7 research outputs found

    Size Dependence of Metalā€“Insulator Transition in Stoichiometric Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> Nanocrystals

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    Magnetite (Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub>) is one of the most actively studied materials with a famous metalā€“insulator transition (MIT), so-called the Verwey transition at around 123 K. Despite the recent progress in synthesis and characterization of Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> nanocrystals (NCs), it is still an open question how the Verwey transition changes on a nanometer scale. We herein report the systematic studies on size dependence of the Verwey transition of stoichiometric Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> NCs. We have successfully synthesized stoichiometric and uniform-sized Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> NCs with sizes ranging from 5 to 100 nm. These stoichiometric Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> NCs show the Verwey transition when they are characterized by conductance, magnetization, cryo-XRD, and heat capacity measurements. The Verwey transition is weakly size-dependent and becomes suppressed in NCs smaller than 20 nm before disappearing completely for less than 6 nm, which is a clear, yet highly interesting indication of a size effect of this well-known phenomena. Our current work will shed new light on this ages-old problem of Verwey transition

    How ā€œHollowā€ Are Hollow Nanoparticles?

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    Diamond anvil cell (DAC), synchrotron X-ray diffraction (XRD), and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) techniques are used to probe the composition inside hollow Ī³-Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> nanoparticles (NPs). SAXS experiments on 5.2, 13.3, and 13.8 nm hollow-shell Ī³-Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> NPs, and 6 nm core/14.8 nm hollow-shell Au/Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> NPs, reveal the significantly high (higher than solvent) electron density of the void inside the hollow shell. In high-pressure DAC experiments using Ne as pressure-transmitting medium, formation of nanocrystalline Ne inside hollow NPs is not detected by XRD, indicating that the oxide shell is impenetrable. Also, FTIR analysis on solutions of hollow-shell Ī³-Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> NPs fragmented upon refluxing shows no evidence of organic molecules from the void inside, excluding the possibility that organic molecules get through the iron oxide shell during synthesis. High-pressure DAC experiments on Au/Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> core/hollow-shell NPs show good transmittance of the external pressure to the gold core, indicating the presence of the pressure-transmitting medium in the gap between the core and the hollow shell. Overall, our data reveal the presence of most likely small fragments of iron and/or iron oxide in the void of the hollow NPs. The iron oxide shell seems to be non-porous and impenetrable by gases and liquids

    Capping Ligands as Selectivity Switchers in Hydrogenation Reactions

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    We systematically investigated the role of surface modification of nanoparticles catalyst in alkyne hydrogenation reactions and proposed the general explanation of effect of surface ligands on the selectivity and activity of Pt and Co/Pt nanoparticles (NPs) using experimental and computational approaches. We show that the proper balance between adsorption energetics of alkenes at the surface of NPs as compared to that of capping ligands defines the selectivity of the nanocatalyst for alkene in alkyne hydrogenation reaction. We report that addition of primary alkylamines to Pt and CoPt<sub>3</sub> NPs can drastically increase selectivity for alkene from 0 to more than 90% with āˆ¼99.9% conversion. Increasing the primary alkylamine coverage on the NP surface leads to the decrease in the binding energy of octenes and eventual competition between octene and primary alkylamines for adsorption sites. At sufficiently high coverage of catalysts with primary alkylamine, the alkylamines win, which prevents further hydrogenation of alkenes into alkanes. Primary amines with different lengths of carbon chains have similar adsorption energies at the surface of catalysts and, consequently, the same effect on selectivity. When the adsorption energy of capping ligands at the catalytic surface is lower than adsorption energy of alkenes, the ligands do not affect the selectivity of hydrogenation of alkyne to alkene. On the other hand, capping ligands with adsorption energies at the catalytic surface higher than that of alkyne reduce its activity resulting in low conversion of alkynes

    Microscopic States and the Verwey Transition of Magnetite Nanocrystals Investigated by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

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    <sup>57</sup>Fe nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) of magnetite nanocrystals ranging in size from 7 nm to 7 Ī¼m is measured. The line width of the NMR spectra changes drastically around 120 K, showing microscopic evidence of the Verwey transition. In the region above the transition temperature, the line width of the spectrum increases and the spinā€“spin relaxation time decreases as the nanocrystal size decreases. The line-width broadening indicates the significant deformation of magnetic structure and reduction of charge order compared to bulk crystals, even when the structural distortion is unobservable. The reduction of the spinā€“spin relaxation time is attributed to the suppressed polaron hopping conductivity in ferromagnetic metals, which is a consequence of the enhanced electronā€“phonon coupling in the quantum-confinement regime. Our results show that the magnetic distortion occurs in the entire nanocrystal and does not comply with the simple model of the coreā€“shell binary structure with a sharp boundary

    Hybrid Cellular Nanosheets for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes

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    We report a simple synthetic method of carbon-based hybrid cellular nanosheets that exhibit outstanding electrochemical performance for many key aspects of lithium-ion battery electrodes. The nanosheets consist of close-packed cubic cavity cells partitioned by carbon walls, resembling plant leaf tissue. We loaded carbon cellular nanosheets with SnO<sub>2</sub> nanoparticles by vapor deposition method and tested the performance of the resulting SnO<sub>2</sub>ā€“carbon nanosheets as anode materials. The specific capacity is 914 mAh g<sup>ā€“1</sup> on average with a retention of 97.0% during 300 cycles, and the reversible capacity is decreased by only 20% as the current density is increased from 200 to 3000 mA g<sup>ā€“1</sup>. In order to explain the excellent electrochemical performance, the hybrid cellular nanosheets were analyzed with cyclic voltammetry, in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. We found that the high packing density, large interior surface area, and rigid carbon wall network are responsible for the high specific capacity, lithiation/delithiation reversibility, and cycling stability. Furthermore, the nanosheet structure leads to the high rate capability due to fast Li-ion diffusion in the thickness direction

    Large-Scale Synthesis of Carbon-Shell-Coated FeP Nanoparticles for Robust Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Electrocatalyst

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    A highly active and stable non-Pt electrocatalyst for hydrogen production has been pursued for a long time as an inexpensive alternative to Pt-based catalysts. Herein, we report a simple and effective approach to prepare high-performance iron phosphide (FeP) nanoparticle electrocatalysts using iron oxide nanoparticles as a precursor. A single-step heating procedure of polydopamine-coated iron oxide nanoparticles leads to both carbonization of polydopamine coating to the carbon shell and phosphidation of iron oxide to FeP, simultaneously. Carbon-shell-coated FeP nanoparticles show a low overpotential of 71 mV at 10 mA cm<sup>ā€“2</sup>, which is comparable to that of a commercial Pt catalyst, and remarkable long-term durability under acidic conditions for up to 10ā€Æ000 cycles with negligible activity loss. The effect of carbon shell protection was investigated both theoretically and experimentally. A density functional theory reveals that deterioration of catalytic activity of FeP is caused by surface oxidation. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure analysis combined with electrochemical test shows that carbon shell coating prevents FeP nanoparticles from oxidation, making them highly stable under hydrogen evolution reaction operation conditions. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our synthetic method is suitable for mass production, which is highly desirable for large-scale hydrogen production

    Highly Durable and Active PtFe Nanocatalyst for Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction Reaction

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    Demand on the practical synthetic approach to the high performance electrocatalyst is rapidly increasing for fuel cell commercialization. Here we present a synthesis of highly durable and active intermetallic ordered face-centered tetragonal (fct)-PtFe nanoparticles (NPs) coated with a ā€œdual purposeā€ N-doped carbon shell. Ordered fct-PtFe NPs with the size of only a few nanometers are obtained by thermal annealing of polydopamine-coated PtFe NPs, and the N-doped carbon shell that is <i>in situ</i> formed from dopamine coating could effectively prevent the coalescence of NPs. This carbon shell also protects the NPs from detachment and agglomeration as well as dissolution throughout the harsh fuel cell operating conditions. By controlling the thickness of the shell below 1 nm, we achieved excellent protection of the NPs as well as high catalytic activity, as the thin carbon shell is highly permeable for the reactant molecules. Our ordered fct-PtFe/C nanocatalyst coated with an N-doped carbon shell shows 11.4 times-higher mass activity and 10.5 times-higher specific activity than commercial Pt/C catalyst. Moreover, we accomplished the long-term stability in membrane electrode assembly (MEA) for 100 h without significant activity loss. From <i>in situ</i> XANES, EDS, and first-principles calculations, we confirmed that an ordered fct-PtFe structure is critical for the long-term stability of our nanocatalyst. This strategy utilizing an N-doped carbon shell for obtaining a small ordered-fct PtFe nanocatalyst as well as protecting the catalyst during fuel cell cycling is expected to open a new simple and effective route for the commercialization of fuel cells