for healthy eating promotion programs involving entire families, especially for more socioeconomically disadvantaged individuals, whose efforts to eat healthily may be more easily thwarted by non-supportive household

    La réalité post-adoption des parents ayant réalisé une adoption internationale d'enfants plus ùgés

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    Bien que l'adoption internationale soit l'un des moyens de fonder une famille depuis plusieurs annĂ©es au QuĂ©bec, le visage de cette forme de parentalitĂ© s'est quelque peu transformĂ© depuis le milieu des annĂ©es 90. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude avait comme objectif gĂ©nĂ©ral de recueillir des donnĂ©es permettant de mieux comprendre la rĂ©alitĂ© post-adoption des familles ayant rĂ©alisĂ© des adoptions internationales d'enfants plus ĂągĂ©s. Pour ce faire, sept entrevues semi-dirigĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es au Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean auprĂšs de rĂ©pondants ayant rĂ©alisĂ© une ou plusieurs adoptions d'enfants plus ĂągĂ©s. Les sept familles rencontrĂ©es ont permis de saisir l'expĂ©rience de parents ayant rĂ©alisĂ© dix adoptions d'enfants ĂągĂ©s entre quinze mois et neuf ans. Les donnĂ©es recueillies ont permis d'atteindre trois objectifs spĂ©cifiques : 1) Identifier les attentes des parents face Ă  l'adoption de leur enfant; 2) Identifier les dĂ©fis et difficultĂ©s vĂ©cus par les parents tout au long du processus d'adoption et des annĂ©es suivantes et; 3) ConnaĂźtre les stratĂ©gies d'adaptation utilisĂ©es par les parents pour faire face aux problĂšmes et dĂ©fis rencontrĂ©s tant au plan de l'intĂ©gration familiale et sociale de leurs enfants que de leur adaptation Ă  leur nouveau rĂŽle de parent. L'interprĂ©tation des rĂ©sultats, rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  partir des concepts liĂ©s Ă  l'approche transactionnelle du stress et du coping en adoption, rĂ©vĂšle que lĂ  prĂ©paration en phase prĂ©-adoption, les attentes et les motivations des familles jouent un rĂŽle important dans les stratĂ©gies d'adaptation employĂ©es par les rĂ©pondants pour faire face au stress qu'engendre la venue d'un enfant adoptĂ© lorsqu'il est plus ĂągĂ©. Les rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent aussi que les dĂ©fis et difficultĂ©s vĂ©cus par les parents changent en fonction des diffĂ©rentes pĂ©riodes vĂ©cues par les parents et les enfants (arrivĂ©e, entrĂ©e Ă  l'Ă©cole, adolescence, etc.). Les parents dĂ©veloppent alors ou maintiennent les mĂȘmes stratĂ©gies d'adaptation en fonction des diffĂ©rents problĂšmes vĂ©cus par leurs enfants. Les rĂ©sultats permettent Ă©galement d'obtenir des informations sur les besoins et les recommandations des parents lors de la phase postadoption. Certaines limites viennent toutefois rĂ©duire la portĂ©e des rĂ©sultats de la prĂ©sente Ă©tude notamment la non-homogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© de l'Ă©chantillon et la longue pĂ©riode entre chaque histoire d'adoption. En contrepartie, cette recherche invite Ă  porter un nouveau regard sur la rĂ©alitĂ© post-adoption des parents et ce, plus particuliĂšrement pour les parents ayant rĂ©alisĂ© des adoptions d'enfants plus ĂągĂ©s. Elle invite aussi les intervenants oeuvrant en adoption Ă  offrir un soutien plus adĂ©quat aux familles en plus de celui pouvant dĂ©jĂ  ĂȘtre offert aux enfants. La recherche propose aussi de nouvelles avenues concernant les recherches futures en liens avec le prĂ©sent sujet