2,907 research outputs found


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    This paper presents the results of a study investigating methods of wave directionality based on wavelet transform. In part 1 of this paper, the theoretical background and characteristics of directional wavelet were discussed. Morlet wavelet and Cauchy wavelet were examined to test their efficiency in detection of directionality in signals. These wavelets were tested on numerical images which were considered to describe the basic characteristics of directionality of ocean waves

    Transcriptional Regulator TonEBP Mediates Oxidative Damages in Ischemic Kidney Injury

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    TonEBP (tonicity-responsive enhancer binding protein) is a transcriptional regulator whose expression is elevated in response to various forms of stress including hyperglycemia, inflammation, and hypoxia. Here we investigated the role of TonEBP in acute kidney injury (AKI) using a line of TonEBP haplo-deficient mice subjected to bilateral renal ischemia followed by reperfusion (I/R). In the TonEBP haplo-deficient animals, induction of TonEBP, oxidative stress, inflammation, cell death, and functional injury in the kidney in response to I/R were all reduced. Analyses of renal transcriptome revealed that genes in several cellular pathways including peroxisome and mitochondrial inner membrane were suppressed in response to I/R, and the suppression was relieved in the TonEBP deficiency. Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the cellular injury was reproduced in a renal epithelial cell line in response to hypoxia, ATP depletion, or hydrogen peroxide. The knockdown of TonEBP reduced ROS production and cellular injury in correlation with increased expression of the suppressed genes. The cellular injury was also blocked by inhibitors of necrosis. These results demonstrate that ischemic insult suppresses many genes involved in cellular metabolism leading to local oxidative stress by way of TonEBP induction. Thus, TonEBP is a promising target to prevent AKI


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    This paper presents the results of a study investigating methods of interpretation of wave directionality based on wavelet transform. In part 1 of this paper, the tools to be used in detection of wave directionality, i. e., the Morlet and Cauchy wavelets, were described. This paper presents the application results of the directional wavelet to numerically generated images and video images taken in laboratory wave flume, river, and sea. The results showed that directional wavelet transform can be an efficient tool in detecting wave directionality with extremely low effort and cost when it is compared to traditional practices in use


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    In this study, changes in fluid impact loads inside a tank were examined according to a two-row tank arrangement in an LNG-FPSO (Liquefied Natural Gas-Floating Production Storage Offloading) vessel. The motion RAO (Response Amplitude Operator) of the LNG-FPSO, coupled with the sloshing phenomenon inside the tank, was calculated by using HydroStar by Bureau Veritas. The motion simulation in the tank was conducted under filling ratios of 30%H, 60%H, and 80%H. The RAO in each condition was calculated according to the one-row and the two-row tank arrangement. The motion response spectrum using the calculated RAO and the JONSWAP (Joint North Sea Wave Analysis Project) spectrum were computed by implementing irregular motion according to each filling ratio and tank arrangement. The sloshing phenomenon inside the tank was implemented by using a 6-DOF (Degree Of Freedom) sloshing motion platform; impact pressure on the walls of the tank was measured with pressure sensors installed inside the tank. The sloshing experiment was conducted under the three filling ratios in the one-row and the two-row tank arrangement and impact loads were compared under each filling ratio according to the one-row and the two-row tank arrangement

    Structural dynamics and divergence of the polygalacturonase gene family in land plants

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    A distinct feature of eukaryotic genomes is the presence of gene families. The polygalacturonase (PG) (EC3.2.1.15) gene family is one of the largest gene families in plants. PG is a pectin-digesting enzyme with a glycoside hydrolase 28 domain. It is involved in numerous plant developmental processes. The evolutionary processes accounting for the functional divergence and the specialized functions of PGs in land plants are unclear. Here, phylogenetic and gene structure analysis of PG genes in algae and land plants revealed that land plant PG genes resulted from differential intron gain and loss, with the latter event predominating. PG genes in land plants contained 15 homologous intron blocks and 13 novel intron blocks. Intron position and phase were not conserved between PGs of algae and land plants but conserved among PG genes of land plants from moss to vascular plants, indicating that the current introns in the PGs in land plants appeared after the split between unicellular algae and multicelluar land plants. These findings demonstrate that the functional divergence and differentiation of PGs in land plants is attributable to intronic loss. Moreover, they underscore the importance of intron gain and loss in genomic adaptation to selective pressure

    Construction knowledge evaluation using expert index

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    While the current global economy can be characterized by the intensification of business competitiveness, leaner organizations, the convergence of products and services, and by vast technological developments, the risks and un‐certainties inherent in such a dynamic environment make the management of organizational knowledge even more crucial. Indeed, previous theoretical and empirical‐based studies have proven that knowledge leads to organizational success. Knowledge Management (KM) has particularly gained credence, and continues to generate interest, in academic and business circles. KM is of especial interest to project‐based industries such as construction, as the effective management of knowledge is critical to the survival and continued advancement of a company. In fact, in the construction industry, the implementation of a knowledge management system (KMS) is currently being considered, and an increasing number of companies have already proposed knowledge management initiatives. However, quality of information must take precedence over quantity, especially in the developmental phases of this KMS. Therefore, how to filter and accurately evaluate quantitative and qualitative data becomes a significant challenge. Yet, thus far, only a few studies examining the improvement of knowledge evaluation have been conducted and that researches only focus on the evaluation methods. This research addresses these issues by focusing on knowledge management and evaluation and by specifically addressing how evaluate knowledge effectively. Based on the Active Knowledge Management, this study proposes a process model for effectual construction knowledge evaluation using Expert Index (EI). EI is the level of specialty workers achieve in a certain field after engaging in a knowledge activity. The proposed model will not only enable precise evaluation, but will also provide stimulating knowledge activities; thus, if practically applied, this model could enhance actual organizational success. Santrauka Šiuolaikinei globaliajai ekonomikai būdingas konkurencijos didejimas, organizaciju lankstumas, gaminiu ir paslaugu suartejimas bei didžiuliai technologiniai laimejimai. Ši dinamine verslo aplinka kartu susijusi su rizika ir neapibrežtumais, didinančiais organizacijos žiniu vadybos (ŽV) svarba. Ankstesni teoriniai ir empiriniai tyrimai rodo, kad šios žinios ‐ organizacijos sekmes šaltinis. Žiniu vadyba tampa vis svarbesne akademinei ir verslo aplinkai. ŽV labai domimasi pramones šakose, kuriose didele reikšme turi projektai. Statyba yra viena iš tokiu šaku, joje veiksmingas žiniu valdymas, padedantis užtikrinti imoniu išlikima ir nuolatini vystymasi, yra labai svarbus. Šiuo metu statybos pramoneje diegiamos žiniu vadybos sistemos (ŽVS) ir vis daugiau imoniu pateikia ŽV siūlymu. Būtina siekti, kad žiniu kokybe būtu labiau vertinama nei žiniu kiekis, ypač ŽVS kūrimo tarpsniu. Todel kiekybinis ir kokybinis žiniu atsijojimas tampa rimta užduotimi. Deja, iki šiol atlikta mažai tyrimu, kaip gerinti žiniu vertinima. Atliekant šiuos tyrimus demesys telkiamas tik i žiniu vertinimo metodus. Straipsnyje efektyvus žiniu vertinimas nagrinejamas ŽV metodais. Pasitelkus aktyviaja ŽV kuriamas statybos žiniu vertinimo modelis ir taikomas ekspertu rodiklis (ER). ER išreiškia specialistu, isisavinančiu specifine informacija, žiniu lygi. Siūlomas modelis leis ne tik tiksliai vertinti, bet ir skatinti žiniu gavima. Taigi, taikant ši modeli praktikoje, bus galima gerinti imones veikla. Reikšminiai žodžiai: žiniu vadyba, žiniu vertinimas, ekspertu rodikli

    Analysis of Skin Humidity Variation Between Sasang Types

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between variations in skin humidity (SH) induced by perspiration across Sasang types and to identify novel and effective Sasang classification factors. We also analyzed the responses of each Sasang type to sweating-related QSCC II items. The results revealed a significant difference in SH across gender and significant differences in SH before and after perspiration between Tae-Eum and So-Eum men. In addition, Tae-Eum women showed significant differences in SH compared with women classified as another Sasang type. Furthermore, evaluation of the items related to sweating in the QSCC II and their relationship to each constitution revealed a significant difference between Tae-Eum and other Sasang types. Overall, the results of this study indicate that there is a distinct SH difference following perspiration between Tae-Eum and other Sasang types. Such findings may aid in Sasang typology diagnostic testing with the support of further sophisticated clinical studies