2 research outputs found

    From Chip-in-a-lab To Lab-on-a-chip: Towards A Single Handheld Electronic System For Multiple Application-specific Lab-on-a-chip (asloc)

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    We present a portable, battery-operated and application-specific lab-on-a-chip (ASLOC) system that can be easily configured for a wide range of lab-on-a-chip applications. It is based on multiplexed electrical current detection that serves as the sensing system. We demonstrate different configurations to perform most detection schemes currently in use in LOC systems, including some of the most advanced such as nanowire-based biosensing, surface plasmon resonance sensing, electrochemical detection and real-time PCR. The complete system is controlled by a single chip and the collected information is stored in situ, with the option of transferring the data to an external display by using a USB interface. In addition to providing a framework for truly portable real-life developments of LOC systems, we envisage that this system will have a significant impact on education, especially since it can easily demonstrate the benefits of integrated microanalytical systems. © the Partner Organisations 2014.141321682176Manz, A., Graber, N., Widmer, H.M., (1990) Sens. Actuators, B, 1, pp. 244-248Ríos, Á., Zougagh, M., Avila, M., (2012) Anal. Chim. Acta, 740, pp. 1-11Elvira, K.S., Solvas, X.C.I., Wootton, R.C.R., Demello, A.J., (2013) Nat. Chem., 5, pp. 905-915Nge, P.N., Rogers, C.I., Woolley, A.T., (2013) Chem. Rev., 113, pp. 2550-2583Kaushik, A., Vasudev, A., Arya, S.K., Pasha, S.K., Bhansali, S., (2014) Biosens. Bioelectron., 53, pp. 499-512Han, K.N., Li, C.A., Seong, G.H., (2013) Annu. Rev. Anal. Chem., 6, pp. 119-141Lee, J., Lee, S.-H., (2013) Biomed. Eng. Lett., 3, pp. 59-66Lewis, A.P., Cranny, A., Harris, N.R., Green, N.G., Wharton, J.A., Wood, R.J.K., Stokes, K.R., (2013) Meas. Sci. Technol., 24, p. 042001Yushan, Z., Jacquemod, C., Sawan, M., (2013) 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), , Beijing, China, 1071-1074Yang, J., Brooks, C., Estes, M.D., Hurth, C.M., Zenhausern, F., (2014) Forensic Sci. Int.: Genet., 8, pp. 147-158Czugala, M., Maher, D., Collins, F., Burger, R., Hopfgartner, F., Yang, Y., Zhaou, J., Diamond, D., (2013) RSC Adv., 3, pp. 15928-15938Legiret, F.-E., Sieben, V.J., Woodward, E.M.S., Abi Kaed Bey, S.K., Mowlem, M.C., Connelly, D.P., Achterberg, E.P., (2013) Talanta, 116, pp. 382-387Fernández-La-Villa, A., Sánchez-Barragán, D., Pozo-Ayuso, D.F., Castaño-Álvarez, M., (2012) Electrophoresis, 33, pp. 2733-2742Wang, S., Inci, F., Chaunzwa, T.L., Ramanujam, A., Vasudevan, A., Subramanian, S., Ip, A.C.F., Demirci, U., (2012) Int. J. Nanomed., 7, pp. 2591-2600Lillehoj, P.B., Huang, M.C., Ho, C.M., (2013) 2013 IEEE 26th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), , Taipei, Taiwan, 53-56Ansari, K., Ying, J.Y.S., Hauser, P.C., De Rooij, N.F., Rodriguez, I., (2013) Electrophoresis, 34, pp. 1390-1399Toumazou, C., Shepherd, L.M., Reed, S.C., Chen, G.I., Patel, A., Garner, D.M., Wang, C.J., Zhang, L., (2013) Nat. Methods, 10, pp. 641-646Fintschenko, Y., (2011) Lab Chip, 11, pp. 3394-3400Hemling, M., Crooks, J.A., Oliver, P.M., Brenner, K., Gilbertson, J., Lisensky, G.C., Weibel, D.B., (2013) J. Chem. Educ., 91, pp. 112-115Yang, C.W., Lagally, E.T., (2013) Methods Mol. Biol., 949, pp. 25-40Priye, A., Hassan, Y.A., Ugaz, V.M., (2012) Lab Chip, 12, pp. 4946-4954Neuzil, P., Pipper, J., Hsieh, T.M., (2006) Mol. BioSyst., 2, pp. 292-298Neuzil, P., Zhang, C., Pipper, J., Oh, S., Zhuo, L., (2006) Nucleic Acids Res., 34, p. 77Novak, L., Neuzil, P., Pipper, J., Zhang, Y., Lee, S., (2007) Lab Chip, 7, pp. 27-29Pipper, J., Inoue, M., Ng, L.F., Neuzil, P., Zhang, Y., Novak, L., (2007) Nat. Med., 13, pp. 1259-1263Pipper, J., Zhang, Y., Neuzil, P., Hsieh, T.M., (2008) Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 47, pp. 3900-3904Neuzil, P., Novak, L., Pipper, J., Lee, S., Ng, L.F., Zhang, C., (2010) Lab Chip, 10, pp. 2632-2634Neuzil, P., Reboud, J., (2008) Anal. Chem., 80, pp. 6100-6103Novak, L., Neuzil, P., Woon, J.S.B., Wee, Y., (2009) IEEE Sensors 2009 Conference, , Christchurch, New Zealand, 405-407Gaydos, C.A., Van Der Pol, B., Jett-Goheen, M., Barnes, M., Quinn, N., Clark, C., Daniel, G.E., Hook III, E.W., (2013) J. Clin. Microbiol., 51, pp. 1666-1672Neuzil, P., Wong, C.C., Reboud, J., (2010) Nano Lett., 10, pp. 1248-1252Cui, Y., Wei, Q., Park, H., Lieber, C.M., (2001) Science, 293, pp. 1289-1292Zhang, G.J., Luo, Z.H., Huang, M.J., Ang, J.J., Kang, T.G., Ji, H., (2011) Biosens. Bioelectron., 28, pp. 459-463Zhang, G.J., Zhang, G., Chua, J.H., Chee, R.E., Wong, E.H., Agarwal, A., Buddharaju, K.D., Balasubramanian, N., (2008) Nano Lett., 8, pp. 1066-1070Cumyn, V.K., Fleischauer, M.D., Hatchard, T.D., Dahn, J.R., (2003) Electrochem. Solid-State Lett., 6, pp. E15-E18Drake, K.F., Van Duyne, R.P., Bond, A.M., (1978) J. Electroanal. Chem., 89, pp. 231-24

    Invariant rings and fields of finite groups

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    We consider polynomials and rational functions which are invariant under the action of a finite linear group. The aim is to give a survey over the knowledge on some structural properties of such rings and fields of invariants. Particular emphasis lies on the modular case, where the characteristic of the ground field divides the group order. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: RR 1606(98-01) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman