102 research outputs found

    No time for change? Impact of contextual factors on the effect of training primary care healthcare workers in Kyrgyzstan and Vietnam on how to manage asthma in children - A FRESH AIR implementation study.

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    BACKGROUND: Training is a common and cost-effective way of trying to improve quality of care in low- and middle-income countries but studies of contextual factors for the successful translation of increased knowledge into clinical change are lacking, especially in primary care. The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of contextual factors on the effect of training rural healthcare workers in Kyrgyzstan and Vietnam on their knowledge and clinical performance in managing pediatric patients with respiratory symptoms. METHODS: Primary care health workers in Kyrgyzstan and Vietnam underwent a one-day training session on asthma in children under five. The effect of training was measured on knowledge and clinical performance using a validated questionnaire, and by direct clinical observations. RESULTS: Eighty-one healthcare workers participated in the training. Their knowledge increased by 1.1 Cohen's d (CI: 0.7 to 1.4) in Kyrgyzstan where baseline performance was lower and 1.5 Cohen's d (CI: 0.5 to 2.5) in Vietnam. Consultations were performed by different types of health care workers in Kyrgyzstan and there was a 79.1% (CI 73.9 to 84.3%) increase in consultations where at least one core symptom of respiratory illness was asked. Only medical doctors participated in Vietnam, where the increase was 25.0% (CI 15.1 to 34.9%). Clinical examination improved significantly after training in Kyrgyzstan. In Vietnam, the number of actions performed generally declined. The most pronounced difference in contextual factors was consultation time, which was median 15 min in Kyrgyzstan and 2 min in Vietnam. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The effects on knowledge of training primary care health workers in lower middle-income countries in diagnosis and management of asthma in children under five only translated into changes in clinical performance where consultation time allowed for changes to clinical practice, emphasizing the importance of considering contextual factors in order to succeed in behavioral change after training

    Implementing Lung health interventions in low- and middle-income countries: a FRESH AIR systematic review and meta-synthesis

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    The vast majority of patients with chronic respiratory disease live in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Paradoxically, relevant interventions often fail to be effective particularly in these settings, as LMICs lack solid evidence on how to implement interventions successfully. Therefore, we aimed to identify factors critical to the implementation of lung health interventions in LMICs, and weigh their level of evidence.This systematic review followed Cochrane methodology and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) reporting standards. We searched eight databases without date or language restrictions in July 2019, and included all relevant original, peer-reviewed articles. Two researchers independently selected articles, critically appraised them (using Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP)/Meta Quality Appraisal Tool (MetaQAT)), extracted data, coded factors (following the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR)), and assigned levels of confidence in the factors (via Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation-Confidence in the Evidence from Reviews of Qualitative research (GRADE-CERQuaI)). We meta-synthesised levels of evidence of the factors based on their frequency and the assigned level of confidence (PROSPERO:CRD42018088687).We included 37 articles out of 9111 screened. Studies were performed across the globe in a broad range of settings. Factors identified with a high level of evidence were: 1) "Understanding needs of local users"; 2) ensuring "Compatibility" of interventions with local contexts (cultures, infrastructures); 3) identifying influential stakeholders and applying "Engagement" strategies; 4) ensuring adequate "Access to knowledge and information"; and 5) addressing "Resource availability". All implementation factors and their level of evidence were synthesised in an implementation tool.To conclude, this study identified implementation factors for lung health interventions in LMICs, weighed their level of evidence, and integrated the results into an implementation tool for practice. Policymakers, nongovernmental organisations, practitioners, and researchers may use this FRESH AIR (Free Respiratory Evaluation and Smoke-exposure reduction by primary Health cAre Integrated gRoups) Implementation tool to develop evidence-based implementation strategies for related interventions. This could increase interventions' implementation success, thereby optimising the use of already-scarce resources and improving health outcomes.Public Health and primary carePrevention, Population and Disease management (PrePoD

