1,846 research outputs found
The Progenitor of SN 1987A
Spatially resolved IUE spectra (1150 to 2000 A) taken at the position of SN 1987A in March 1987 show that the 12th mag B3 I star Sk -69 deg 202 disappeared. Only the fainter companion stars (Star 2 and Star 3) are present near the site of the supernova. It is concluded that Sk -69 deg 202 exploded to produce SN 1987A. The known characteristics of Sk -69 deg 202 are consistent with the interpretation that the progenitor was a relatively compact star, having a high-velocity low-density stellar wind prior to the outburst. Recent IUE spectra of SN 1987A (May 1988) show no evidence that Sk -69 deg 202 still exists inside the expanding ejecta
The complete visual light curve of SN 1987A: Thirteen months of FES observations
Visual brightness measurements of SN 1987A are being obtained with the IUE acquisition camera and star tracker Fine Error Sensor, (FES) as part of each ultraviolet observation. Due to IUE's around-the-clock operation and lack of clouds, the FES record of SN 1987A provides the most complete set of visual photometry of the supernova made by any single instrument. The data illustrate the photometric limitations of the FES (+ or - 0.03 mag). Use of differential photometric methods are recommended for IUE observers desiring accurate photometry from FES measurements made during their observing shifts
Mating Type Inheritance at Conjugation in Variety 4 of Parameciurn aurelia *
Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/100163/1/j.1550-7408.1957.tb02492.x.pd
Spectral classification with the International Ultraviolet Explorer: An atlas of B-type spectra
New criteria for the spectral classification of B stars in the ultraviolet show that photospheric absorption lines in the 1200-1900A wavelength region can be used to classify the spectra of B-type dwarfs, subgiants, and giants on a 2-D system consistent with the optical MK system. This atlas illustrates a large number of such spectra at the scale used for classification. These spectra provide a dense matrix of standard stars, and also show the effects of rapid stellar rotation and stellar winds on the spectra and their classification. The observational material consists of high-dispersion spectra from the International Ultraviolet Explorer archives, resampled to a resolution of 0.25 A, uniformly normalized, and plotted at 10 A/cm. The atlas should be useful for the classification of other IUE high-dispersion spectra, especially for stars that have not been observed in the optical
Intraspecies Variability in the Esterases and Acid Phosphatases of Paramecium jenningsi and Paramecium multimicronucleatum : Assignment of Unidentified Paramecia; Comparison with the P. aurelia Complex 1
Enzyme electrophoresis was exploited to identify stocks of paramecia previously not identified to particular species. Stocks collected in India and one from Panama belong to Paramecium jenningsi , while others collected in Panama or in Brazil are assignable to syngen 2 of P. multimicronucleatum on the basis of similarity of their esterase and acid phosphatase phenotypes. Inclusion of these doubled the numbers of stocks available in the two species, thereby facilitating examination of intraspecies variation and comparison of particular features of intraspecies variation found for the P. aurelia complex. Variant stocks were observed in P. jenningsi and in syngens 2, 3, and 4 of P. multimicronucleatum . In some cases the variant lacked the enzyme; in others, a change in mobility of the enzyme occurred that resulted in an electrophoretic form similar to one common in another species. Unique phenotypes were displayed by the variants of syngen 2 in P. multimicronucleatum . Hypervariability for Esterase B was observed in this syngen, where, in addition, several subtypes were seen for three other esterases. Unique phenotypes and hypervariability were also noted in P. biaurelia . Clustered variations were observed in these species and in the P. aurelia species. Unlike the situation for members of the aurelia complex, where lack of geographical differentiation between stocks in the same species is a unique feature, some such differentiation does occur in P. multimicronucleatum -2. The frequency of variant stocks in P. jenningsi was similar to that observed in the aurelia sibling species. In contrast, a significantly higher frequency of variant stocks was found in syngens 2, 3, and 4 of P. multimicronucleatum .Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/74638/1/j.1550-7408.1983.tb01050.x.pd
A European Community study on the determination of cyanides, phenols and hydrocarbons in surface water. Report of a working group of experts. EUR 5377 e. Environment and quality of life
The James Webb Space Telescope: Science and Mission Status
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a large aperture, cryogenic, infrared-optimized space observatory under construction by NASA for launch later this decade. The European and Canadian Space Agencies are mission partners. JWST will find and study the first galaxies that formed in the early universe and peer through dusty clouds to see star and planet formation at high spatial resolution. The breakthrough capabilities of JWST will enable new studies of star formation and evolution in the Milky Way, including the Galactic Center, nearby galaxies, and the early universe. JWST will have a segmented primary mirror, approximately 6.5 meters in diameter, and will be diffraction-limited at 2 microns. The JWST observatory will be placed in a L2 orbit by an Ariane 5 launch vehicle provided by ESA. The observatory is designed for a 5- year prime science mission, with consumables for 10 years of science operations
Dust and Other Recent Discoveries in SN 1987A
Supernova 1987 A in the Large Magellanic Cloud is one of the most intensively studied objects in the universe and a Rosetta Stone for understanding the explosions of massive stars. Now almost 25 years old, SN 1987 A is a very young supernova remnant, a phase previously unobserved in any other supernova. In this talk I will discuss recent observations from the far ultraviolet to the far-infrared with HST, the VLT, and the Herschel Space Observatory. These data reveal new insights into the composition, geometry, and heating of the explosion debris, the shock interaction with circumstellar material, and dust in the SN 1987 A system
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