942 research outputs found

    Anomalous dispersion of optical phonons at the neutral-ionic transition: Evidence from diffuse X-ray scattering

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    Diffuse X-ray data for mixed stack organic charge-transfer crystals approaching the neutral-ionic phase transition can be quantitatively explained as due to the softening of the optical phonon branch. The interpretation is fully consistent with vibrational spectra, and underlines the importance of electron-phonon coupling in low-dimensional systems with delocalized electrons.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Accounting for both electron--lattice and electron--electron coupling in conjugated polymers: minimum total energy calculations on the Hubbard--Peierls hamiltonian

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    Minimum total energy calculations, which account for both electron--lattice and electron--electron interactions in conjugated polymers are performed for chains with up to eight carbon atoms. These calculations are motivated in part by recent experimental results on the spectroscopy of polyenes and conjugated polymers and shed light on the longstanding question of the relative importance of electron--lattice vs. electron--electron interactions in determining the properties of these systems.Comment: 6 pages, Plain TeX, FRL-PSD-93GR

    Dynamic response studies on aggregation and breakage dynamics of colloidal dispersions in stirred tanks

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    Aggregation and breakage of aggregates of fully destabilized polystyrene latex particles in turbulent flow was studied experimentally in both batch and continuous stirred tanks using small-angle static light scattering. It was found that the steady-state values of the root-mean-square radius of gyration are fully reversible upon changes of stirring speed as well as solid volume fraction. Steady-state values of the root-mean-square radius of gyration were decreasing with decreasing solid volume fraction as well as with increasing stirring speed. Moreover, it was found that the steady-state structure and shape of the aggregates is not influenced by the applied stirring speed

    Electron-electron interaction effects on the photophysics of metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes

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    Single-walled carbon nanotubes are strongly correlated systems with large Coulomb repulsion between two electrons occupying the same pzp_z orbital. Within a molecular Hamiltonian appropriate for correlated π\pi-electron systems, we show that optical excitations polarized parallel to the nanotube axes in the so-called metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes are to excitons. Our calculated absolute exciton energies in twelve different metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes, with diameters in the range 0.8 - 1.4 nm, are in nearly quantitative agreement with experimental results. We have also calculated the absorption spectrum for the (21,21) single-walled carbon nanotube in the E22_{22} region. Our calculated spectrum gives an excellent fit to the experimental absorption spectrum. In all cases our calculated exciton binding energies are only slightly smaller than those of semiconducting nanotubes with comparable diameters, in contradiction to results obtained within the {\it ab initio} approach, which predicts much smaller binding energies. We ascribe this difference to the difficulty of determining the behavior of systems with strong on-site Coulomb interactions within theories based on the density functional approach. As in the semiconducting nanotubes we predict in the metallic nanotubes a two-photon exciton above the lowest longitudinally polarized exciton that can be detected by ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy. We also predict a subgap absorption polarized perpendicular to the nanotube axes below the lowest longitudinal exciton, blueshifted from the exact midgap by electron-electron interactions

    Magnetic susceptibility of alkali-TCNQ salts and extended Hubbard models with bond order and charge density wave phases

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    The molar spin susceptibilities χ(T)\chi(T) of Na-TCNQ, K-TCNQ and Rb-TCNQ(II) are fit quantitatively to 450 K in terms of half-filled bands of three one-dimensional Hubbard models with extended interactions using exact results for finite systems. All three models have bond order wave (BOW) and charge density wave (CDW) phases with boundary V=Vc(U)V = V_c(U) for nearest-neighbor interaction VV and on-site repulsion UU. At high TT, all three salts have regular stacks of TCNQ\rm TCNQ^- anion radicals. The χ(T)\chi(T) fits place Na and K in the CDW phase and Rb(II) in the BOW phase with VVcV \approx V_c. The Na and K salts have dimerized stacks at T<TdT < T_d while Rb(II) has regular stacks at 100K. The χ(T)\chi(T) analysis extends to dimerized stacks and to dimerization fluctuations in Rb(II). The three models yield consistent values of UU, VV and transfer integrals tt for closely related TCNQ\rm TCNQ^- stacks. Model parameters based on χ(T)\chi(T) are smaller than those from optical data that in turn are considerably reduced by electronic polarization from quantum chemical calculation of UU, VV and tt on adjacent TCNQ\rm TCNQ^- ions. The χ(T)\chi(T) analysis shows that fully relaxed states have reduced model parameters compared to optical or vibration spectra of dimerized or regular TCNQ\rm TCNQ^- stacks.Comment: 9 pages and 5 figure

    Giant infrared intensity of the Peierls mode at the neutral-ionic phase transition

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    We present exact diagonalization results on a modified Peierls-Hubbard model for the neutral-ionic phase transition. The ground state potential energy surface and the infrared intensity of the Peierls mode point to a strong, non-linear electron-phonon coupling, with effects that are dominated by the proximity to the electronic instability rather than by electronic correlations. The huge infrared intensity of the Peierls mode at the ferroelectric transition is related to the temperature dependence of the dielectric constant of mixed-stack organic crystals.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Implementing the GBT Data Transmission Protocol in FPGAs

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    International audienceThe GBT chip is a radiation tolerant ASIC that can be used to implement bidirectional multipurpose 4.8 Gb/s optical links for high-energy physics experiments. It will be proposed to the LHC experiments for combined transmission of physics data, trigger, timing, fast and slow control and monitoring. Although radiation hardness is required on detectors, it is not necessary for the electronics located in the counting rooms. Therefore, a study is being made to implement these GBT links on FPGAs. This paper will describe the GBT protocol implementation, the configuration of the transceivers on Altera Stratix II GX and Xilinx Virtex 4, the optimization of resource for multi-transceivers, the first data transmission tests and the source code availabilit

    Spin-Peierls Dimerization of a s=1/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnet on a Square Lattice

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    Dimerization of a spin-half Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice is investigated for several possible dimerized configurations, some of which are shown to have lower ground state energies than the others. In particular, the lattice deformations resulting in alternate stronger and weaker couplings along both the principal axes of a square lattice are shown to result in a larger gain in magnetic energy. In addition, a `columnar' configuration is shown to have a lower ground state energy and a faster increase in the energy gap parameter than a `staggered' configuration. The inclusion of unexpanded exchange coupling leads to a power law behaviour for the magnetic energy gain and energy gap, which is qualitatively different from that reported earlier. Instead of increasing as δx\delta ^{x}, the two quantities depend on δ\delta as δν/lnδ.\delta ^{\nu}/| \ln \delta | . This is true both in the near critical regime (0δ0.1)(0\leq \delta \leq 0.1) as well as in the far regime (0δ<1)(0\leq \delta <1). It is suggested that the unexpanded exchange coupling is as much a source of the logarithmic dependence as a correction due to the contribution of umklapp processes. Staggered magnetization is shown to follow the same δ\delta -dependence in all the configurations in the small δ\delta -regime, while for 0δ<10\leq \delta <1, it follows the power law δx\delta ^{x}.Comment: 12 pages, 7 Postscript figures, RevTex forma