    A systematic approach to context-mapping to prepare for health interventions: development and validation of the SETTING-tool in four countries

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    Effectiveness of health interventions can be substantially impaired by implementation failure. Context-driven implementation strategies are critical for successful implementation. However, there is no practical, evidence-based guidance on how to map the context in order to design context-driven strategies. Therefore, this practice paper describes the development and validation of a systematic context-mapping tool. The tool was cocreated with local end-users through a multistage approach. As proof of concept, the tool was used to map beliefs and behaviour related to chronic respiratory disease within the FRESH AIR project in Uganda, Kyrgyzstan, Vietnam and Greece. Feasibility and acceptability were evaluated using the modified Conceptual Framework for Implementation Fidelity. Effectiveness was assessed by the degree to which context-driven adjustments were made to implementation strategies of FRESH AIR health interventions. The resulting Setting-Exploration-Treasure-Trail-to-Inform-implementatioN-strateGies (SETTING-tool) consisted of six steps: (1) Coset study priorities with local stakeholders, (2) Combine a qualitative rapid assessment with a quantitative survey (a mixed-method design), (3) Use context-sensitive materials, (4) Collect data involving community researchers, (5) Analyse pragmatically and/or in-depth to ensure timely communication of findings and (6) Continuously disseminate findings to relevant stakeholders. Use of the tool proved highly feasible, acceptable and effective in each setting. To conclude, the SETTING-tool is validated to systematically map local contexts for (lung) health interventions in diverse low-resource settings. It can support policy-makers, non-governmental organisations and health workers in the design of context-driven implementation strategies. This can reduce the risk of implementation failure and the waste of resource potential. Ultimately, this could improve health outcomes.Public Health and primary carePrevention, Population and Disease management (PrePoD

    Validation of Noninvasive Assessment of Pulmonary Gas Exchange in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease during Initial Exposure to High Altitude

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    Investigation of pulmonary gas exchange efficacy usually requires arterial blood gas analysis (aBGA) to determine arterial partial pressure of oxygen (mPaO2) and compute the Riley alveolar-to-arterial oxygen difference (A-aDO2); that is a demanding and invasive procedure. A noninvasive approach (AGM100), allowing the calculation of PaO2 (cPaO2) derived from pulse oximetry (SpO2), has been developed, but this has not been validated in a large cohort of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients. Our aim was to conduct a validation study of the AG100 in hypoxemic moderate-to-severe COPD. Concurrent measurements of cPaO2 (AGM100) and mPaO2 (EPOC, portable aBGA device) were performed in 131 moderate-to-severe COPD patients (mean ±SD FEV1: 60 ± 10% of predicted value) and low-altitude residents, becoming hypoxemic (i.e., SpO2 < 94%) during a short stay at 3100 m (Too-Ashu, Kyrgyzstan). Agreements between cPaO2 (AGM100) and mPaO2 (EPOC) and between the O2-deficit (calculated as the difference between end-tidal pressure of O2 and cPaO2 by the AGM100) and Riley A-aDO2 were assessed. Mean bias (±SD) between cPaO2 and mPaO2 was 2.0 ± 4.6 mmHg (95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.2 to 2.8 mmHg) with 95% limits of agreement (LoA): −7.1 to 11.1 mmHg. In multivariable analysis, larger body mass index (p = 0.046), an increase in SpO2 (p < 0.001), and an increase in PaCO2-PETCO2 difference (p < 0.001) were associated with imprecision (i.e., the discrepancy between cPaO2 and mPaO2). The positive predictive value of cPaO2 to detect severe hypoxemia (i.e., PaO2 ≤ 55 mmHg) was 0.94 (95% CI: 0.87 to 0.98) with a positive likelihood ratio of 3.77 (95% CI: 1.71 to 8.33). The mean bias between O2-deficit and A-aDO2 was 6.2 ± 5.5 mmHg (95% CI: 5.3 to 7.2 mmHg; 95%LoA: −4.5 to 17.0 mmHg). AGM100 provided an accurate estimate of PaO2 in hypoxemic patients with COPD, but the precision for individual values was modest. This device is promising for noninvasive assessment of pulmonary gas exchange efficacy in COPD patients

    ‘Frisse’ berglucht toch niet altijd gezond?

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    Eerdere onderzoeken naar de relatie tussen hoogte en COPD trokken tegenstrijdige conclusies. Een van de belangrijkste risicofactoren voor COPD wereldwijd namen ze daarbij echter vrijwel niet mee: fijnstof binnenshuis. Daarom vergeleken wij fijnstofconcentraties en COPD-prevalentie binnenshuis tussen hooglanden en laaglanden in Kirgistan. Zowel fijnstof als COPD kwam alarmerend veel voor in de hooglanden. Maar ook in onze lage landen kunnen de fijnstofconcentraties binnenshuis oplopen tot ver boven de aanbevolen waarden, bijvoorbeeld tijdens het koken en openhaardgebruik

    The 2018 Lake Louise Acute Mountain Sickness Score.

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    Roach, Robert C., Peter H. Hackett, Oswald Oelz, Peter Bärtsch, Andrew M. Luks, Martin J. MacInnis, J. Kenneth Baillie, and The Lake Louise AMS Score Consensus Committee. The 2018 Lake Louise Acute Mountain Sickness Score. High Alt Med Biol 19:1-4, 2018.- The Lake Louise Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) scoring system has been a useful research tool since first published in 1991. Recent studies have shown that disturbed sleep at altitude, one of the five symptoms scored for AMS, is more likely due to altitude hypoxia per se, and is not closely related to AMS. To address this issue, and also to evaluate the Lake Louise AMS score in light of decades of experience, experts in high altitude research undertook to revise the score. We here present an international consensus statement resulting from online discussions and meetings at the International Society of Mountain Medicine World Congress in Bolzano, Italy, in May 2014 and at the International Hypoxia Symposium in Lake Louise, Canada, in February 2015. The consensus group has revised the score to eliminate disturbed sleep as a questionnaire item, and has updated instructions for use of the score

    Effects and acceptability of implementing improved cookstoves and heaters to reduce household air pollution: a FRESH AIR study

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    The objective was to evaluate the effectiveness and acceptability of locally tailored implementation of improved cookstoves/heaters in low- and middle-income countries. This interventional implementation study among 649 adults and children living in rural communities in Uganda, Vietnam and Kyrgyzstan, was performed after situational analyses and awareness programmes. Outcomes included household air pollution (PM2.5 and CO), self-reported respiratory symptoms (with CCQ and MRC-breathlessness scale), chest infections, school absence and intervention acceptability. Measurements were conducted at baseline, 2 and 6-12 months after implementing improved cookstoves/heaters. Mean PM2.5 values decrease by 31% (to 95.1 µg/m3) in Uganda (95%CI 71.5-126.6), by 32% (to 31.1 µg/m3) in Vietnam (95%CI 24.5-39.5) and by 65% (to 32.4 µg/m3) in Kyrgyzstan (95%CI 25.7-40.8), but all remain above the WHO guidelines. CO-levels remain below the WHO guidelines. After intervention, symptoms and infections diminish significantly in Uganda and Kyrgyzstan, and to a smaller extent in Vietnam. Quantitative assessment indicates high acceptance of the new cookstoves/heaters. In conclusion, locally tailored implementation of improved cookstoves/heaters is acceptable and has considerable effects on respiratory symptoms and indoor pollution, yet mean PM2.5 levels remain above WHO recommendations.European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme under grant agreement no. 680997, TRIAL ID NTR5759, http://www.trialregister.nl/trialreg/admin/rctsearch.asp?Term=23332. The devices, measuring the personal HAP, were funded by Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO